Dream Dictionary


currency See: money....More

Cuddle Cuddling

In most dreams where cuddling occurs it is usually a woman cuddling with love and care a baby, probably new born. This represents the flowering of or expression of a caring love that is without […]...More

Crush Crushed

We can be crushed by difficult events, by an accident, by criticism or even by our own moods. Sometimes we allow parts of us such as love, creativity or sex slide into non-use or are […]...More


Inability to face or cope with those emotions, fears, ideas or urges represented in the dream. It is important to find where you felt that sort of terror in the past. This releases its hold […]...More

Create Creative Creativity

In your dreams you create a world and experiences which is new every night. To bring forth the new is a sign of great creative genius – and that is you. But perhaps you have […]...More

Crash Crashed Crashing

Depending upon how badly you are hurt in the crash, it shows the ending of something. This might be a direction you were taking, a business venture or a relationship – depending on who is […]...More

Cradle Cradling

A cradle is something you have prepared to hold a baby – your baby perhaps. The mood of the dream tells you whether it is done with love or fears. Cradling shows you giving care […]...More

Old Age

As a human being we are many things and have been many things. We have been the sperm swimming to the precious egg; the fetus that passed through all evolution in its growth; the helpless […]...More


See police...More

Spine Back Tree of Life

The Spine represents the whole spectrum of life, like a tree, the Tree of Life. It covers every aspect of our life from movement, sexuality, digestion, emotions, speech, thinking and touching the invisible. See A tree – the […]...More


See build building...More


See Levels of Awareness; – Levels of the Brain –  Life’s Little Secrets...More

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