Animals in Your Dreams
The animals we dream of express the wealth of our own feelings and depth of our unconscious understanding of life.
Few of the things we do as an individual in today’s world are uniquely human. Like other animals we build dwellings, we eat, sleep and reproduce. We care for our young with the same passion and self sacrifice seen in other mammals. We follow leaders and develop hierarchy as do wolves and primates. Above all else, we share with our fellow creatures our existence in a physical body we have inherited from a long line of forebears and pre-human animals. From this long past we carry traits and urges, fears and dispositions that underpin our self aware human personality. In dreams, these largely unconscious responses to what we face in life are shown as animals. See Animals in your Brain
For instance some of these traits we know as the flight, fight or freeze response; as the new born baby’s instinct to suckle and bond with its parent; as our urge to find a partner and mate; and particularly we see it in the drive to survive and thrive. But there are many more subtle aspects of the animal inheritance we carry with us. Some of these we see in our social behaviour, as when we shrewdly asses a person’s character, or discover what we call the ‘chemistry’ that exists between us and another person. Such things arise largely from our unconscious intuitions and senses. Such senses and responses were developed over millions of years by our animal forbears. In fact we are like a small face on top of a long line of beautiful animals.
This ancient heritage that dreams portray as our animal is not simply a psychological belief. It is built into our body and is very evident in the fact that we have three interwoven brains. The most ancient brain, one we share with reptiles and birds is called the R complex – R for reptilian. This part of your brain deals with deeply instinctive behaviour such as flight or fight, swallowing, automatic reflexes, inbuilt mating behaviour, territorial defence and aggression. This R complex developed about 200 million years ago and is still an underpinning part of what influences your behaviour today. Dreams often portray these urges in you as snakes or lizards.
The second part of your brain is called the Limbic System. This is wrapped around the R complex, and is something we share with other mammals such as cats, dogs and horses. It developed about 60 million years ago and deals with your emotions, feelings responses to people and events, the subtler inner life you feel in love and sex, and it provides a deep wisdom about social and individual relationships. Dreams often use mammals or apes to portray the influence in your life of this part of your unconscious drives and intuitions.
Many people are frightened or terrified of their dream animals. That is rather like being terrified of a picture on a cinema screen, for dreams are nothing more than moving images on the screen four sleeping mind. Like a computer game you can be attacked or even killed many times but you are still whole and unhurt. Face up to the animals in your dreams and make friends of them, because they are really helpful assets to have. See Inner World
Useful questions:
Is there any concern about the animal’s health?
The third part of your brain is the Cortex. This is unique to humans and takes up five sixths of the brain mass. It deals with all the things that are distinctly human, such as logical thought, writing, analysis, self awareness and conscious movements.
An American advertising company, describing these three brains in its instructions to planning advertising campaigns says, “Our Reptilian Brain is more powerful than the Limbic (emotional) Brain, which in turn is more powerful that the Cortex (thinking) Brain. It is best to take all three brains into account when planning a marketing/branding campaign.” See Animals.
Meeting your dream animals
What has been said about your three brains and what sort of dream arises from them is of course a generalisation. When you are looking at your own animal dreams you want to know specifically how they refer to you. So we will move from the general to the specific in looking at the dream meanings of animals such as a dog, cat, snake, horse, tiger and elephant. Those are mentioned because they are, in the order given, the most frequently dreamed of animals.
As explained in an earlier chapter, these are not to be thought of as symbols. They are more like computer desktop icons that if you connect with them lead you to awareness of, and ability to work with, what are usually unconscious processes in you. To gain even the beginnings of insight into your dream animals, you first need to remember that you as a person are a tiny spark of consciousness. You are a little bit of self awareness riding an incredibly ancient animal you call your body. Remember that your body has formed from cells and genetic information that has gradually developed over millions of years. It holds that information in it unconsciously. To actually make a living connection with your dream animals see Acting in your Dream
Therefore ask yourself the following questions about your animal dreams, and write down any responses. If the answer is no to a question, move on the next one:
Is your dream animal struggling to survive?
Survival is the most powerful and fundamental drive in your body and personality. Survival skills today are often linked with managing to remain alive in difficult terrain or harsh countryside, but we all live in the midst of challenges even in civilised surroundings. Your everyday social, work and political environments confront you with enormous difficulties. Also, every cell in your being is trying to survive. Your body and its systems are constantly involved in maintaining balance amidst powerful counter influences, or even against your own bad habits. Understanding what difficulties you face in surviving, and what resources you have to handle them is a huge step toward a better life. If you had the reptilian brain and the mammalian brains removed you would not function.
Therefore define if you can what your dream animal is struggling with or against in its efforts to survive. Look for connections with your everyday life. In doing so remember that the dream is putting into graphic form, perhaps like a mime, something that needs to be lifted into everyday words and perceptions.
We all have so many aspects to what we need in life to survive as a whole person. We might be doing very well in work or social recognition, but our need for warmth and love might be struggling. So it is helpful to list the facets of your own life, such as physical health, mental health and vitality, emotional needs, finance, acclaim, and so on, and asses their survival rating.
Is the animal domesticated or wild?
This illustrates the difference between urges within yourself that you have completely socialised or learned to cooperate with, and those that are in conflict with your conscious actions or what other people expect of you. An example of this can be seen in youthful rebellion, and in the difference between what is instinctive and spontaneous in a young person, such as aggression or fear, and what is expected of them by others. The rebellious youth might allow their unsocialised urges to express as criminal acts, or disruptive social behaviour. On the other hand they might express it in the form of music or art that, while it is still anti establishment, is rewarded, as with the Rolling Stones.
So the need here is to recognise what of your feelings or urges are involved, and ask yourself if the wild is healthy as it is, or does it need a better relationship with your social or work activities? On the other hand, sometimes social restraints or needs deaden the spontaneous and natural in oneself, and so need to be reduced for greater personal harmony.
- Is there any concern about the animal’s health?
- Is there an indication the animal has been injured?
- Does love, caring or affection enter into the dream?
We have inherited and enlarged the great tenderness and care seen in other mammals.
- Are sexual feelings involved?
- Does the animal show unusual intelligence or ability to speak?
- Is the animal giving advice or showing you something?
- Are baby animals involved?
- Is the animal attacking or being attacked?
- Is there a herd or group of these animals?
- Has the animal been neglected or mutilated?
- Are you trapped by or running away from an animal?
Hey there,
I had a dream where I was outside in a garden, and somehow bumped my head on a “wasp” nest, which began to angrily swarm around me. I put that in quotations, because they weren’t quite wasps– they were black, and unseeable, and gave me a palatable feeling of vibration as they flew around my head. I ran inside a patio, where my real-life dog was enclosed, shook off the “wasps”, and ran back outside, entrapping the hostile creatures in the patio. I realized I had been unkind to my dog by trapping it with the creatures, putting myself first, and felt guilty; I went back to my dog, who was on the verge of death from all the bites it had incurred. Somehow, the “wasps” had transformed into leech-like animals who were sucking out his blood; as I brushed them off, his hair fell off, reveling bloody naked skin underneath. Also, weirdly enough, he had leeches on his penis, which was engorged and sore and resembled my own penis. I am stumped at what exactly this all could mean; I have had dreams throughout my life where my current pet is mutilated in some really horrific way (such as being thrown off a train and severed, or eaten by myself), and I think its high time I try to solve the underlying issues that are producing these troubling dreams. I would be very grateful if you had any insight.
– Daniel
Daniel – I would like you to read before I comment on your dream – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
The unseeable things are thoughts that are vibrating in your head. Also there is so much more for you to learn about yourself, who and what you are, and also how you work inside of you. That is because you are partly a dog – see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/#mammalbrain
As that dog is a part of your life your dreams show you what you have done to yourself. You are leeching away the power of life and death that you have failed to see as a sacred trust. The penis is not simply a pleasure instrument, it is also if abused a way to slowly deaden yourself. But above all else it is yours to create a child through. Through it flows your power of creation, and if wasted it is the power of death. Creation can also be seen as a great river that is not used enters a desert and does not create life. But it can flow into giving of yourself to creative actions that benefit others as well as yourself.
Your dream spells it out. To save me time spelling it all out to you please see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#AnimalDream And remember that all dream images are about you, so carefully review what your dream is saying.
Hello Tony,
I keep having these reoccurring dreams. Since I was small I always suffered with night terrors and various reoccurring dreams. This particular one is me in my old bedroom from when I was a child and my floor was dirt. No flooring at all. Against the wall upside down and right side up are these people I buried. They look Victorian. I am burning this man and I notice immediately that he is my age and attractive. I was concerned for lack of dirt even though I had plenty. I was using my spade to gather clumps of dirt from other buried people to cover him I was very concerned about everyone , mostly that their faces had to be covered. After I bury him I step outside and see this dirty white duck sitting on a dirty , white plastic chair. I notice something is wrong and as I pushed the feathers aside I noticed blood. I kept thinking it had a tumor and instead it’s organs were exposed and I turned to find my father and I said, ” It’s dying because everything inside is exposed. He said he would end the suffering. I felt relief and extreme sadness. I continued walking and found my mother and as I tried to tell her about the duck , she simply avoided talk about it. She walked off and I thought, “well dad will help him.” Then I am in an all white dinning room and in another room connected was an all white kitchen and I see these men covered in blood and a dismembered corpse at their feet. Then I wake up. I have been dreaming this for five months. When I wake up and fall back asleep, the dream starts over again. What does it mean? Also are reoccurring dreams normal?
I had a dream that mice were running around my feet, so i was whacking them with something….then they grew wings and started flying around me. I was still hitting them with something, when they all fell to the floor they turn into turtles. But, before i knew it was a turtle i grabbed one of the flying mice and squished it in my hands, but when i looked down it turned into a turtle and i cracked its shell and it died.
Alison – Why would you want to kill or hurt any part of you? Dreams are a product of the Life process in you and are created out of your living feelings, you instincts and of course the living part of your nature.
The fear you feel is a reaction to and an image of what you fear, but they are only images on the screen of your sleeping mind – they are not real outside of you. Please see http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us/#Reflect
i had a dream about large elephants in my living room they were eating there.
Mary – That is a very good dream. The elephants are a sign of great power in your life. They uphold you and help you meet difficulties.
I had a dream that evolved a herd of elephant, 3 females, each one with a baby, and one big bull elephant. I sitting in the same spot on the chair im in now and for some reason I knew that the herd is outside. I start to hear the babies making a lot of noises and I look out the window and all the mothers are trying the hurt the babies. One had kicked her baby so much that it was dying and blood was coming out of it mouth and it’s back end. The other mother was trying to knock her baby down so she can do the same. When I seen this out the window I got the gun and went outside and started shooting in the air. The mothers and the big bull started running away. Then one of the babies started to come toward me with it truck struck straight out like he was trying to follow me but then I heard and seen this big bull elephant coming back from behind the house and I went back inside and then I woke up and was wondering what the hell.
hi i had a dream involving a injured black bat what does that means…
Hi Tony,
I had a crazy dream last night. Myself, my best friend, her husband and my ex husband along with a bunch of other people and children I didn’t know were in a zoo. It wasn’t a typical zoo….it was like a long, bright but not sunny open air corridor with continuous cages on either side. As we came to a corner there was a brown bear in a cage right on the corner to the left of us. It was reaching for the top of the cage which was covered in a mesh and we joked saying “Imagine if it got out”. We turned the corner to continue walking and for some reason I turned only to see the bear clambering over the top of the cage and breaking free. For some reason all of us knew that the last slowest three people would not survive so we all began to run like crazy. The bear was constantly standing upright. I turned around as we ran to see a gorilla had also gotten free and was confronting the bear but with one smack of the bears paw it fell to the ground dead. The bear proceeded to rip the arm off the gorilla and eat it (and presumably the rest of it) which gave us time to get away. When we got to the end of the corridor there was a room with no exit and to the right a little additional room with a thick green metal panic room type door with a window at head height. All the women and children ran into the room but all the men decided to stay outside and face the bear. They locked us in as the lock was on the outside to keep us safe. The women all knew that they men didn’t stand a chance of taking on the bear if the gorilla didn’t survive and begged them to enter the room with us but they refused. There was a huge sense of sadness and loss as we pleaded with them….then I woke up! Extremely vivid.
Hi, Tony.
OK, this is a part of a longer dream that I had last night. I was in the back yard/garden of a home, I think; it was pretty big and it looked a bit like a park, it was covered in rich green grass all over except on the margins where there was a pathway and the whole thing was surrounded by a high stone or brick wall (at least two times my height). It was pretty dark, like an evening. So I was walking in this grass and at some point I saw what I thought to be a little black rabbit in the grass. It was wounded so I went to pick it up and when I did I saw that it was a cat. Then nearby I saw a white domestic duck that was wounded also. So I went there and picked it up and I saw that it was barely alive. Then I saw another one in the same conditions. I looked up and it seemed that someone was throwing them over the wall, they were comming from the sky anyway. Then I found another one, they had all been shot and I tried to save them. I had the first one in my arms and it seemed so calm and peaceful and understanding… I don’t know how I managed to make it better just by holding it. The second one was nearly dying so I called the vet for it and the cat. He saw the cat and just when he was about to say that it’s not that serious, he saw a big hole in her abdomen so he decided to take her with him to treat her. The second duck got frozen by my grandma thinking that it had to be cooked and I started rubbing it trying to revive it; I was starting to cry thinking that it was dead, but it opened the eyes and started to move little by little. There was still the third duck which had a few wounds from the shot.They were all looking at me patiently and hopeful, silen, but almost asking me to save them… The second one’s wounds weren’t so serious so I called my cousin, she studied veterinary med, to cure it. Oh, I carred a lot about the ducks, I was very fond of them, I think I loved them, I felt them as if they were part of me, like they knew and understood me, especially the first one.
That’s about all I remember… Anyway after that the dream changed and went into another direction. But I don’t get the 3 ducks and the falling from the sky…
Thank you very much for any bit of light you can shine on this.
Hi, Tony.
OK, this is a part of a longer dream that I had last night. I was in the back yard/garden of a home, I think; it was pretty big and it looked a bit like a park, it was covered in rich green grass all over except on the margins where there was a pathway and the whole thing was surrounded by a high stone or brick wall (at least two times my height). It was pretty dark, like an evening. So I was walking in this grass and at some point I saw what I thought to be a little black rabbit in the grass. It was wounded so I went to pick it up and when I did I saw that it was a cat. Then nearby I saw a white domestic duck that was wounded also. So I went there and picked it up and I saw that it was barely alive. Then I saw another one in the same conditions. I looked up and it seemed that someone was throwing them over the wall, they were comming from the sky anyway. Then I found another one, they had all been shot and I tried to save them. I had the first one in my arms and it seemed so calm and peaceful and understanding… I don’t know how I managed to make it better just by holding it. The second one was nearly dying so I called the vet for it and the cat. He saw the cat and just when he was about to say that it’s not that serious, he saw a big hole in her abdomen so he decided to take her with him to treat her. The second duck got frozen by my grandma thinking that it had to be cooked and I started rubbing it trying to revive it; I was starting to cry thinking that it was dead, but it opened the eyes and started to move little by little. There was still the third duck which had a few wounds from the shot.They were all looking at me patiently and hopeful, silen, but almost asking me to save them… The second one’s wounds weren’t so serious so I called my cousin, she studied veterinary med, to cure it. Oh, I carred a lot about the ducks, I was very fond of them, I think I loved them, I felt them as if they were part of me, like they knew and understood me, especially the first one.
That’s about all I remember… Anyway after that the dream changed and went into another direction. But I don’t get the 3 ducks and the falling from the sky…
Thank you very much for any bit of light you can shine on this.
The walled garden is probably your own personal awareness – we are all walled in and cannot see our real surrounding. The creatures are parts pf our inner life – the spontaneous and natural parts that do not have language but feelings. They have been hurt by influences outside you. Your holding them is giving them your love and attention.
I dreamt last night of dozens of elephants fighting as many tigers (or leopards). The battle was intense. The elephants were bent on killing the big cats. The cats were defending themselves. They animals fought till they were exhausted, separate to recoup and charge back into it. This happened several times. The cats won, but had payed a great price. The elephants were all dead and dying, lying in their thick blood that drenched the area. A lot of cats died, but most survived.
I dreamt during wee hours. I am in a jungle wit my family as though it is our habitat. There was a tiger wit us but I am very scared of it as it might attack me. My mother was not scared of it. I insert a cancerous virus in a syringe with needle at the tiger’s pathway. I hid in a hut. I was guilty as the tiger is good but I tried to hurt it. The tiger was hurt by stepping on it. Mother brought the injured tiger to me. The tiger appeared as my father. He misses me so much n looks helpless cause of the injury. I felt extremely guilty n no one knows that the injury caused by myself. I am stil searching for the interpretation of my dream
I had a dream and not sure how to interpret it. I was driving with my daughter down a country road and there was a tiger in the middle of the road laying on its back. As I walked up to it the tiger then arose almost like resurrecting and started following me and I ended up in a house although not sure how and the tiger continued to follow me. I opened a door with a woman and her baby in it and the tiger went into the room and I continued down a hall. When I reached the hall a door opened and the tiger was in front of me. Any ideas what this mean?
I respect your dream interpretations. Last night I had and amazing dream in which this is a duck with (Barbie) pink beak. It is spitting. I am a little concerned and walk faster. When I get inside the house the duck had spat brown spit from the top to bottom of the glass door. Part of the dream also included 2 legless, armless animals similar to sloths with tough skin, playing on a hill.
VivaDublin – I am not getting a very strong response to this dream as it is quite unusual. But a duck is quite a unique bird as it can fly well, it dives under water, is fine on the surface too. So I am feeling that it is about an ability you have to move easily within the boundaries of your mind. But the spitting is like a comment this aspect of you is making. I don’t get the feeling it is angry about you, but it is saying you have triggered this.
The door to your house is obviously a barrier you use to protect yourself, but even so it is covered in what amounts to vomit.
So my best guess is that the bird is a part of your instinctive response to something contacted within you. It wants to get rid of the feeling and situation that triggered it. So I would suggest trying the methods here – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/
Great article, I’ve had a go at interpreting my own dream however If you would be so kind as to have an analyssis of it, I would much appriciate it.
For two nights now I’ve had two dreams related to animals.
The first was a short dream involving my mothers small dog whom I’ve cared for for a few years at my own home. The dream started with me making my way trough a carpark towards a shopping complex or mall when I spot this dog trotting along towards my direction behind some people although it does not seem to be following them. As these people and the dog get closer j recognize it’s Bella (my mothers dog) and lean down.
Bella instently recognizes me and runs over. I pick the dog up and show it the same effection I always do as I do not see this dog often in reality.
Thoughts that run through my was in the dream are “why are you out here” “are you lost?” then I see my mother walk out of the shopping complext. Bella always follows my mother around so inknew she was with her and go towards my mother with Bella. – dream over.
The next involves a cat in the house I grew up in. I’m upstairs and notice a creature in my room and my reaction to it is much like a child towards a big spider, I Flintch as It cones towards but watch it with curiosity. Purple eyes l, fluro colored skin with black and white dots. Definetly unusual. I seek the biggest object I can to squash it and downstairs i come across a golf club. I run back to kill the cat in the same fashion as I were a spider but it jumps towards me, out of my fear I run away and it chases me.
Once cornered I take a big swing but miss, I see fear in it’s eyes, the cats eyes are big and cute now, I lean down, put my hand it and the Cat shows me effection which changes my view of it – the end of dream.
Thank you, I appologise if rmy grammer I not correct as I wrote this on a phone. – rob zen
I dreamed I agreed to care for my boss’ house while she was on vacation, along with another person who I did not know well or necessarily respect, although he seemed nice enough. Things started to go awry when this co-caretaker brought home a polar bear! The polar bear was 2 years old but huge and very destructive. I kept trying to mitigate the destruction, and my co-worker for lack of a better name, seemed more interested in dressing up in different costumes. The polar bear began to upset the neighborhood in addition to destroying the house. When the polar bear put its paws on my shoulders, I realized it was much stronger than me. However, when I ordered it “down” it obeyed. I woke up when the neighbors were getting ready to sue us and my boss was due back from her trip. The polar bear was still in the kitchen knocking things off the shelves and my ridiculous and embarrassing associate was walking around dressed as a Russian Kossak.