The Song

Did you hear it?

What, the song thrush here,
And in the tree the blue tit?

Yes, but did you hear the dog bark?

I heard a dog howling
Last night in the dark.

Was it joined with sounds of cricket on the green?

Only now you mention it,
The crack of ball on bat,
I hear but haven’t seen.

Was there a piano accompanying all those too?

I didn’t catch the music’s voice,
Not as well as you.

You didn’t hear the harmony,
The voices all as one,
The orchestra of all those sounds
With single voice of none?
I heard it here this afternoon,
One voice sang through them all,
Collecting all the sounds of life,
Into one vibrant call.

Copyright ©2003 Tony Crisp


-Tony Crisp 2017-06-12 7:31:42

I wrote this poem after a two days meditation course. It was an attempt to express what I experienced.

    -Tony Crisp 2017-06-12 7:46:22

    Just a test to see how one can see the replies.

Copyright © 1999-2010 Tony Crisp | All rights reserved