The Beginning of it All – Genesis
We were led to believe that Genesis was a fantasy and fairy tale dreamt up to make people have a fantastic view of God. But science has only recently managed to say exactly what Genesis told us thousand of years ago
Let me explain so you too can see it for yourself. God created the Earth so we were told, but first it says, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”
The name “Elohim” is one of the many different names, each with a clearly defined meaning, which are applied in the Bible to “God” considered under various aspects. But Hebrew was a misunderstood language and translators did not understand that each letter of the Hebrew language had very definite meanings as Alpha and Omega does in Greek. But when looked at in this light Elohim does not translate as God but gods.
So it can be said that “Elohim” as “He – the – gods,” or “the Unity of gods,” or “the Activities of the Eternal One,” i.e., God expressing and revealing Himself outwardly in creative activity. For the creative forces that created the universe were unknowable. Exactly as science says about the Creation in it theory of the Big Bang. For it says that an unknowable Something created an explosion and the Natural Forces that arose from this explosion worked toward making the universe now possible.
That was the first thing, but the second was, “darkness was on the face of the deep; and the Spirit of the gods – the natural forces moved – upon the receptive forces – I changed that to try to give it its original meaning.
Therefore, at the risk of making many mistakes, I will give a free rendering.
That which moved not and remains always unknowable expressed out of itself seven creative forces. There was conceived within the one purpose of these the plan and a living spiritual plan of the whole cosmos. From beginning to end, all existed as divine realities in this conception. But, it was not yet made real in time, space and motion. But the creative energies began to bring into being the forces and archetypes that would be the body upon which the physical universe would later hang.
The basic receptive substance of the universe was in darkness, chaotic and unmoulded, as yet without form. All the elements of existence were in chaos and unknown. But the creative forces extended into the unformed. Beyond time and space the divine energies caused a great symphony of vibratory energy to express. The Word, which through its patterns of vibrations would be the pattern of creation.”
Science states that after the creative explosions the universe was in darkness for 300,000 years. Then, “Electrons combine with protons and neutrons to form atoms, mostly hydrogen and helium. Light can finally shine.” Let There Be Light.
“And the forces of nature worked to create light so Let there be light, and there was light’.
“And on the seventh day the gods ended their work which had been made; and the rested on the seventh day from all their work which they had made.”
A day is translated as a period of time, and science points out that it took it took seven great periods pf change to reach the situation we know know.
Here are uncovered all the ridiculous myths we have been taught, such as the demeaning of women in the Bible, and the fact that Adam is not a single person.
Hebrew, an ancient language, that is quite different to English. This becomes obvious when we remember that the Greek letters alpha, and omega, mean ‘beginning’ and ‘end’. We still say ‘alpha and ‘omega’ to mean the beginning and the end of something, but perhaps without knowing that in a similar way, all of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet have a meaning quite by themselves.
Just as the Greek – Alpha – means “the beginning” so does the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Aleph mean primal creation, for it is the inaudible out-breathing preparatory to making a sound and only made audible by the vowel pointing that underlies it. Daleth as a letter means multiplication, becoming many, and Mem is the sign of unlimited plurality. If we put these together, we discover something interesting. ADM – Adam.
Symbolism of Adam and Eve
Here, staring us in the face, is the possibility that the word Adam is not singular. It is not referring to an individual. It says – the first creative cause multiplying and becoming many. If anything, it is referring to a force or process in nature, certainly not some physical forebear. Yet for generations this is what we have been led into believing. But let us take the story from the beginning and see the wonderful wisdom it unfolds. It would take too much space to do this word by word as has been done with the word Adam, so I will only give a synthesis of this deeper translation, with occasional notes. To make this understandable without too many notes, I will have to enlarge on the actual words used. For instance, a general translation of the first verse of Genesis is. “Firstly, Elohim created the heavens and the earth”.
ADAM as the forebears of humanity is both female and male. Here it is all explained, along with description of our status as fallen angels who are learning how to rise again through many lives. also the influence of heavenly bodies on our fate and fortunes.
Read it here – The Secret Bible