Dream Encyclopedia

Dimensions of Human Experience

Are You Multi-Dimensional Tony Crisp CONTENTS One Dimension Two Dimension Experience The Three-Dimensional Experience The Fourth Dimension The Fifth Dimension The Great Paradox The Sixth Dimension The Archetypes The Gods – At Work The Seventh […]...More

5 Secrets Fulfilled People Use Everday

By Dr. William Schiemann in Business Miscellaneous Translate Are there real tricks to becoming fulfilled in life? You bet. My research and that of others suggests that there are key street-smart actions that those who are most fulfilled use […]...More

A Melodrama of Love

I seem to be experiencing a melodrama, and fantasy, about a woman. I am standing in front of another man’s wife and saying, “Okay, I want you sexually.” In the fantasy it is almost as […]...More

Anger – Dealing With

Acting it out any anger you feel can often lead to a real release and then you can see where it all started. You may need to do it without feelings and automatically at first, […]...More

Scientists Find LSD Makes The Brain More Complete

And No, They Were Not Tripping By Rishabh Banerji April 25, 2016 There’s some good news for the acid lovers. According to a new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a […]...More

Roman Dream Beliefs

In Rome, the importance of dreams was a topic widely discussed among scholars who openly proclaimed that dreams are inspired by our own passions, emotions and experiences of everyday life and do not come from […]...More

Life’s Basic Functions

Every living thing has basic functions that are part of the life process for physical survival. We also have an inner life which also has basic functions in order to remain healthy. The illustration of […]...More

The Dream

The dream took place in a large very old house or building. Jessica was with me, about her present age, or a bit older, ten or twelve perhaps. We were in a very big room […]...More

Level Confusion

Having looked at different dreams I can see how many of us are confronted with what I like to call Level Confusion. With that I mean the confusion of not knowing that we have an inner […]...More


This is a book I wrote about 1976 but  never published. I present it here because it was my early thoughts about SR what is now LifeStream. Obviously some of it appeared in later works, […]...More

Sexual Misery of the Arab World

SundayReview The Sexual Misery of the Arab World Lire en français (Read in French) | اقرأ المقال بالعربية (Read in Arabic) Contributing Op-Ed Writer By KAMEL DAOUD FEB. 12, 2016 Eddie Lew 1 hour ago […]...More

Modern Physics and Myth – A Dream within a Dream

Grace Park – Honors Seminar – Spring 2003  When I discuss and argue with my father about evolution and the incompatibilities of biblical stories with science and reason, he worries about the arrogance of the human intelligence […]...More

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