Virtual Reality of Dreams
Dreams are virtual realities that we create in our sleep. Even the wonderful dreams of God and angels are an external virtual reality, and mirror of our own inner immensity and our enormous variety. Unfortunately people either accept them as externally real, or as fantasy. But they are reflections of your potential, that cannot be seen in your daily life that is so dominated by your physical senses and hungers and fears. See Magical Dream Machine
So, the images and fears we experience in our dreams are projection upon the vast screen of our mind. They are all projections from you. Running from them is like trying to escape from yourself. But such dreams are like a computer game with full surround virtual reality. In such games you can be killed a thousand times and yet you survive to deal with the monsters again. That is unless you learn a way through and go on through the levels. But unlike those games there is a wonderful intelligence behind the dreams we have, and if you listen and learn from it you will find a real mastership – not a false one of deny any fear or repressing anything that threatens you.
Turku, a member of the Department of Philosophy in a Finish university, argues that both dreams and the everyday phenomenal world may be thought of as constructed virtual realities. Recent neurological findings show how the brain constructs a sense of, or a view of, reality out of your sense impressions and cultural/personal values. Reality is different to what you see or hear or believe. In your dreams you can create unlimited types of reality. The wonder of this is that you can explore experiences you might be too timid to experiment with in waking life. Some ideas about how the human mind interacts with reality suggest that you actually create the world around you similarly to the way you do it in dreams.(5)
While I was working for Teletext in the UK I received a number of dreams illustrating these ideas. This first one is from Sandra. She was 16 at the time of the dream.
I enter the pub from ‘Eastenders’ and see Sarha Mitchell, a US actor I find attractive. I fancy him and decide to attract him by adjusting my clothes to reveal plenty of cleavage. I approach him so he can ask me what I would like to drink. He is looking down at my breasts and is suddenly interested in me. We begin to chat and make a date.
Here is another one from Joanne:
I dreamt I was heavily pregnant and naked, lying on the floor of a dark room with one light directed on me. My ex-boyfriend was next to me, naked, stroking my hair, telling me everything was going to be alright. In the dream I felt physically sick but inwardly perfectly calm and at peace. But I am confused as I am only 15 and there’s no chance I’m pregnant.
Within the virtual reality of her dream, Sandra is experimenting with her ability to attract a man using her physical appeal. Having tried this out in her dream Sandra may or may not use this in her everyday life. The dream Joanne describes is common among young women. It involves either being pregnant, or actually giving birth. In both cases it is a way of gaining confidence and meeting anxieties about the possibility of pregnancy. It allows the dreamer to gain experience in an area that would be difficult, painful or dangerous to experiment with in waking life. In this and many other ways, your dreams allow you to explore without the risks you would meet in waking life.
Considering that you only experience a virtual reality of the external world created by your brain – and that is itself limited to a tiny fraction of what is actually surrounding you – you cannot take seriously your perceptions of the world or people. There are so many radiations, energies, and depth upon depth of texture in the cosmos and objects around us, that in effect we are blind and deaf.
So, your dreams are a magical place in that you have the ability in them to create a totally real world. Do you discount them? Do you see that you create your own world of experience in them? If you do, have you wondered why you may have a propensity for creating what you do? Or why, with such creative potential, you might still lack self-confidence? Just as you create your surroundings in dreams, you also create the psychological and sensory world you live in. Understanding your dreams can help you to clarify why you at times create what does not satisfy you, and how to generate a whole new world of experience. You can take charge of your creativity and ride with it instead of being at its mercy. Such power, after all, can as easily produce misery and ill health as pleasure and ability – unless you learn to direct it. Such creativity can lead you into hell or create a heaven.
You Dream Problem Solving
All of us face and solve countless problems each day. They include everything from how to open a cupboard door to wrapping a parcel or finding a telephone number. However, some problems you face are not easily resolved. Sometimes these difficult problems are only resolved when you access information or insights that are usually unconscious, or not reached by rational thought. Or perhaps you have apparently forgotten the piece of information that would solve the difficulty. Such necessary information, such new views, or totally different experience, can be reached in the virtual reality of your dreams. Here is an excellent example of this. It appeared in the June 27, 1964, edition of the San Francisco Chronicle.
The golfer Jack Nicklaus had a long period of bad performance. He had spent a lot of time trying to analyse what he was doing wrong, but this did not help. He then had a dream in which he was holding his golf clubs differently. This led to his swings feeling perfect. He told a reporter that, “When I came to the course yesterday morning, I tried it the way I did in my dream and it worked. … I feel kind of foolish admitting it, but it really happened in a dream.” From that time on his performance improved rapidly. See The Magical Dream Machine