Statistics for dreams
Below are figures based on a word count of a 1000 dreams. If we look at the entry on ‘Man’ below, the number 304 appears beside it. This means the word ‘Man’ appeared 304 times within the 1000 dreams. The word beside it, ‘Men’, appeared 91 times. These are totalled to make the next figure, 395, which is the number of times reference to man/men appeared in the dreams. The figure 1 in the next column shows that within the group headed ‘People And Family’, the words man/men had the highest score. The word People came second scoring 345. The figure in the third column shows the position regarding all the headings, making man/men the sixth highest score, with ‘See, Seeing, Looking’ the highest.
People And Family in dreams
Baby 85 Babies 4 103 9
Boy 70 14
Child 71 Children 111 182 6
Daughter 64 15
Father 69 Dad 10 79 12
Friend 136 Friends 60 196 5
Girl 85 10
Husband 197 4
Man 304 Men 91 395 1 6
Mother 122 Mummy 3 Mum 12 Mother’s 22 159 7
People 345 2
Person 76 13
Son 80 11
Wife 106 8
Woman 175 Women 41 216 3
Objects in dreams
Bus 51 6
Car 124 4
Clothes 54 Wearing 48 Dressed 53 155 2
Fire 44 8
Table 50 7
Tree 32 Trees 36 68 5
Water 164 1
Window 103 Windows 32
135 3
Doing things in dreams
Driving 80 11
Fall 41 Falling 30 71 12
Finding Found Finds 297 2 12
Flying Fly Flew 98 10
Hold Holding Held 142 8
Give 44 Gave 23 67 13
Ran 83 Run 61 Running 64 208 4
Sleep Sleeping Slept 106 9
Sat 47 Sit 112 Sitting 20 179 7
Standing 141 Stood 52 193 6
Swim Swimming Swam 59 14
Take Took Taking 248 3
Wait Waiting Waited 56 15
Walking 165 Walk 68 Walked 134 367 1 9
Work Worked Working 194 5
Body in dreams
Arm 43 Arms 67 110 2
Body 79 5
Breast Breasts 36 8
Ear Ears 5 12
Eye 20 Eyes 46 66 6
Face 97 3
Hand 107 Hands 62 169 1
Hair 41 6
Head 96 4
Leg Legs 56 7
Mouth 30 10
Nose 9 11
Teeth Tooth 34 9
House And Home in dreams
Bed 153 4
Bedroom 66 8
Door Doors Doorway 311 3
Floor 103 6
Home 134 5
House Houses 412 1 4
Room Rooms 390 2 8
Stair Stairs Steps 98 7
Psyche/You in dreams
Decide 9 Decided 41 Decision 6 56 18
Fear 58 Terrified 45 Scared Etc. 86 189 9
Feels 187 Feelings 244 Felt 424 855 2 2
Happy 63 17
Heard Hear 97 13
Keep Kept 102 12
Knew 177 Know 106 283 6
Realise 38 19
Remember 104 Remembering 13 117 11
Say 69 Saying 99 Talking 113 Talk 394 3 7
See 293 Seeing 411 Looking 373 1077 1 1
Sex Sexual Sexuality 94 14
Take Taking 174 10
Tell Told 193 8
Think 72 Thinking 41 Thought 226 339 4 10
Tried Trying 298 5 11
Want Wanting Wanted 200 7
Watch Watching 71 16
Wonder 47 Wondering 26 73 15
Orientation and Size in dreams
Above 46 10
Behind 100 9
Bottom 44 11
Down 404 2 5
High 100 9
Large And Big 296 3 13
Left 166 5
Low 21 13
Right 130 7
Side 149 6
Small 171 4
Top 115 8
Under 40 12
Up 424 1 3
Life Events in dreams
Birth Born 23 3
Death Dying Dead Died 276 1
Married Marriage Wedding 65 2
Animals in dreams
Bear 15 Bears 4 19 4
Bull 14 5
Cat 24 3
Cow 9 6
Dog 51 Dogs 14 65 1
Elephant 19 4
Horse 30 Horses 16 46 2
Lion 5 8
Monkey 4 9
Mouse 2 10
Pig 1 11
Wolf 7 7
Colours in dreams
Red 52 5
Orange 2 9
Yellow 13 8
Green 59 4
Blue 61 3
Violet 1 10
Gold 26 6
Silver 14 7
Black 86 2
White 101 1
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