Sugar Linked to Birth Defects
LONDON (UPI) — Researchers found pregnant women who eat foods with a high glycemic index such as cornflakes may increase the chance of birth defects. University of California researchers compared the diet of 454 mothers of children with neural tube defects like spina bifida, with 462 mothers who had healthy babies. The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found the risk of birth defects doubled in women who ate lots of foods that give a quick sugar hit such as potatoes, white rice, white bread and some soft drinks — and among obese women it quadrupled.
Andrew Russell, chief executive of the Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus in London, said the research should be treated with caution and that further studies are needed. “Neural tube defect research is very complicated, and theories abound about the significance of sugars, proteins, vitamins and other micronutrients,” he told the BBC. “The idea that a sugar surge in the maternal blood could cause spina bifida, while not impossible, would need quite a lot of corroboration because there are so many other things that feed into the metabolic process.”
What candy (which is sugar) can do to you and to your kids:
Sugar is one of the most dangerous habits and addictions in our lives today. It is a proven fact that sugar increases insulin levels, which can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, premature aging, obesity, tooth and gum decay, stomach problems, mental disturbances and many other physical and mental problems.
Sugar use also creates blood sugar imbalances in the body. When blood sugar drops too low after eating a high-sugar food, the fuel supply to the body is impaired, with adverse effects on mental function, physical energy and emotional stability. Symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can range anywhere from headaches, irritability and shaking when hungry to explosive anger, panic attacks, or crying easily for no apparent reason. Sugar can affect the quality of your life and your health dramatically. Many studies have shown that sugar is very effective in weakening the immune system and is a source of fuel for feeding cancer and tumors.
- Sugar can suppress the immune system.
- Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children.
- Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
- Sugar can lead to alcoholism.
- Sugar can cause arthritis.
- Sugar can cause asthma.
- Sugar greatly assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans (yeast infections).
- Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
- Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
- Sugar can increase cholesterol.
- Sugar can impair the structure of DNA.
- Sugar intake is higher in people with Parkinson’s disease.
- Sugar can damage the pancreas.
- Sugar can increase the body’s fluid retention.
- Sugar is enemy #1 of the bowel movement.
- Sugar can cause headaches, including migraine.
- Sugar plays a role in pancreatic cancer in women.
- Sugar can adversely affect school children’s grades and cause learning disorders.
- Sugar can cause depression.
- Sugar can contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.
- Sugar can lead to the formation of kidney stones.
- Sugar can be a risk factor of gallbladder cancer.
- Sugar can be intoxicating, similar to alcohol.
- Sugar can worsen the symptoms of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
- High sucrose intake could be an important risk factor in lung cancer.
- Sugar increases the risk of polio.
- High sugar intake can cause epileptic seizures.
- Sugar causes high blood pressure in obese people.
- Sugar can lead to prostate cancer.
- Sweet food items increase the risk of breast cancer.
- Sugar is a risk factor in cancer of the small intestine.
- Sugar causes constipation.
- Sugar can increase the risk of stomach cancer.
- Sugar can cause renal (kidney) cell carcinoma.
- Sugar can cause liver tumors.
- Too much sugar can kill your sex life.
- Sugar can cause fatigue, moodiness, nervousness and depression.
- Sugar is common choice of obese individuals.
- High fructose consumption has been linked to liver disease.
- Sugar adds to the risk of bladder cancer.
The concern is not only about kids, according to the National Confectioners Association, “40 percent of American adults admit to stashing a few pieces of candy from the trick-or-treat bowl, and the candy association also found that:
- 41% admit that they sneak sweets from their own candy bowl.
- 62% of adults plan to give candies because “it’s a personal favorite” or a household tradition (55%).
- 90% of parents admit they sneak “goodies” from their kids’ trick-or-treat bags.
Protect yourself and your kids from this POISON!
Badr Bakry