Helpful Addresses for Yoga
Yoga and Relaxation – Tony Crisp
Helful Addresses for Yoga – Chapter 11
Organised bodies teaching various aspects of Yoga:
Ramana Maharshi
The Theosophical Society in England
50 Gloucester Place, London W1H 4EA.
Tel: +44 (0)171 935 9261 / 5265
Web Site
The International Subud Committee
A.A. Gde Muninjaya, Jalan Tegal Harum no 1, Denpasar 80237, Bali-Indonesia. P.O.Box 2590/DPR Tonja Dpr 80239, Denpasar-Bali Indonesia.
Tel. +62 361 461-381 | Fax. +62 361 463 667
The Rosicrucian Order
For Europe and Africa:
Rosicrucian Order, AMORC
Dept. INTU1
P.O. Box 35,
East Sussex TN6 1ZX,
Tel: 01892 653197
FAX: 01892-667432
Information on Edgar Cayce, and the school that has sprung from his readings:
Association for Research and Enlightenment
Virginia Beach
For those wishing for information on Yoga classes in their area, or for general information:
The Wheel of British Yoga
8 Poplar Drive
Wootton Hall
Solihull, Warks.
General yoga web sites.
Mantra Yoga
Those interested in vegetarianism can receive information from:
Vegetarian Society
53 Marloes Road
London W8.