Dream Encyclopedia

Dream Watching

Because of the many nature films shown on television we are used to the idea of mature and intelligent adults spending days or years watching the behaviour of animals such as hyenas or chimpanzees. In […]...More

Dream Beliefs Dreamed Dreaming Dreams

  See Ancient Greece – Dream Beliefs Assyrian dream beliefs Australian Aborigine Dream Beliefs Beliefs Chinese Dream Beliefs Egyptian (ancient) Dream Beliefs Function of Dreams Hebrew/Jewish Dream Beliefs History of Dreaming LSD Hypnosis Meditation the […]...More

Allowing the Spontaneous

In January of 1972, two friends, Mike Tanner, Sheila Johns, and I formed an experimental group. We wanted to research into the probability of the dream process breaking through into waking consciousness with ourselves as […]...More

Dream Journal Diary

If you are interested in dreams, your inner life, or finding healing of mind and body, keeping a dream diary/journal is very, very important. It only takes a fraction of your time but over time […]...More

Denys, Hervey de Saint

Saint-Denys has become most noted for his amazing ability to master lucid dreaming. A lucid dreamer is consciously aware of being in a dreaming state and is able to direct the course of an ongoing […]...More

Example – Working a Dream

Yesterday I experimented by working with a couple of my dreams using the questions in Dream Processing, and using the voice recognition so I could relax and explore the dream. Here are the results. First […]...More

Death Life After

death – is there life afterwards? It is a task that is impossible to answer if viewed from the viewpoint that everything is tangible to the physical senses. Yet nobody has been able to see […]...More

Dead – Communicating With

The only way we can communicate with a dead person is through our thoughts. We of course expect the person to speak to us with sounds – but dead people do not have a body […]...More


Until fairly recently, and in fact still for many modern humans, the human animal could only live within very marked boundaries. Beyond what was instinctively prompted; beyond what was feared; beyond what was lusted for; […]...More

Culture of the Dream

Reading the book The Second Self – Sherry Turkle – in which she talks about the influence computers have on culture, raises the idea for me of what effect do dreams have on our cultural […]...More

Dream Sources

If one is sincerely attempting to use dreams as a way of research, one has to realise that dreams deal with a variety of aspects of oneself. This has already been mentioned, but what has […]...More

Childrens Dreams

Children’s dreams are very similar to those of an adult. It is only that a child is facing slightly different problems that changes the themes. Or at least they are probably the same problems but […]...More

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