Dream Encyclopedia

Nutrition And Dreams

Almost immediately he seemed to be moved from within to come over to me: he put his hand just in front of my right ear and said, 'Did you know you have an ear condition?' I told him I had not even thought of such a thing, which was true. He then said 'Well, there is something wrong with your ear. I...More

Out Of Body Experiences – Transcending the Body Experience

Because out of body experiences occur while the person is apparently asleep, they can be considered as manifestations of sleep phenomena, but they do not have the same characteristics as a typical dream. Even so […]...More

Movements During Sleep

While we sleep and dream the brain produces full muscular impulses in connection with the movements we are making in the dream. Adrian Morrison at the University of Pennsylvania, investigating narcolepsy, a condition producing sleep […]...More

Mystery Of Dreams

Do dreams take us to many places and many dimensions? Freud’s view of dreams saw them as primarily expressing sexual and childhood difficulties or repressions. Jung saw them as an expression of a personal potential […]...More


Where do the fears come from that haunt us in our dreams? Many dreams lead us to feel an intensity of emotion we may seldom if ever feel in waking life. If the emotions felt […]...More

Lucidity – The New Frontier

Lucidity Part 5 Sleep is a strange country. In it we lose sense of self in unconsciousness. Or dreams take us into realms of extraordinary experience in which we are still largely unaware. But throughout […]...More

The Magical Dream Machine

We all dream every night, so we each have what could be called a Magical Dream Machine. To gain a feeling of this, imagine yourself entering one of those game machine areas where youngsters can […]...More

Man In Your Dreams

The man you dreamt of last night, more than likely represents the male you have the most important emotional bond with, or a male you either associates with love or else a man you would […]...More

Key Words Keywords

The most immediate way to gain insight into your dream is to take the keywords and fill in the gaps. To illustrate this we can use the following dream: I meet an acquaintance who tells […]...More

Language And Dreams

People who are not acquainted with looking at their dreams often feel they are beyond understanding. This seems strange because foreign languages are equally beyond understanding, yet we can accept they can be understood or […]...More

Lsd – Hypnosis – Meditation – The Dream

LSD psychotherapy was one of the most successful forms of therapy, yet it was shut down because in many ways it offended the safety of many in the establishment. It also tore the lid of […]...More

Lucidity – Awake In Sleep

Lucidity Part 4 Sometimes in the practice of deep relaxation, meditation or sensory deprivation, our being enters into a state akin to sleep, yet we maintain personal waking awareness. This is like a journey into […]...More

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