May represent feelings of inferiority or superiority, or even be similar to Guru, depending on dream.
Example: When I was 68 I took an opportunity to ‘get education’ because up till then I had not had the questionable advantages of being taught – except when I had to do national service in the RAF and was taught nursing. I got a pass at an Oxford college and while studying there wrote three books which were later published – all without education of the normal kind. My secret was, if it could be called that, I never waited for anyone to tell me what to do or give me permission or pieces of paper called diplomas, etc. I simply got on with what was burning inside me.
While I was being ‘educated’ I met a woman student who assured me that as a woman she was almost paralyzed by restrictions due to her sex. She told me she couldn’t get work. I then thought of my mother from an older generation who never ever had such thoughts and always got work, or created it.
See Genius – Releasing Your Inner Genius – From Black Slave to Genius