Walking the Sacred Circle
In the circle
Beginning and End
Are forever together.
The beginning is an end,
And the end a beginning.
Everywhere is darkness and cold.
Everywhere is light and joy.
That is life as we
Walk the Sacred Circle.
And the circle we walk,
The Black Road,
The Rough Track of Trials,
Joins the Path of White,
As Winter joins Spring.
And that Is the Circle —
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter,
Birth, youth, maturity, death.
Sunrise, sunset, sunrise.
World upon world
Dancing the Sacred Circle,
And we dance
Life to Death,
Death to Life
In the Great Circle –
All spinning
From the emptiness
Of the Centre
Copyright ©2005 Tony Crisp
Dear Tony,
I love this and by ‘happening’ upon you poem, a circle is closed.
Do you remember when you stayed with us at Glenrowan in North Devon?
I send love and light in the circle for all,