The House In Your Dream
When you dream of a house, you are meeting a hugely important and many sided representation of yourself. It is both many faceted and multidimensional.
Although you cannot see it, your mind, along with your beliefs, has a particular structure or form. If the shape of your mind could be built into a three dimensional model, such as a house, you would probably be able to see that your mind has as unique a shape as your fingerprints. But at the same time there would be features of your mental ‘house’ that were very much the same as most of the people within your own culture. If there were a museum of the mind you would see in it that the human mind has altered its shape in an evolutionary fashion just as the human body has. The model of minds of even a few centuries ago would have a much larger area devoted to religious feelings and thoughts. The area dealing with personal identity would be much larger in the modern mind.
Each dream image holds enormous data, emotional response, and created patterns of behaviour. So in considering the house in your dream you need to remember you are in touch with a full surround databank of fantastic information about you, your past and your possibilities. You can interact with this information by exploring it in the right way. And to help with this let us look at and question some of the possibilities your dream house might hold. See Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
For instance how old do you feel the house is – and in stating its age, does that connect in any way with your own age and time of birth? If so how?
If the age differs from your own age, what period of time or your life does it coincide with and what relevance has that to you? The style of the house may also suggest something of your attitude to life. As you explore the house in general look for connections to any aspect or period of your life.
Does the house seem to be much older than you are? If so what are your impressions of it and what it contains? What is your relationship with it and are you searching for or finding something in it? Or perhaps this is about an event, a relationship, or an influence you can feel in connection with the house. Try to define the influence or whatever you experience, and see if you can notice how that is active or influencing your current life. If the age differs from your own age, what period of time or your life does it coincide with and what relevance has that to you?
If this is an old house and you gain entrance to new areas, you need to ask yourself what influences from the past – perhaps the long past – are emerging in you at the moment.
Is it a strong house, or are there weaknesses; and what style of house is it? In other words what does the dream house suggest about those things?
If possible write down your response to these questions so you build up information as we go along. For instance any weakness in the house needs to be seen as difficulties you have and of course strengths as signs of ability to cope with life
Is it a strong house, or are there weaknesses? What is the condition of the house, its state of repair?
Is the house well built or weak in some areas. If weak what areas and what can you gather from that? If it is well built, does it reflect any particular skills or strengths you have and does your personality and inner life reflect those skills or lack of them?
Any weakness in the house may represent difficulties you are facing – and of course strengths are signs of your ability to cope with life. Does this link in any way with either your health, or the condition of your inner or outer life? What is it saying about you?
Is it a house you have never known before – a house new to you?
This is a situation you have not known before, an experience new to you. So it could represent a different way of seeing or relating to yourself.
In the dream how are you relating to the house?
Are you arriving, leaving, repairing it, pulling it down, exploring it? Whatever you are doing, or in whatever way you are relating to the house, what does that suggest about what you are doing to your body, your personality, or your way of life? For instance if leaving, are you leaving a way of life behind? If renovating, what attitudes or part of you are you changing?
If the house is weak in some areas, examine these areas to see what you can gather from them. If it is well built, does it reflect any particular skills or strengths you have and does your personality and inner life reflect those skills or lack of them? Is the house showing you some aspect of your life that is calling out for attention/maintenance/repair?
Is this a house you once lived in, or does it remind you of such a house or dwelling?
If so what was your way of life in that house? What happened to you there – were you going through puberty; were you in or leaving a relationship; was success or failure experienced there; was it a move to achievement or independence? Whatever you remember or define about it, how is that relevant now and in what way is it active in your life?
Also, what was the environment or atmosphere like in that house? Sometimes it is easier to see this looking back as you are often too immersed at the time, so take time to describe it to yourself.
In the dream how are you relating to the house? Are you arriving, leaving, repairing it, pulling it down, or exploring it?
Whatever you are doing, or in whatever way you are relating to the house, what does that suggest about what you are doing to your body, your personality, or your way of life? For instance if leaving, are you leaving a way of life behind? If renovating, what attitudes or part of you are you changing?
Does the house give you an impression of great age?
Is it older than you are? If so what are your impressions of it and what it contains? What is your relationship with it and are you searching for or finding something in it? Or perhaps this is about an event, a relationship, or an influence you can feel in connection with the house. Try to define the influence or whatever you experience, and see if you can notice how that is active or influencing your current life.
Does this house belong to somebody else and how are you relating to this house?
Are you entering or leaving this house? Sometimes such a house can suggest your relationship with someone else. If not that then a new or different way of or situation in life. So can you connect with any of those suggestions, and if so in what way?
Consider how you are relating to this house, your movements and feelings here. Are you comfortable here, are there aspects of the house that you would like to change? Is the house familiar, or are you drawn to explore further? What feelings does it evoke? Are you coming or going? Sometimes such a house can represent a new or different way of living or situation in life.
What social status does the house suggest?
Do the surroundings of the house suggest wealth, poverty or some level of social status? If so try to define it and how you relate to it now or in the past.
Has a new area of the house been discovered?
If so what is in it? What atmosphere or feelings does it arouse? What do you find, feel or discover in this new area? In what way does this reflect discovery of new attitudes, talents or self discovery in yourself.
If this is an old house and you gain entrance to new areas, you need to ask yourself what influences from the past – perhaps the long past – are emerging in you at the moment.
Now see if you can summarise your responses to see what they suggest of the things you are meeting, feeling or growing into at the moment.
Is this a house you once lived in, or knew well?
If so what was your way of life in that house? What happened to you there? – were you going through puberty; were you in or leaving a relationship; was success or failure experienced there; was it a move to or achievement of independence? Whatever you remember or define about it, how is that relevant now and in what way is it active in your life?
Also, what was the environment or atmosphere like in that house? What feelings does it evoke in you now? Sometimes it is easier to see this looking back as you are often too immersed at the time, so take time to describe it to yourself.
Was a ghost involved in the dream?
This usually about something that happened there, or a childood event that caused fear, and the memory is still hauntung you. See if you can feel the feelings and ask yourself what caused them.
Have the same dream a penthouse i feel kitchen on left living space on right v big arched window overlooking sea and light v v peaceful now sister in law having exactly same dream and my husband is but he feels as though its a v v big house n theres a birthday party there whats it mean
I had dream last night that this dog talked to me about cremation in a backyard then he said it would help his fur.Then he vanished I didn’t see him until further on in my dreams. But then I walked inside the kitchen was not empty but the house was (remind you its older and iv never saw or been in a house like this) but I walked upstairs and I saw a bedroom So I walked in had a sick feeling like something is haunting it and don’t want me in the room.I look in the closest and I saw little boys stuff like school work and toys he had a name and its Jake but a random man was suddenly right beside me in the closet on one knee looking in the stuff to talk to me like we have known each other for year’s and he was telling me the story of what happen to the boy it was very sad but after I walked out the closet I had that same sick feeling so I went back in the closet and me and the man walked out of it to the steps I walked all the way down and he was gone.Went back outside after my confusion and I saw the dog he stopped and talked to me and her was cremated but it was different it was like really hard dry clay and he said his story .I talked a little and last thing I can remember was me saying Awh they forgotten about you .
I have a recurring dream about being in a big house that belongs to my boyfriends father. In previous dreams i’ve explored almost all the secret rooms and am constantly discovering new ones. However at the end of each one of these dreams i always feel the need to go to the bathroom ( there are many bathrooms in the house, and im always going back to the same one ). Once i get the bathroom i fill the bath with water and begin to masturbate and can never finish before I wake up. What could this mean? I have this dreAm about twice a month.
Amanda – You are in your boyfriend’s father house which suggests a connection. I have to ask whether you find the father sexually attractive. If you do it may explain some aspects of the dream.
The huge house with secret rooms represents recognition or discovery of previously unnoticed aspects, abilities, fears, or traits in oneself. It shows parts of your own nature that you were previously unaware of.
The bathroom can depict a form or ritual which is getting one ready for something, perhaps a new experience, or the deepening of ones experience in an important area of your life, such as sexuality. Such an initiation might involve the meeting with your feelings or fears about relationship or your life situation – perhaps meeting your own male/female self more fully. But in your dream it always ends in frustration. So what are you constantly frustrating sexually? Who would you like to complete the sexual experience with and have an orgasm? Imagine yourself in the bathroom and see that happens. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
My dream recurs allot. I dream at our currant ages…my daughter and I are living or trying to live in a nice apartment or upper part of a nice home. Mostly in a city area I would not be able to afford and im cant believe im there. Usually when where comfortable and my daughters content drawing and we are watching tv and all her pink items are there I get a message from a family member saying its there house and they are comng for a visit and we can stay but we akways have to go in the room downstairs. Then I look around to see their stuff.
Hi. So I consistently have a dream that im standing in a large clearing in the middle of the woods with a large circular house two stories with a deck on a slight hill maybe on the side of a mountain because the trees are large and dark green. The house is old and worn and creepy.ive never been inside because I’m afraid I think or I just know it won’t end good.one specific dream I was like 12 yrs old with an old friend running around the house playing with bb guns but never went in.another my boss told me to clean the house and I freaked out and repeatedly refused I was shocked that he would even ask that of me as if he should have already know its not a place to go or something but other dreams I just stand at the top of the hill looking at the house?any insight would be appreciated
I have dreams about houses a lot. It’s not so much a recurring dream as each dream is different from the other in the aspect that its a different house, but I guess you could say it has the same recurring theme. I’ve had a house dream like this at least 30-50 times over the past 5-8 years, I’ve been trying to keep track of it better. But basically I keep dreaming about being in a house and exploring it to a certain extent. I feel like there is so much that I don’t know is in there because there is so much left there and very few items belong to me if any.
The houses are always full of previous tenants things, mostly furnished, and there’s always things in drawers, cabinets, sometimes hidden things. Some of the houses have secrets like stairwells and different passages/rooms.
I always feel in the dream that I inherited the house and I leave most of the items in the house and don’t mess with them and also dont have time to go through others. I’m always coming across something new it seems. The houses aren’t really scary but they’re dark…it always seems dark inside.
My most recent dream involving a house like this was just about 20 minutes ago, I was taking a nap.
Same theme in dreams about being in a house that was NOW MINE, but nothing in the house really belonged to me. It almost feels as if someone dies and leaves their house to me but its completely cool to me, and I’m not sure how to feel as I explore and take in that its MY house. The only thing different in my dream this time was that someone hires this guy to help me go through stuff and start getting rid of the previous owners things. Lots of things are still dusty, a lot of new things come to the service as there was much I had not went through. This guy is being paid to stay in the house with me. It’s a house with at least 3 floors, each with a deck/balcony and shelving lining each stairwell to each level. It’s old but not super old, probably comparable to my childhood house’s age. But the houses in the dreams are always different. Like unkept, forgotten about, and you can tell its not been lived in for a while.
2 of my past house inheritance dreams involved finding animals in the house. Once was birds in a room in cages…feathers everywhere…and the birds alive though in the dream it was assumed they were left in this room in this house for at least a couple weeks without being tended to in any way. Also there were squirrels in a big tank thing, like 8-12 squirrels in this cage all unattended to yet alive as well. Another one of my house dreams, there was a fishtank with fish alive in it, but they had been unattended to for months in this house with no one living in it. Somehow they were fish that never needed to be fed or worried about. They were beautiful and glowing and swimming about when I found them in the basement in their tank.
Another dream I inherited this house and never seemed to get to explore everything but found a kitchen hoarded with animals, they were all alive, turtles, and other creatures in drawers but pull out cage type drawers, a lot of them hidden. Like in the cabinets. I think there were also rabbits and a snake in the kitchen.
I do not know what any of these dreams mean but I dream the same theme in my house dreams fairly often.
Deanna – This is a type of dream I have met often, and even explored one wonderful dream – not interpreted it but explored by using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
There is so much to explain to make sense of your dream, dreams come from the process of life within us, and the life within us is ancient and existed before words, so you may only get hints from words. Your dreams constantly point out that other people have lived in this house, and also that you own it and everything in it. I know that is a paradox but it becomes understandable when you realise that your body and sense of self grew from a seed – and seeds have a history going back uncountable years. As such what grows from the seed is the product of past things. Your present personality is new, but what you grew from in past seeds is old and so you inherit so much that your present personality is not aware of. Thus the paradox. Please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-conjuring-trick/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-conjuring-trick/
Things you find are all old traits or abilities you have gathered over many past dwellings. Your dreams have been trying to wake you up to this, and if you begin to realise that you are a much bigger person and much older than present day views hold, then it will help you to wake up to who your really are and use your immense potential.
The basement is in a way the part of you that you are usually unaware of, but comes alive in your dreams. But of course it hasn’t yet come really awake. And of course the animals are all alive – because in this inner world of basement/dreams nothing ever dies. That is why your memory is still alive – but you forget your long past because you have a new brain, and the new brain can only get to past memories when it touches the dream/inner world. Also please read to understand the animals you hold inside you – – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
So for the past years I’ve been having a dream about this beautiful hug house there’s so many room but there’s always one I seem to cross it’s a little girl I look at it and I know it’s not mine but I always seem to admire how gorgeous it looks there’s also so many secret door and last night I had a dream about my family living in there and they were all happy. My boyfriend was in it too and i don’t know I want to figure this out .
Over the years I have dreams about different houses. It is never the same house and I never know what the outside looks like. I’ll be in one room and go to walk thru a door way to the next room and then I’m in a totally different house. There r always please there, some I know some I dont. Sometimes I get the feeling it’s my house and other times I feel like a guest. I smile and the people they smile back, but we never have conversations and I don’t feel like I’m looking for anything just oozing around, it’s crazy….what does this mean?
Shannon – A difficult dream to comment on well, because different houses can indicate many things. It can mean changes in attitude that you experience – different relationships you enter into – different periods of your life.
But you ooze around, suggesting that you are not someone hung up on one relationship or one way of living. But the best way to be sure is to use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Hi, I had a dream that I bought a small 5 bedroom house in a community I used to live at. The house is old and a cold gust of wind keeps seeping in. The house is not insulated completely and I found opened/crumbling walls whenever I turn. I speak to a man and he says he built these fences a lot time ago- I remmeber wanting to ask him to work on it again. I am living in the house alone and the only insulated rooms are the smallest ones that belonged to my brother before (they had lived here but the house does not look like the one I grew up in). What does this mean?
I had a dream of a house at least 3 or 4 bedrooms. Had just moved in with my two kids and fiance. My fiance only niece and nephew helped us move boxes in. Not even after a hour of being there I had an unease feeling, very negative. So I was left there for the first time by myself unpacking boxes while my fiance, HIS niece, nephew, and our kids went to get something to eat. As soon as they had shut the door to leave a ghost or ghosts were laughing my fiance,niece, nephew,and kids came back 10 mins later if not even that long and I explained to my fiance what happened but he just laughed and then there were 2 dead rats falling from ceiling, then two other animals that I vaguely remember a min later my son was crying or calling me and my husband rush to get him my husband came back empty handed but my son was coming through another room door that was without light and what I realize when he came through was there was a fan in front of the door way he didn’t know how to turn the door knob or reach it to get a grip of the door. My fiance and I looked at each other with tears in our eyes saying it’s time to go and I was awaken.
I had this dream of an old house, looked almost like the one pictured above, but the trees were skinnier. The house was abandoned, but furniture and food were intact. However, the place was decrepit and the food had dust(such as cans) I had this dream twice in a row. The first time, i was alone and i was there as spectature. I was walking around, the ground was hard, not moist or where alot of vegation grew. There were 3 houses that was located there, but far apart. But there was another, but abit furtherer away, like the groundkeeper. I was walking around, then all of sudden i could hear a truck coming toward the first house. 5 kids came out, 2 were caucasian boys, 2 were Caucasian girls and a half breed(aboiriginal-white). They were trying to eat some of the old food, then they started to damage the house, the half breed tried to bust the wall using his back, then the wall ate him, then a young boy around 8 came out of the wall, showed a empty picture frame then he flip it, and it took the 4 white kids. I got scared, then all of a sudden a bunch of kids came up from no where, walked out in a trance, i follwed them. I seen them dancing and chanting by the fire. I got scared and tried to drive away with their truck, then all those kids became like trees around the truck, but thier faces looked dark wide eye and thier mouth shut.
i keep having a reoccuring dream about and old house that is quite beautiful.In my dream my husband and i open the door lights flood in it is decorated lavishly withClassic regency furniture and other styles eclecticly.I feel so fortunate to have purchashed it .But yet in my heart of hearts Iknow it is haunted with a multitude of ghost.Ihear a ghost dog howling from a lavish attached kennel.down a purple hall.the house is made on the round so there really are no hall ways just room after room of beautiful furnishings,Aman i dont know is setting on the sofa dressed in edwardian clothing smiling and waving to me I know is is a stranger and ghost yet I am not afraid he fades from sight while i watch.there is a staircase and i know Ihave climbed it before and the lavish furnishings atop wait for my inspection but i can’t bring myself to climb them because i know some one was murdered on the third floor and dos’nt want me there.As i make my way around the corner there are two laughing children standing in a wing back chair and i run my fingers thru them and they giggle and disapear.I feel very content in this house and ask my closest friend and her dead husband to move in with me.All the while placing the furnishings back to the original position most of it has been pushed into the center of the rooms.The house is much older than i the furnishings older than i .I feel content to be there even though i know it is full of ghost.And proud to be the owner. the doors are always opened the porch inviting and sunny I dont feel trapped in anyway only haunted.a beautiful not quite victorian not quite crafts man 2story house elaborate fireplaces with the most wonderful old butlers pantry and kitchen that i also know contains a ghost.
Orenda – Well, what a lucky woman you are to have opened your mind to such a treasure.
The house is your past history – whether you believe in past lives or not – your dream is showing your inner richness and also some past tragedy – we all have them.
The ghost are feelings you have that are from the past and are ready to bring to life and integrate into your present experience. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
There is so much in your dream that only you can really understand, I suggest you read and use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
An older large house pops up in my dreams every once in a while over the past several years. It has many rooms and some of the rooms are only accessible through tunnels or secret doors… I can never fully get the exact layout because there’s so much… What does that mean?
This is my exact dream and feeling too. I found this blog after I’ve had this dream several times. What does it mean to you?
I have a reoccurring dream of the same house same age as i and if u got out back there is a pool and spa unattended to…but last night I drained it got rid of all the misqetio larvae and scrubbed and started to fill and shock the pool…hmmm
I had a dream I was exploring the engineering building from my college campus. Going up and down in the elevator. It won’t let me get off on the inbetween floors, just the lower floors and the top floor. The lower floors are confusing, and the walls are all CMU, windowless (typical for buildings with lab equipment). The hallways wind about. I am alone in the building, no clue what time of day. I don’t really feel anything except a vague sense of curiosity mingled with a faint bad taste in my mouth.