In the Beginning
I began to talk as LIFE, saying –
But it is human beings
Who wrote all the holy books.
All of the stories arose out of Me.
All of the music,
All the fears.
All the possibilities of life
Arose because I AM.
Because I as humans
Became self aware.
Then all this wonderful
Array of qualities arose.
Now I moved into being the story teller.
And I could hear the sound
Of the birds and crickets outside,
And it felt I was experiencing
How the world was millions of years ago.
Not like going back into the past,
But recognising how
The past is still with us.
I said –
There was a moment when
I heard it for the first time.
I heard it all new
And I was amazed.
I had been unconscious,
And I woke up.
I then heard it all for the first time.
I could hear myself – Life – crying,
Laughing, mating.
I was in awe.
I was in AWE.
I fell down before myself
And I worshipped – Myself –
Yet asked –
What creates all this?
What could create it?
In my awe
I listened so deeply,
And I would get so entranced
I would forget about everything else,
And IT spoke to me.
IT spoke to ME!
It spoke to me,
And told me the stories and poems
I tell to you now.
Copyright ©2004 Tony Crisp