Dream Encyclopedia

Processing Dreams

Gaining Insight Into Your Dreams Below are described simple techniques that make it possible to quickly gain information from your dreams. They have been put as a series of questions. If you take time to […]...More

A creative relationship with your dreams

If certain things are seen clearly from the beginning, then you can understand your dreams in a practical and useful way. Firstly, you as a person are a tiny spark of consciousness, a little bit […]...More

Introduction to Dream Watching

Let’s get straight to the point Dreams are one of natures miracles, not the result of a wandering mind in sleep. A dream is an interface between the deepest part of you and your conscious […]...More


This is often a summary of the environment in which the main action of your life is happening at the moment. For instance parents provide a background of support for their children to go to […]...More


Discovery of new levels of consciousness, and the opening to new power, wisdom or love. Initiations often link directly to a stage of growth, such as the shift from babyhood to childhood, and childhood to […]...More

Test Tests Testing

An attempt to deal with difficult questions or problems which life poses. Fear of inadequacy or of being tested. Comparing yourself with others, or with the opinion of others. Doubts concerning fitness and capability in […]...More

What I Have Discovered In My Life As A Dreamer

  1 – The living laboratory of dreams enables thoughts and emotions to take on their own physical reality as people, objects or places outside of you. Meeting them you live in a universe, a […]...More

Virtual Reality of Dreams

Dreams are virtual realities that we create in our sleep. Even the wonderful dreams of God and angels are an external virtual reality, and mirror of our own inner immensity and our enormous variety. Unfortunately […]...More

Prophetic Dream of the Coming Years

And as I looked I saw something that I had never seen before. Across the sky, from the horizon on my left to the horizon on my right, massive concentrations of stars formed stylised running figures. These great figures resembled human shape, and suggested to me that they were running across the sky....More

The Unconscious

As dreams apparently emerge from what has been named the unconscious, it is helpful to understand ideas regarding it and something of its nature. In ancient cultures we occasionally find hints regarding the unconscious, but […]...More

The Sacred Tree In Dreams And Myths

The tree is one of those images taken from nature that plays a significant role in shaping the worldview of our own and many other cultures. Although the tree in this role is a mythic […]...More

The Waking Lucid Dream

The teachings of the major faiths around the world say there is something of great value to find at the core of human life. Many explorers of lucidity say they have found this pearl of great price. It is the direct experience of their very essence, and is beyond life and death. They touch something ...More

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