Mind Control
Dr. Stanley Yolles, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health, testifying before a Senate sub-committee on the flood of novel drugs emerging from the laboratory, has predicted that “In the next five to 10 years we will have a 100-fold increase in drugs that affect the mind.” There is evidence indicating that science has almost brought mind-control into a reality. As with nuclear power, scientists must confront the immense implications of such a breakthrough, since problems in ethics, politics, international affairs and personal values are generated with these revolutionary discoveries. Dr. David Kretch, professor of psychology at the University of California at Berkeley, recently stressed this point to his colleagues in his keynote speech at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science:
I don’t believe that I am being melodramatic, in suggesting that what our research may discover may carry with it even more serious implications than the awful, in both senses of the word, achievements of the atomic physicists. Let us not find ourselves in their position of being caught foolishly surprised, naively perplexed, and touchingly full of publicly displayed guilt at what they had wrought.
The new attitudes in women, and new ideas and urges in regard to world politics, religion, family life, music and art, have arisen originally in a few individuals who found a creative relationship with their own inner life. They were able to see through the constricting views and standards in which they were raised. Their own inner frustration and pain demanded to be heard and they listened. Out of that arose the new themes we can now see in the theatre, films, music and social reform. So does your dreams present a criticism or a new insight into politics? For dreams are the highest insight we can find, and are also very critical of what we find around us in society. Politics are extremely important because they often arouse tremendous support or antagonism. The released inner response of our being in dreams and in our life is revolutionary in nature. This is probably why established traditions of religion, medicine and politics often suppress any signs of its appearance. See Avoid Being Victims – Martial Art of the Mind
To show how strongly people can be mentally influenced and see and believe they are possessed by the devil or see themselves as strange creatures or werewolves we only have to refer the case of ergot poisoning in 1951 in France.
“In August 1951 (less than 60 years ago), ‘Pont St. Esprit’ a small town in France, was allegedly struck by ergot poisoning, following a local bakery selling rye bread contaminated with ergot. Four people died, and a large number suffered ‘possession’ or ‘bewitchment’.
The bakery was actually believed to be possessed by the Devil and was exorcised by the local bishop.
However recent research by Albert Hofmann shows that the poisoning was due to a toxic mercury compound used to disinfect grain to be planted as seed. Some sacks of grain treated with the fungicide were inadvertently ground into flour and baked into bread. Whilst Swedish toxicologist Bo Holmstedt still insists the poisoning was in fact due to ergotism.
The argument continues…
Witnesses still alive today recall the symptoms…..
Thousands of pin pricks on the skin / insects crawling under the skin
Seeing all sorts of wild or deformed animals
Visions of fire and blood running down the walls
Violent convulsions
In 1976, Prof. Linnda Caporael realised the similarities between the details of bewitchment at Salem and the symptoms of a bad acid trip. This caused her to do more research and she not only found that rye was the staple diet for the parts of Salem affected but the weather conditions were ideal for ergot.
Caporael argues that the convulsive symptoms, such as crawling sensations in the skin, tingling in the fingers, vertigo, tinnitus aurium, headaches, disturbances in sensation, hallucination, painful muscular contractions, vomiting, and diarrhea, as well as psychological symptoms, such as mania, melancholia, psychosis, and delirium, were all symptoms reported in the Salem witchcraft records. Caporael also states there was an abundance of rye in the region as well as climate conditions that could support the tainting of rye. In 1982, historian Mary Matossian raised Caporael’s theory in an article in American Scientist in which she argued that symptoms of “bewitchment” resemble the ones exhibited in those afflicted with ergot poisoning.
That natural and unspecialised form influenced a whole community, but what could happen if a more subtle form were developed, and put into our food?