The Sense of Nonsense
In an unpublished manuscript I was fortunate enough to be loaned, Dr. Caron Kent describes how some of his patients found healing through working with the self-regulatory forces in themselves. More interesting still in regard to what we are considering here, he also describes how he first made contact with the process of LifeStream in himself. He says that he had been feeling unwell for some time, and as a doctor recognised his condition was more psychological than physical. He felt he needed to discover the latent resources of his own being and so decided to regularly give time to be with himself and learn. He did this by sitting at his typewriter/computer and writing whatever came into his feelings or thoughts. At first such writings were disjointed, meaningless and appeared to be of no help to him. But he persisted, and into his spontaneous writing began to emerge pieces of information and insights into his nature which started the process of change and healing. He later refined his technique and used it to help others, as described in his book THE PUZZLED BODY – Vision Press.
It is worth using this not simply when you feel ill, but to explore your inner self more fully.
Although this differs from Jung’s approach in techniques used, nevertheless the underlying principle is exactly the same. Jung suggests fantasying with the hands, Caron Kent used his typewriter/computer. People have used an enormous variety of approaches to experience LifeStream, but basically what underlies each is that they have trusted their own nature and dared to allow seemingly irrational parts of themselves expression. Their belief in the resources of their own being was a powerful demand directed to their inner process to produce something helpful. Continuance in the face of initial meaningless made their demand an organising and disciplining force to draw sense out of the original jumbled expression of their unconscious. Whether we are attempting to define a new and more useful view of the world, to ease aches in our soul, or to transcend the limitations we find in our art or love, some aims in our life are big enough to need persistence in the face of obstacles.
You could use Jung’s method by starting with Arm Circling Meditation, and also look at Life’s Little Secrets or even Opening to Life
We can consider our body, with its variety of faculties, as our typewriter, or equipment extraordinary. I know that people may already have defined a working relationship with LifeStream through their activity in such things as painting, music, dancing, etc. Nevertheless I still believe it is worthwhile learning to relate to it directly through ourselves. This need not in any way detract from other techniques we use. In fact I believe it can only add to them, for they are all extensions of our basic bodily and psychological functions. Also, this direct approach links with some of the ways our internal processes work.