Dream Encyclopedia

Example 10 Recurring Dreams

If we keep a record of our dreams it will soon become obvious that some of our dream themes, characters or places recur again and again. These recurrences are of various types. A certain theme […]...More

Example 9 Virtual Reality

Example: This is not a dream, but is a powerful example of how the unconscious can produce very real sense of experiencing something as physically true, that is a mental phenomena. The account is by […]...More

Example 8 Healing of Pain

When the certainty arose that no matter what I did, where I was, what people did for me, the pain would go on, the certainty was a healing crisis. I had spent a day at […]...More

Techniques for Lucid Dreaming

Lucidity Part 3 Your body and mind are the most amazing instruments, and there is so much more music for you to play as you move to a fuller life. And a first step in […]...More

Example 7 Out of Body

Once the awareness is independent of the body, the boundaries of time and space as they are known in the body do not exist. One can easily pass through walls, fly, travel to or immediately […]...More

Example 6 Cannot Die in Dreams

The situation of the dream was that I was in a large motor vehicle with perhaps three or four other men. The vehicle was like a very large lorry or removals van. We were driving […]...More

Teenage Male Dreams

Adolescence is the time of your greatest sexual growth, and development of new ranges of emotion, intellect, and sensitivity. So any adolescent in your dream often points to yourself at that age, and the things […]...More

Postures Movement and Body Language

Even in everyday life, the way we hold and position our body, the inclination of chest and head, the movement of hands, are a means of communication. The apparently intuitive information in some dreams, when […]...More

Dweller on the Threshold

The two aspects of ourselves we call in to view by our discipline of self development, the negative and positive, have a definite name. Occult traditions have grouped them together and called it “The Dweller […]...More

Context Theme

Understanding dreams is in many ways similar to understanding language. Important to both is context. The events, people and environments of dreams are multidimensional, just like words in a sentence. Morton Hunt, in his book […]...More

Sex and Dreams

“Then my body gradually contracted into the prenatal position, constantly feeling my genitals as the centre of my whole nervous system, and realising their entanglement with each pain and pleasure of life.” That is from […]...More

Sex and Identity

Many dreams show how we gain much of our identity out of our sexual attractiveness, relationship, or lack of it. Men and women often feel they are inadequate or lacking in personal worth if they […]...More

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