Black Magic
This usually suggests you feel another person is thinking badly of you, plotting against you, or trying to undermine you in some way. Consider who this might be. Awareness of the situation most often robs it of its power. It is only when it is affecting you unconsciously that it has power, or if you give it power by being frightened. It is being unaware, or your fear, that gives such things any power over you.
The black magic in the dream can also either suggest you wish to harm someone, if you are the magician, or that you are frightened of hidden things influencing you. Fear is the thing to overcome.
Although thorough investigation of claimed injury or death attributed to black magic has shown the real cause to be malicious aggression or murder, scientific research into the deaths of people who were said to have died as the result of a curse or a voodoo ritual, has shown the victims to have died of fear.
Death through fear is fairly common, and is reported by some doctors in connection with surgical operations, especially in the past. In 1887 Dr. Crile had watched helpless as his friend, William Lyndman died of shock after amputation of both legs. My uncle also died of the shock of losing his arm. My uncle, like William had lost little blood, and no vital organs were injured. Crile went on to develop anaesthesia and blood transfusion to counteract death through shock. But some forms of shock appeared to be outside any physical cause. In 1898 Crile was on an army transporter off Cuba and examined a young officer who was delirious with fear due to facing his first battle. He was as deep in shock as if his legs had been crushed by a wagon as William Lyndman’s had. This led Crile to become interested in exopthalmic goitre, an illness which produces a similar type of anxiety condition. Despite the use of anaesthetics, no one had successfully operated on such a goitre condition. Every patient died. Crile discovered why when he attempted such an operation in 1905.
While under anaesthesia the patient’s heart rate rose to 218 and the body temperature rose to a dangerous level. Despite no physical injury or infection, the patient died that night with a temperature of 109.6 F. Crile realised from his previous observations that it was fear that had killed the patient. Therefore he told his next patient, a young woman who needed the goitre operation, that he was going to give her a simple inhalation treatment. When she breathed in the anaesthetic, she therefore thought she was having a ‘treatment’ not an operation. She was the first person to survive the operation for exopthalmic goitre. Crile called it “stealing the goitre”, and was so impressed by the influence of emotion on the body he constantly stressed the importance of self control, and taught that calmness is strength.
Crile’s experience illustrates what can occur through threat of a curse or black magic. In our dreams we often portray something we deeply fear as an evil influence or person, or as an awful monster or ghost. Such fears usually relate to our own urges, such as anger or sexuality, but can be about any urge or thought that we have been led to feel is not permissible, or that we feel is downright evil. A demonic figure or environment might also be connected with very early babyhood experiences. The pain of birth is often depicted as hell or demonic influence in our dream symbolism. See: evil; witchcraft; The Con About Evil
Because the unconscious will use any belief system or cultural symbols we have absorbed to express a theme, the powerful images of witches or evil characters we see on films or in fiction are often used to depict important experiences. For example a dream in which a spell or curse is placed on one can portray the influence a painful experience has left on ones emotions. If you had been deeply hurt while in your mother’s arms, your unconscious would equate pain with being held close by a woman. This ‘cross wiring’ of associations could meaningfully be portrayed as a ‘spell’ which makes one feel frightened in the apparently loving situation. See: Victims; Dream Like a Computer Game; self hypnosis; spell.
I am 17
I had this very strange dream we are going to some hilly area in a wagon ….i am chewing something and then suddenly i feel my tooth is going to fall so when i evacuate the thing i am eating out of my mouth three of my teeth come out. I tell the person to stop the wagon so I throw it out … My brother is also with me he tell me to buy the apples from the stall along with the road to stop the bleeding (its strange that he doesnt tells me to take some water :D) ….so when i go to the stall i see an old women whose face is hidden …i ask her “how much for this apple” she replys “No” …..I say “its okay” and i turn away suddemly i hear her saying ” beaware of the curse if u dont buy the apples ” i turn back and take the apple …..there are othed small children too …she also gives each apple to them and then she tells us all that sell it before sunset and bring me the money …..i take the apple with me and run away to the wagon and tell the conductor all the story and tell him not to eat the apple……..the next moment i see tyat the old woman is aware that i ran away and then she is Saying “i am going to find u…..your friend Sulii i will also take him ……and then i am like wtf how she knows my friend name then she lit a match stick and lit some sticks (maybe Incense sticks) and the next moment i am with her :O ……
I wake up sweaty, scared and confused
PS :i saw the dream in the evening around 5:30
Taimur – You are on a journey that has ups and downs – because it is the journey we all make in life.
Teeth falling out happen as we are ageing and getting near to the end of our body’s life journey. So this part of the dream is about how to, or how you will, face the death of your body. Your brother probably represents your inner advice, as brothers often do.
The old woman whose face you cannot see is a figure of great power for good or bad luck, for she is a mother figure, the great female figure or influence behind all motherhood – its power comes from the essence of all female creatures over millions of years. She is the essence of womanhood.
You cannot buy from her; money doesn’t come into it. She offers you both the opportunity to partake of life experiences, and also the fruits of Her wisdom. To bring the money to her at sunset, is saying that unless you can produce something worthwhile with before you die your life will lack value. The wisdom that you receive from this great part of you says that She will claim you both – Sulii – at the end. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/ – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
I have had this dream at least 6 times in 8 years.
Me and my friend go in to a church with 4 others to save/kill a gargoyle (turns out to be a very cute girl)
We knocked her out using a combo of light and black magic…
My and I take her over to the alter and he performs a rite to remove the curse while I hold her down using black magic whilst he is doing this half way through he starts playing with her breasts and I tell him to quit it…
She thanks us both and we all sit down to eat but something doesn’t seem right with her being to JOYFUL…
So I asked her if I could use my magic to probe her mind to see if the ruminants of the curse was still there.
Then I wake up.
Any idea what this means?
I have had this dream at least 6 times in 8 years.
Me and my friend go in to a church with 4 others to save/kill a gargoyle (turns out to be a very cute girl)
We knocked her out using a combo of light and black magic…
Me and my mate take her over to the alter and he performs a rite to remove the curse while I hold her down using black magic whilst he is doing this half way through he starts playing with her breasts and I tell him to quit it…
She thanks us both and we all sit down to eat but something doesn’t seem right with her being to JOYFUL…
So I asked her if I could use my magic to probe her mind to see if the ruminants of the curse was still there.
Then I wake up.
Any idea what this means?
Raava – While we dream we exist in a completely different world/dimension. In the world of dreams whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life.
Whether we remember or not, each time we sleep we create an apparently real world – a virtual reality – out of our remembered impressions, habits and emotions. As the stage managers of our inner theatres, we have the most abundant props, costumes and backdrops imaginable. Yet, because a dream is our own creation, no part of it, no emotion contained in it, no flight of fancy portrayed, is other than oneself.
So, your dreams are a magic mirror that reflects nothing but your own beliefs, worries, fears, wisdom and even genius. To do this it creates characters, situations and drama that are all reflections of your own inner world. All the images and drama, along with the emotions you feel are simply you looking at yourself. Most of it we do not recognise because we are so blind to our failings and of course our wonder.
Because you create the different characters and abilities out of your own desires, emotions and thoughts, you are obviously involved and in fact integrated with your creations. They are created out of your own life force and so are living energies or forces that have a will of their own. So the dream means that you are playing a game with yourself, a sort of computer game that you are the actors, so create a game that you can get out of and are not trapped in. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/ – https://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/masters-of-nightmares/ -https://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/the-ten-day-voyage/ – https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/summing-up/
1 had a reflection where a man appear pointing finger toward my direction last night
Last night I had a dream about a couple I used to know (who I’d always been jealous of, because of their -coupled happiness), they had just bought a house along the coast and it was wrapped in plastic and looked like a smeg fridge, almost like buying ex shop furniture. She told me it was really high spec inside, and I was jealous. The girl was then inside the house not the same woman as I remember her being, she was more innocent, kinder looking, and when she looked at me she had huge emoji eyes , she appeared to be panicking, and huddled in a corner. I looked around the house, and noticed a bloody chickens foot tied to the window frame dangling inside the house, but hidden from view by a tea towel and then on another window frame was a kind of knotweed tied in a similar fashion.
It occurred to me this was black magic, and I was wondering if this is my own fear of my own thoughts of jealousy, but also that I was possibly responsible for the omen.
Do you have an idea of what this means? Thanks
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Charlotte – Yes, I think it is, and the dream is showing you the folly of such feeling. You need to realise that as a woman you have so much potential and creativity. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/create-creative-creativity/
Example: Tell me where was the Devil? I do not understand. Jesus, why have we not been tempted? There is no answer – at least, not from outside. But something within me speaks. It . . – says – – . wait, I begin to hear. It says. . – You . . . were . . . the Devil. It was. . . you – – . who tempted me. Your fear, your loneliness, your jealousy, your dependence on things of the world, on people’s opinion, on wealth as a means of self-respect, on hate as a means to love – all these you tempted me with. Now you have left me for a season, for with God’s wider view given with the Dove, I showed you the illusion of your gods – the emptiness of your fears, the powerlessness of your determinations. The shadow cast by the knots tied in your heart, your head and your belly, was the Devil. Like children’s hands held between a candle and the wall, your pains, desolation’s, and terrors have cast grotesque shadows upon your consciousness, which you took to be real, and you lived according to their demands. By these shadows men are led to war, murder, theft, terrible ambition, lust, even madness. All mankind is possessed by these shadows – by this absence of the Light, the Life and the Love. I come, not to condemn them but to redeem. For you are your own devil, and your own angel. But my hour is not yet come; when it does I will redeem.
Hello dear
I dreamed about my niece who is just a child. I saw that someone has done black magic on her. I saw her body being distorted. I was trying to buy cough medicine for her and when i got into a rickshaw, a black dog came suddenly and started licking my feet. After that, suddenly i saw myself flying on a bicyle. What does that mean
Hi – I am going to halt from answering your posts – the reason is that in so many of your post I give the same information to. This is because most people do not understand the difference between dreaming and waking life. Also I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
So, most of what I put in answers is my attempt at explain what dreams are really about. It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do it by practicing what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPersonOrThing
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/masters-of-nightmares/
I have casted a love spell. In my dream he diverted and was angry at me
Hi – I am sorry to suddenly stop replying to dreams like this, but I must upgrade the dream dictionary – I started the revising in 2006, and haven’t got near the end yet.
So for a while I urge you to read http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/i-am-no-longer-interpreting-dreams/
Also here are so ways you can find your dreams meaning – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/ or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Dreams arise from your core self (See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/core/) and try to guide you to a best way of life. Casting a spell is trying to influence a person in an underhand way – and your dream creator didn’t like it.
I had a dream that i went to see my ex boyfriend that i haven’t heard anything from in two months. When i went to his house there was black magic work being done outside with a green candle that was off and different things written on it. He is now dating a girl thats a cop so i seen her in my dreams pulling up. My cousin that lives in florida with her three kids also came up in my dream which was who saved me. I want to know what this means?
Ive had multiple dreams where I had these powers to bring death to things I touch, to create fire, and black magic where I can destroy living and non-living things. Would that be considered as representation of fear I’m not facing or keeping hidden away?
Dear Eura Ha – To understand these aspects of your inner world you have to “be it”; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
It is not possible to explore any of your dreams without you writing down one whole dream;
Anna 🙂
i had a dream that i was not in it was as if i was watching that this guy and lady were involved in some black magic and they walked up to a door and the guy said this is a black magic knobbed and he said to the lady to try to turn it. the lady very easily turned the knob bakwards for along time and then the other way before she opened the door i got a glimpse of the guys face and from the expression on his face i guessed that openening a black magic knob must be something tricky to do maybe that only certain people can do it and the ladys face was menacing and you could almost tell that she was someone different than she had told the guy she was evil then she opened the door and everything went black and i woke up with shock
Its the first time I have landed on a dream interpretation page where there is additional scientific and real life explanations.
Hi I just wanted to know what it means if someone left a gifted box with an animal skull and tarantula in it? Someone left that at my friends front door.
can someone use blackmagic to come into my dreams? someone i work with has made comments that maybe they’re into magic and i sometimes have dreams about this person and now that person is making comments like “see ya tonight” when we don’t see each other outside of work and we work during the day. what is going on?
Mary – I doubt very much that the guy has the power to visit on demand. But what does have power is suggestions such as, “See ya tonight.” Such suggestions can arouse powerful emotional response and could let loose your own fears.
Most magic is all about suggestion and it is wise to build a good positive outlook.
I had a dream last night of a witch in all black going threw my backyard ( on all fours like an animal), I saw her from inside my house and I let off a really loud scream that happened to frighten her and then I attacked her with a matchete. I woke up feeling really scared and sweating.
I went back to sleep only to be in a room with all men and 3 of them were the womans husband that I killed and then she appeared hovering outside the window, I ended up with a matchete again and I was just about to attack but I woke up.
What could that mean?