A New Being
I came upon it in my wildest moments,
Watching my friend move through
The strange geography of death.
He had passed through the terrain,
Over rocky places and over frontiers
Of the mind and of the soul,
Ever upwards toward the Spirit
Of it all.
Until I saw him spreading,
Reaching, no; Being everywhere.
And it hadn’t been easy or without trial.
And now here he was – Startling,
Immense, and being everywhere
He was felt rather than seen.
And what vision.
For he was feeding on the stars,
And entangled in the galaxies,
Tasting it all, and still wanting more.
For he needed all the nourishment
To form a new being;
To form it out of all he had been,
Like an artist, weaving, moving,
With his essence permeating it all.
He was exploring, living,
The constant rise and fall of possibilities
As they occur from cosmic change
And human lives.
As each possibility arises
He compared it to see its harmonics,
With all he held within himself,
And all that exists in the worlds.
He was searching constantly
For an interface that has
Harmonic concordance
With what he needed.
It would form a connection between
the time, the place, the parents,
and the possibilities
for the life streaming into the future.
The time is still not set,
But is focusing
On the turn of the year.
Many are born now
Forming a power working
Toward forging a new society.
“Soon I will be with you
To continue our love and work in the body”.