Inner Life

I used to think I was like a ‘brick shit house’, without feelings. Then, out of desperation because of the misery I was leaving in my choldren, I found the key to an amazing door. The door was opened partly through dreams, and largely by learning to be nothing and letting Life show me the way. What I found, what I have called the Inner Life, was like ‘What happened in Mexico. It picked me up and shook me. It threw me on the ground and made love to me. Then it left me alone and I cried like a child.’ It was everything, always new, always unexpected and wonderful.

William Blake – Psychologist

Bring me my Bow of burning gold -Bring me my arrows of desire; Bring me my spear; O clouds, unfold! Bring me my Chariot of Fire! I will not cease from mental fight, Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand, Till we have built Jerusalem, In England's green and pleasant land. ...More

Shipwrecked in life

I have recently been experiencing the breakdown of my marriage. It was a marriage I was deeply proud of, a marriage I had carefully built and nurtured over many years. I am left feeling completely shipwrecked, run aground and my bearings lost. The awful thing is there is no one to blame, just the gr...More

The Squatting and Standing Meditation

When ready take an in-breath and slightly open the head and shoulders backwards. Then on the out-breath drop down into the squatting position, relaxing as much as possible. If the squat is difficult use a block of wood or a book to put your heels on. If it is still difficult use a low chair or stool...More

The Beetles and Meditation

I leave you with the thought that you do not have to be a Beatle to benefit from meditation. Neither do you have to travel to remote parts of the world. There is a saying that to practice. all one needs is a spot to sit, and perseverance. Then consider the words "Be still, and know that I am God". ...More

Meditation With Seed – Try this remarkable meditation

In classical yoga there is one definition of meditation which states it is of two types. One type is meditation with seed; the other is meditation without seed. The first means we take a subject for meditation, or use a meditation technique such as mantra or breath control, or have a goal....More

Jesse Watkins Experience of Enlightenment

Jesse Watkins’s own description of his inner experiences. The barriers between Jesse’s known self, and wider self had been broken down by overwork, fatigue, a dog bite, and a visit to hospital. Below is quoted some of his description of what he saw of himself....More

Online Dream Dictionary

Seeking Inner Guidance

Intuition is a valid way of gaining information, just as your senses are, or your ability to read. But your senses and your ability to read can also be ways in which false information is taken in. So your discrimination is needed when using your intuition as it is in everyday life. ...More

Wider Awareness

Imagine you are going to communicate with a part of yourself that has an unlimited amount of information and influence to share with you. What this dimension of yourself gives you will be in direct response to what you ask. So the question you ask will be the factor shaping the response. Therefore ...More

There Is Work To Be Done

Although we are now used to thinking of our body as an end result of evolutionary processes, we may seldom think of our mind or personality as also being shaped by evolution. To explain what is meant it helps to think of something like the female pelvis and childbearing in terms of evolution. Not on...More

Meetings with the Christ

I was not in any way asleep, or in a trance. My evaluative rational self was keenly observing all that happened, but not interfering. Nevertheless, profoundly felt imagery and feelings flooded my awareness. I realised I was experiencing the New Testament story of the birth. But this did not seem to ...More

Are You Imprisoned by a Paradigm

Are you aware that millions of people are in the grip of thoughts and beliefs that controls them, imprisons them, and denies them their full potential. It is generally called the paradigm of the western mind. ...More

Recovery from a Life of Pain

In most of my early life I felt alone and in pain about feeling alone and alienated. Whether dwelling in myself or involved in the outside world there was no difference. As the seventies merged into the eighties I went through several years of constant pain on top of the pain of depression I was us...More

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