Bite Bitten Biting
This suggests aggression. Or it could be the desire to suckle the breast hidden under aggression – this applies to women equally as to men. A hurt from someone or something; something has got into you that has ‘wounded’ or poisoned you. Being bitten can also show a fear of being hurt, or a feeling of being damaged in some way.
The saying, ‘Once bitten twice shy’ also refers to a hurtful or frightening experience that leaves you feeling uncertain about repeating it. This is shown in the following example.
Example: ‘I had to get a large spider into a small dwelling. At one point it was like trying to get the spider into a narrow necked bottle, the spider was unwilling, and bit my finger. I was worried the bite might be poisonous, but it seemed alright.’ Alan P.
The large spider, small dwelling and finger refer to sexual intercourse. Alan feels fear of introducing his finger into the bottle because he might be bitten. So here the bite refers to the injection of fearful emotions, unwillingness, into his sexual impulse – but of course also into his ability to get emotionally close to a woman. The spider often refers to the mother, and in fact Alan’s mother introduced him to fear of sex. So the bite is clearly to do with feeling attacked by anxieties or one’s urges.
We also bite food, and this type of bite is expressed in the saying, ‘What sized bite of the pie did you take’? So this type of bite in a dream would refer to how much or little of something are you getting or taking.
Idioms: a bite to eat; bark is worse than his bite; bite me; bite off more than you can chew; bite the bullet; bite the dust; bite the hand that feeds you; bite your tongue; grab a bite to eat; have a bite; sound bite.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Have I been bitten or am I biting, and what is the main feeling in the dream?
If I am bitten what is my response?
Have I recently felt attacked or aggressive?
What is the feeling behind the bite or biting, and where do I meet that in my life?
See Dream Like a Computer Game and Being the Person or Thing.
Hi Tony, I really feel a dream is trying to get something through to me and I’m missing the point can you shed your thoughts please? Im constantly dreaming of animals for over a year now and in particular a grey cat which I can sometimes feel also. Recently I keep dreaming of my right hand held firmly in the mouth of a white polar bear, a black dog, a snake, a pink fish and then this morning my cat came on the bed and I saw it and
again my right hand was in its mouth. My hand is held firm but these animals don’t seem to want to lead me its just so weird , I begin to feel wary in case they decide to bite down then I wake or the dream moves on. I really feel a message is trying to get through here but I’m lost. I’d be so grateful for your thoughts on it. Blessings, lisa
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Lisa – You are treating your wonderful dream animals as if you are meeting them in the waking world. Don’t you realise that you are the latest rider on an ancient and beautiful beast – your body?
We all have several levels or floors of our awareness. The ground floor is our every day awareness, limited to our brains memories, limited to today and this life. But we were all seeds planted in our mother’s womb, and all seeds carry the memory of the past growth in them, and your seed was the latest version that started from the beginning of life on our Earth, so is millions of years old. We know it as instinctive information gathered over millions of years, but only dreams have access to it unless we have dug deep into our awareness.
So you animals are trying to lead you and perhaps teach you something important, so please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/#mammalbrain and perhaps http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/animal-children/#Program
Also all mammals except monkeys and apes are very mouthey. Big cats, like domestic cats and dogs, also bears are very ‘mouthey’ – in other words they do everything with their mouth. They love with their mouth and love to hold you with their mouth. It is their way of giving a hug and often want to lead you in that way. Please watch https://www.facebook.com/ferretsnobrasil/videos/1757055484321085/ then you will understand your dream.
hello! can i ask about dream definition? i dreamed about i was bitting by a child in my stomach.. is there any meaning related in my waking life or its just a dream?
thank you so much, i hope u can help me.. i look forward to it.. God bless
Hi Tony
I wonder if you could help me with a dream?
I have recently been talking to this woman who we have only met over email and we have a spiritual connection and we talk a lot about how er have been empowered and how the work I do has inspired her and it feels like the universe has brought her into my life to motivate me to keep on with my dream and it feels quite positive to have her energy in the background. We are planning to meet for lunch for the first time soon.
I’ve been so busy and I’ve not had a chance to really sense and feel who this woman is.
But I do feel in spirit, meeting her has pushed me further forward which is very rare as I normally meet people who do the opposite out of jealousy.
So today I had some time to look at her website, read some interviews on the internet about her, saw a picture of her and I began to ask is she genuine and who is she as I’ve been hurt so any times.
I had a dream that woke me up and I could not sleep.
She was biting my toes and I said to her what are you doing then as I pulled my toes from her teeth she latched on to my hands then I got up turn the light on and said her name and said what’s wrong with you? She still tried to latch on to me then I woke up.
I feel this dream is more about her than me but in another sense I feel that perhaps it might turn out after a while that she could try to hurt me.
Would be grateful for your thoughts.
Dear Jan – Your dream clearly suggests that it serves a purpose to explore it for yourself; “then I got up turn the light on and said her name and said what’s wrong with you?”
Helpful entries are http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/processing-dreams/
I believe it will be helpful if you reframe the question and undo the somewhat judgmental form; so perhaps you can ask this part of yourself; “what is going on in this part of my INNER world”?
Which part of my own unconscious – the dream takes place in the dark – and probably undigested feelings do I project onto the woman in my waking life and in my dream?
Your inner world is all your convictions, fears, beliefs and abilities and failings. Mostly people do not recognise they have an inner world because they are so focussed on the outer world, what they call the ‘real world’ – yet it is their inner world that forces them to see the outer world in a particular way. People take the views of the outer world – created by their inner world – as the truth; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/projection/
A way to take your projections back is to use “Being the person or thing” as is described in practical techniques for understanding your dreams.
That way you can own your own beliefs and feelings and deal with them; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/digest/
Your inner work will affect the way you perceive your (inner) female in your (inner) life;
Anna 🙂