Animals in Your Dreams

The animals we dream of express the wealth of our own feelings and depth of our unconscious understanding of life.

Few of the things we do as an individual in today’s world are uniquely human. Like other animals we build dwellings, we eat, sleep and reproduce. We care for our young with the same passion and self sacrifice seen in other mammals. We follow leaders and develop hierarchy as do wolves and primates. Above all else, we share with our fellow creatures our existence in a physical body we have inherited from a long line of forebears and pre-human animals. From this long past we carry traits and urges, fears and dispositions that underpin our self aware human personality. In dreams, these largely unconscious responses to what we face in life are shown as animals. See Animals in your Brain

For instance some of these traits we know as the flight, fight or freeze response; as the new born baby’s instinct to suckle and bond with its parent; as our urge to find a partner and mate; and particularly we see it in the drive to survive and thrive. But there are many more subtle aspects of the animal inheritance we carry with us. Some of these we see in our social behaviour, as when we shrewdly asses a person’s character, or discover what we call the ‘chemistry’ that exists between us and another person. Such things arise largely from our unconscious intuitions and senses. Such senses and responses were developed over millions of years by our animal forbears. In fact we are like a small face on top of a long line of beautiful animals.

This ancient heritage that dreams portray as our animal is not simply a psychological belief. It is built into our body and is very evident in the fact that we have three interwoven brains. The most ancient brain, one we share with reptiles and birds is called the R complex – R for reptilian. This part of your brain deals with deeply instinctive behaviour such as flight or fight, swallowing, automatic reflexes, inbuilt mating behaviour, territorial defence and aggression. This R complex developed about 200 million years ago and is still an underpinning part of what influences your behaviour today. Dreams often portray these urges in you as snakes or lizards.

The second part of your brain is called the Limbic System. This is wrapped around the R complex, and is something we share with other mammals such as cats, dogs and horses. It developed about 60 million years ago and deals with your emotions, feelings responses to people and events, the subtler inner life you feel in love and sex, and it provides a deep wisdom about social and individual relationships. Dreams often use mammals or apes to portray the influence in your life of this part of your unconscious drives and intuitions.

Many people are frightened or terrified of their dream animals. That is rather like being terrified of a picture on a cinema screen, for dreams are nothing more than moving images on the screen four sleeping mind. Like a computer game you can be attacked or even killed many times but you are still whole and unhurt. Face up to the animals in your dreams and make friends of them, because they are really helpful assets to have. See Inner World

Useful questions:

Is there any concern about the animal’s health?

Is there an indication the animal has been injured?
Does love, caring or affection enter into the dream?

The third part of your brain is the Cortex. This is unique to humans and takes up five sixths of the brain mass. It deals with all the things that are distinctly human, such as logical thought, writing, analysis, self awareness and conscious movements.

An American advertising company, describing these three brains in its instructions to planning advertising campaigns says, “Our Reptilian Brain is more powerful than the Limbic (emotional) Brain, which in turn is more powerful that the Cortex (thinking) Brain. It is best to take all three brains into account when planning a marketing/branding campaign.” See Animals.

Meeting your dream animals

What has been said about your three brains and what sort of dream arises from them is of course a generalisation. When you are looking at your own animal dreams you want to know specifically how they refer to you. So we will move from the general to the specific in looking at the dream meanings of animals such as a dog, cat, snake, horse, tiger and elephant. Those are mentioned because they are, in the order given, the most frequently dreamed of animals.

As explained in an earlier chapter, these are not to be thought of as symbols. They are more like computer desktop icons that if you connect with them lead you to awareness of, and ability to work with, what are usually unconscious processes in you. To gain even the beginnings of insight into your dream animals, you first need to remember that you as a person are a tiny spark of consciousness. You are a little bit of self awareness riding an incredibly ancient animal you call your body. Remember that your body has formed from cells and genetic information that has gradually developed over millions of years. It holds that information in it unconsciously. To actually make a living connection with your dream animals see Acting in your Dream


To gain an understanding of your dream animals, it is helpful to imagine that you are the keeper of a prehistoric type of human being. As such you would need to be aware what the correct diet is for this big creature; what type of dwelling it needs; what are its sexual and emotional needs; what frightens it or causes it stress; what amount of exercise keeps it healthy, what its stages of growth are and how it can best develop through those stages; and what satisfies it in relationships with others of its kind? Your animal dreams are showing you exactly those issues. They are giving you insight into how to care for the instinctive, the spontaneous and natural in you.

Therefore ask yourself the following questions about your animal dreams, and write down any responses. If the answer is no to a question, move on the next one:

Is your dream animal struggling to survive?

Survival is the most powerful and fundamental drive in your body and personality. Survival skills today are often linked with managing to remain alive in difficult terrain or harsh countryside, but we all live in the midst of challenges even in civilised surroundings. Your everyday social, work and political environments confront you with enormous difficulties. Also, every cell in your being is trying to survive. Your body and its systems are constantly involved in maintaining balance amidst powerful counter influences, or even against your own bad habits. Understanding what difficulties you face in surviving, and what resources you have to handle them is a huge step toward a better life. If you had the reptilian brain and the mammalian brains removed you would not function.

Therefore define if you can what your dream animal is struggling with or against in its efforts to survive. Look for connections with your everyday life. In doing so remember that the dream is putting into graphic form, perhaps like a mime, something that needs to be lifted into everyday words and perceptions.

We all have so many aspects to what we need in life to survive as a whole person. We might be doing very well in work or social recognition, but our need for warmth and love might be struggling. So it is helpful to list the facets of your own life, such as physical health, mental health and vitality, emotional needs, finance, acclaim, and so on, and asses their survival rating.

Is the animal domesticated or wild?

This illustrates the difference between urges within yourself that you have completely socialised or learned to cooperate with, and those that are in conflict with your conscious actions or what other people expect of you. An example of this can be seen in youthful rebellion, and in the difference between what is instinctive and spontaneous in a young person, such as aggression or fear, and what is expected of them by others. The rebellious youth might allow their unsocialised urges to express as criminal acts, or disruptive social behaviour. On the other hand they might express it in the form of music or art that, while it is still anti establishment, is rewarded, as with the Rolling Stones.

So the need here is to recognise what of your feelings or urges are involved, and ask yourself if the wild is healthy as it is, or does it need a better relationship with your social or work activities? On the other hand, sometimes social restraints or needs deaden the spontaneous and natural in oneself, and so need to be reduced for greater personal harmony.

  • Is there any concern about the animal’s health?
  • Is there an indication the animal has been injured?
  • Does love, caring or affection enter into the dream?

We have inherited and enlarged the great tenderness and care seen in other mammals.

  • Are sexual feelings involved?
  • Does the animal show unusual intelligence or ability to speak?
  • Is the animal giving advice or showing you something?
  • Are baby animals involved?
  • Is the animal attacking or being attacked?
  • Is there a herd or group of these animals?
  • Has the animal been neglected or mutilated?
  • Are you trapped by or running away from an animal?


-sandy 2011-06-24 18:27:28

I had a dream last night that my dog (friendly family dog/ labradoodle) was in a fight with a wolf. She came into my sight over a hill and she had the dead wolf in her mouth. Her left eye was hanging out of it’s socket and the other was bloodshot. I could also see that her right side was mangled a bit with bites and was raw and bloody. I was so upset but I picked up her 55lb body and carried her to what seemed to be a vet, sobbing all the way (something tells me it was a police station, but it was a vet). The vet put her eye back in and told me that she would be OK. I was so upset. It’s almost at the end of the day and I still feel upset, almost like I don’t want my dog to go out in the country so she doesn’t get into a fight with another animal. Any clues? Thank you!

    -Tony Crisp 2011-07-04 12:30:13

    Sandy – I do not think this is a warning to keep your dog away from normal walks. It is more of a way of saying, “Be careful of wolves – the human variety”.

    You love your dog, and you feel it is a part of you to the extent you felt upset for the rest of the day. And you described the dog as a friendly and family dog. And the dog represent the friendly family loving part of you, that can fight back really well when the need arises. So be prepared.


-Isabelita 2011-06-18 4:21:03

Last week I dreamt that I had baby (toddler) and a dog. The dog suddenly attacked the baby while I was a foot away from the baby and struggled to get my baby away from dog

    -Tony Crisp 2011-06-26 9:33:07

    Isabelita – There could be two ways of seeing the meaning of your dream. The first one is that you are close to someone who attacks you, probably verbally, and this stimulates very childlike feelings in you. So you fight or struggle to protect your feelings.

    Or it could be that you are the one who criticises yourself in a way that stimulate the struggle – but it isn’t as likely.

    It can help if you actually allow yourself to feel like a baby when it appears. This lets you fully identify with that part of you, and realise that it is very vulnerable and needs help while it is growing up.


-Caitlin 2011-06-15 21:56:33

Hey had the strangest dream… I was with my boyfriend cuddled in bed then i just see my two rabbits on the floor, i go to pick them up but then there is loads of baby rabbits on the floor too. I try to pick them up but there is far too many. I start to panic because the room is getting colder and all the babies begin to stop moving then i pick up one and its dead. This upset me and i have no idea what it means. Please help.

    -Tony Crisp 2011-06-24 9:25:37

    Caitlin – There you are in bed all cuddled, and I believe you had been thinking of babies – thus the baby rabbits. If it isn’t true about wanting or thinking about a baby, discount what I say next.

    It isn’t always what you want because your boyfriend is also part of the equation. If he is against having a baby – things getting cold – then it would hurt. So you need to be ready for some things not to work out. Thus the dead baby rabbit.


-Shans 2011-06-10 20:43:00

I jus came across this site while I was searching the meaning for my dream.Am really excited to find out the meaning for my dream and here it goes…Early this morning I got this was inside a magnificently built Indian temple that I was walking n there was this creature which I could not mention wat it exactly was a small,tiny,human- form like creature doing all sorts of actions like a clown.I was jus playing or interacting wit dis creature and suddenly the next scene is that am riding an elephant taking this tiny creature along wit me.As the elephant moves step by step,I was really feeling proud and happened to be that we are in the 2nd floor and when this elephant was about to climb down the staircase,another elephant came jus in opp to us,this one bended a little and the one standing opp to us,blessed me wit it’s trunk,then we got down the stairs.finally the elephant made me climb down it’s trunk n dropped me in front of a garba graha(holy place where Hindu idol will be there in an Hindu temple).but the thing to be noted here is that there was no idol in dat place n then I started walking towards the road,where while across the road I found a Hindu goddess along-side of the road.
I can find that elephant means something positive but am confused with the garbha-graha being empty which in no way means positive n infact according to our Hinduism it is not a good omen.Am really confused over this dream and would be really happy if somebody interprets this.
Help me please…..
Thanks in advance..

    -Tony Crisp 2011-06-16 11:21:41

    Shans – In our dreams, such as yours, you are in the Mother Temple – the Mother Church – the place within you where all religions came from and were born.

    To ride on the elephant is to be carried by a great power, the power of Life that supports us and leads to the holy within you. The little human form is probably your present self as seen from a cosmic perspective.

    Now the interesting thing is the empty temple. If you study your religious teachings and not simply the outer beliefs, you will see that the heart of such teachings is that the Divine is without form and is unknowable. So you were shown a very deep teaching, where the form is taken away and you stood before the naked Holy.

    As Ramakrishna reports, “Then I began to meditate with all my might, and as soon as the gracious form of the Divine Mother appeared I used my discrimination as a sword, and I clove Her in two. The last barrier fell and my spirit immediately precipitated itself beyond the plane of the ‘conditional’, and I lost myself in Samadhi (unconditioned bliss).”


      -shans 2011-06-16 20:11:00

      Tony,I could realize my ignorance.Thanks a ton for ur interpretation.

        -Tony Crisp 2011-06-24 10:03:23

        Shans – Thank you for telling me, and even more thanks for sending me such a wonderful dream.


-Betsey 2011-05-26 0:50:36

So interesting!

Last night I dreamed I was shopping with my dog in the produce department of the local grocery store. He wasn’t wearing his leash. When the doors opened he darted out the parking lot and encountered a bear tethered to a post. The bear killed him, and by the time I reached him he was lying on his back with all four legs in the air — almost like a cartoon.

What does this mean?

    -Tony Crisp 2011-06-04 7:21:32

    Betsy – As far as I can gather you have inherited a much bigger and less tame dog in the bear. In other words you are now capable of stepping out of your rather tame reactions and have a lot more power behind your responses to events and people. But you still have a sense of humour.

    So if you can claim the bear as your own. After all it is your own creation.


-Shweta 2011-05-25 5:41:26

Hi, can you please help me to find meaning of my dream as wll? I am in my 2nd trimester and i had a weired dream previous night. I saw that, I was at my neighbours place with my father, neighbour uncle and sister. Me and my sister came out of house near to gate and i saw 2 snakes. For one snake i counted and found that it had 5 eyes. I backed off a little and then saw two tigers as well were sitting just inside main entrance. Wheen I saw again, there was 1 or 2 elephant as well. then again i saw towards my sis and then towards the gate planning to close it somehow but to our surprise one leopard was also sitting there. then , out of fear, we ran towards the room where father and uncle was there and close the door from inside.

    -Tony Crisp 2011-06-04 6:03:27

    Shweta – You have been blessed by all these animals in your dream, and yet you are afraid; especially the elephant which is a great power for good.

    Animals in your dream are all those natural feelings that we are often trained to, or brought up to, deny or repress. The reason is that we are told it is bad or naughty or not nice to stick up for ourselves and get angry – especially for women – to have open sexual desires, or express a powerful direction and stick to it despite pressure from parents or family. And your dream spells this out – you run back to the ways stated by your elders, your father and uncle.

    The snake with many eyes is the promise of a greater insight into your life and life around you. The elephant represents the power and influence of the potent forces active in your body and mind, that if you relate to well bring about health and success, and if badly illness and ruin. It is the power of imagination to evoke great anxiety or great pleasure. Often our personality evokes these forces in a destructive and disorderly way. So some elephant dreams revolve around how we relate to this power, and the attempt of the elephant to place us on its back to direct it. So in general it is your potential or energy – in fact a spiritual force.

    So make friends with your animals, as they are wonderful talents and forces to have when you need them.


-Lissa 2011-05-17 2:55:52

I am very curious of my dream-Lat night i dream that i was in a car, my supervisorr was driving it. we went uphill. Along the way, on the right i saw two zombie walking towards and i saw a white bear eating human flesh.we went all the way up then down the hill. i saw the earth is cover with water. My boss said “we have to rush into the water because everyone is there and they are safe” when he starts to accelerate, i stopped him. I told him its not right. I don’t want to die.when he stopped, i saw a small house. we went in. i saw a mirror. when i was looking at it, i don’t see my reflection but i saw my supervisor reflection. I even asked him did he sees mine.he said No. My heart start beating very far. I heard the voice of my mum and my nephew trying to call me. I woke up struggling and heart pumping very fast.

Please, what does this means?
Thank you

    -Tony Crisp 2011-05-25 11:41:19

    Lissa – This is a strange dream, and appears to show you very involved with your feelings about your supervisor. The influence is so strong that you could be in danger of being under his domination.

    The white bear is representing you being eaten up with the situation in a worrying way. And the zombies also say that you could give up your will and that would not be good.

    It goes on from there where you cannot see your own reflection – again you losing your will.

    I feel you must take the warning of your dream, and have a separate life from him, shown by the house when you refuse to go into the water. He might not be aware of how you feel, so be careful.


-Byulie 2011-05-03 18:10:16

Hi, can you help me interpret my dream please? I’m having abit of trouble…

I’m walking my dog in a huge park, it feels familiar but I don’t think I have actually seen it before. Then I become aware that there is a wolve pack on the lower half of the hill. My dog starts running towards them and I scream for her to come back but she dosn’t. The wolf pack (3 grey wolves) attack her but as I try and get closer I feel like I cant move, and that there is some kind of law that I will be breaking if I defend her. Suddenly Im in the middle of the pack, I swing a stick and the wolves dissapear. I pick up my dog, and she is close to death (but strangely no blood? not sure if thats significant) then I woke up.

If it helps I have my final year exams in a month which I am stressed about. I am also working and struggling to find time to spend as much time with her as I used to. It also happened the night after my brother (who I used to argue with) left for university… I’m not sure what it could mean (if anything) but this dream was extremely vivid.

    -Tony Crisp 2011-05-12 9:51:38

    Byulie – Well, I have a lot of feelings about your dream.

    It seems to me that to deal with the stress you are feeling you needed to meet the wolf pack. Because before that you identified with your ‘tame’ dog that was being mauled by anxiety.

    To make it clearer what I saw, you were paralysed by the laws. In fact most of us are paralysed by all the rules and regulations we try to live by. It was only when you broke through that and became as fierce as the wolves – in fact you became and integrated the wolves so they disappeared.

    To paraphrase something I see more and more clearly in looking at people’s dreams: When I was in the room with the creatures, wolves, snakes, I was feeling that I was dealing with a part of me that was not as integrated with the modern world as ‘I’ am. So the chimpanzees/snakes/creatures are powers or abilities I have, but they are not yet integrated fully into my everyday life. I mean by this that although people call themselves human, we are really only half formed. We have not yet integrated these older parts of ourselves and so are rather disintegrated and liable to breakdown.
    We have become so very vulnerable – look around you at all the people on drugs to keep them sane, free of depression and criminal tendencies – and to protect this vulnerable you it forgets or blocks out knowledge of who and what it is.

    Fortunately you faced and met your own fierceness. Please don’t ever lose it.


      -Dan 2011-05-15 15:51:30

      hi, my animal dream the other night was..i was driving along a main hwy but it was empty, no traffic, like deserted. and there was a wild dog in the fast lane by the center barrier. i slowed down to look. the dog was like a cross rottwiller/bulldog big and muscular. it was eating another dog the same as itself the dead dog was half eaten already and there was a lot of blood!! my feelings in the dream were i was afraid even though the dog didnt see me or wasnt bothered by my presence.
      please interprit, its been bothering me, usually i dont remeber dreams. thanks Dan

-Kim Patterson 2011-05-02 19:08:58

In my dream there were a lot of monkeys. They were not aggressive but very playful and lively. I seemed to be working at getting the monkeys all together in on place and shutting the door as if to keep them all together and in control. I was with someone else and told them that finally the monkeys were not around to bother us. Then, three monkeys showed up scampering and playing around us. I was amazed to see they “got out.” I was once again distracted by them. The other person was not bothered or surprised at their appearance. The dream did not make me scared or worried. I was a bit frustrated with not being able to keep the monkeys behind the closed door. I was surprised the monkeys did not “bother” the other person. The dream has left me I felt at the end of the dream- asking myself, “Should I be worried about those monkeys or should I just ignore them?”

    -Tony Crisp 2011-05-11 10:25:15

    Kim – Neither be worried about them or ignore them.

    It was only in recent years that it was discovered that we have three distinct brains as humans. We have the very basic reptilian brain which deals with fight or flight responses; the mammalian or monkey brain which is about group. Whereas the lizards do not demonstrate mutual activity in hunting or caring for young, mammals show enormous awareness of bonding, caring for young, group activity, hierarchy and recognition of family and pack. That is where we get our own instinctive care of young and our urge to follow leaders.

    But the monkey brain can give us a lot of behaviour patterns they we may find irritating unless we acknowledge them and integrate them. We usually fell we should act in a normally acceptable way, but the other part of you in you dream feels okay with it. Most of us have become so passive we have lost the ability to growl a little, to be ready to fight, play, love, laugh. Look at the monkeys and see how much we have lost. The following example will explain a bit more.

    Example: Now I was in a room, or storeroom, full of chimpanzees. I had to leave them. Some of them opened the door. It was not locked, and I didn’t lock it, but I went back in and asked them not to open the door, as there was a busy road nearby, and they might get run over. As I spoke, one was standing with me who was now almost as tall as myself. The features had become almost human, female. She seemed very sad, perhaps because she was only half human. I felt deep links of sympathy.

    The person whose dream this was explored their feelings connected with the dream and explained their conclusions as follows.

    When I was in the room with the chimpanzees I was feeling that I was dealing with a part of me that was not as integrated with the modern world as ‘I’ am. I feel this part of me as very loving, but it has a different relationship with things, and it needs to be protected from certain things, as suggested by the warning about the road. So the chimpanzees are powers or abilities I have, but they are not yet integrated fully into my everyday life. But being in the room together means we are now being brought together, being integrated. The room is a gathering point, in a journey toward being made human. I mean by this that although people call themselves human, we are really only half formed. We have not yet integrated these older parts of ourselves and so are rather disintegrated and liable to breakdown. I guess this can be seen in modern society where so many people need medication or other aids to live a functioning life. I experience the female chimpanzee as a special feeling of love that flows into my life; something from beyond myself that transforms me and helps me to become whole.

    The dream shows how the world of today, the consumer society, the industrial world, is harmful to that natural and loving life in us. We need to speak to these ‘animal’ sides of us and try to integrate them.


-David 2011-05-01 21:53:51

I was overlooking the forest from inside a building/resort, (stilts leveling the building on a hill/mountainside, so everything was far below me from the window), snow covered pines to my left and just forest straight ahead. As I admired the beauty of the scenery and eagles flying over the forest, I noticed a pack of wolves far below in the dry area of the forest. A split second after I saw them I was down in the forest right in the middle of the pack. Only a moment of uneasiness took me before I realized even though in human form I was part of them and they were part of me. I was one of the pack and feared no danger. End of dream.

    -Tony Crisp 2011-05-10 11:06:14

    David – A very special dream, and of course a special dreamer. You could not have had this dream if you had not walked along the path of growth a distance. The first part of the dream shows you in an altered state of consciousness. It is a hawk or an eagle’s view of things, in which you can see a much larger take on life than is usually given by our physical senses. Such views can see how things fit together, and are like gestalts.

    Then because you could see the beauty of it you identified with what you saw – you became one with it. It was another step up the levels of awareness we find in our dreams and inner life.


-AliciaB 2011-04-25 17:43:07

I had a very interesting dream last night: I was taking care of a young gazelle in my small apartment. It had open wounds on both it’s shoulder blades. It was learning to be domestic, like my cat and was quiet, but friendly. It even let me pet it. But I knew i couldn’t keep it and had to return it to the wild or bring it to a zoo so it could interact with other gazelles and plus my apartment was way too small for a gazelle!

i thought this inner struggle between trying to tame a wild animal and set it free was some interesting stuff.

    -Tony Crisp 2011-05-06 8:05:08

    Alicia – As you say, an interesting struggle. I feel it is a struggle between the human you that lives in a restricted world – your small flat and the other needs of civilised life – and the freedom of living out its instinctive life. I see this as similar to the Garden of Eden where animals lived under the influence of Life and were constantly guided by what we call instinct; then the life out of the Garden where humans had arrived at self awareness and had to make there own decisions. And we are now facing that because our way of life is destroying our world.

    I wonder how this wild creature got the wounds. It reminds me of something in the book The Lightening Bird, and is about an Africa cave painting of a deer. To quote “Moving on to a second impala shown upside down with what looked like blood pouring from her mouth, he said, “When the time came, the mother impala gave birth to her young. It was delivered into this world, but she herself died. Here you see her body; and next to it a young antelope licking its own back. They that have no parents must look after themselves. That is the meaning of this painting. It is the story of life and death. It is what we call Noka ya bophelo, the river of life, of continuity. It shows how life is given and life is taken, but Life goes on!”

    So I feel there is significance in the wounds that you cared for. Perhaps they are the wounds of civilisation. Your struggle seems to be one that every person with a soul alive in them feels, trying to bridge the gap between the life we live as human beings, and the wonderland we sense within us. It is a wonderland where we are in a living community where we know and care for each other, and not live like the rule of life is ’dog eat dog’.

    If you can get hold of the book ‘Outliers’ by Malcolm Gladwell and read the first chapter you will see a living example of Wonderland.


-chloe baylor 2011-04-24 17:50:45

Hi can you please help me???? I had a very wierd dream last night and thought you might me able to help me… Some background info: I am a highschool senior about to go to college (but I have yet to choose a school), I have also been under alot of stress lately, if that matters…

Anyway, I had a dream where my parents had bought a wild tiger and let it basically run wild in our house. I was begging my dad to please get rid of it, but he wouldn’t listen. He said if I didn’t like then I should move in with one of my friends. I decided not to. Also, every time you closed a door in our house, the tiger would come and rip the door off. When it did this, the door would just disappear the door knob was ripped from my hand and wind would blast me in the face, and you would just be staring into the tiger’s eyes… After this happened my mom would yell at me to stop slamming doors because it scared the tiger. I said OK, but it continued to destroy our house anyway. Pretty soon we had no more doors in our house left except for the front door and entrances. Then one day my dad said that he would get rid of the tiger and at the same time the tiger started to chase us. We went to a neighbor’s house and hid in their basement. I don’t remember the rest because the dream after that was fuzzy… Can you PLEASE tell me what you think my dream means because I think it might be important. I know that I will have to make some very important decisions in the next few months and I think that this dream might be vital to some of those decisions. PLEASE HELP!!!

    -Tony Crisp 2011-04-28 13:11:29

    Chloe – The tiger is your stress and can also be your anger.

    As I see it your feelings about your father have left you open to distress, and have no privacy in your life. This could be that your father has high expectations for you – or you feel he has and you cannot find any peace. That is why the doors get ripped away.

    When your dream father agrees to get rid of the tiger it doesn’t help, because the trouble is in you. So I think you could learn to let go of any expectations you feel you carry and learn a technique of relaxation or meditation. It can help enormously. I learnt a relaxation technique when I was 15 and it has been enormously valuable.

    See and the meditation is good if yo9u can get the hang of using it


-Patricia Rodgers 2011-04-13 16:33:56

My significant-other mom locked my dog in the basement yesterday, and she does this when she is having an angry moment with me — she takes it out on my dog. So, last night (4/12/11) I woke with a dream of my dog being being smashed by some sort of machine that crushed her body and she died … what does that mean?

    -Tony Crisp 2011-04-20 11:57:10

    Patricia – I am not sure if your mom really counts in this dream.

    It is about something in your life like habit, something you do automatically like a machine, without thought or feeling, as a reaction. Maybe it could be an attitude that has some anger in it, but whatever it is it is killing your own good supportive instincts – your dog.

    If you realise what it is you felt that did this, you can undo it and bring back life to your dog.


-thekid 2011-04-10 15:28:00

last night i dreamt that i was driving to a town, the scenery was very pretty yet it was about to get dark outside. as i was getting closer to the town, in the main entrance there was green, healthy grass on the left side. the grass was elevated from the road. on the grass there was innumerable black and white monkeys (for every white monkey there was a black monkey next to i-the white was was on the right side and a bit more on front then its fellow black mate). i got a bit shaken, but was more interested on why there were so many. as i got closer they all just looked as though they were just protecting the town. when i got to the actual houses in the town, i noticed that the black(don’t recall if there were white ones as well) monkeys were helping the townspeople out by organizing certain things. i, then asked a person( don’t remember there face) what the monkeys were doing there. she/he then told me that they go there once a week for a some spiritual ritual they do. also, out of no where the person said that the monkeys liked gambling so much(which i found so irrelevant, but obviously has a purpose). also, the main leader was a white female monkey.
i’m having trouble interpreting this dream into my life. i get that monkeys show immaturity, but im thinking that the white and black show balance in some way-yin and yang. lately, i’ve felt that i have been immature in some way since im going w the flow of others ideas, which in turn aren’t so good after all. maybe, this dream is just showing my insecurity, in wanting to do something unpleasant but always holding back. idk i need some guidance here onto understanding this dream. help, PLEASE!

    -Tony Crisp 2011-04-19 10:07:57

    TheKid – Okay, the first part of the dream seems very positive. The green grass on the left says that you have a fertile inner life, probably a good imagination. And the town you are driving to is opportunity to meet and interact with people; and it could be that you are looking for yourself in some way.

    The monkeys are definitely not to do with immaturity. It is more likely to represent your instinctive wisdom to do with relating to groups. As in your dream it is about helping people organise things, and doing some spiritual work in you.

    Maybe they do like gambling – taking chance in life.


-Tony Crisp 2011-04-07 15:03:57

Hi Xmetow – Yes, thank you for the link. I like the quick way you summarise the images. Some are excellent, but others I cannot get any feeling of linking with. I have always helped people explore their dreams (when I could), and never interpreted them intellectually, and so I got the words from the horses mouth. Strange that I now try to tell people what their dream might mean.


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