The House In Your Dream
When you dream of a house, you are meeting a hugely important and many sided representation of yourself. It is both many faceted and multidimensional.
Although you cannot see it, your mind, along with your beliefs, has a particular structure or form. If the shape of your mind could be built into a three dimensional model, such as a house, you would probably be able to see that your mind has as unique a shape as your fingerprints. But at the same time there would be features of your mental ‘house’ that were very much the same as most of the people within your own culture. If there were a museum of the mind you would see in it that the human mind has altered its shape in an evolutionary fashion just as the human body has. The model of minds of even a few centuries ago would have a much larger area devoted to religious feelings and thoughts. The area dealing with personal identity would be much larger in the modern mind.
Each dream image holds enormous data, emotional response, and created patterns of behaviour. So in considering the house in your dream you need to remember you are in touch with a full surround databank of fantastic information about you, your past and your possibilities. You can interact with this information by exploring it in the right way. And to help with this let us look at and question some of the possibilities your dream house might hold. See Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
For instance how old do you feel the house is – and in stating its age, does that connect in any way with your own age and time of birth? If so how?
If the age differs from your own age, what period of time or your life does it coincide with and what relevance has that to you? The style of the house may also suggest something of your attitude to life. As you explore the house in general look for connections to any aspect or period of your life.
Does the house seem to be much older than you are? If so what are your impressions of it and what it contains? What is your relationship with it and are you searching for or finding something in it? Or perhaps this is about an event, a relationship, or an influence you can feel in connection with the house. Try to define the influence or whatever you experience, and see if you can notice how that is active or influencing your current life. If the age differs from your own age, what period of time or your life does it coincide with and what relevance has that to you?
If this is an old house and you gain entrance to new areas, you need to ask yourself what influences from the past – perhaps the long past – are emerging in you at the moment.
Is it a strong house, or are there weaknesses; and what style of house is it? In other words what does the dream house suggest about those things?
If possible write down your response to these questions so you build up information as we go along. For instance any weakness in the house needs to be seen as difficulties you have and of course strengths as signs of ability to cope with life
Is it a strong house, or are there weaknesses? What is the condition of the house, its state of repair?
Is the house well built or weak in some areas. If weak what areas and what can you gather from that? If it is well built, does it reflect any particular skills or strengths you have and does your personality and inner life reflect those skills or lack of them?
Any weakness in the house may represent difficulties you are facing – and of course strengths are signs of your ability to cope with life. Does this link in any way with either your health, or the condition of your inner or outer life? What is it saying about you?
Is it a house you have never known before – a house new to you?
This is a situation you have not known before, an experience new to you. So it could represent a different way of seeing or relating to yourself.
In the dream how are you relating to the house?
Are you arriving, leaving, repairing it, pulling it down, exploring it? Whatever you are doing, or in whatever way you are relating to the house, what does that suggest about what you are doing to your body, your personality, or your way of life? For instance if leaving, are you leaving a way of life behind? If renovating, what attitudes or part of you are you changing?
If the house is weak in some areas, examine these areas to see what you can gather from them. If it is well built, does it reflect any particular skills or strengths you have and does your personality and inner life reflect those skills or lack of them? Is the house showing you some aspect of your life that is calling out for attention/maintenance/repair?
Is this a house you once lived in, or does it remind you of such a house or dwelling?
If so what was your way of life in that house? What happened to you there – were you going through puberty; were you in or leaving a relationship; was success or failure experienced there; was it a move to achievement or independence? Whatever you remember or define about it, how is that relevant now and in what way is it active in your life?
Also, what was the environment or atmosphere like in that house? Sometimes it is easier to see this looking back as you are often too immersed at the time, so take time to describe it to yourself.
In the dream how are you relating to the house? Are you arriving, leaving, repairing it, pulling it down, or exploring it?
Whatever you are doing, or in whatever way you are relating to the house, what does that suggest about what you are doing to your body, your personality, or your way of life? For instance if leaving, are you leaving a way of life behind? If renovating, what attitudes or part of you are you changing?
Does the house give you an impression of great age?
Is it older than you are? If so what are your impressions of it and what it contains? What is your relationship with it and are you searching for or finding something in it? Or perhaps this is about an event, a relationship, or an influence you can feel in connection with the house. Try to define the influence or whatever you experience, and see if you can notice how that is active or influencing your current life.
Does this house belong to somebody else and how are you relating to this house?
Are you entering or leaving this house? Sometimes such a house can suggest your relationship with someone else. If not that then a new or different way of or situation in life. So can you connect with any of those suggestions, and if so in what way?
Consider how you are relating to this house, your movements and feelings here. Are you comfortable here, are there aspects of the house that you would like to change? Is the house familiar, or are you drawn to explore further? What feelings does it evoke? Are you coming or going? Sometimes such a house can represent a new or different way of living or situation in life.
What social status does the house suggest?
Do the surroundings of the house suggest wealth, poverty or some level of social status? If so try to define it and how you relate to it now or in the past.
Has a new area of the house been discovered?
If so what is in it? What atmosphere or feelings does it arouse? What do you find, feel or discover in this new area? In what way does this reflect discovery of new attitudes, talents or self discovery in yourself.
If this is an old house and you gain entrance to new areas, you need to ask yourself what influences from the past – perhaps the long past – are emerging in you at the moment.
Now see if you can summarise your responses to see what they suggest of the things you are meeting, feeling or growing into at the moment.
Is this a house you once lived in, or knew well?
If so what was your way of life in that house? What happened to you there? – were you going through puberty; were you in or leaving a relationship; was success or failure experienced there; was it a move to or achievement of independence? Whatever you remember or define about it, how is that relevant now and in what way is it active in your life?
Also, what was the environment or atmosphere like in that house? What feelings does it evoke in you now? Sometimes it is easier to see this looking back as you are often too immersed at the time, so take time to describe it to yourself.
Was a ghost involved in the dream?
This usually about something that happened there, or a childood event that caused fear, and the memory is still hauntung you. See if you can feel the feelings and ask yourself what caused them.
I’ve been having dreams about this same house. Its only been since a month and a half ago, the beginning of the last trimester of my pregnancy. Its been at a trailer, and at first I was happy, happy to have my own place. But for some reason, I felt like it wasn’t mine. And in the dream I would ‘wake up’ and I would feel like someone was there while I was sleeping. Finally I started realizing stuff was moving around and the doors would even be open once I was ‘awake’. Nobody I was telling would believe me. Finally I told the cops and they ended up catching a guy, a complete stranger, I didn’t know that would come into that house. They arrested him, and I felt like that was the end of that. But, the weird stuff kept happening. The doors would fly open at random, and for some reason I would never go there alone. I would always be there with someone who was close to me. This dream has been happening and continuing for awhile now.
Dear Kate – The last trimester of pregnancy is a time of many changes, both physically and psychologically; http://dreamhawk.com/pregnancy-childbirth/childbirth-as-initiation-2/
Did your dreams about the trailer start at the beginning of your maternity leave?
What do you associate with living in a trailer? Could it reflect a temporary (inner) situation that will change again after you have given birth?
Could it reflect your need for time for yourself without being influenced by other people’s needs or influence?
Could “the stuff that was moving around” reflect the movements of your unborn child – “I would always be there with someone who was close to me” – and things changing inside your body?
Dreams can have many functions and one of them is that dreams are an expression of what is happening in the physical body.
Dreams also often stand in place of actual experience. So through dreams we may experiment with new experience or practice things we have not yet done externally. For instance many young women dream in detail of giving birth. This function of what might be called ‘imagination’ is tremendously undervalued, but is a foundation upon which human survival is built.
“Doors that would even be open once you are “awake” may reflect the cervix opening and the stranger may reflect an unrecognised part of yourself, your behaviour or character, or something you fail to see or recognise as you. In a way this might even be a new growing part of you that you haven’t met before and you may want to explore what this part symbolises, rather than having it arrested; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
An arrest could be a symbol for trying to be in control of all the changes that occur in your psyche and mind at the moment, while being pregnant and giving birth is actually about letting go of control; http://dreamhawk.com/yoga/relaxation-and-giving-birth-5/
Anna 🙂
Oh and I also have no idea what the house looks like from outside. I’ve never seen the exterior. I always just end up inside the house.
Dear Steve – What would have been interesting is to know what “the stuff” is that you see in the bedroom and explore what arises when you become aware that the content of the room has changed; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
If we keep a record of our dreams it will soon become obvious that some of our dream themes, characters or places recur again and again. These recurrences are of various types. A certain theme may have begun in childhood and continued throughout our life – either without change, or as a gradually changing series of dreams. It might be that the feature that recurs is a setting, perhaps a house we visit again and again, but the details differ. Sometimes a series of such dreams begin after or during a particular event or phase of our life, such as puberty or marriage.
A recurring environment in a dream where the other factors change is not the same. We use the same words over and over in speech, yet each sentence may be different. The environment or character represents a particular aspect of oneself, but the different events that surround it show it in the changing process of our psychological growth and experience. Where there is no such change, it suggests an area of our mental emotional self is stuck in a habitual feeling state or response.
Your emotional response has not changed – “In my dreams, whenever I go in this one bedroom in the house, I always get the feeling that it’s haunted” – despite the changes inside the room, and so you might want to explore why you continue to feel haunted when you enter the room; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/haunt-haunted/
What do you feel is the difference between the room that you perceive as haunted and the bedroom across from it?
Could both bedrooms symbolise the opposite sides in you?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/whole-2/
Anna 🙂
I’ve had a recurring dream for years about one house that I’ve never been to or seen in real life. The first time I dreamed of the house, it was in consideration for purchase but that never occurred. Ever since, I’ve just been exploring it. Not leaving, not coming to, just walking around inside. I haven’t found anything new in the house for a long time. It’s not too old of a house but it sure isn’t new. There is something about a room in the house that I don’t like. In my dreams, whenever I go in this one bedroom in the house, I always get the feeling that it’s haunted. Then I’ll go to the bedroom across from it and that’s about it. Every time, I’m drawn to the room that I don’t like. The room always has different stuff in it compared to the last time but the rest of the house stays the same.
Over the years I keep having a dream about this house I have never been too in actual life, but this house I’m always entering at first and everything is normal but then I get a scary feeling of the house,and I try to leave, but when I try, I could only go outside but never leave, there is no city no nothing, just a dead end with a blue house in from of the house and a yellow house to the right of the house , then to the left is just a road, you can see Gog and the yellow ness of the street lights but the road goes no where, I’ve had this dream many times, once I tired to escape through the road, then the 4th time I had the dream I tried to escape for help to the house across the street but no one was home, then today I had that same dream, I tried to escape I ran to the yellow house at the right this time and tried to jump their fence to see if there was any other houses on the other side, but a man popped out with a knife, a thud from a small alley, so I ran back to the house, I tried to leave the house again but I stopped and looked at the tip of the house and the trip stared to shake and crumble then I kept moving my head and suddenly I woke up.
Description of the house: you enter through a black gate and then walk up to the house a bit then take 3 little steps, there’s these two cylinder statues that houses have in front of their houses | | | | <– the ones that look like that, and the house is made of wood, so anyways you enter and there's a dark hallway that leads to the back yard which is full of dirt and plants and a couch by the left of the hallway,then by the couch are some skinny long stairs that lead to the top which looks very dark as well, and that's all I ever see of the house,I never dare go to the top of the house,I always try to escape.
Dear Stephanie – Your dream reflects an inner situation that asks to be dealt with and this is why your dream keeps repeating itself.
I feel it is important to understand that the part of you that creates your dreams is there to help you “clean your mind” of the clutter that is withholding you from living in an inner world where you can feel at ease; http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/#MakesInner
Your dream does not show any space in your inner world yet, where you can relax and I suggest that you create that first.
You can use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/carrying-the-dream-forward/ and apply this approach on cleaning out your “inner garden”; “to the back yard which is full of dirt and plants.”
You do this by going back into your dream while you are awake and you imagine how you clean out the dirt, remove the weed, plant flowers, make a cosy corner with couch and table etc. Use all the creativity you have to create a garden where you enjoy being; you might even want to make a drawing or painting of how you would like your inner garden to look like.
Once you have created this space in your mind where you can always return – it is a process so take your time – you could use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/ to start exploring your inner house step by step.
What you are afraid of in your inner house could be memories, beliefs, feelings, thoughts etc. and building up strength to dare to meet these takes time as well. It is worth the effort to do this inner work for it will change your (inner) life.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
If you feel you need some more guidance with exploring your dreams and your mind, then please feel free to join the Forum; http://dreamhawk.com/forums/index.php?topic=217.msg523#msg523
Anna 🙂
Twice have I seen the exact same house in my dreams. The times in which I dreamt about the house were not very far apart. Although these dreams happened some time ago, they puzzle my thoughts to this day as to their meaning. It is very rare for myself to remember dreams, especially as often as these two occurred retrospect to their selves. Both of these dreams had an apocalyptic setting. The first on was set in an apocalyptic world. I was standing out in the country late in the day as the world around me descend into chaos, when I jumped and turned to see the explosion of a bomb in the horizon. That is when I first saw the house. It was on a distant road abandon and lonely. It was large and simple with the style of a farm house. The boards covering the outside were weathered from age. I could not see much more detail from the setting of the dream. I was extremely focused on the house and at awe even though I knew of the fate the world was soon to face. In my second dream I remember immediately seeing the house, for I was parked on the side of the road it was on. I was urgent to keep moving but at that moment in the dream I was unsure of what I was running from. My car was having problems and I stopped to look at the house. It was the exact same house, lonely and abandon on the road. Large, simple, and beaten from age. However, now this time I saw it in perfect clarity. The boards were somewhat stained from old blue paint, the windows covered thinly with dirt, the creaks and moans of some boards within, holes in the old dry boards outside. Even though the house was cosmetically broken, I could tell I would still stand strong for many years to come. Not once was I ever compelled to step inside the house. I was not fearful or sadden by the sight but amazed and unable to form any thought besides to simply look at that house. Once again off in the horizon, in the same area, a bomb exploded. I simply turned from looking at the large mushroom cloud back to the old grey house standing against the blue sky of that dream’s setting. This puzzles me for I understand the house is a deamers soul, but I am young and have not faced many hardships. Why did I just stare at outside of the house instead of exploring it? Why was I so peaceful in times of crisis? And why was my house that?
Excited for a reply,
Dear Teresa – I like the way you end your comment; with asking questions and while you explore your inner world this way I do trust that answers will arise from within you; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-incubation/
I can share my thoughts with you though.
If we can agree that the house in your dream is a representation of your mind then it helps to understand that your mind is also formed by what you have absorbed and learned from your ancestors.
Perhaps your being able to be peaceful in times of crisis is a result from your parents and/or grandparents learning process which enabled them to develop resilience?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-conjuring-trick/ and please also read the comments at the end of the page.
“The time of crisis” may be about moving from one phase of life to the next – the end of the world as you have known it so far; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/end-of-world/ – and the house may remind you of your feelings that are part of that transition; “It was on a distant road abandoned and lonely” and “It was the exact same house, lonely and abandoned on the road”.
It then may reflect a state of mind that has served its purpose and is no longer useful, which may be why you do not enter the house.
You may find Dan Siegel’s video in which he explains his vision of what happens to our brains and inner world when we go through adolescence informative as well; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH-BO1rJXbQ
The symbols in our dreams are so multi-layered – as is our mind – that there is no one answer to a question and so it helps to play with the symbol while being flexible as to where “It” takes you. You might want to try “Being the house” – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson – and explore what arises from within you.
You also wrote; “I was urgent to keep moving but at that moment in the dream I was unsure of what I was running from. My car was having problems and I stopped to look at the house.”
You might want to explore your feelings at this point of your inner journey and you may discover that looking at the house reminds you of what you have been and are capable of.
It may remind you of the many transitions mankind has gone through and so there is no need to run, reason why you “face it”.
If it feels right, you could use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/active-imagination-and-dreams/ to enter the house and explore it.
As you can see I can explore and play with your dream and write down what arises, but it is your creation, and so once again, the answers are within you, where the questions are.
I feel it would be also interesting to explore if you are really peaceful, or if your inner peace is a result of repression, rather than expressing your feelings.
I think exploring that will serve a purpose because there are symbols in your dream that may reflect your unacknowledged fears; like http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/atom-bomb/
To explore if there are thoughts, feelings, images that are better expressed than repressed, you can use http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/the-lifestream/#Open
Anna 🙂
I keep having a semi-reoccurring dream… The idea is the same. It’s about a house I move to with my family, I’m still a child, probably around the pre-teen/young teen age.
We all cram into these rooms, there’s not enough space for us but we deal with it. I go and explore the house (which changes in each dream)…
Anyways, I explore a little and find an extra section of the house, rooms or maybe another suite attached. But as soon as I walk into these extra spacey areas, I loose my breath. I feel a big sense of evil in the room and can’t bare to be in and just suffer stuffing into small proportions of the house at all cost to avoid entering these evil corridors… What could this signify??
Dear Kimberly – In your dreams you explore parts of your mind that you have not been aware of before.
The finding of extra or secret rooms is a common dream theme and reflects the recognition or discovery of previously unnoticed aspects, abilities, fears, or traits in yourself. If the discovery is distressing, this may reflect a feeling of a change in your status quo which is disturbing. But the hidden room can indicate entering a new dimension of your awareness, one that reveals previously hidden or unknown facets of your personality.
That you perceive the extra section as “evil” may reflect your perception as a pre-teenager and exploring it will bring it into awareness so that you can decide again how you choose to perceive it now.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/evil/
When you decide to explore these parts of the house, you could use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and/or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream about my grandma’s house that i grew up in. In the dream i lived there in her house my room was one of the rooms in the back. Everything about the house was the same as it is today. My family was in the livingroom just gathered conversating and having a good time. My ex and father to my kid’s was there it was like he was there on the account of me. I had a friend who I love unconditionally show up unexpected looking for me. He sat in my room to talk to me he fell asleep on my couch. I left him there to go back to my family gathering and My ex came out the shower and wad heading to my room. I stopped him from entering but he shoved me into the room and became furious at the sight out my friend sleeping on the couch. My friend woke and jumped out the window. I told my ex to leave he left my grandma house in a violent rage. I leaped out the window after my friend who was captured by a man who had a gun. I tackled the man knocking him out. I kept running with my friend to get him to a safe place but a car full of ppl stopped us and grabbed him away from me. They kept saying they were his family but I knew they weren’t. they kept pulling us apart here looked scared and sad for me so he left with them. i ran back to my grandma house and slammed the door and woke up from my dream in a shooken up state. This isn’t the first time I’ve had a dream about my friend being pulled away from me.
I was watching two teams building a small wooden house next to eachother , when I asked what they were doing one of the workers said they were both in competion with their designs and were building them for a wealthy man who was then going to assign the team who’s house he liked best to then build a proper bigger version ! I was impressed by their skils and speed in which they worked I asked one of them if they ever needed extra help as liked the idea of having their skills and loved the idea of building wooden houses ! I can’t remember what his answer was , but I was suddenly distracted by my dog who was sprinting after an animal I thought it was a Bush Turkey I called then chased after him he dissapered over an embankment and there was a lane below , I was filled with horror as it turned out while I was watching these houses being build my dog was off chasing and maming animals first I saw a cow that may have been dead then I saw a buffalo that was seriously wounded then I saw there had been a car accident I was horrified that my dog had created all this I ran to the car and a bloody woman was strapped in I was calling out for some one to call the ambulance but she insisted she was ok I saw my dog who now looked much stronger and had a tuff look about him like an old broken nosed boxer I grabbed him with anger and asked what the hell he had been doing I started punching him in the face I wanted to kill him he was taking my hits but had a look on his face like he could have just taken me out I felt bad for his beating then let him go !
I had a dream that I lived in a beautiful victoran home. While I went to sit down and relax I seen a guy looking through the window at me. I ran to the door and my son appeared and ran out to catch him. That left me in the house alone and wormlike aliens were coming in to get me through the fireplace gasline. I had to stab them and burn them. Little window cracks or small places they squeezed through. I killed them all and was relieved and proud, but sad that it made a mess of the beautiful house and the furnishings . I normally don’t remember my dreams. This one was so vivid and the feelings I have felt have stayed with me since. Would love to know what you think.
Dear Toni – You wrote “the feelings I have felt have stayed with me since” and yet you do not seem to share all the feelings that were part of your dream. What did you feel when the guy looked through the window?
In general looking through a window symbolises what you are aware of when looking at or giving awareness to yourself. “The guy” is an aspect of you that is willing to “look within” and neither you nor “your son in the dream” seem to like the idea. Why not? The wormlike aliens might also symbolise those forces, fears and neuroses at work in you that use up your precious energy resources and that stand in the way of expressing (more of) your potential. The Victorian home might symbolise how this way of repressing Life – of not expressing It – has carried on from one generation to the next; from mother to son; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-conjuring-trick/
In the last part of your dream you explore how to deal with the “wormlike aliens” that are coming to “get you” (to devour you?).
Perhaps “killing them” was not the best approach possible?
Another aspect of “an alien” in a dream is that it usually indicates urges or feelings you find difficult to identify with.
Considering that estimates suggest that we only use one tenth or less of our potential, it is not difficult to see that a large mass of our own inner functioning and experience are normally unknown and is called ‘the unconscious’. It is therefore not surprising that we have ‘aliens’ in our dreams and experience. When some part of this unknown area of yourself emerges, or presses for attention, one may depict it as an alien.
Your “WORM like aliens” might express what Jung also saw as “a life-guiding gift from the unconscious”; because of the helpful function worms have.
Much like human engineers, earthworms change the structure of their environments. Different types of earthworms can make both horizontal and vertical burrows, some of which can be very deep in soils.
These burrows create pores through which oxygen and water can enter and carbon dioxide can leave the soil. Earthworm casts (their faeces) are also very important in soils and are responsible for some of the fine crumb structure of soils.
See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jung's_theory_of_neurosis and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
I believe that the approach which Tony called “Life’s little secrets” expresses a more satisfying alternative for killing that will not “make a mess of the beautiful house (mind) and the furnishings. See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/furniture/
Let me know if you have any questions so far Toni.
Anna 🙂
My dream was regarding the house my grandmother used to live in. I went back with my parents and it was vacant and for sale. The outside of the house is big and sturdy and looked healthy with minor painting that needed to be redone on the white sections of the home. The light blue was intact and beautiful. There is an prior entrance before entering the house which was locked.in that entrance the ceiling looked like there was a spot of mildew and the white paint looked old. We stepped back outside waiting for someone to come show us the house. He finally came and tried to persuade us to look at anot her vacant house smaller next to use. We declined and I stated we want to look at my grandma’s old house and also I asked if there is any discount or ways of decreasing the price, he mentioned a group called the grandparents legion for grandchildren buying homes of the family and that it could bring down the price to 25,000. I was excited. So he walked my parents and I into my grandma’s house. When we entered I felt a rush of happiness again like when I was little. I was always happy to go to grandma house. The inside of the home looked a bit larger than reality. It was bright from antique lights. All the furniture of hers was there and looked as if it was never touched and brand new, shining and clean. I instantly started to cry tears of joy because I was amazed grandmaso furniture was there intact. I saw beautiful antique vases and some of her bedroom chess which was beautiful real wood was in the living room. The guy we were with that was showing us the home seemed a bit upset that the guy who was a cleaner brought the bedroom furniture downstairs without letting him know but it didn’t bother me because I was too busy dwelling in mental excitement from seeing all her stuff there for my to buy with the house. The ceilings inside was intact no wear and tear. I unfortunately didn’t get to see upstairs because I woke up from my dog barking. But when I woke up I had real tears in my eyes and felt a sense of peace.
The thing I do know about this house is that as a kid I was in love with it. Everything from the many ways of getting upstairs to the windows of stained glass. It was such a beautiful home. And my grandmother was so sweet and caring when I would visit. And I still to this very day wish I could go visit like how it was 28 years ago. The house is old but it’s appearance looked strong. Just a little paint that I know of exterior wise for the trimmings of the house. I am an adult entering into the house ready to but it depending on the condition.
For the last 3 years i have had varying dreams involving houses from high rises with rickety stairs cases, apartment buildings without railings, trailer homes with secret escape patches. But mostly i dream of one particular house. In the beginning i explored the rooms of the house and was at peace with it. There are many bedrooms with childrens bed in them. Within the last year the house is the same but there is a secret door that leads from the basement to a secret room on the third or fourth floor that has begun to scare me. There have been snow storms and rain storms while im in the house that where either extremely pleasant or extremely scary. My children and i are always inside the home. Sometimes new people that i do not know are there as well but in the dream i know these people.
We have been attacked by aliens, monsters, rapists, zombies, and spiders while in this house. My children are never harmed only myself and the others. When i can not win the battle i wake up instantly.
I make sure not to watch scary movies but the dreams still occur.
Dear Nece – The way I see your dream – and please explore it yourself too http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/ – is that there was a period in your life where you dared to explore who you are and where you felt at peace with what you have found inside yourself.
The finding of a secret room is a common dream theme; it reflects the recognition or discovery of previously unnoticed aspects, abilities, fears, or traits in your mind. If the discovery is distressing, this may reflect a feeling of a change in your status quo which is disturbing. But the hidden room can indicate entering a new dimension of your awareness, one that reveals previously hidden or unknown facets of your personality.
So what is scaring about your secret room? Did you open the door to it yet?
The snow storms and rain storms are symbols of feelings that you release.
I can only respond in a general way to what you feel attacked by, because you do not express these dreams into detail; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/not-enough-information/
In general aliens indicates urges or feelings you find difficult to identify with; feelings of being an outsider in a group or society. The alien can also depict something very new and previously not experienced in regard to your own potential or mind. Frequently the alien in your dream represents aspects of your mind that have not previously been consciously experienced and so may seem frightening or difficult to understand.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/monster-monsters/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/rape/
You wrote that “My children are never harmed only myself and the others.”
This may reflect that you are aware that you did not pass this on to your children. Or perhaps it is a belief that you will not pass it on?
In order to understand that our children may unconsciously absorb the way their parents are “programmed”, it might be helpful to read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-conjuring-trick/ and the dreams under comments from “john” and “please help” on this page http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/burial/
Let me know if you have any questions Nece.
Anna 🙂
I dream last night I was in my father farm and at the end of boarder land there is alot of bearing fruit then I saw ablack fruit a lit of them and I said to my boyfriend there is a lot of plums in here I took some and eat 3 pcs of it and that was so sweet.somebody man come saying the fruits is not from us and he was about to shoot me I said I remember you your the one who took from this land half if it and suddenly my brother come up so he stop and we went down from the hill.
Other Side of my dream same place in the house I saw my boyfriend he is sleeping on the cradle I’m trying to get inside so I can sleep there too.then I told him to sleep in the bed white and brown velvet bed (which is I had previously same bed in my dream ) then then we sleep together and suddenly I wake up saying that why am I sleeping her in this room with my daughter? The room where I wake up in my dream is the room wer currently we use now with my daughter. Then I get up and went to the he is sleeping there and say sorry I was fall sleep in the other room.
Before that dream in was ask my boyfriend to inquiry about house to build.and last few days before my dreams cones I was though he will not gonna make it happen ,
Am so curious to know about house daming means becos it happen to me for so many times.
Also anything bad dreams happen to in tire family it will happen in the future. .sone of my dreams I can read for my self but am really pleased to know.
I lived in a house that burnt down from the ages of 4-6. There was a lot of “paranormal” activity in this house. I am 22 now and have had dreams of this house ever since we left. I am always walking through the house or on the property of the house and I am always either trapped, being chased, there is paranormal activity going on in the house, or I’m trying to buy the house.These dreams are becoming more and more frequent now, I would say at least once a month I dream of it.
I keep having a dream of houses over and over again where I am always with the same person. At the start of the dreams we are in a mansion. Ive never seen it before but I just know it is her house. It was really nice and we are both happy walking around it. We always go to the top floor and whenever I open the door of what is suppose to be a roof deck I always see another house. Like a gothic, scary and delapidated house. It was like another house on the house. I never wanted to go inside. I feel afraid. It was so clear that the sky and the feeling is also scary. And everytime I would want to talk to my friend she just dissappears or just escapes away from me. I keep seeing that house in my dreams. What is my relationship to that house?
Dear Aisse – The way I see your recurring dreams about these two houses is that they express your “different states of mind”, whereby I see the woman in the mansion as your “future self”; the potential you were born with and which you can still develop. Your potential is also symbolised in the mansion were you are happy walking around.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/potential/
In general dreams recur because there are ways the dreamer habitually responds to their internal or external world. Because their attitude or response is unchanging, the dream that reflects it remains the same. It is noticeable in those who explore their dreams using such techniques as described under processing dreams, that recurring themes disappear or change because the attitudes or habitual anxieties that gave rise to them have been met or transformed.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/processing-dreams/
The house that was built “on top of your innate potential” is probably an expression of your current beliefs, thoughts and feelings about yourself which are still waiting for you to explore/evaluate.
Lots of the beliefs we have about ourselves are merely limiting ideas we created ourselves and/or absorbed from our parents, our culture, society, religion etc. and your dream shows you that your real foundation is a mansion.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/beliefs/
Please realise that judgments like “gothic, scary and dilapidated house” reflect beliefs and ideas about yourself that you can easily let go of once you dare to explore them, because they are not facts.
The way to explore is to dare to enter this house and “the worst” that can happen is that you transform this house bit by bit into the mansion that you are.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Anna 🙂
I have had a recurring dream since I was a child. I remember that when I first saw the house, or mansion rather, that I walked into a large foyer with two ivory staircases. The floor was black and white tile and there were red carpets. To the right was a dining hall and to the left was a ball room.
Being the daughter of a widowed single mom in the South and being poor, I’d never seen a house this large, much less seen the inside of one. But the details of the house never change. I am now an adult, and I’ve never been to this house in reality but have explored the halls and rooms and know it very well. There are small cubbies and passages in the house that seem to allow me to explore within the walls.
The house seems so old and very European, but I know that the house is mine. As I said, the dreams began when I was a very small child. In the dreams, I always feel very child like. I love all of the toys and dolls and love to dance in the ball room. It feels like my home and I always vaguely sense that my parents are near, though I’ve never seen anyone else in the house.
I guess I am writing because I have always been perplexed and intrigued by these dreams. I anxiously await the return of the dream and I always am aware that I have been there in dreams before. I wonder what insights you may have as to what may cause these dreams and what you think about the possibility of past lives being a part of it.
Dear Alisha – The way I see your dream is that at a young age you must have been aware that “being the daughter of a widowed single mom in the South and being poor” says nothing about your inner potential.
Do you feel that that is the message you received from your mother (and father)?
I ask because of this part of your dream: “I always vaguely sense that my parents are near”.
It could be that out of this message – a message that you also absorbed from living with your mother (and father) – you created a mansion in your inner world/dreams.
This is also about the support you – your child self – received to grow and the room that was given you to explore your (inner) world.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-conjuring-trick/ and also please read the comment at the end of this page.
With this in mind I believe it is irrelevant if this is about a past life; what counts is what you do with your potential in this life.
Although a house represents all the aspects of self in which our identity lives – a body, emotions, creativity, etc. – a mansion is depicting the same thing with a different emphasis. It is ourselves as we are plus features still latent, possibilities not yet developed or explored.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/potential/
Anna 🙂