Airplane Plane
The plane in your dream shows all the amazing possibilities of change, of varied experience, of romance, business and discovery in life today. But it also holds all the possibilities of failure, of not being able to get your projects or relationship off the ground, along with delays, unexpected threats, and the possible tragedy and loss you might meet in life. Your dream airplane communicates this in the action your dream portrays. The plane journey, for instance, suggests a change in your life, leaving your ordinary affairs behind. It is a journey into the unknown, into taking risks. Perhaps you are making a move toward, or away from, love and opportunity. It is risky because the plane can fall from the sky, and you can meet feelings of failure or despair.
A plane can also attack, and this shows fears, anxiety about being exposed to attack from other people or events. This does not mean you will be attacked, only that you fear it.
To climb aboard a plane is to embark upon dramatic movement from one way of life, or one situation in life, to another; a leap into the unknown, into chance – so it is a powerful symbol of change. Perhaps that flight into chance, into life and its mysterious possibilities might be okay. But it might fall from the sky too. Meanwhile, on the plane you will not have your feet on the ground, you will not be secure, everything is ‘up in the air’. The plans, the love, the hopes and efforts might die, might lead to tragedy with all its rippling effects moving into the web of relationships and events connected with the flight of the plane.
In exploring a dream about a plane crash it took a long time to really connect with anything, but when I did the feelings were all about how there has been a crash of my dreams, ambitions, desire for love and the heightened feelings that arose or ‘took off’ in connection with a lover. In comments on planes above I say, “The plans, the love, the hopes and efforts might die, might lead to tragedy with all its rippling effects moving into the web of relationships and events connected with the flight of the plane.” This was true in my life.
An attacking aircraft: Feeling attacked either by your own doubts and self criticism, or that of others.
Being grounded: Sense of not getting anywhere and frustration; plans and hopes that haven’t connected with achievement or opportunity – maybe this isn’t the right time yet.
Biplane: It can represent a more full contact with flying in a plane, and needs a lot more courage to do.
Example: “I saw a biplane fly overhead. Its pilot was performing daring new stunts. I ran into a house to tell a man who was in bed to run out and see the plane. ” David R.
The example clearly shows one aspect of what a biplane means, being daring in a new area, taking risks in life, braving a new work area or relationship.
Difficulty landing: Difficulty achieving goal or making it real in a down to earth way; anxiety about where life events are taking you; feeling out of control or not being in control; difficulties or fears about being in someone else’s hands.
Falling out of plane: Usually anxiety, sometimes about death or failure of high hopes. It is also the opportunity to fly if you can overcome your anxieties.
Flight attendant: A part of you trained in dealing with personal problems, and also emergencies.
Pilot: The pilot is a part of you used to having a much wider and inclusive view of where you are going in your life, so trust their help.
Plane falling rapidly: ‘Pit’ feeling in stomach that one gets when feeling anxiety about the outcome of a situation; sense of failure or guilt; apprehension about the future of a project or direction; anxiety about something.
Plane journey: The plane is also a means of leaving things behind, rising above or finding a way of escaping difficulties or the past. It is a way we move beyond the limitations of any one locality, racial customs, family attitudes or religious environments. It is the power of the mind to move among and learn from or experience these many states of being. It offers a much wider or more inclusive view of where you are and where you are going in life.
Private plane: Ones personal activities and plans not deeply connected with other people.
The crashed or wrecked plane: Worry about failing. Can be anxiety bringing down your ambition or adventurousness; a loss of self confidence or mental equilibrium; warning about a business project; broken dreams and hopes. Sometimes shows or refers to a break up in a relationship or a failed endeavour, a hope, a journey that fails.
Watching a plane crash: A sense of emergency; feeling you are aware of an important social or national event. Sensing something difficult happening or having happened in your life, like a divorce or loss of business or love for instance. Can sometimes relate to childhood traumas that make it difficult for you to get your life taking flight.
The plane journey: Shows a move toward independence; leaving home or friends; success.
Watching a plane land safely: The arrival back to oneself of the actions, words and energies sent out into the world. As a simple example, we may have a carpet to give away because we are moving. We tell a neighbour who passes the information to someone else. This new person wants the carpet. A completely new person therefore lands, or arrives in our life. The landing plane may also mean coming down to earth again, or making something more applicable in an everyday sense.
The example below clearly shows one aspect of what a plane means, being daring in a new area, taking risks in life, braving a new work area or relationship. David is calling on a part of himself that is withdrawn and inactive to ‘get up’ and be involved in something daring. Sometimes the plane in the sky represents feeling threatened by something new or unknown. This is shown in the second example.
Example: I saw a biplane fly overhead. Its pilot was performing daring new stunts. I ran into a house to tell a man who was in bed to run out and see the plane. David R.
Example: A woman who was a radio researcher was offered the job of presenter. She was thrilled but dreamt she was in a road walking and planes flew overhead dropping bombs and shooting. She had to dive into a ditch to avoid being killed. When she explored the dream she realised she was afraid of facing the public directly, and this fear if left unconscious would have caused her to refuse the job. She accepted the fear and managed to press forward with the job.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Am I taking a ‘flight’ into a new or challenging situation or relationship?
What am I leaving behind or arriving at?
Are there radical shifts of life style I am involved in?
Do some events in my life feel like a ‘plane crash’?
It helps to read this Dreams Are Virtual Realities and also Processing Dreams and Acting on Your Dream.
just had a dream that I was on a commercial plane with my boyfriend. He was asleep in window seat and I was in the middle seat. We were so close to the ground you could almout touch the trees. I tried to wake him up in the dream when the pilot came on and said that they are trying to pull the plane up but it was not working. I could feel the plane trying to soar but just not able to. Pilot said if you have asthma put on mask and then we had a rough landing in some dirt area and continued to roll into the sea. I started to panic about how we would get out and to land as I saw the plane sinking. Next thing I know there was an explosion and I was being carried on the chair towards land by my boyfriend. My phone was gone but knew my parents would be monitoring the flight number and know I was on that plane.
Dear Melanie – Your dream sounds as if you have embarked on a journey to become (more) independent from your parents but as it is your creation I suggest you explore your dream yourself as well; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/
Did you manage to “wake up” your boyfriend in your dream; “I tried to wake him up in the dream when the pilot came on and said that they are trying to pull the plane up but it was not working.”
Waking up your inner boyfriend is becoming aware of the “action role” he has in your life and in your inner growth process to achieve certain things.
A large part of your dream is about your feelings – your fears – and so you might want to explore where you experience those feelings in your waking life; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Becoming aware of your emotions in a helpful way – “I feel afraid” instead of “I am afraid” – will help you to recognize and acknowledge a feeling, without drowning in it; “I started to panic about how we would get out and to land as I saw the plane sinking.”
The explosion suggests a sudden inner change/growth, which is symbolised by your boyfriend taking action; and at that moment you trust that your parents are monitoring your flight towards you disconnecting and so breaking the bonds with them. It is a beautiful dream Melanie and please remember that your boyfriend is part of your inner world (too); http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/male-man/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream I was walking along the shoreline at the beach. I look into the water and see a big commercial plane in the water being submerged. I remember taking my phone out to record. This is the second night I’ve dreamt about the ocean. Lately I’ve had lucid dreams for less than a minute. By the time I realize I’m dreaming, I wake up
I saw I was in a flyinga palne with few unknown fellow passengers. I saw it suddenly crashed Nd slowly the plain fell on the ground. However we all were safe .
I read on the web about plane crash dream and the interpretations are kind of negative so can you help me out by giving any solution regarding what is to be done next if one sees such dream
I had a dream that it was a very windy day, a plane was coming in to land but was so windy it crashed into the apartment we lived in. I was not there but my children were. When I got there I was calling out for them and could hear my 4 yo boy calling out for me under all the rubble. Fortunately I woke up because it was just awful but it’s very upsetting. Any ideas on what that’s about?
Dear Samantha – Your dream might reflect your own changeability or any unseen influences in your life that make/made it difficult to achieve a goal and that damage(d) your ability to work/function in an effective way.
The goal could for instance be a happy marriage or a successful (business) project.
You can start with asking yourself what could have triggered a dream like this or links with it in some way.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
The last part of your dream shows that there is a younger part of you – your son – that feels trapped underneath “the damage” and “he” is looking for your help to free him; to allow him to express himself freely.
Your son can be a symbol for your ambitions, your potential, your extroverted self or the fruit of your marriage.
There are different ways to explore this part of your inner world like http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and/or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dialogue-with-a-dream-character-or-object/.
Does that give you a start?
Anna 🙂
I just awoke from a dream of which me and my father, my father being in the airline industry, were called in the investigate and be the first response to a very fresh jumbo jet airplane crash. When we arrived the plane was shattered down the side and there were no wings. There were bodies everywhere. More bodies than I can count both inside and outside the plane. Men, women and children everywhere. The bodies were so recently dead that some from inside the plane still contracted as if they were still clinging to life even though I knew this was only nerve activity. My father went to the cockpit to investigate and search for the black box and I just made my way around the crash. Things of note about the crash, there were more bodies than I could count. When I walked around the crash I was having to walk on the bodies to get around. For some reason I was barefoot and felt all the bodies beneath my feet. I also recall how unemotional my father was about the whole scene, just like another day at the office. I am just looking for answers. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Dear Jeffrey – What I see in your dream – and please explore it yourself as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson – is that you are willing to explore what caused death and loss and how you deal with it.
What do you think might have triggered a dream like this or links with it in some way?
Would you perceive it as a loss that has to do with your private (inner) life (relationships?) and/or with your business life? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/not-enough-information/
In your dream you become aware that your inner father deals with loss/death in his own way; “I also recall how unemotional my father was about the whole scene, just like another day at the office.”
Many people do not realise that they have an inner father equally as powerful as an external father. You have taken in millions of bit of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by loving and living with your father, and they are a part of the person you are. Such an inner father can appear in dreams because you are still deeply influenced by what you hold within you.
Unfortunately you do not recall/describe how you felt while walking barefoot over all the dead bodies.
You might want to explore that while using “Being your own dream figure” as he appears in your dream.
There is an indication in your dream what might have caused the loss; “When we arrived the plane was shattered down the side and there were no wings.”
What does it feel like to “Be a plane, shattered down the side without wings”?
Do you think/feel/believe that wings can be about using your imagination to express the power of invention or originality; to try another approach in your (inner) life?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/imagination-and-dreaming-2/
I wonder if the expression “over my dead body” can help you further in exploring/understanding your dream.
Could it be that you feel/perceive that you/your inner father is withholding you from using your imagination and/or other inner resources to succeed?
Are you willing to go any lengths (success at any prize) – “I was having to walk on the bodies to get around” – without taking care of your own feelings and those of other people?
I hope I have found some helpful questions that will give you a start to find the answers you are looking for. The answer is already present in your unconscious mind, “It” only needs the right question; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-incubation/
Was any of this helpful to you and if so what? Any feedback is appreciated.
Anna 🙂
I dreamt i was in a small plane just me the pilot and a ups guy. The plane had a ups van on the side. It flew up and we had no seat belts. We were flying and doing tricks constantly. I was loving it not nervous but scared a few times at how high we were.then we landed while the ups guy just stood in silence. I was about to get out and the pilot told me to go the side exit everybody prefers that.it was such a vivid odd dream and seemed so real
Dear Wayne – What I see in your dream – and please explore it yourself as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson – is that you are exploring how the pilot inside you – the part of you that takes control of a situation – can “deliver an important message”.
Thinking/imagining about whatever has to be delivered to whomever – what do you think may have triggered this dream or relates with it in some way? – makes you feel nervous and sometimes scared.
In the way you explore “delivering it”, you seem to be using a bunch of indirect tricks that do not seem to take care enough of whatever is part of this situation or whom-ever is part of the relationship.
The part of you that actually has to deliver the parcel/the message, does not speak and it might be helpful to let him speak up by using “Being the ups guy” to explore a more direct way of communicating.
Using the side exit of the plane might also be a symbol of not doing your work in a way that gives you real pleasure, because you use a way to get out of a situation that does not reflect the best in you.
Let me know if you have any questions Wayne.
Anna 🙂
Hi I had a dream I was going somewhere with a group of my dancers to a competition. When the plane suddenly started falling we had to land in the middle of the road nobody was hurt and we evacuated the plane by slides onto the road.
Any help would be great Thank you
Dear Leona – The plane falling might be an expression of the worries and/or anxieties you have as far as the competition is concerned.
As you can read in this article:
Plane falling rapidly: ‘Pit’ feeling in stomach that one gets when feeling anxiety about the outcome of a situation; sense of failure or guilt; apprehension about the future of a project or direction; anxiety about something.
Difficulty landing; difficulty achieving goal or making it real in a down to earth way; anxiety about where life events are taking you; feeling out of control or not being in control; difficulties or fears about being in someone else’s hands.(the judges of the competition)
Some ideal level of arousal is required to be able to be at your best during the performance;
Perhaps you can share your dream with your coach so that (all of) you can learn to reach and manage this ideal level?
Means that are used to move away from negative arousal or too much anxiety (which can affect the performance) are for instance;
Relaxation techniques, thought redirection, facing your fears and pushing on with the very activity that causes them; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/fear-dealing-with/
Good Luck!!
Anna 🙂
I dreamed a plane exploded in the air, we were on land waiting for our flight. The plane exploded and all the pieces like glitter fell on us with bigger pieces going over head. I told all the other people to leann agains an incline to be save. The plane that exploded mid air was the” unknown.plane” I remember wondering in my dream, why its called that, why didnt they give him a name.
Hi, I had a dream I was at the side of my son’s high school playground area waiting for an aeroplane (I wasn’t going to get on it so don’t know why I was waiting). It came in to land but the wheels couldn’t touch, it then started to go up directly into the sky, nose of the aeroplane pointing upwards. I then somehow saw a couple of the people who I didn’t recognise looking very scared and screaming, the aeroplane then blew up and I awoke
I’ve had this dream multiple times in my life. It starts out me looking at myself from another plan while standing in the open door of the plan. I could feel in my stomach while dreaming the feeling of butterflies as I get ready to jump from what seems to be an older plane yet it is a huge plane which had the big propellers on the wings. Now while I’m staring at myself I smile like everything is gonna be juuuuust fine and so I jump and as I’m flying in the air I all of a sudden go towards The propellers of the plane and wake up. I’ve had this dream more than once in my life and am curious as to what it could depict?.
Dear Anthony – What I see in your very interesting, recurring dream – and please explore it yourself as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson – is that there is a part of you that has “another plan” (in business? in your (inner) life?) than the part of you that is in the old plane.
I feel that writing “another plan” twice was meant to be expressed that way, and so I do not see them as spelling errors for the word plane.
And so a part of you has already “changed plans and planes” and is open to new ideas and the part of you that is still in the old, huge plane is practicing joining you there.
So this part takes the jump out of the old plane as a symbol of daring to look for perhaps another “job or direction in your (inner) life” and while it has a lot of creative ideas – you are flying without wings – you do not manage to get to The propellers in your dreams yet.
The propellers are a symbol of a driving force or interest; and so the driving energy of your emotions or decisions. This energy might arise from ambition, your will and/or your desire to get somewhere and from your Core.
Is fear holding you back to move toward The propellers?
I understand from your dream that your awareness jumps from being the self in “another plan” to being the self in the old, huge plane.
I also understand that when this self in the old plane jumps, that the self with “another plan” is observing.
I feel you have to explore yourself what will work for you so that you can move on; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Perhaps you can try if you can bring these two selves in your dream together (again?) before you jump?
And so unite the part of you that does not identify with your body, that is a good observer, that is open to new ideas and other plans and that has a good sense of humour – “everything is gonna be juuuuust fine” – and a sense of trust with the part that has a lot of courage, that dares to take risks and that has creative ideas to realise the “other plan”.
Before you jump you could use “Being The propellers”. I feel that this is not a spelling error either that you wrote The with a capital T.
I see The propellers as a symbol for your Core; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/core/
The most important part of anything; a person, a machine, and organisation, a fruit, is the core of it.
Core Experience is an everyday part of your life. Without it your heart would not beat, your food would not digest, your immune system would collapse, and the miraculous interplay of transactions and processes that take part within your body and consciousness would cease. Nearly all of us take this for granted. It is fundamental to our existence. But mostly we remain unconscious of any real meeting with our core. Many of us have no sense of the wonder and transformation this experience can bring. Also there are many things about our Core that are often not understood or are misunderstood, that at our core we are male and female, and also we are not fundamentally our body. Sometimes these factors are simply overlooked, or not recognised as being deeply important.
Let me know if you have any questions Anthony.
Anna 🙂
I was walking down the road near the beach with some friends and my sister and suddenly we see an airplane struggling to keep control.the airplane start going right left until he hit the water..we everybody froze..all of a sudden the airplane was in the water and water coming in the roads everywhere..we see the broken airplane coming at as and we climb at the trees to avoid it!!the horror we felt it was very real i dont know why..then i woke up nothing happend.is that mean something??
I dreamt last night that I was flying. My body was the airplane and I was wrapped lying with my back on a blanket holding it up on either side of me. I was traveling head first on my back so I could not see where I was going. I was thinking just hold on tight to the blanket and gripping it around me.
I’m going through a stressful period. I’m moving into a flat I bought. And have many regrets about the purchase. I’m fearing the noise of the city. The traffic is very noisy. I’m also going to be living in my own for the first time and am afraid of loneliness. I’m engulfed by fear.
Dear Helen – Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/flying/
Your dream merely shows your hesitations and fears that you experience now that you are moving to another stage of your life.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation/
Flying wrapped up in a blanket can symbolise attempts to gain a view of what lies ahead of you in the future and your potential; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/potential/ while at the same time feeling vulnerable. It is all part of your experience now.
Did you share any of these feelings with people (parents?) you feel close to? It often helps to just express what you are feeling to gain a different perspective.
Also from the air we can see ahead, and back. We quickly review where we are heading, and the possibilities of our possible directions.
So I believe it will be helpful to explore why you have chosen the position on the blanket that you have. Perhaps you will perceive your move towards independence differently (without fear) when you turn around on your blanket and look where you are going – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Perhaps you dare to explore with creating other “future stories” than “I’m fearing the noise of the city” and “am afraid of loneliness?”
The inner world of fears and doubts you have created now is not helpful as you are engulfed by fears, while in truth you do not really know “where you are going”.
See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/#MakesInner
Many people have to move beyond the fears and doubts they have created in their inner world when they start a new life and so do trust that you can do that too.
Also it will be helpful to give yourself some more “space” and make some agreement with yourself to give yourself time (6 – 12 months?) to explore how you will experience life on your own in your new apartment for you need time to “grow into your new life”.
Part of your agreement could be that if you cannot adjust to the new way of life you have chosen that you allow yourself “to move again”.
Then you can always feel proud of yourself that you dare to try something new so that you can find out what living this way will be like for you.
Anna 🙂
I have had 3 dreams of airaplane’s, 2 of witch have been some sort of crash. The first tho was a airaplane with lots is space and had a huge window I was sat at the window and all I can remember of that jearny was clouds. The second sort of linked to the first tho I’m not sure how, they were the same plane ish but in this one I crashed into a jungle and glided through the canopy, I remember seeing lots of animals like a snake. Both the first and second ended as if it sort of just drifted away. The final one I only had a few days ago, it was about me and clearly my best friend and her mum we were sat at the back of the plae and we were talking about seats, then the plane started spinning upside down and tumbling out of the sky . In my sleep I felt I was doing the brase pesos ion and I looked to the front of the plane to see clearly the green gras and tree. When we crashed I got out of the plane and saw lots of people I clearly knew like boys I had met at school and boys who live in my village. Then I look down and see millions of people all who had come of the plane but why I was on the plane I could only see about 20 seats! Then I put a peat of nice geans on and a woman walks over and gives us all walkers crisps I can remember this clearly as I also saw a sainsburys and I could clearly read the word. That’s all I can relate to about these plane dreams hope this comment helped .
I dream about in a plain to go the beach and not far that place only u turn in the mountain ang then im scared because i thought the plain crash will,only u turn.and then landing of area where i go. What happen in the satation?in my dream
I had a dream that my son, my daughter and I were going to a baseball game but was taking a private plane, before taking off my boyfriend gets on to say bye, and we’re at least 20 feet from the ground and he jumps off, landing on metal benches like the ones you see at a football game. Anyways were still up in the air, but with the back door completely open, and we’re facing the open door, my son is the one closest to the door sitting on a chair with headphones on and I’m screaming at him not to go near the door, to keep seated, and all I can feel is panic because if I move I’m going to go flying out but I’m terrified my son is going to move.
Dear Fona – Everything you see as outside you is coming from you, your emotions, your fears, your beliefs, your intuitions, your joys and explorations are all you, clothed in the dream images and drama. So when you dream of someone you should not feel you are dreaming about that actual person. As with most dreams, the person in the dream is not the person themselves, but is a collection of memories, associations and feeling about him or her.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/
Not knowing anything about your past or present life, it is up to you to explore if the part of your dream about your boyfriend reflects a fear or an intuition or both.
What I see in your dream is that you are exploring what it feels like if your (inner) male/boyfriend unexpectedly changes his “game of life” from not being involved/feeling deeply connected with other people towards taking a risk and daring to share his life with other people too.
You become aware of your fears and you extend/project these fears onto your son who is withdrawing (emotionally) from you in his own world; probably because it is part of his inner growth process.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/pregnancy-childbirth/example-emma/
You are aware that when he moves – when he continues to grow – he will be the next to take the jump, because he is sitting closest to the door.
You do not dare to move because of your fear for “flying”.
Flying without a plane suggests the desire to rise above things, to attain greater heights, to break free of limiting viewpoints or cultural norms. It can also represent ambition, your potential, abstract thought, and rising above your fears.
Flying, in a plane, or without it, can also symbolise attempts to gain a view of what lies ahead of you in the future and your dream suggests that you do not dare to have a look yet.
I think it will be helpful to explore this dream for yourself and the role/influence your inner male has in the way you relate to “the outside world”;
Anna 🙂
I had a dream about i was inside a plane and i was about to jump out into another plane. My mum was in the dream and she jumped first and made it onto the plane, it was scary because it was quite high. As i was about to jump, the doors of the other plane closed and i was unable to jump. But the plane i was in spun round and i was flying around my local shopping centre. Then the plane flew into the plane my mum was in and all of a sudden i was in the same plane as her.. wierd right? Could you help me understand this dream?