Body & Mind

Unfortunatley, our western culture often sees the body as a purely material thing. In doing so it overlooks the forces and wisdom that has grown you from a tiny seed, and continues to offer you that wisdom form your core self. In fact, our body, like everything else in nature, is linked with every aspect of the living process around us. As such it is a way to the highest. The mind and the body are a continuum.

The Great and Ancient Secret – Part One

Virtually every society up to our present times has been built on a hierarchy. The upper levels of the hierarchy usually do everything in their power to maintain their advantage. To do so they live on the work and productivity of those in the lower levels of the hierarchy. In the U.S. and the UK...More

Rituals of Beauty

He says, ‘In meeting these we must understand them as symbols of our inner conditions, not representations of outer realities. And we then need to ask the question, "What is the meaning of this?" until the coex process goes beyond the symbol into bringing up an understanding of its connection wit...More

Glandular Types

SEX should not be a casual pleasure, it is a creative force. Used without thought, or repressed continually, it damages our normal creativity and the links of human sympathy. Try to follow the sex urge only when it is led into activity by a feeling of love for one's partner. ...More

Every Seven Years (7) You Change

Rudolph Steiner, the great teacher of Anthroposophy said that the seven-year cycles continue throughout life, and are of the utmost importance to doctors, teachers, psychiatrists and the social sciences. Without some smattering of these changes it is difficult for anyone to understand the relationsh...More

Consciousness – The Brain Mind Body Split

Suddenly, and with some apprehension, I realised the meaning of this interesting fantasy that my unconscious had been communicating. I am a bubble. My personal awareness, although it seems distinct and separate, is in fact the reflection of one great consciousness pervading the universe. So who am I...More

Body Dowsing – Releasing The Unconscious Wisdom

Here is a technique thhat can extend your intuition and awareness enormously - though of course it needs practising and testing....More

Being Born

It is for many people unbelievable that they can remember their birth.This is because they confuse memory with thinking and conscious images. But memory of your birth is avaialbe to your body and it responses. Here is a way you can remember....More

The Slow Breath

The aim of the ‘slow breath’ method is to breathe naturally-abdominally-but to breathe as slowly as comfort allows. It must be comfortable, however, as the aim is to induce quiet of mind and emotions, and if you are struggling with the method it defeats its own purpose. So there must be no gasp...More

The Fundamental Process

Gradually I began to see that throughout the ages, in the different religions and traditional practices of East and West, there was a certain similarity. This was not apparent unless you could see right through to what the fundamental essence of the practices were. For instance one of the books I re...More

Diving into the Depths of Mind

Something that has struck me very powerfully over the years is how we as a people relate to what I am calling the unconscious or unconsciousness. In the teachings of Buddhism we are told that fundamentally there is only the Void. This can seem very frightening, that behind everything is a sort of no...More

Seitai And The Healing Touch

Noguchi taught three approaches to the Japanese form of inner-directed movement he named Seitai. The first approach, katsugen-undo, is basically the same as what has been described as the open approach. My observation of it is that the only difference is the voice is not allowed so much freedom in J...More

The Japanese Have Seitai

A particular quality about it which comes out in Noguchi’s teachings. He constantly stressed that you cannot understand what a human being is by dissecting one, or by trying to understand the function of separate organs such as the liver or brain. For instance, he said that one person may find hi...More

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