Feeding the Unborn Child – 3
Yoga and Childbirth – Chapter 3
The unborn baby is often described as a perfect parasite. By this physiologists mean that the baby takes from the mother all the nutritive factors it needs, even if this is to the detriment of the mother. Some women lose teeth during pregnancy due to the baby’s need for calcium, and the drain on the mother’s calcium supply. Similarly, the expectant mother may easily become anaemic unless her absorption of iron from food equates that taken from her by the baby. The amount of vitamin C can also be very much higher in the foetus than in the mother, showing its need of this vitamin.
At first sight this may lead us to believe that dietary disciplines are needed solely for the mother in order to prevent her deficiencies. If the mother is not including certain minerals and vitamins in her diet, however, the baby will not be able to obtain enough from her blood supply anyway. The attitude on the part of many medical practitioners not to be concerned by what the pregnant mother is eating, seems, from their own evidence, to be terribly short-sighted. As Dr. Guttmacher has said, many childless couples can produce healthy children when their own level of health is improved. It must be obvious to any thinking person that if the health of the womb and developing placenta are not adequate, not only can this lead to childlessness, and miscarriage, but also to inadequate functioning for the surviving child. A personal feeling is that many of the congenital conditions that some babies arrive with, could have been prevented by a deeper interest in radiant health for the mother. I am sure some congenital illnesses will be traced to this source. Quite apart from this, the course of the woman’s pregnancy can be different if common-sense measures are followed, and the birth itself short, pleasant, and without complications. There is certainly no need whatsoever for so many women to suffer from varicose veins, constipation, piles, anaemia exhaustion septicaemia, loss of figure after birth, and the host of other problems often accepted as a ‘natural’ part of pregnancy. Not only this, the very nature and body of our child can be more beautiful if we work with nature in its creative processes, instead of hindering and obstructing it. Therefore we will look at the details of diet, and how we can apply them. As stated already, it is better to start long before pregnancy, but it is never too late.
Health questionnaire
Let us begin by checking our health as thoroughly as we can. The following questions will help you to see in greater detail just what you may need to improve the general standard of your health. A list of vitamin-rich foods is given later.
Is your hair dry, falling, scurfy, or with broken ends? Is it losing its colour already? Pet owners can always tell the health of their animal from the condition of its hair. Yet people hardly ever take an honest look at their own hair as an indication of general health. I know from experience that dry and rapidly falling hair, with scurf, is a sign of poor nutrition. Gayelord Hauser points out that the Chinese race have very little baldness, and suggests this is due to their diet, rich in B vitamins. Similarly, the rural Irish enjoy beautiful hair, and often their diet includes much Irish moss and iodine. If your hair is in bad condition, then a diet rich in B vitamins and vitamin A is indicated. Also natural yoghurt, black treacle and kelp tablets or powder help, as do raw fruit and vegetables, as the silica in the skin is used to build hair cells. For a very quick change in hair condition, a diet which includes plenty of raw fruit and vegetables, with a vitamin A supplement and brewer’s yeast, will bring results. (Cod liver oil capsules and brewer’s yeast powder.)
Many eye conditions can be either helped, or cured, by fulfilling the body’s needs. Sore eyes, sandiness, night-blindness, forming cataracts, or eyes too sensitive to light, suggest the need for larger amount of vitamins A, B and C.
Nose and throat
Do you suffer from catarrh, sinusitis, tonsillitis, sore throat? These frequently show a body loaded with poisons and toxins and undernourished in the enzymes, vitamins and minerals found in raw foods. The cleansing diet, outlined later is indicated, followed by a diet rich in vitamins A and C.
Teeth and gums
As shown in the first chapter, one of the curses of our civilised diet is unhealthy teeth. Not only is this due to the chewing of soft foods and chemical sugar, but also highly concentrated starches as in white flour; and lack of raw foods. It is also due to deficiencies of the necessary minerals and vitamins. Bleeding gums and mouth sores are another sign of nutritional insufficiencies. In experiments where laboratory animals were given insufficient vitamin C, a condition similar to pyorrhoea was produced. But any person who suffers pyorrhoea can prove to themselves that this is a sign of deficiency in vitamin C and the B vitamins by taking 500 mlg of vitamin C daily for a while, along with a B supplement, and increasing the oranges and green leaves eaten. The pyorrhoea will promptly disappear.
Do you have any dead or infected teeth? If so, have these seen to at all costs, as they are often the foci for innumerable ills. Adequate vitamin C, D and A are necessary for healthy, pain-free teeth, along with phosphorus, calcium and the B vitamins.
Do you suffer from bronchial infections? Is your breathing deep and regular? Do you suffer from allergies, or asthma? All can be helped or cured through correct nutrition as long as the other aspects of life are also watched and cared for. Allergies can be helped or healed by regular large doses of vitamin C (100 mlg each meal), or in severe attacks, 100 mlg every two hours. While vitamin A in large amounts can prevent or cure sinus trouble, hay fever and bronchial troubles, A and C should be taken together in these cases. Asthma sometimes responds to adequate supplies of calcium in diet and in tablet form. During an attack, Gayelord Hauser recommends two or three calcium tablets every hour, and the use of 100 mlg of vitamin E after each meal. This aids the oxygenation of tissues. Other helpful and sometimes curative remedies are to lay thin slices of onion on a plate and spread honey over them; cover, and leave for eight hours, then take a teaspoonful of the resulting syrup four times a day. It is wise to practise the yoga breathing methods also. Learn the abdominal breathing as described later, and practise very slow breathing in this way, each day. The cleansing diet should be used to clear catarrh if it exists. The recommended vitamins should wherever possible be taken in foods or juices rather than tablets.
Is there a tendency to cramps, muscular ache, weakness, etc.? There is definite information from research to show that a lack of calcium, vitamins D and B, and magnesium causes cramps. Lack of magnesium also contributes to muscular weakness, and convulsions. As this is easily taken as Epsom salt, it is a simple matter to right. Naturally, healthy muscles need adequate protein intake, and can be strengthened by large amounts of vitamin E in the daily diet, along with frequent exercise. Even severe muscular illnesses, such as sclerosis, can sometimes be cured by sufficient vitamin E.
Is there acidity, indigestion, inability to digest foods? Nowadays, with the increasing use of antibiotics taken orally, many people cannot properly digest their food due to the antibiotics having destroyed the necessary bacteria and enzymes in the intestines.
This can be usually put right by stopping the antibiotics, and eating raw foods swarming with ‘germs’; or taking Florus, which contains the bacteria. Acidity is nearly always the result of eating wrong foods, lack of B vitamins, or a mixture of concentrated sugar, as in white sugar, and concentrated starch as in white flour, which produces a tremendously acid stomach reaction when eaten together. The mixture of starches and protein in high quantities also leads to acidity. Therefore alkaline meals should be taken, such as all fruit (uncooked, unsweetened, except with honey), which will right this.
The B vitamins, as in brewer’s yeast powder, greatly aid the condition if the mentioned food mixtures are avoided as much as possible, and less concentrated starches, such as wholewheat flour, Barbados sugar, or honey, and potatoes in their jackets are used; but generally eat less starch and sugar. The apple fast is an extremely quick cure for acidity, while a couple of days on just plain, natural yoghurt can be used to restore the proper bacteria balance to the digestive system.
Do you suffer from painful flatulence, constipation, diarrhoea, piles? These disturbances show deficiencies in several ways, especially of the B vitamins and some minerals. These can be found in brewer’s yeast and black treacle, both of which should be taken during pregnancy, whether you are constipated or not. This applies also to diarrhoea, which may be due to lack of magnesium and B vitamins, and when not due to an infection, shows a very unbalanced diet generally. In cases of flatulence, constipation, piles, or diarrhoea, a level teaspoon of Irish moss or agar agar, taken beaten into milk with the main meal, will greatly help or cure. Use it more frequently if necessary. It is extremely nutritious. The aim is to produce formed but very soft stools. If these do not occur, take larger doses of the Irish moss but make sure your diet is adequate in wholewheat flour and raw foods. Many people find bananas cure constipation. If the stools become as suggested, piles, painful flatulence, and possibly the unsightly varicose veins of some pregnant women will disappear. This is because hard, withheld, stools, press on the veins up the spine, and cause blockage in circulation. In difficult cases, add half a cup of wheatgerm to the daily diet as well as the above suggestions. Again, yoghurt and/or apples can be used as suggested above.
Bed wetting can sometimes be cured by an adequate intake of magnesium, found in Epsom salt, dolomite tablets, nuts, soya beans, spinach, kale, and leafy green vegetables. Cystitis may show inadequacy of vitamin A in the diet.
Circulation and veins
If you have a poor circulation, varicose veins, blue patches or splotched skin, correct diet can often work miracles. For varicose veins the section on ‘Intestines’ should be carefully read, as constipation or delayed stools have a direct relationship with this unsightly condition. Once this aspect is being dealt with, high doses of vitamin E and C are likely to speed the cure enormously. 500 mlg of vitamins C and E daily will usually remove the varicosities quickly. The poor circulation is aided by the E and C, and needs the B vitamins also – niacin in particular is necessary for healthy circulation, but it is best taken as in brewer’s yeast, dates, peanuts, etc.
Is your skin lacking a healthy pink, or glow if you are a dark-skinned person? Do you have boils, pimples, dryness or itching? Those who have changed from a poor diet to one rich in vitamins and minerals have noticed tremendous improvement in their skin, especially where the diet is rich in vitamins A and E. These two need each other for correct utilisation. Iron also plays a large part in skin tone due to it being the ‘red’ of the blood that carries the oxygen. If you are pale, definitely check your iron and vitamin intake, and if the skin is in poor condition, take extra E and A. An over-indulgence in white sugar and white flour often results in poor skin condition, and can be corrected by a more alkaline diet, and one high in protein.
Under this heading must be lumped insomnia, nervous tension, alcoholism, headaches, and many other illnesses of ‘nervous’ origin. Many such conditions arise from psychological disturbances that are only indirectly helped by diet.
Nevertheless, even severe cases of madness, schizophrenia, confusion and depression have been cured by nutritional methods. In many cases the B-complex vitamins are badly needed, as in alcoholism, nervous tension, and some headaches. Other times, as in migraine headaches and period pains, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, calcium and vitamin E can cure or help. Insomnia has responded time and time again to calcium and -magnesium. Adelle Davis suggests putting two or three calcium tablets and a glass of milk on the bedside table just prior to retiring, to be used each hour of wakefulness. Calcium tablets should include vitamin D for proper assimilation, as do Gayelord Hauser’s tablets. But perhaps kelp tablets are the best way of taking calcium. For those with insomnia, brewer’s yeast tablets at meals, and kelp tablets suggested above, should be of more natural help than any sleeping tablet. This is especially necessary for many women during menstruation. One of the most beneficial of yoga methods for ‘nerves’ in general, is to practise very slow, deep, breathing for at least five minutes daily. The breathing must be as slow as possible without causing gasping.
In recent years, nutritional research has made the terrific breakthrough of at last being able to quickly cure pernicious anaemia with vitamin B12 injections. However, general anaemia may be caused through inadequate protein, iron, taking of sulpha drugs, lack of iodine, cobalt, copper, vitamin E and the B vitamins. In other words, unbalanced diet, generally extended for many years. Foods which contain acid, such as buttermilk, yoghurt, sour fruits and citrus fruits, aid the assimilation of iron or iron tablets. Vitamin C is also a necessary acid. Concentrated carbohydrates decrease assimilation, as do antacid tablets. Wheatgerm, black treacle and most green vegetables are very rich in iron. But they only become really effective in a well-balanced diet.
Although what I have said above, giving details of vitamins and minerals, makes a good diet sound very complex, the basis of yoga diet is really extremely simple. The way to find your own understanding of it is to build up a mental picture of a human being in natural surroundings, and following their own instinctive appetite. For instance, groups of children, at various schools, have been allowed to eat what they like instead of only what is put before them. Although at times this seemed to lead to extremes, like the little boy who consumed eight eggs straight off, over a period of time a balanced diet was achieved. The same thing has been done in family life, where the parents in a ‘free’ family have allowed their children to eat what they like when they like. The argument is that in nature there are no set meal times, and creatures are led by instinct to eat the things they need.
True, like animals, we too are expressions of life. What such writers fail to see, however, is that animals in their natural state are only given a choice of natural, unprocessed foods!
When a ‘free’ family allow their children to eat what they like, they are not, as they claim, being ‘natural’ when the child is allowed unlimited sweets, processed foods, devitalised flour and packaged goods. The only time a ‘free’ family could achieve a natural diet would be by limiting the child’s choice to natural, unprocessed foods. I use the ‘free’ family merely as an example. I am not suggesting you do the same. This might be too radical for you. But the simplicity of the yoga diet is certainly summed up in what I have just said.
You are a living being. Without the mysterious process of life you would not exist. Life in us consumes food to build a physical body; and the best foods we can offer Life are those that Life itself made – natural fruits and vegetables, cereals and seeds unrefined and not destroyed by our human handwork.
Therefore, to summarise the simplicity of yoga diet as I am describing it, by all means eat at fixed meal times, but surround yourself only with wholesome foods, as much as possible -uncooked and unrefined. To help you understand this more fully though, let us look at why raw foods are so necessary.
Cooked versus raw – ills versus food
Some types of food are definitely advantageous cooked. Meat, for instance, is too rampant with harmful bacteria, parasite eggs and toxins to be best eaten raw. For many, a food does not seem appetising unless cooked, or disguised, or covered in sauces. In general this can be accepted, and in the case of egg whites, it is actually necessary as they are poisonous uncooked. The pregnant or childless woman is in a different situation, however. Both have a need for maximum physical efficiency and health, and the pregnant woman also has a tremendous responsibility to the unborn. Because of this, it may be either necessary or beneficial to partake largely of raw foods.
Why is this? In the first place, most of us realise that heat produces changes in chemical composition. This is very noticeable in regard to milk, the whole composition of which is changed when sterilised or pasteurised. So vast a change is thus accomplished that calves fed solely on pasteurised milk die. This is because many of the nutrients in the milk are either destroyed, lost, or become incapable of proper absorption by the system.
The figures already given of child deaths on bottle feeding show similar dangers. ‘The same holds true in regard to any foodstuff that is cooked. Changes and losses occur of which we are only just beginning to be aware. Vitamin C is one of the great losses due to cooking, as it is largely destroyed by heat. As we need so much of it, such losses are not only criminal, they are downright dangerous to our well-being. Many minerals and other vitamins are similarly lost or changed. Enzymes in living plant cells are destroyed by heat. This causes harmful digestive activities to take place. Apart from this, the chlorophyll content of green leaves has a greater stimulus on red blood cell promotion than iron therapy; causes greater efficiency in respiration and nitrogen metabolism in cells; increases use of available proteins, balances blood-pressure, decreases insulin needs; aids wound healing; removes unpleasant body odours and increases circulation.
We must realise as well that the vitamins listed are simply those aspects of foods that have so far been discovered. Much, if not most, of natural food constituents in their relationship with each other, and cell structure, still remain unknown. Tests have begun to prove that all the vitamins and minerals interact in digestion and body utilisation. Most of the leading nutritionists realise that supplementary vitamins work most efficiently if used with a background of the other vitamins. As already pointed out, rats fed purely on synthetic nutrients died out in four generations. This is most assuredly due to the fact that we do not know the full constituents of natural, living foods, and thus cannot synthesise them. Another interesting experiment on plants showed that if a plant were fed purely artificial foods it could not use them efficiently for its development. When natural compost was fed to a separate root, not only did the plant thrive, but there was something in the compost that enabled it to make efficient use of the artificial fertilisers. There is possibly something in natural, raw foods, especially if compost grown, that has a similar effect on our body. Quite apart from which, clinical experience and the results gained by thousands of individuals who have turned to a greater use of raw foods, have proved that maximum health demands a daily intake of raw foods, especially green leaves. Even one meal per day devoted to this will work wonders. These women who have already had a child on an ordinary diet will see the difference for themselves in continued health throughout pregnancy, and the avoidance of swollen ankles, varicose veins, and septicaemia.
It is therefore far better to get the necessary vitamins and minerals from a wholesome diet rather than from tablets. In many cases, however, the fact that such tablets are available is invaluable, and often life saving. But in using them we must realise that too many vitamins, like too much food, become toxins that will clog the body rather than heal it. After all, part of health depends upon sufficient exercise, and if our system is not stimulated by attempting to extract its nutrition from natural foods, but is made lazy by being spoon-fed with supplements, some forces may well atrophy if left for long periods. Although tablets such as kelp, brewer’s yeast, and a few others, are foods not supplements. On the other hand, we may have vitamin and mineral deficiencies that have built up over generations, and thus need enormous doses of these nutrients. In all cases though, they should be taken against the background of a wholesome diet, which brings us to the detailed study of diet itself.
Below I will give a variety of diets to meet various needs. That is, sometimes a special diet is needed to cleanse the body, or to help remove some illness or condition. Later, various conditions will be listed, with details describing what can be done for them.
Cleansing diet
Many health clinics and naturopaths use fasting as a means of cleansing the body of accumulated poisons, toxins and wastes that have built up through years of wrong diet or overeating. As the discipline of fasting is not a thing many people can bring themselves to do, there is a quicker, possibly more effective and definitely easier way. This is the ‘apple diet’ recommended by Edgar Cayce. In three days it can cleanse the body completely, as well as removing much fatty tissue where necessary. It is very simple and easy, requiring one to eat nothing but apples for three days. These must be raw, and as fresh as possible. No tea coffee, alcohol or tobacco should be taken, as these are some of the very poisons being cleansed out. Literally nothing else should be taken. On the evening of the third day, half a cupful of olive oil should be taken before going to bed. This aids the lymphatic system to complete its cleansing. The next day should begin one of the full diets listed, but making sure not to gorge, but eat a little often for the first day. In fact, a pint of warm milk or natural yoghurt with honey, and two dessertspoons of wheatgerm should be the first meal.
It is best to use this diet when one has little work to do. A Friday, Saturday and Sunday would be ideal, if one could rest on the Saturday and Sunday, or any days of least effort, but people who have a fair amount of weight on them will seldom feel tired on this diet. It is also best to avoid following it for longer than one day if already pregnant.
Another method is to cut out all starches, refined sugar and carbohydrates for one week, and eat only salads, without potatoes, or nuts, cream, etc., but only raw vegetables such as carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, celery, peppers, onions, radishes, watercress, cucumber, raw peas, cabbage; with any type of raw fruit, such as pineapple, grapes, limes, grapefruit, berries, peaches, melons but no bananas. One pint of fat-free yoghurt can also be taken daily, if necessary. This diet is of great help to sufferers of sciatica, rheumatism, catarrh, acidity, etc.
For those who suffer from severe intestinal or digestive disturbance, or illnesses similar to dysentery, diarrhoea, flatulence, indigestion, intestinal infections, food poisoning, and so on, another type of fast is extremely beneficial. This is an all-yoghurt diet. For at least two days eat nothing but yoghurt. It can easily be made by mixing a dessertspoon of plain, natural yoghurt with each pint of milk. Beat the yoghurt in, and stand the milk in a warm place such as an airing cupboard. Use whole milk for this, i.e., with cream. You will need at least four pints of yoghurt each day. If there is no bowel movement, use an enema each day, and on the first day after the fast. This is a very simple diet, but very beneficial. Take no tea, coffee, or other foods or drinks during the diet. Eat yoghurt every hour. That is about a cupful to half a pint or more, depending on appetite. The idea is to eat little, but often. No attempt is being made to starve, so eat what your appetite demands. Use no sugar. If you must use a sweetener, use a little honey, but not much.
These cleansing diets reduce weight, clear catarrh, skin, eyes, cleanse intestines and cure acidity, indigestion, piles, blood conditions, etc. The all raw fruit and vegetable diet can be taken while pregnant, if it is necessary to cleanse the body.
Weight-gaining diet
It must be made very clear that during pregnancy, unless you are painfully thin, it is best to either gain a little, or stay about the same weight. If you are heavy, then even weight loss during pregnancy is all right, as long as it is done on a nutritious diet, and not on appetite suppressers.
Gayelord Hauser gives the following as a sample of weight-gaining daily diet.
Breakfast: 8 ounces citrus juice, chopped dates and nuts with cream, ½ cup cooked wheatgerm eaten with blackstrap molasses and top of milk, 1 slice of wholemeal bread, toasted if desired. 1 glass of milk, or hot milk beverage. One vitamin and mineral supplement capsule.
(Gayelord Hauser suggests a lot of vitamin A in his diet, but I have found that it is easy to take too much. It then acts as a poison, causing headaches, nose bleeds, etc. I have therefore replaced his suggestion with a vitamin and mineral. capsule.)
Mid-morning: 1 tablespoon of brewer’s yeast (or equal in tablets) with fruit juice or yoghurt.
Luncheon: Fruit salad, egg in some form, wholewheat bread and butter, a glass of yoghurt, or yoghurt with molasses.
Mid-afternoon: A very ripe banana or apricot and prune juice – with peanuts.
Dinner: Salad, with tomatoes, carrots, nuts, raisins, liver or meat of choice, potato in jacket, milk drink, fruit compote, with -wholewheat biscuit.
Supper: Brewer’s yeast or tablets to equivalent of one tablespoon, -fruit juice and yoghurt.
This is merely a suggestion, and full diet may be better for weight gain.
Weight-losing diet
Any woman who is overweight runs greater risks in childbearing than a slim or medium-weight woman. If you are pregnant, such reductions must be done under supervision of a doctor. If not pregnant, the cleansing diets are excellent for reducing. 1 have found however, that a fully balanced diet often causes weight reduction. Therefore, even in pregnancy, without doctor’s supervision, the following full diet may be helpful.
Breakfast: First thing on rising, 2 dessertspoons of brewer’s yeast powder mixed with milk and water to make a cupful, with a slice of wholewheat bread and honey. After washing, etc., i.e., about one and a half hours later, a poached egg, and cup of yoghurt with dates, raisins and banana in it.
It has been discovered that our energy level during the day is enormously influenced by what we eat for breakfast. A high protein breakfast with a little fat, carbohydrate and sugar, causes a high energy level. This is particularly so if milk proteins, as in yoghurt are supplied.
Midday, or mid-morning: Because a pregnant woman has less room in her stomach, it is better if she eats several small but nutritious meals a day, rather than three large ones. Once per day, a purely alkaline meal should be taken, and this meal is often the most opportune. Therefore, depending on appetite or taste: one pear, and two oranges or raw carrot, dried fruit and apple, or three to four apples, or slices of pineapple. The principle is to have a small meal consisting only of alkaline, uncooked foods. (See section on acid and alkaline foods.) If you have a midday meal, change these meals round to suit your timetables.
.Mid-afternoon: 2 dessertspoons of wheatgerm. Place in a cup and half fill with water, then top up with yoghurt or milk. Slice of bread, figs or dates.
Evening meal: Salad, consisting of something like tomato, celery, raisins, peanuts or any nuts, any chopped dried fruit, lettuce (green leaves), raw carrot, cress, watercress, cheese and eggs, or cheese and meat of choice, potato in jacket with a little butter. Use a little safflower or olive oil. Do not have a pudding or sweet. Use dandelion leaves also if you like them.
Supper: This should be taken an hour or so before going to bed. Yoghurt with honey, or milk drink. With banana or apple if hungry.
Nothing should be eaten or drunk between these meals, except a fruit juice, or water, if thirsty. If there is a bloated feeling, cut down the quantities.
The full diet
It is very difficult to tell another human being exactly what to eat, and even the diets listed above must only be seen as suggestions. Not only does available money condition what we eat, but also our temperament, glandular balance, and energy expended, produce different needs. Therefore, I can only suggest different principles which you yourself must apply in the way you see fit. Be courageous enough to experiment, and if you are not as healthy as you should be, keep on experimenting until you find the diet that produces the maximum well-being.
1. All food should be as wholesome and unrefined as possible. This means the cutting out of white flour, white sugar, sweets, fried or overcooked foods, all the ready mixed cake mixes and white flour products, spiced foods and shop pastries.
2. As much food as possible should be eaten raw and fresh, except for eggs, meat and potatoes.
3. Many any experts see meat as an unessential part of the diet others are the opposite. But pork and the red meats are best avoided or used infrequently during pregnancy, and always well cooked. If you do eat meat though, make sure to regularly include the organ meats.
4. Have at least one meal each day entirely of fresh, uncooked and un-sugared fruit. This acts as a daily cleansing. No milk, tea, or bread should be taken with this alkaline meal. Milk does not mix well with oranges anyway. In many cases, it is found best to have this meal last thing at night.
5. For the pregnant woman a salad each day repays every effort.
6. Butter is better than the artificial fats, despite all the cholesterol scare. If raw foods, and those low in concentrated starches, are used this is nullified. But make sure a few nuts, wheatgerm, sunflower seeds, or safflower oil is taken daily, or else the vital vitamins F and E are not supplied.
7. Milk is not vital, but if you do not drink a pint or more daily, make sure you get its equivalent in other calcium and protein-rich foods. If you can take yoghurt, make your own by beating into a pint of whole milk or dried milk one dessertspoon of plain yoghurt, and stand in a warm place, such as an airing cupboard or vacuum flask, until set.
8. For some women during pregnancy the supplements are the doorway to retaining their baby. In others, the supplements are not essential, but they are a very sound investment. I have personally seen women during pregnancy blossom into glowing health after a few weeks on them. In one case, with a woman who began supplements in her fourth month, the baby was born with a line down its lip. Later, a doctor looking at the baby remarked that it had already had an operation to join its hare lip. Of course, no such operation had taken place, but it seems likely that the hare lip was healed while still in the womb through receiving vital nutrients. One medical article, quoted by Carlton Fredericks, says that deficiency of vitamin B( (found richly in brewer’s yeast) can cause the birth of deformed babies. A medical report says that if a woman gives birth to a baby with a hare lip, deformed spine, cleft palate, or club foot, it would be a good thing for her to take vitamin supplements during her next pregnancy! This seems to be a case of telling us to shut the gate after the horse has gone. Thus, at the very least, it is safe insurance to take a daily multi-vitamin and mineral capsule, while it is even better to supply the body’s needs adequately. Some doctors argue that high doses of vitamins are toxic, but they fail to point out that this is only true when taken in hundreds of thousands of units. Also, such cases of toxicity are not like the irreparable damage done by most drugs; for if the dose is then stopped, the toxicity disappears.
To repeat the remark made by the mother of a pregnant woman who had not only looked very ill before beginning supplementary vitamins, but who was told by the doctor she would never carry the baby: ‘She looks as if she has regained her youth and beauty she had before she was married. All her sickness and symptoms have disappeared, her hair is shining and when the doctor saw her he said, ‘My goodness, you look well.”
9. We may class as supplements not only vitamins and mineral tablets, but also wheatgerm, molasses, dried milk, brewers yeast, kelp, Irish moss, garlic tablets, papaya, and Florus.
10. The personal application of the full diet can be built around that given under the Weight Losing Diet.
11. As for exactly what supplements to take: in all cases it is suggested that brewer’s yeast, and wheatgerm be added to the diet. A multi-vitamin and mineral supplement, (These tablets are obtainable from health food stores but may not be stocked by chemists. Make sure that any vitamin and mineral supplement has A,B,C,D and E vitamins with the minerals.) vitamins C and E, and molasses should be taken. (That is, 100 i.u. of E, and 200 mlg of C, daily.) Also at least six kelp tablets. Otherwise, use particular directions as in health questionnaire, or in following chapter on ‘Problems’.
In cases where you feel a little under par, a daily dose of 300 mlg of vitamin C 200 mlg of vitamin L, and iron and calcium tab lets, plus one vitamin and mineral supplement capsule should be taken. Do not feel apprehensive. The girl whose mother’s –remarks I have mentioned above was on 2,000 mlg of vitamin E, and the same dose of vitamin C, plus other supplements, -gradually reducing.
12. Just before or during labour, i.e., as labour begins, take 1,000 mlg of vitamin C, four calcium (or six kelp) tablets, and 1,000 i.u. of vitamin E.
Virtually all dietary aids, or disciplines, are greatly enhanced by sufficient exercise. This is because the body and its organs need to be stimulated for their best performance and function.
13. Doctors have discovered that too much salt in the diet of a pregnant woman not only causes unnecessary weight gain and restlessness, but also makes birth more difficult. Sufficient salt is in cheese and butter, and should not be used in cooking or on meals.
14.Please remember, in all cases, take vitamins E, C, and kelp; one vitamin and mineral capsule, and plenty of brewer’s yeast powder and wheatgerm. If you just cannot acquire the taste for brewer’s yeast powder, then take the brewer’s yeast tablets. Avoid using the extra potency type however as they upset some people. As I have already said, I think the vitamin A in the vitamin/mineral capsules may be too high for some people. So if headaches, nose bleeds, or itchy skin occur, drop this capsule entirely.
What’s in our food?
This part of the chapter is not essential reading, but is included as a more detailed reference for those who need it. It attempts to give a deeper insight into just what each part of food does, so you can use this knowledge to help yourself where necessary.
Food is made up of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. We will therefore look at each of these in turn, and briefly see what part it plays in our health, and in child-bearing.
Fat. in our body and in our diet, fats have several essential roles. in our body fatty tissues protect and support vital organs. They act as padding in areas taking much wear, such as fingers. Also, fatty tissues insulate against cold, and act as a reserve food store for when we miss a meal, work harder or breast-feed a baby. In early societies, more subject to the seasonal flux of food, such fat stores were often essential and highly regarded. Possibly sensible reducing diets play the parts of seasonal hunger?
During digestion, proteins can be changed by the liver into fats, sugars and carbohydrates, but fats, sugars and carbohydrates cannot be changed into proteins. Some vitamins such as A are fat soluble, and a fat-free diet endangers the proper absorption of these.
Scientists have found that the reason some babies are born with eczema is because the mother did not have sufficient unsaturated fats in her diet. Inclusion of butter, nuts, olive oil or corn oil in the diet will counteract this.
Carbohydrates All carbohydrates, such as sweets, biscuits, potatoes, and jam, are turned into sugars during digestion. Starches are made up of chains of sugars linked together. During digestion these chains unlink and return to their basic sugars. While we definitely need a fair amount of carbohydrate in our diet, there are certain dangers, especially if they are taken as concentrated carbohydrates such as white flour, white sugar, ice cream, chocolate, cakes and whips. The digestion and utilisation of starches uses high amounts of vitamin C and the B group of vitamins. in natural starches, such as whole rice or whole wheat, high amounts of these vitamins and minerals occur. When rice or wheat are processed, these nutrients are removed, and so vitamin deficiencies occur. Many people eating a normal amount of vitamin C in their diet suffer from scurvy because their intake of starches and sugar is so high.
This is doubly dangerous because such starches are very filling, and so the appetite is fooled into believing itself satisfied, yet essential minerals and vitamins are missing from one’s food intake. Before the motor-car, central heating, ready-made entertainment, and civilisation in general, our forebears had so much exercise that large amounts of starches were burnt up. The large amount of food they thus ate brought a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals. Lacking this ability to safely consume so much starch, our meals must be planned to include large amounts of minerals and vitamins, with a reasonable amount of starch.
This is why wholewheat flour is advised, and dark brown sugar. If you are going to eat starches, as you must, then at least eat those with very high mineral and vitamin content.
it has been found that a too high carbohydrate diet definitely predisposes one to sinus trouble, catarrh, the common cold indigestion and poor skin. The section on the alkaline diet suggests a quick cleansing programme. For a woman who has to supply not only her own nutritional needs, but also those of her growing baby, a wise use of starches is essential. The suggestions in the Full Diet will give guidance.
Protein. All cells are built of protein in some degree. As our body is made entirely of cells, the need for protein is of prime importance. Girls who have skimpy meals of coffee and rolls, which lack protein, soon become ill. Nature makes various proteins out of a mixture of twenty-two acids, called amino acids.
A body lacking sufficient protein, backed by minerals and vitamins, tends to slouch, due to the muscles being weak. Likewise, cracked or peeling nails, brittle hair, poor digestion, low blood-pressure, anaemia and susceptibility to infections, are all traceable to insufficient protein. This is because nail cells hair, digestive enzymes, artery walls, heart blood cells, and antibodies are all largely protein. If the protein intake is too low or not supplying all the needed amino acids, these basic body parts function poorly.
The proteins in muscle meats contain fewer of some of the essential amino acids than the organ meats. All animal protein foods such as fish, milk, cheese, meat, and eggs contain all the amino acids. Only egg white is incomplete.
Vegetable proteins, such as brewer’s yeast, some nuts soybeans, cottonseed, wheatgerm and other cereal germs, also contain all the amino acids, but sometimes in lower quantities than the animal protein foods. However, brewer’s yeast, weight for weight, contains more protein than any other food. The amounts of amino acids in brewer’s yeast are very near to those in human milk, and the large amounts of B vitamins and minerals it contains make it an extraordinary food. Soybeans are very high in protein and also contain necessary unsaturated fats or oils.
The lack of one of the amino acids, methionine is now known to cause swollen ankles in pregnant women. However, the recommended frill diet gives a range of complete animal and vegetable proteins.
Vitamins. Next in our list of food constituents come the vitamins. A vitamin is a microscopic substance found in foods, needed by our body for its well-being. Edgar Cayce has said that vitamins are the creative forces working with the body energies for the renewing of the body. By this he meant Life’s creative forces; and he also said vitamins are ‘that from which the glands take those necessary influences to supply the energies to enable the various organs of the body to reproduce themselves.’
Vitamin A. There is no vitamin A in any fruit or vegetables, only the substance ‘carotene’ from which our body manufactures the true vitamin. Carotene is found in all green leaves, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, prunes, peaches, oranges, cherries, apricots, turnip greens, spinach and in most vegetables. As this is a fat-soluble vitamin, we need fair amounts of fat in our diet to assimilate it. and some people cannot properly convert carotene to vitamin A. ‘Therefore they need it done for them. Animals such as cows, fish, etc., have already converted carotene, and so the fats, such as butter, cream, fish oils and meats, that we get from them are often high in true vitamin A.
This vitamin is used in many ways by the body. One of the first signs that we need more is a dry, rough skin. Goose pimples occur, especially on the thighs, upper arms and back, sometimes causing spots where a hair emerges. Vitamin A is needed for the health of our mucous membranes. These are the soft skin that covers the inside of the nose, mouth, sexual organs, bladder and internal organs. This membrane of skin has the job of keeping at bay millions of bacteria, and uses vitamin A in its germ killing. When the vitamin is insufficient, this defence system breaks down, and infections of nose, mouth and bladder can result. Discharges occur from these areas due to the dying bacteria and cells. Thus colds, bronchitis, catarrh, mouth sores, etc., result.
As vitamin A is used to produce the ‘visual purple’ in the eyes, another symptom of deficiency is night blindness, sore eyes, the need for sunglasses, or burning eyes. Other signs are teeth cavities, soft bones, bladder stones, and horny skin.
As it is one of the vitamins that can be toxic in too high quantities, an overdose can cause constant headache, nose bleeds, itchy skin and lethargy.
B vitamins. These vitamins have so many functions in the body it is impossible to do more than hint at them here. One of their basic properties is to act as wicks in the body. Using the B vitamins, the body burns the fats and carbohydrates, changing them into energy. Lacking these vitamins, incomplete ‘burning’ takes place, causing indigestion, furred or strawberry red tongue, constipation, nervousness or depression.
Some of the other members of the B group are: biotin: a deficiency impairs the body’s fat production, and may lead to dry skin and lassitude.
Choline: essential to health of heart and blood vessels, liver and kidneys. Inositol: reduces liver fats, and stimulates intestinal movements.
Thiamin: aids food assimilation, growth, elimination, circulation and heart function. It also plays a part in reducing alcoholism, sciatica, morning sickness and pain. It is therefore necessary for the pregnant woman to assure sufficient amounts.
Riboflavin: a deficiency causes cracked lips, bald patches on lips, purple tongue, scaly patches around the nose, forehead and eyes, and burning eyes. Niacin: a deficiency causes tender gums, diarrhoea, nausea, insomnia, abdominal pains, and all symptoms linked with depression, melancholy, dizziness. Pyridoxine: deficiency causes pellagra, muscular stiffness, rigidity, hardening of the arteries and tooth decay. It aids digestion of fats, proteins, skin health and nerves, muscle and blood. Pantothenic acid: aids peripheral neuritis, alcoholism fatigue, breathlessness, fainting spells, and sometimes restores hair to its natural colour. PABA: aids intestinal bacteria to produce folic acid, and a deficiency can produce nervousness, tiredness and depression. Folic acid acts as a preventative to anaemia through promoting red cell growth. Deficiency may cause inflammation of the tongue, gastric troubles, diarrhoea. B12, when deficient, causes pernicious anaemia. It is also used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, alcoholism, hepatitis and bursitis. It is an antidote to cyanide and lead poisoning.
Nutritionists have said again and again that a deficiency of a single B vitamin is impossible, and so we should never take just one of the vitamins without the others. They are all found in brewer’s yeast, in high quantities. Also in peanuts, wholewheat flour, brown rice, salmon, spinach, luna beans, mushrooms, egg yolk, barley, oats, molasses, beef, liver, cheddar cheese, wheatgerm, soybeans, dandelion leaves and torula yeast.
Vitamin C. This definitely plays the role of strengthening the capillaries, our tiny blood vessels. These minute tubes, when vitamin C is deficient, easily break and cause internal bleeding. Therefore, one of the early signs that we need more of this vitamin is bleeding gums or when we bruise easily. Another of its functions is to unite with poisons in the body and thus counteract them, they are then passed out of the body in the urine. This makes it not only a very efficient antidote to many poisons, but also an infection fighter.
Deficiency also causes poor wound healing, varicose veins, prolonged infections and easy fatigue. Because it strengthens capillaries and tissues, it helps prevent miscarriage. It is useful in the treatment of colds, headaches, migraine, stomach or eye ulcers, burns, cuts, menopause complaints, soft bones, whooping cough and pneumonia. It is also necessary for the proper assimilation of iron, and aids storage of calcium and phosphorus. It should be taken in large quantities in the first stage of labour, as it aids healing, enables one to face stress, gives energy, prevents excess bleeding and helps relaxation.
It is found in large quantities in oranges, lemons, parsley, kale, sprouts, green peppers, blackcurrants, cauliflower, spinach, green lettuce leaves, strawberries, grapefruit, dandelion leaves and onion.
Vitamin D. This vitamin plays a part in the use of calcium in bones and teeth. (Rickets is due to a deficiency.) It is also used to treat psoriasis, tetany, myopia and glandular disturbance. The major source of vitamin D is exposure to sunshine. Our skin oils are changed by sunshine, and are then absorbed into the body again, taking with them vitamin D. If we wash a few hours before or after such exposure, however, the skin oils are washed off, and so no absorption takes place. Vegetable oils rubbed on the skin during sun bathing help to compensate for this though, as long as they too are not washed off too soon.
Other sources are butter, full fat, cheese, full cream yoghurt, cream, sunflower seeds, beef, liver, eggs, cod liver or halibut liver or their oils. it is an essential vitamin for pregnant and nursing mothers.
Vitamin F. Laboratory tests which created a vitamin E deficiency in animals, produced sterility, many miscarriages, still births, wasting of muscles and muscular weakness. Lack of E weakens the hold the placenta has on the wall of the womb.
Vitamin E’s function has been found to be to prevent the destruction of essential fatty acids by oxygen. When these fats are oxygenised, they are no longer usable by our body cells. As these fats are vital to each cell, if insufficient essential fatty acids are available, tissue breakdown occurs. This is why muscular wasting occurs during vitamin E deficiency. A lack of vitamin E is a major cause of premature birth. Also hundreds of premature babies have gone blind due to being placed in oxygen tents. As oxygen ruins the essential fatty acids, it causes tissue breakdown in the babies’ eyes. Babies who were given vitamin E injections all survived with their sight.
Blood cells are among those that break down due to E deficiency. This causes anaemia in adults and babies. This is why it is a wise precaution for the mother to supplement her diet with vitamin E capsules.
It is interesting that some of the first astronauts suffered anaemia badly after a flight spent breathing richly oxygenated air. Present astronauts have to eat a vitamin E-enriched diet.
Experiments on bulls given vitamin E resulted in a greatly reduced percentage of malformed calves. This is why prospective fathers are advised to take E before trying for a baby.
This vitamin is found in whole wheat, brown rice, peanuts, all whole seeds, nuts, soybeans, kale, savoy, lettuce, nettle-leaves peas, cress, and all whole cereals.
Vitamin F. The constituents of this are known as essential fatty acids. They aid the body to get rid of superfluous fat deposits, and in overcoming some skin diseases, such as eczema, boils, psoriasis, etc. They are also important in the treatment of two serious diseases, coeliac and sprue. They play a part in preventing falling hair, dandruff, prostate disorder and dry skin. Found in whole wheat, wheatgerm, nuts, olive oil, safflower oil, and sunflower seeds. The oils should not be heated however, as this destroys their properties.
Vitamin K. This is largely produced by the intestinal bacteria, except when a person is on antibiotics taken orally. Intestinal bacteria are increased by eating yoghurt and raw foods, or Florus. This vitamin is essential for correct blood coagulation. It is thus of great importance to those who frequently miscarry. It can be obtained from kale, green cabbage, spinach and nettle leaves any dark green leaves. It is now general practice to inject this vitamin into new-born babies, to decrease the chance of internal bleeding due to birth.
Vitamin P. Another vitamin aiding prevention of haemorrhaging, and aiding blood coagulation. It occurs in the peel of oranges, but need not be worried about unless used for preventing frequent miscarriages, when it can be taken as bioflavon tablets. If you take vitamin C tablets during pregnancy, buy ones including bio-flavon.
The minerals. These consist of potassium, calcium, iron hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine iodine, sodium, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese vanadium and fluorine. A balanced diet, as suggested in the Full Diet section, will supply all of these in sufficient quantity. Only iron calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and sometimes iodine are needed in greater quantities during pregnancy.
Iron. Iron is used in the body largely to make the haemoglobin of the red blood cells. Iron is the red of these cells. It is the part of the blood cell that can take hold of oxygen as the blood passes through the lungs, and act as a carrier for the body cells. Therefore, with insufficient iron the oxygen is not carried adequately to the rest of the body from the lungs. Lacking red blood cells, sufferers are usually pale and anaemic. They become easily tired and breathless, having to pant to gain enough oxygen. Also, this leads often to giddiness and depression, fainting and exhaustion.
Iron is found in large quantities in almonds, yeast extracts, beans, brazil nuts, carrageen moss, eggs, dried figs, wholewheat flour, wheatgerm, lentils, molasses, peas, prunes, Barbados sugar, honey, leeks, oats and kelp.
Iron is best absorbed if vitamin C is present in the same meal. Therefore, if taking iron in tablet form, either take C with it, or any of those tablets already containing it.
Calcium. This mineral plays many roles in the body. It is the building material of bones and teeth, regulates heart rhythm, relaxes muscular and nervous tension, helps blood to clot, sometimes helps people underweight to build tissue, and is helpful for insomniacs and some skin disorders.
Calcium is used to form collagen, which is the body tissue that gives firmness to sinews, ligaments, joints and blood flesh. Droopy flesh, weak joints or displaced internal organs may be due to calcium lack.
The pregnant woman needs a great deal of calcium due to the high quantity used by the baby to build its own bones and tissues. Also, as calcium acts as a muscle and nerve relaxant, it is a really natural sedative at childbirth. For its proper absorption, vitamins A,B,C, and D, especially C, are needed with it. This is why fresh, whole milk is an excellent source.
Other sources are: almonds, soybeans, carrageen moss, Cheddar cheese, molasses, parsley, spinach, Barbados sugar, kelp, milk products.
Signs of deficiency are muscle cramp, irritability, nervousness painful periods.
Phosphorus. If you are eating a fair amount of salads and fruit, it is unlikely that you lack this mineral. If you eat a lot of meat and no milk, a calcium and phosphorus deficiency may exist. This is true also if a lot of yeast, liver or vitamin B tablets are taken without taking extra calcium. This is because phosphorus works in conjunction with calcium to build bones and teeth, tissues and cartilage. If no calcium is in the meal, the phosphorus passes out into the urine, but combines with blood calcium as it does so causing a calcium deficiency.
Phosphorus is found in almonds, beans, wholewheat flour carrageen moss, Cheddar cheese, eggs, yeast extracts, peanuts, peas, walnuts, brewer’s yeast and kelp.
Sodium. Apart from anything else, organic sodium (sodium found in vegetables and fruit, not salt) is used by the liver to detoxify the body. This is one of the most ‘healing’ of activities in the system. Sodium also aids in the right water balance in the body, preventing excess loss of body fluids.
Sources are cucumber, carrots, celery, apples, spinach, and all the squash family such as melons, zucchini, marrow, etc.
Magnesium. Another of the minerals, like calcium and iron, which is often missing in our modern diet. Deficiencies show as tension, muscular cramps or spasms convulsions. Other symptoms are insomnia, mental confusion muscular weakness irregular pulse, shaking hands and twitching.
Babies suffering convulsions and even epilepsy can be quickly righted by giving magnesium. It is easily available as Epsom salt, and the daily dose in above cases should be about a quarter of a teaspoon. Also it can be bought as Dolomite tablets.
Animals placed on a magnesium-deficient diet quickly developed convulsions, kidney stones, and heart troubles. Magnesium taken in sufficient quantity quickly cures these symptoms, and has been found to decrease cholesterol level dramatically, and cure hardening of the arteries.
People surviving a heart attack and given daily doses of magnesium made ‘truly remarkable’ progress.
Adelle Davis points out that calcification of tissues, as in arthritis, rheumatism, bursitis, scleroderma, and hardening of the arteries, does not mean one should eat less calcium.
Improvement can only come, she says, when the calcium and As magnesium is necessary for calcium metabolism, vitamin C is unusable without it, and it aids in bone formation and relaxing nerves and muscles, so pregnant mothers must ensure an adequate supply. Any high sensitivity to noise or hand tremors, should be taken as a sign of deficiency.
It is found in almonds, beans, bran, Brussels sprouts, chard, clams, nuts, oats, corn, dates, figs, cucumbers, raisins, honey and prunes.
Iodine. This is not frequently deficient except in cases of goitre. Iodised table salt, or the use of kelp tablets, will fulfil the need. It is found in cabbage, carrageen moss, kelp, leeks, lettuce and onions.
Acid and alkaline Foods. One of the most practical and yet simple pieces of information about foods are their acid and alkaline -properties. People have suffered years of discomfort with indigestion or acidity which has been cured a few days once these principles were understood. Likewise, those suffering from rheumatism, arthritis and sciatica have found either a cure or great help, from this knowledge. This section is also given to provide greater insight into the use of the cleansing diets mentioned earlier.
Any food we eat produces in our stomach one of three reactions – acid, alkaline or neutral. This reaction produces a marked influence on the rest of the body, either as a cleansing or clogging influence.
Acid. The following foods tend to be energy-producing and protein foods. These are what we might call the concentrated fuel’ or ‘body building’ foods. If we are very active physically, these foods are used and ‘burnt up’. If we are not very active, yet eat plenty of these foods, the fuel is not burnt and becomes a clogging and toxifying agent instead. This clogging of the system shows as catarrh, bronchitis, constipation, poor skin, breath odour, and the conditions mentioned above. Part of this is because these foods produce an acid reaction during digestion, and if not burnt up, produce too much acidity in the system as a whole. Any gardener knows that an acid soil needs alkalising; but here are the acid-forming foods:
All fats and oils, prunes, plums, rhubarb, cranberries, all -cereals – this includes bread, pastry, cakes, tapioca, custard, pies, etc. Sugar, molasses, sweets, chocolate, all nuts, cream, beans, meat, poultry, fish, potatoes, egg white.
Because meats, sugar and white flour products are particularly irritating to rheumatism and arthritis, many doctors now place such patients on a vegetarian diet.
1 Alkaline. Many of these foods contain acids, but nevertheless produce an alkaline reaction during digestion. These tend to be the vitamin and mineral foods rather than the body building ones. Although in some people these foods, such as oranges, seem to produce acidity, this is only because the person’s system is loaded with too much concentrated starches such as white flour, sugar or meat foods. A few days on the cleansing diet would soon alter this. These foods help to cleanse the system of toxins.
All fruits (except large prunes, plums and rhubarb) are alkaline in digestion.( But only in normally functioning digestion. Sufferers from acute arthritis and rheumatism are advised to avoid such ‘acid’ fruits as grapefruit and lemon..) This includes Figs, raisins, dates, sultanas, apples, apricots, blackberries, lemons, oranges, etc. Also all vegetables, such as sprouts, lettuce, carrots, cucumber, young peas, runner beans but not broad beans, processed peas, dried beans, etc., or when cooked in oil or fat.
Neutral. A few foods are neutral in reaction. These are brown rice, honey, buttermilk, yoghurt, cream cheeses and banana.
As can be seen from all that has been said in this chapter, some foods, such as almonds, yoghurt, molasses, brewer’s yeast and uncooked fruits and vegetables, have so many advantages that it is wise to include them in our daily diet. in the case of brewer’s yeast and molasses, this can be done by adding them to our cooking, such as in our home-made bread or cakes. Or with yoghurt, a banana and honey, placed in a blender with yoghurt, produces a delicious drink.
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