Blamed Blaming
Most likely a direct expression of feelings one has about being blamed or blaming someone else. Therefore the things to watch for in the dream are:
Blaming: What are you blaming someone or something else for? If you can clarify what it is, ask yourself if you are doing that in waking life, and how deeply you feel about the issue. How valid is the blaming? Is the blaming a way of avoiding responsibility or efforts to change?
While we are blaming someone or something we lose the power to direct our own life. This is because blaming is like saying, ‘What has happened to me is all due to ‘so and so’ or ‘such and such’. Each time this happens it does this to me.’ If we stop the blaming and wonder whether we can take charge of the situation, then we gain more power to change. For instance a child who blames its mother when it falls over its shoelaces, might never stop to learn how to do up its own shoelaces. It might continue to blame its mother for not doing up its shoelaces properly. In adult life that is a very incapacitating habit to have. See Victims.
Accepting responsibility for what occurs in your life does not mean self blame. Blaming oneself is as negative as blaming someone else. Seeing that effect follow cause is simply a way of learning how to bring about real and satisfying change in your life. It is a way of seeing result as a feedback of information as to how well your attitudes, activities and efforts worked. With that feedback you can change the attitudes or activities and gradually get better results.
Blamed: Do you accept the blame and feel guilty or a failure? If so it may show that you are taking on feelings of failure that will create guilt and conflict in you. There may also be excessive self-criticism arising. Perhaps there are things you have failed to see or accept, but feeling guilty isn’t the best way to learn and improve ones performance. Better to look at events as learning experiences.
A long-term study on the effects of pessimism and self blame was started in 1946 with 100 Harvard graduates. It showed an ‘impressive’ relationship between pessimism in twenty year olds, and poor health in middle age. With another study it was found that people who blamed poor performance on personal failings in general died younger than people who accepted slumps in performance as part of normal life.
Idioms: lay the blame; shoulder the blame; take the blame; to blame.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What part does blaming others or myself play in my life?
Can I begin to learn from experience rather than play the blaming game?
What can I learn from this dream and the blaming taking place?
Can you learn anything from the Plot of the Dream or even Easy Dream Interpretation.