Interesting People

On Being A Man

Even with wig, jewellery and female clothes, Marion does not look very much like a woman. Her face is craggy and furrowed more deeply than a woman’s subcutaneous fat and female hormones allow. Marion’s hands are muscular and wide, as are her shoulders. But living in the role of a male has been d...More

Ronnie Laing Daring to Care

No age in the history of humanity has perhaps so lost touch with this natural ‘healing’ process, that implicates some of the people whom we label schizophrenic. No age has so developed it, no age had imposed such prohibitions and deterrences against it, as our own. Instead of the mental hospital...More

Reich – Cosmic Energy and the Death of Gurus

In the 1920’s Reich gradually felt his way from an orthodox use of Freudian psychoanalysis to a more biological, physiological or energetic point of view. Not that he lost sight of the human soul, but he realised how much body, energy and personality are unified. By working with body attitudes or ...More

Mesmer – Father of Modern Psychotherapy

Prior to this time these convulsive releases were considered to be the work of devils or spirits. This attitude arose out of Christian belief, and Jesus and the disciples clearly used the same technique. In the New Testament are descriptions of people cured by these convulsive releases. Mesmer is a ...More

Carl Jung Linking East and West

In Jung we find something of the reverence for what is met within a human being – a reverence for life itself. A great deal of Jung’s attitudes and thoughts have already been quoted in other chapters, enough to show that he did not use the self-regulatory process in such a cathartic way as Mesm...More

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