Dream Encyclopedia

Aesculapius – The Roman God of Healing

One of the most beautiful of surviving shrines to Aesculapius is at Epidaurus. It was built in the fifth century BC. Such centres were often of great size, and the one at Epidaurus took about 150 years to complete. ...More


This theory suggests that patterns of sleep in different animals arose out of their relationship with the environment. For instance grazing animals that are prey to predators sleep in fairly short burst....More


The strength with which we hold out against allowing our body to spontaneously abreact is seen in the above example. Again and again Mr. T. is brought to the brink of reliving or releasing what may be his very stressful childhood experiences. Yet he manages to avoid actual memory, and in particular,...More

Sigmund Freud

In connection with dreams, although throughout history dream interpretation was a widely used practice, no one prior to Freud had defined a technique of using dreams to lay bare the hidden inner life of the dreamer. No one had revealed through dreams the now unconscious childhood traumas and sexual ...More

Medard Boss

From these and other experiences Boss arrived at the conclusion that not everything must enter the dreamer from outside. Many things arise within that have never in any way been met externally....More

Eugene Aserinsky

He persisted however, and realised that if he recorded each eye independently, and if the pens moved in tandem, then the machine was not malfunctioning. This led to one of the greatest breakthroughs in history on the nature of sleep and dreaming. ...More

Alfred Adler – 1870-1937

Born in Vienna, Austria – (February 7, 1870 – May 28, 1937). Studied medicine, later became a disciple of Freud. In 1911 Adler diverged from Freud over the sexual impulse being all important in human behaviour. He saw people as goal oriented, with an urge toward personal growth and wholeness –...More

Yoga and Dreams

Using the control of the breath, the posture of the body, and other disciplines, practitioners of the various types of yoga in India and other countries in the Far East, explored the dimensions of the mind. From such explorations traditional yoga defined four basic modes of consciousness. These are:...More

Getting a better sex life using dreams

ANYONE who explores the unconscious life processes in any depth, discovers that within us, beneath the veneer of modern social training and culture dwells a beast, an animal, in fact the human animal. Unfortunately, until recent in-depth studies of wild animals occurred, Western culture regarded th...More

Gaining Insight Into Your Dreams

The aim is to constantly consider what connection what you discover has with everyday life. This gradually filters out the amazing flights of fantasy we sometimes have about spiritual ideals, philosophy and hopes. The real bits of the jigsaw explain you not only to your own satisfaction, but are al...More

Your Guru the Dream – Step Five

Pete saw himself in the race again and arrived at the jump. No matter how he tried he couldn’t reduce the size of it. But then he realised there were so many other options open to him. For instance, why had he created his dream as a race, with such a sense of competition? In the role of competitor...More

Your Guru the Dream – Step Four

Remember that the aim of this step is to explore the dream, to walk into it so to speak, and play with changes you can make that would make the dream more satisfying. In making these changes you might meet with resistance. In other words the images of the dream, the scene you are imagining, your fee...More

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