The House In Your Dream
When you dream of a house, you are meeting a hugely important and many sided representation of yourself. It is both many faceted and multidimensional.
Although you cannot see it, your mind, along with your beliefs, has a particular structure or form. If the shape of your mind could be built into a three dimensional model, such as a house, you would probably be able to see that your mind has as unique a shape as your fingerprints. But at the same time there would be features of your mental ‘house’ that were very much the same as most of the people within your own culture. If there were a museum of the mind you would see in it that the human mind has altered its shape in an evolutionary fashion just as the human body has. The model of minds of even a few centuries ago would have a much larger area devoted to religious feelings and thoughts. The area dealing with personal identity would be much larger in the modern mind.
Each dream image holds enormous data, emotional response, and created patterns of behaviour. So in considering the house in your dream you need to remember you are in touch with a full surround databank of fantastic information about you, your past and your possibilities. You can interact with this information by exploring it in the right way. And to help with this let us look at and question some of the possibilities your dream house might hold. See Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
For instance how old do you feel the house is – and in stating its age, does that connect in any way with your own age and time of birth? If so how?
If the age differs from your own age, what period of time or your life does it coincide with and what relevance has that to you? The style of the house may also suggest something of your attitude to life. As you explore the house in general look for connections to any aspect or period of your life.
Does the house seem to be much older than you are? If so what are your impressions of it and what it contains? What is your relationship with it and are you searching for or finding something in it? Or perhaps this is about an event, a relationship, or an influence you can feel in connection with the house. Try to define the influence or whatever you experience, and see if you can notice how that is active or influencing your current life. If the age differs from your own age, what period of time or your life does it coincide with and what relevance has that to you?
If this is an old house and you gain entrance to new areas, you need to ask yourself what influences from the past – perhaps the long past – are emerging in you at the moment.
Is it a strong house, or are there weaknesses; and what style of house is it? In other words what does the dream house suggest about those things?
If possible write down your response to these questions so you build up information as we go along. For instance any weakness in the house needs to be seen as difficulties you have and of course strengths as signs of ability to cope with life
Is it a strong house, or are there weaknesses? What is the condition of the house, its state of repair?
Is the house well built or weak in some areas. If weak what areas and what can you gather from that? If it is well built, does it reflect any particular skills or strengths you have and does your personality and inner life reflect those skills or lack of them?
Any weakness in the house may represent difficulties you are facing – and of course strengths are signs of your ability to cope with life. Does this link in any way with either your health, or the condition of your inner or outer life? What is it saying about you?
Is it a house you have never known before – a house new to you?
This is a situation you have not known before, an experience new to you. So it could represent a different way of seeing or relating to yourself.
In the dream how are you relating to the house?
Are you arriving, leaving, repairing it, pulling it down, exploring it? Whatever you are doing, or in whatever way you are relating to the house, what does that suggest about what you are doing to your body, your personality, or your way of life? For instance if leaving, are you leaving a way of life behind? If renovating, what attitudes or part of you are you changing?
If the house is weak in some areas, examine these areas to see what you can gather from them. If it is well built, does it reflect any particular skills or strengths you have and does your personality and inner life reflect those skills or lack of them? Is the house showing you some aspect of your life that is calling out for attention/maintenance/repair?
Is this a house you once lived in, or does it remind you of such a house or dwelling?
If so what was your way of life in that house? What happened to you there – were you going through puberty; were you in or leaving a relationship; was success or failure experienced there; was it a move to achievement or independence? Whatever you remember or define about it, how is that relevant now and in what way is it active in your life?
Also, what was the environment or atmosphere like in that house? Sometimes it is easier to see this looking back as you are often too immersed at the time, so take time to describe it to yourself.
In the dream how are you relating to the house? Are you arriving, leaving, repairing it, pulling it down, or exploring it?
Whatever you are doing, or in whatever way you are relating to the house, what does that suggest about what you are doing to your body, your personality, or your way of life? For instance if leaving, are you leaving a way of life behind? If renovating, what attitudes or part of you are you changing?
Does the house give you an impression of great age?
Is it older than you are? If so what are your impressions of it and what it contains? What is your relationship with it and are you searching for or finding something in it? Or perhaps this is about an event, a relationship, or an influence you can feel in connection with the house. Try to define the influence or whatever you experience, and see if you can notice how that is active or influencing your current life.
Does this house belong to somebody else and how are you relating to this house?
Are you entering or leaving this house? Sometimes such a house can suggest your relationship with someone else. If not that then a new or different way of or situation in life. So can you connect with any of those suggestions, and if so in what way?
Consider how you are relating to this house, your movements and feelings here. Are you comfortable here, are there aspects of the house that you would like to change? Is the house familiar, or are you drawn to explore further? What feelings does it evoke? Are you coming or going? Sometimes such a house can represent a new or different way of living or situation in life.
What social status does the house suggest?
Do the surroundings of the house suggest wealth, poverty or some level of social status? If so try to define it and how you relate to it now or in the past.
Has a new area of the house been discovered?
If so what is in it? What atmosphere or feelings does it arouse? What do you find, feel or discover in this new area? In what way does this reflect discovery of new attitudes, talents or self discovery in yourself.
If this is an old house and you gain entrance to new areas, you need to ask yourself what influences from the past – perhaps the long past – are emerging in you at the moment.
Now see if you can summarise your responses to see what they suggest of the things you are meeting, feeling or growing into at the moment.
Is this a house you once lived in, or knew well?
If so what was your way of life in that house? What happened to you there? – were you going through puberty; were you in or leaving a relationship; was success or failure experienced there; was it a move to or achievement of independence? Whatever you remember or define about it, how is that relevant now and in what way is it active in your life?
Also, what was the environment or atmosphere like in that house? What feelings does it evoke in you now? Sometimes it is easier to see this looking back as you are often too immersed at the time, so take time to describe it to yourself.
Was a ghost involved in the dream?
This usually about something that happened there, or a childood event that caused fear, and the memory is still hauntung you. See if you can feel the feelings and ask yourself what caused them.
in my dream my mom build a new wooden house and we are outside and all the doors and windows are close and I am painting it with grease
Natoya – Your mother has been a big influence in your life. So much so your present personality has been built with that influence. Your personality is made up of a lot of natural influences, and you are good at preserving your confidence, but maybe you are a little too protected against others intruding into your life. But you are strong enough to be more open and allow someone in. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
I’ve had over 20 dreams the past year of my childhood house growing up in Miami. Even Though i haven’t seen it since i was around 10, in my dreams I seem to have inherited the house. Usually I am repairing some aspect of the house, sometimes theres a pool party, sometimes theres a new basement room with a ghost inside. I have never had dreams so vivid and memorable before, also have never had repeating dreams of the same subject. Thanks for this page, helps me rationalize what any of my dreams could mean. Maybe it is just a representation of myself in my current situation in life, always changing though.
Dylan – The house is, in my opinion yourself and all you gained from your parents, your upbringing, and of course the house – for we take in so much more than we realise from the structure, the style, the quality, the workmanship or otherwise of the builders. As was said in the page you looked at, you are in touch – when you dream of a house – with a full surround databank of fantastic information about you, your past and your possibilities.
Our mind is a fantastic and multidimensional area. It holds all that you have even been –most of it unconscious. You still hold the original primeval slime in your testicles that was the start of life. You are still a cellular creature. You still have within you all the levels of being, the reptilian brain, the mammalian brain and the human brain. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
So most of is live in only a tiny part of us, and your dreams try to add to your awareness. Of course you are often repairing some aspect of the house, and the ghost is something from your past that needs attention. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
An interesting site – thanks very much !!
I had a dream that i was visiting a house i grew up in and a Hispanic family was living there and i asked if i could look around and they told me i look like an older version of who is haunting the house
Tanya – This reminds me of a true story reported in Readers Digest of a woman who kept dreaming of a house with a big garden, a house she had never seen before. Then one day while on holiday with her husband she saw the house. She was so excited she went into the garden of the big house and walked around. But some workers of the house ran away terrified. She found out a ghost frequently walked around at night, and when they saw her walking around in the day they were frightened.
But your dream is different. It was an event that must have taken place while you were young. It caused you to haunt the place by leaving your body, and perhaps you still dream about that house. It is an unusual dream so I am guessing.
I dream every night and there is always a house involved. It might be my childhood home or my X inlaw’s house. It might be a huge magnificent house with large rooms and high ceilings. It might be an abandoned house that has many floors and many rooms. But usually my Grandma or Mom (who have passed) are there watching me. If I’m in my childhood home, I am usually looking for someone. If I’m outside my Xinlaw’s house, they have my kids and I am watching everything from the outside. And if it is that grand house, if I feel threatened or confused, I just start to fly close to the ceiling and get away. Every night. No fail.
Connie – A house usually represent you – your body that you live in. I have an impression that you are trying to find your place in yourself and life.
Part of that is the connection with your mother and grandma, and also your childhood home, are part of your search for meaning. The childhood home is about the feelings, troubles or things that stick in your mind about that time.
Your mum and grandma are a tremendous link with what they have left in you from their relationships with you. Most people are often totally unaware of the massive experience they take in during a relationship and how it interacts with them when we love someone or have lived with them. In other words the memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event.
They are also a link with your spiritual life and that is where the ‘magnificent house’ and the one with many rooms and floors come in. They show you that really you have a lot more of you that you have not explored. You have tremendous unused potential. They also represent what you have as a sort of heirloom. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
the house i was born in now belongs to my sister.she moved in to look after my mum before she passed away.my mums been dead for 24 years. its been the last 12 months or more iev been dreaming that my sister has moved out and iam thinking about moving in but never do.its mainly the same dream.just unsure what it means.have a lot of good memories and bad in the house just dont know what it all means.
I have often had the same dreams about houses and I can’t work out what they mean. In my dreams I am in a house that I know is mine but I am finding one room that is full of all sorts of things, very valuable as well as ordinary. Things that belong or belonged to some other person or people. I feel full of guilt for now having these things that do not belong to me and very burdened by it.
Another constant dream is that I find myself in a huge kitchen which I know belongs to me but is unfamiliar to me. It is full of the best gadgets and appliances but I don’t even know how to use them.
In other dreams I find myself discovering room after room, sometimes one leading on to the other. As I go from one to another I feel more and more scared.
I have alot to say,one being that I have always dreamed about random,unknown houses.Even in childhood.The dreams have always been similar but the houses are normally unfamiliar.There was a long break in my house dreams because my dreams were making way for a new reaccuring dream that I feel I should explain first before I explain my house dreams because my house dreams have just recently returned.
The dreams that replaced my house dreams involved a yellow python snake.He began by biting and attacking me out of nowhere during normal dreams,like an odd twisted begining to some sort of scarey movie lol.I would struggle with him and win,but only to keep him at bay.Like an agreement between him and I.Then I dreamed of a dirty secret and corpses buried in my home town.I felt guilty as if I was apart of this secret.In that dream the yellow python attacked me and squeezed at my neck,i faught him off and he stayed at bay,glaring at me.Then one night I had my house dream again and the yellow python was there,slithering on the kitchen ceiling,striking at my children.I faught and pleaded with him,he wrapped himself around any child who entered the room and I struggled to free them.Finally he slithered away into a vent above the kitchen table,glaring at me,watching me.I woke up so affraid that I made an appointment with my doctor.I had what could become cancer.I was treated and I guess I kind of knew all along,my yellow python was cancer.He has not returned nor do I “feel” him lurking in the background of any of my dreams sence my sugery.Now my house dreams have returned and as long as the python dreams dont cross with my house dreams I guess im ok lol.My house dreams are normally houses that I dont reconize.I dont know the ages of the houses but I am normally the age that I am when the dreams accure.Normally we are moving into the house.And either it is instantly visable that the house has many rooms,some old and run down some new or we discover hidden rooms that are old and run down.I am always happy to discover new space though.In some dreams I begin planning right away…the old run down rooms means more space for my family and because I am a mother with some skill in carpentry,we can use the space,remodel it.The boys can have a guitar room and I can have a work shop,my step children who are adults can move in.But the door always gets closed and never reopened.In any of the dreams I cant recall what the livable rooms look like I only remember in vivid detail what these unlivable,run down,stale,smelly,rotten rooms look like.The wallpaper is usually a faded burgandy.Old wooden slat walls rotten and exposed behind the wallpaper.Ripped curtains wooden floors with vines growing out.Or maybe the rooms are missing a wall and I can see into another delapidated room.Damaged and rotten Intricatly carved wood and stained,rottwn,torn lace patterned wallpapers.Reminents of cloth and wooden frames from long gone formal furniture and decor.I can appriciate the beauty in these rooms.I can see what they can be and the newly dicovered space is welcomed.But the door always gets closed,the repairs dont happen and im somewhat affraid of these rooms.I wake up before I can begin renovations and it is never said why the renos never began.And why im mildly affraid of the rooms.I love art and I love wood working,i love antiques and can find photos of delapidated moss covered things to be lovely.So for me to be affraid of these spaces is very odd and confusing to me.
I had a dream about a house and in the dream it was my huband and I’s house before we renovated it. So it was like the house was in the past. We were walking through the kitchen which was a shamble! The whole house was empty and in need of new paint, carpet and light. In the dream we were aware that this house was how it originally was when we bought it and we were selling it and it was as if the real estate were using old footage from when we bought it because it had been fully restored and were using the footage like a hologram over the fixed up house.
I’ve never seen this house before but in the dream i was looking at the hologram and trying to remember how things were placed in it. We don’t own our own home either.
I dreamed of a large house that I had to move to. I was uncomfortable there and dreaded the move. My mother (deceased) was there, being cared for by someone else–she pointed out to me that I didn’t have to worry about moving everything, that I could do that later. The house had at one time been nice, but was in a state of disrepair and dysfunction. I would be sharing the house with a man I didn’t know, who had put a divider across the kitchen, disabling the kitchen plumbing and appliance access.
What I got from the dream was that I am seeing things that needed to be fixed in my life, but there are obstacles (I would have to deal with the stranger to gain access to a working kitchen; my physical limitations made me dread the actual work and moving involved; a huge effort is needed to make changes, etc.).
Do you have any insights into this troubling dream? I am 59 and have been fretting about the need to change my life (I have become more and more withdrawn and inactive).
I had a dream that my dad took me and my lol brother to a house that was once/used to be his, so that he could keep us after the divorce. The trail to it was muddy and had the fear that we could fall off the bank it ran along. Inside me brother and I were not happy to know why we hadn’t moved here. The set up was nice but the walls were weak and moved as you pushed them. It was fully furnished but weeds had grown up all around it. We were followed by some other important ppl in my life. I still have no idea what it means exactly, but I cm only assume, even at the he I am now that im still upset about the living situation with my parents and wanted to be with my dad and help him prove he could take care of us the way we needed him to…?
I need a new home. Mine is falling apart!
Jeff – Try visualising exactly what you want in a home.
One last thing. I have weird puzzling dreams everynight. Sometimes I dream about houses that I have never seen or places I have never been and then it may be a day later or a month or even a year but I see that house or place in real life! I tell my boyfriend and he must think im crazy but as soon as I see that house or place I remember whatever dream I had and it makes me feel so weird because how could I have drempt about this if I have never seen it before. Sorry for all the comments im just looking for awnsers to these weird dreams.
Another dream I have had is of an old victorian house. I have had this three times. It always ends the same. Im always going through rooms and trying to find an exit. Each time I have the dream there are different rooms I am going through. The last room is always the same. Its a school room at the top of the house I reach a balconie then I jump off of it and hide behind a bush. I cant move from that point and im so scared the I wake up. What does this mean?
I had this dream that I was in a new house that I had moved into with some friends. There was an attic that I knew I was not supposed to go in. Nobody told me it was just something I felt. I had left the house and all the suddon I was in front of an old wood house. It was borded up from the inside and in my mind I was thinking of a way to get in it. Then I was at the other house again. I went into the attic and it was filled with things and I got a bad feeling like there was something evil in the attic. I grabbed a chair and ran out. Then I was in a car and it was raining and I was at my friends house but the problem was I had never seen this person before. I had never seen this house before. Then I woke up.