Walk Walking Stick
Walking was the first thing we learned that enabled us to become independent, it allowed us to take our fist steps to becoming free of the enormous childhood dependence on Mother. So walking is an expression of that freedom, and how well or badly reflects how you are handling that freedom.
Walking usually depicts personal effort, making your own way at your own pace. The conditions or surroundings where you are walking suggest what you feel about that, and the situation of your personal life. The direction you are walking shows where you are aiming to go in your activities and hopes. the future is represented by where you are going. If you are walking backwards, it suggests a wrong attitude or going backwards and not making progress.
When you walk you do so in a way that expresses your motivation and confidence – or lack of it. Where you are walking is what you are going to in life, or where you are going or exploring. It also involves personal effort in trying to get somewhere. It can be about changing your relationship with things, or a period of experience you are passing through.
Also indicates motivation and confidence. Where you are walking is what you are meeting in life, or where you are going or exploring. It also involves personal effort in trying to get somewhere. It can be about changing your relationship with things, or a period of experience you are passing through.
Walking with bare feet: Going through a rough patch in life if walking is difficult, or feeling unprepared to meet your present life situation. Letting go of the everyday duties and responsibilities, or feeling in contact with nature and your life situation if enjoying it. Feeling embarrassed about not being ‘properly’ dressed, or that you are not conforming.
You might also have taken shoes off t walk quietly so as not to be noticed. If this is so it suggests you are trying to fade into the background in some way.
Letting go of the everyday duties and responsibilities or feeling in contact with nature and your life situation if enjoying it. Feeling embarrassed about not being ‘properly’ dressed, or that you are not conforming.
Going through a rough patch in life if walking is difficult and there are sharp objects or feeling unprepared to meet your present life situation.
Walking up a lane: As above, but may be memory lane.
Idioms: Walk over somebody; walk away with; walk off with; walk on air; walk tall; walk the streets; walk out on; walk out with.
Idioms: Walk over somebody; walk away with; walk off with; walk on air; walk tall; walk the streets; walk out on; walk out with.
Useful questions:
Where am I trying to go, or what achieve, through my own efforts?
What are my surroundings and what do I express through the way I walk?
Is it clear what direction I am taking or goal I am moving toward?
I was at work and walking with another colleague in the hallway – I meant to go to someone else’s office. I realized that the offices were actually small houses and two girls in front of me were entering the office I was walking toward. I couldn’t walk fast enough and feel like someone is holding me and pulling me back. Then I finally arrived to the office and realized that I had to go to the bathroom – which was across the street from the building I was in (in real life is in the same building, of course).
Once in the street, four people were following me to the bathroom: two male friends (one ex-) and an old couple I did not know (little, tinny and dark skin). I could not go to the restroom in front of them so I choose another toilet and there were already two women there also. I couldn’t go either in front of those two.
This is a repetitive dream about not being able to go to the restroom because of other people being present.
Any advise is appreciated, thank you so much!