Your Guru the Dream – Step Nine
In an earlier step it was said that, ‘It is in fact a fallacy to say we can analyse a dream.’
This was said in context with the realisation that there are parts of your own nature of which you know nothing. This is why they are called unconscious. Not knowing what these parts of yourself are, there is no way you can think about them or analyse them until you have experienced them.
If you successfully used the ‘seed’ technique in the last step, you will have seen that you have a great deal of inner life that only becomes known when you listen to it. While teaching the ‘seed’ to a group in Somerset, UK, after a few weeks of practice, Julie, a woman in the group, told me something new had come into her life from what we had been doing. She said, “I never knew before that I have an inner life. This is such a wonderful thing for me.”
This wonder of your inner life is particularly accessible through your dreams. Having used the ‘seed’, you are now ready to start directly experiencing the inner life that is hidden within the drama of your dreams. However, if you are still finding your way with the techniques given in regard to exploring your feeling sense, and the ‘seed’, it is best to continue them until you feel at home with what they bring.
Remember that the keyboard feeling is important in this. With it you can open the door to listen to your inner life. Also, the practise of watching the screen of your body and feelings is part of that keyboard state.
Walking Into Your Dream
You need to try out several approaches now, to see what you can best work with. The first is what I will call Walk on Part. This is the simplest of the methods. It requires you to use exactly the same approach you used in the ‘seed’. In other words, to take the dream image or scene, and leave your body and feelings open to experience whatever arises. It is very helpful if you have a sympathetic listener to whom you can describe what you meet. But you can do this alone too.
Start by standing with your eyes closed in the middle of enough space to move around. About two or three square metres is usually plenty.
Imagine you are standing on the edge of your dream, like a film set, and you are going to walk into it. Before you actually step into your dream be aware of what you are feeling in your body and emotions. Your body and feelings are a screen upon which subtle changes and shifts will occur. It is this screen of body and emotions that will act as your monitor showing what responses your dream produces.
Now step into your dream. Literally step forward. Don’t hurry around. Observe what shifts of feeling occur, what memories or thoughts arise, what impulses in your body. These are all important. They are the way your deep unconscious communicates with consciousness. They are the language of the deep.
Carefully note what you experience from each part of your dream, from each character or animal. Then work with this in just the way you worked with themes – that is, by seeing how it links with your waking life and inner dynamics of your personality.
You can speak what you feel and find to your helper or to a tape recorder. You can enter into anything in this way, whether it is an animal, a tree, the sea or a house.