Boat Ship
This probably depicts our journey through the seas of life and how we meet the rough and smooth experiences, as with example below. In many dreams boats and ships appear to depict a situation, environment or relationship the dreamer is in – as in the saying, ‘in the same boat’.
Because of the fact that once in the water it is difficult to leave the boat, the situation is often one that has certain bonds or commitments which may not be easy to leave or break away from – such as occurs in a close relationship or a work situation. The condition the boat depicts may relate to a physical one, such as a work opportunity, a place we live in, a relationship that, like any relationship, offers certain opportunities and restrictions – or it might be an attitude a feeling or a belief, such as pride or love, which places you in a certain connection with the world – i.e. ‘at sea’ or lost; in a stormy situation; in dry dock, etc. The boat can also be a place of safety amidst the storms of life. Thus attitudes or strengths enabling the dreamer to meet difficulties.
A boat is the thing that keeps you afloat in a different element than you are used to. As such it depicts the attitudes that enable you to have a clear boundary and certainty of who you are. It is your confidence and the threshold that separates your waking self from the massive and deep unconscious – the ocean of collective awareness. This is clear in the following example.
Example: Opened a paper at the comic strip. Began to read and become involved in the story. A small speed boat was at sea. But the sea dissolved anybody who fell in. One man fell in but held himself together as a blob of water and jumped back to the speedboat. I remember the words “The sea is a great solvent.” Anthony.
This dream pictures Anthony’s identity or ability to be an individual amidst the great ocean of life or consciousness. So the boat probably represents how he sees his body, as a thing separate from the rest of the world.
The various environments boats may be in show the condition or feelings surrounding the basic life situation the boat depicts. For instance being ‘at sea’ – depending upon calmness or rough seas – shows the dreamer being away from a familiar base or in difficult or uncertain times.
Example: I am in a large glass boat with my wife. The sea is very rough and I am afraid the boat will sink.’ Ron D.
The dream occurred a few weeks before a breakdown occurred in which the dreamer’s wife left him.
Example: I was inside a large boat, probably a tanker. There were a lot of passengers, but it appeared as if we were imprisoned in a huge room. It was very dingy and dismal. I am not sure though whether people realised they were prisoners. Maybe one only realised one was imprisoned if one tried to escape. Bob. A.
This boat obviously represents a situation Bob finds it difficult to get out of, and is only just realising he is trapped in. It also shows him involved with other people.
Example: I’m a young woman standing on a sea shore. I am waiting for my man. I hear the oars in the row locks of a boat, then it comes into view. A man comes to me, and puts his arms around me like he’s known me all my life. My man pauses, turns his head to a man still in the boat and says – Tell them this is it. Phillipa.
Here the boat holds the suggestion of being an event bringing Phillipa a love she has been waiting for.
Anchored boat: Security; stable relationship or situation; opposite of drifting.
Beached boat: Possibly suggests a situation in which you are ‘on dry land’ not subject to many changes or uncertainties. But it could also relate to a project, relationship or endeavour that cannot be got underway, or has got stuck in some way. However if you beach the boat and get out, then it shows the end of a journey, project or relationship.
Boat without oars: Ill equipped to deal with the situation you are in. A loss of motivation and being subject to external events to direct your life. So this might point to indecisiveness or lack of initiative.
Bows: One’s strength to meet life’s changes.
Canoe: Much like a small boat, but with overtones of nature, of being in the wild, of surviving. It is sometimes in testing surroundings or ones in which you feel the presence of nature, which can be wonderful or scary.
Disembarking: Leaving a phase of life, such as motherhood, marriage or a job. Ending a relationship or arriving at a new phase of life, a new possibility or great change.
Dock: A feeling of security when you have left an inner journey. Also because a dock is a permanent feature boats or ships can be moored to, it might indicate a safe ending to a relationship. A secure though public place to be. The end or beginning of a journey or a life change and the beginning of another phase of life.
If you are leaving the dock in a boat/ship, it suggests facing going out into the world and putting out something of oneself into the world through your relationships and life with people.
Dry dock: Necessary changes being made; circumstances not conducive to being actively involved in a project or relationship; delays. There might be a link with ill health here also.
Embarking alone: Independence or loneliness. Entering a new situation and perhaps unknown events or possibilities. Opportunity for new relationships.
Ferry boat: If across a river, end of a relationship; transition from one phase of life to another or one life situation to another; the emotional connections in a relationship. Sometimes links with death or the loss of someone.
Going on a cruise: Desiring relationship with others; or to be a part of other peoples life. Leaving ones everyday life behind.
Boat journey by night: Classic archetype of searching for one’s roots in life; the journey into ones unconscious experience. See: night sea journey under archetypes.
Keel: Basic personal strengths. The foundation of your personality or identity.
Leaving boat but leaving bag on it: Losing confidence or self value, such as might happen when children have gone or job ended.
Lots of small boats: Other peoples relationships.
Missing a boat: Missing opportunity; not grasping significance of events; not ‘making it’ in a relationship.
Motor boat: Similar to car but more sense of isolation or aloneness. The motor boat also shows the powerful feelings and drives which impel us into action, or give us a direction in life, as in the following example. For instance a strong anxiety can be a power, an engine, which motivates us to do or avoid certain things, such a taking risks, entering a relationship. So too can love, dependence, desire for wealth, loneliness, and the struggle to survive.
Person leaving the boat: A boat often represents a relationship, so leaving the boat or ship suggests someone leaving what was a group or personal relationship,
Example: My wife, H and I were on a large and beautiful motor boat, about thirty feet long. We were speeding along a river about hundred yards wide. I didn’t seem to be steering with a wheel, but there was no problem. Instead of water the river appeared to be a thick slurry of some kind. We were passing through countryside and suddenly H dropped what I felt might be an important envelope overboard. It lay on the top of the river. I wanted to stop and retrieve it. Other boats were coming along some way behind and I wondered if one of them would go over it. There was a lever which was the accelerator. I pushed it right back and the boat slowly reduced speed, but we were a long way from the envelope/package. The further away we got the less important it seemed, although I had wondered if it contained documents important to where we were going – which I felt was to do with some sort of work or teaching an official or business group.
Suddenly H was on the right bank of the river. I am not sure why, but she had left the boat. I wasn’t sure how she could get back on board again as the river was now full of debris and weeds – tree stumps, metal poles, cans, really full – and the banks were shallow and difficult to approach. I found a place where I could pull in, and there were steps in the earthy or limestone type bank that had been worn in with use. I managed to stop the boat – I still couldn’t find controls to guide or stop the craft – by holding on to the bank, and H got on. I was very pleased and felt love and pleasure that she had got on again. I kissed her warmly. We pulled away from the bank, avoiding a big metal post and chain low in the water. I felt if we went slowly we could get through all the debris okay. Roy.
This dream occurred during a period of separation in the marriage and shows how Roy is not really guiding the boat. He is being impelled by drives he doesn’t have full control over. Parting and coming together again are clearly depicted in the dream.
Rowing a boat: Personal skill or effort to achieve a goal. Whether you are succeeding well or not shows how you are assessing your own efforts to reach goals or take a direction in life.
Rudder: Sureness about direction in life; ability to take a direction in life and maintain it against other influences.
Shared journey on boat or ship: A situation we are involved in with other people or person, such as marriage, business partnership, armed forces; this is the relation-ship, a shared journey in which you ‘are all in the same boat’.
Sinking ship/boat: Fear of relationship ending; difficult events or circumstances are occurring; could be children leaving mother, so the collective ‘boat journey’ has finished; also occasionally threat of illness or death.
Small Boat with one other person: One’s relationship with that person.
Idioms: Burn one’s boats; in the same boat; miss the boat; rock the boat; ships that pass; ship comes in; a tight ship; in a boat without a paddle. See: anchor; submarine.
Useful questions:
If I am not alone on this boat, what is the dream saying about my shared journey with the person or people I am with?
What is the situation depicted – storm, calm, etc – and how does that relate to my life?
Am I directing the boat or am I a passenger – and in what way am I alone or going along with somebody in life?
I had one of the weirdest dreams ever. I dreamed I was with my deceased father. He was driving me in the car with him, and we came upon destruction everywhere!
It was almost like he was driving fast to get away from the dangers we were in. First, we came upon flooding water, the next street, there was this huge ship on dry land. The ground was breaking open, some big huge, tall beast was chasing us and it grabbed hold of the back wheel of the car, so we could not move. I wokeup. I must say I was very afraid in the dream.
Heni – Did you feel your father was warning you in any way? I feel he was a guiding force and influence in you.
The world is going through tremendous changes at the moment, and it looks like things will get even more chaotic. Your dream isn’t about actual flooding and earthquakes, such dreams are about the things your wider self sees or feels are now emerging. Earthquakes are massive changes going on in you and around you, and flooding is the emotions this releases.
The creature is a massive force or primeval energy that is being released. But it is nothing to be afraid of. If it were outside you yes, it would be scary; but inside you in your dreams it is the enormous energy you could use to meet the changes that are coming. So imagine yourself facing the monster and offering it love. I know it may feel scary – so did I when I met my dinosaur. And make it an ally rather than something to run away from.
Also see http://dreamhawk.com/news/be-warned/ as this tells about the changes you are dreaming about, and maybe what to do about them.
I am constantly dreaming of bodies of water. Earlier on this year I would repeatedly dream of the beach/ocean. Usually I am swimming at the beach when the water would become rough and very dark and I am caught up in the waves and try to dock under the sea before the giant waves crash on me. Sometimes I dream that I am laying on the sand and a kind of tidal wave is about to crash down on the shore (there are always lots of people on the beach in the dream too). After having these dream repeatedly, in real life I cheated on my fianncee with my ex and my fiancee found out and the whole situation got really bad among me, my fiancee, my ex and his girlfriend, however we got through it and now things are really good with my fiancee and I. (I only mention because I was curious as to whether it could be related!).
Recently I started dreaming the sea again only this time I dream that I am in the middle of the ocean but its calm, crystal blue clear and shallow, with a kind of island, or actually more of a flat, sandy area in the middle, and then the scenery changes from middle of the ocean to a big river and I am in a canoe/boat but the water is still very calm, crystal blue clear and shallow. The river is flanked by a bank with nice white stones and pebbles on one side and by lush green mountains on the other side. I have this new dream often.
In a separate dream I am always dreaming that I’m being attacked by a big dog. In this dream I am always in a crowd of people and somehow the dog bypasses everyone and attacks me. Also the dog is always very healthy looking and well taken care of (clean?).
Can you please tell me what these dreams mean, thank you so much!
Suzette – There are a lot of big dreams here, and I will do my best to explain them.
The first dream is about turbulent emotions and you feeling uncertain how to deal with them. So the probably relates to what you said about your fiancé and ex. The change of light and colour in the next dream tells its own story. You are in a completely different feeling space, a good one. An island can sometimes suggest feeling cut off, but you are then on a river in a boat, a really good sign because you are back on your destined path as the river is a great flow of life that you are on.
The dog dream is a bit different. It seems as if you are attacking yourself in some way. Are you being critical about yourself, or the way you think about yourself.
Remember that all things in a dream are images describing or connecting with a part of you, and that you cannot be hurt of injured in your dreams. So try allowing the dog to attack you and see what you feel.
I had a dream last night where I was in a boat that was not working well. It was floating and I would suddenly find myself in the water checking the rudders of the boat to make sure they were steeering the boat. I would get nervous when I saw the boat approaching shallow waters. The other people in the boat did not seem to be bothered by the shallow water and I would feel better about it and think it was alright since no one else seemed bothered. I did not not know who the people were in the boat. At least I cannot recognize them now. When the boat arrived at a destination, everyone was happy because we were out at sea for quite some time. Then the boat started pulling away from the dock. I realized that the boat was not tied to the dock. I was the only person that noticed and then we started tying the boat to the dock. Everyone was relieved to know that I discovered this because the boat would have floated away if I didn’t notice. This last part of the dream seems significant and I am not sure why.
Another dream last night consisted of a large humvee vehicle parked in the driveway where I grew up. For some reason I had to borrow it to get my new job. There was water everywhere and I needed to navigate. It was difficult to drive at first, but then I got the hang of it. I was thinking that it was too big and I did not need it. I thought about how much gas it was wasting. I met up with some people and got out of the vehicle. We had to hide from something, almost like a war situation. I met a man who wanted to race with me in the Humvee because he had a similar vehicle. He seemed attracted to me because I had an expensive car. I entertained the idea and got in the car and then I drove back home, but my home was not my home, it belonged to the family that owned the Humvee. They gave me a fur coat to wear for my new job.
I’m not sure how to interpret these two dreams, but they seem connected.
HC – I feel this describes how you relate to other people, especially in groups. Your dream gives me the impression that you need to know where such relationships are heading – thus the rudders – and are cautious about getting in situations you cannot manoeuvre.
Even so you do not like to be ‘at sea’ too long – any ship that was out of sight of land was in an uncertain position and in danger of becoming lost. Again you need to get your bearings and links with wanting to know where you are in relationships. This is again portrayed in the mooring of the boat. You need a firm mooring in some way to feel okay.
Then the second dream is about the feelings you face in a new situation – your job. The Humvee is a war type vehicle needed to meet heavy weather in all forms. And in fact you find it emotionally demanding at first, but you get used to it as you got the hang of it. But even so going to face work as if it were a battle zone takes a lot of emotional energy – is it worth it?
The man thing I guess is how you see work relationships with men – a sort of boy competition. And that isn’t your style. So you put the Humvee back and got a fur coat instead. And I think that is a return to your instinctive intuitive self. It is a warm feeling, but also one that has senses alert.
Hi, I hope that you can help me with this dream because I can’t seem to figure out the meaning. I was on a large boat with my mother about to sail away. I got off the boat to say goodbye to a happy child and I asked if her name was Sarah and she teasingly said no but then started spelling her name and it was Sarah. I felt certain that she was actually myself as a child.
Sarah – It certainly is, and you sound like a playful child.
Going on a boat trip is usually about a relationship that it is difficult to easily leave – because you cannot get off a boat if it has left port. Also, why did you leave such a happy child behind? So I wonder why your relationship with your mother left the child behind.
There is probably a clue to the fact that the child – you – said no when you asked her name, then spelt it out as Sarah. What is or was the you that the child was referring to?
Try imagining yourself in the body of the child and seeing what you feel. It might help if you read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-in-your-dream/
Hi, I had a dream that I was in a luxury ship and I am inside waiting (i don’t know for whom or on what). And then it seems I am preparing food in the kitchen and then there is this window that I keep peering in, and I saw a fat orange and white cat sleeping on top of pasta (red sauce) and slowly turning (lazy turning around). And then by the window sill I saw my house keys on it with red pasta sauce so I took it and tried to wipe away the sauce. And then when I turned around, I saw that somebody came it. I turned off the light and went outside of the kitchen and greeted a man with shaving cream on and captain’s hat “Hello my Captain” and he smiled and said, “Better than not having a Captain”.
And there are a lot more that happened but I forgot
What could this mean?
Rona – I have a suspicion that before this dream you were wanting or even longing for a change, even an exciting change. Anyway you have change coming in the form of the luxury ship. But a ship voyage usually represents a journey in your life, possibly with another, that you cannot easily change.
Then you are making a personal effort to turn the ordinary everyday events – the food – into something more satisfying.
The cat sitting on the pasta sauce I find it hard to have any insight into. Except the cat is probably the feminine side of you, your feelings.
And of course you are aware of the cat because you are looking into yourself through the small window of your dreams.
Finding the house keys is important. It shows you finding an attitude or realisation that enables you open up parts of yourself you would otherwise not have access to. In this case a feeling of being at ease or at home.
The captain is about the part of your abilities, that side of your nature that is capable or is in touch with the wider issues in our life, and makes decisions out of comprehensive awareness. So in other words the ability to make the journey in life you are undertaking – however unready you/he seems to be.
Hi Tony
How would you interpret a period ship – possibly a galleon, sailing towards you on a very calm sea?
I can’t be sure it was actually a galleon; it’s the only name I can think of for a ship that comes from an earlier period in history! But it had tall masts.
I can only recall seeing it approach but know I felt positive about it.
Penny – Well, it is certainly something coming form your past – but how log ago?
And a galleon suggests so much – it could be about meeting a new person, of new opportunities, or treasures from the past.
Because it comes from the past it is worth exploring the boat and seeing what comes from it. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-in-your-dream/ as this will give you personal experience.
But these memories from the past can be called ancestral memories, but can carry with them all part of you that hadn’t been made conscious before. They are a wonderful addition and can give you so much depth and open you to new horizons. Here is a quote about this from Eye of Dreams.
1. Ancestral memories have been mentioned in an earlier chapter, but it is worth adding a few comments to what has already been said. Grof, commenting on this area of extended awareness says that often what is experienced relates to the present personality, adding to the understanding of its composition and makeup. At their best they give clear information about the lives and environment of long dead ancestors. These details are often extraordinary, have been verified, and bring to light distant history. At a psychological level they can of course have nothing to do with history, but be scenes that illustrate the person’s conflicts, fears or traumas, enabling them to avoid directly confronting those issues. Apart from that such experiences may have nothing to do with biological ancestors, but bring to light what I call ‘past dwelling places’. I use this term instead of past lives, as the past characters we meet are not directly a life that the present personality lived. They are lives that ones spirit expressed as – spirit being the silver cord on which the beads of different personalities are strung. It is the fundamental energy and awareness resident in every aspect of the universe, and the foundations and source of your own personal awareness.
In trying to put into words my own discoveries of this far memory, or past dwelling places, I have written elsewhere: ‘The years have gradually brought me growing awareness of all that I owe to my ancestors. The weather and storms of my life, the sunshine and rain, the loss and the seeking of love, have slowly revealed the roots of the tree that I am. Through those roots I knew my life fed upon the rich soil formed out of all that had lived in the past. I knew I lived on the nourishment of the dead and had entered into the house of the ancestors. And in the grandeur of that house I had found previous dwelling places, ancient graves, the buried drama, the numbed agony and the living spirit of the long dead. The guardian of the threshold led me into my forgotten past. And there beside me in her spirit form my love explored with me. We experienced the rising and falling waves of life; time unfolding from the timeless; the gradual knowing of everything in nothing; the slow realisation of the dance in utter stillness. In essence that is the journey. And here I now sit in the present wondering why the being that I was vast ages ago journeyed away from home.’
hi tony!
i had a dream last night… which i cannot understand. well there’s no dream as clear as we could think of.
i was in a shore, i guess as i can see a clear sea water ahead of me. with me is my dog. when we looked at the very nice calm clear water my dog suddenly (am not sure if he bark or just ran) ran and jumped into the water and get out of the water and run back to me. when i was drying my dog we saw 4 or 5 sharks and whales going towards us on the shore but i didn’t felt scared. then after a while, i saw a red steel shallow ship cruising the sea going towards us again. i felt my ex boyfriend was on board… and somehow fetching me i guess and fix what was left hanging… and it felt good actually…
pls interpret this dream of mine tony.. thanks so much…
Itechiwa – If we start at the beginning, your dog running into the water and out again is a sign of your intuition leading you. Then the sharks and whales getting nearer are your anxieties that make you hesitate about what comes next.
Then your ex boyfriend in a boat or ship suggests a relation-ship. That is a very good encouragement for you to try to reach out to him again. The dream doesn’t suggest success, but it is a good sign that now is the right time to try again.
In my dream i’m on a sort of cruise ship that’s kind of battered and grey, and i’m having a conversation with someone i liked a while ago but haven’t seen for ages.
Suddenly i get a bird’s eye view of the ship and see a huge wave coming towards us and i’m immediately worried it will be too much for the boat. It doesnt feel too bad at first but then a big wave of water rushes past us, and my friend gets washed away. I’m clutching my own possesions and wondering if i’ll have time to catch him before he washes away entirely before i spring up to look over the side.
For some reason he’s being hanged by the neck by a long white rope, and this disturbs me so much i sort of rewind the dream to where he’s just fell off and manage to save him in time. We’re suddenly in work together stacking shelves with books and talking about relationships. This one disturbed me a bit.
Kelly – The theme of your dream is relationships, and the battered and grey cruiser is a great way that dreams have of telling you things. In this case it is that your past relationships have left you feeling a little grey, but it is still a ‘cruise ship’.
The next part where you get a bird’s eye view of the ship and surroundings is another great way of saying you/we have the power of prediction – seeing what is coming. But it doesn’t over all say that what is seen is set in concrete, because later you can rewind the dream to get another outcome.
And here is another interesting thing – the huge wave. Now a wave is simply enormous energy that can be used in many ways. In life we can try too escape; we can ride a surfboard on it; we can put it to work as a way of generating electricity, and so on. And in the inner world of our dreams the same applies except that the wave is life energy. It too can be turned against us in fear and neurotic behaviour, or it can be uplifting and healing, or even creative energy.
Your first reaction is that it will be too much for the boat/relationships. Then your friend, your past experience of relationship, gets threatened. You hold on tight to your sense of yourself in confronting the huge wave of energy. Not a good idea because in the end you are the energy of the wave. Dream images are your own feelings and energies put into image form so you can understand and work with them – as you do in the end.
The hanging is another fear reaction, choking back feelings.
So do not be disturbed by the dream. You faced your fear and habitual responses to what you were meeting, and realised it doesn’t have to be like that. So you can change the habits that would otherwise have controlled you and let to a sort of nightmare. That is so important it is worth etching in your memory.
See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYYXq1Ox4sk a useful talk about what you were doing in your dream.
I had a dream last night that I was on a decent sized boat, by myself in the sea at night. Suddenly a storm appear and the boat I’m on is in serious troublle with huge waves crashing into it. The boat gets overtaken by the storm and flips over, but I’m able to stay a float and find a piece of the remainder of the boat and use it almost like a surf board. Suddenly the Waves start to get extremely violent and larger than any waves I ever scene. Each wave I am able to survive is followed by an even bigger one but I am able to keep afloat. Than the final wave approaches and it seems like there is no chance to survive it. As it comes towards me someone how I am able to reach the top and survive into more relaxed waters but I’m still afraid of another wave coming and for some reason I am able to get out of the water by kicking a window that appears next to a wall. The window is very tiny and somehow and able to break the window and swim through it but before I get fully through I cut my calf on the glass. I keep swimming and I end on the other side and right than I wake up….
Anthony – This sounds like you have some very serious troubles ahead. The boat sometimes relates to a relationship that could go wrong, but you seem to be alone,
However, even though you feel a lot of anxiety you manage each new turbulent emotion and troubles and survive. The difficulties you are facing are overcome through persistent survival ability and by breaking through conventional behaviour. But they may be a slight setback to your ability to get about easily.
The comment above describes the boat dream I had last night.
Jill – I have a feeling that you sense that you have contributed a lot to building or making your relationship. The boat is often an image that suggests a relation-ship. Also it often points to a journey through life that you can take together. But the fact that the water is so shallow and then the boat is on sand can either mean you are in a period of low tide, or that you need a greater need for a spiritual life – the great waters of life to lift you up and take you on the wonderful journey.
My husband and I, to my surprise, bought a beautiful motorized boat together. We both contributed $10,000 for its purchase. I was surprised that we had done this because it was unplanned. I was very pleased, both with the boat and our purchase of it together. The next memory I have is of me outside the boat, doing acrobatics or something similar that felt liberating. In doing these moves, I realized how shallow the water was for a boat. The shallow water may have become just sand at some point.
I dreamed about a channel, with on one side a rough countryside, with crocodiles and on the other side a big city. I was on the rough side with a group of people, and as we crossed the channel there lay 3 boats we used to go to the other side of the channel. once i was on the other side with only one person left, I saw the others sail away on the 3 boats.
Evelien – This is about a division of feeling in you life. It could be about divide between what you feel is dangerous and threatening, and the other side which you associate with city life and civilisation. But it also suggests that you feel isolated and left behind socially, maybe even by your family.
Perhaps you are a person who actually prefers just having one friend instead of hanging out with a group.
I have had two separate boat dreams for a few years now. In one dream- I (and my husband) am much older than I currently am- by at least 20 years. In this dream my husband and I are leaving an island on a large cruise ship. The cruise ship is so large it barely fits on the island. I always look back at the people and wave as our ship sails out of port and the people wave back at us. It seems like a peaceful dream and I remember looking down off the ship and seeing the blue blue ocean. The dream is always almost nearly identical to the last dream and I just wonder what it means.
The other dream is a bit faster. We are on a smaller motor/ speed boat, (similair to a bass boat) and we are on a family vacation. We own the boat (I think). Sometimes we have two children with us and sometimes there is just myself (no husband) and there is just one child. (We already have one baby boy.) I am steering the boat and this one takes place in a river type setting, but I can look over my right shoulder and still see the sea that appears to be neverending. My husband is sometimes on the bank fishing and we are trying to make it back through the murky water to pick him up and my main memory is coming toward the shore at a high rate of speed. I stop the boat with great precision though. It doesn’t feel as calm as the other dream but still holds no negative feelings either. What does this mean?
Mandi – There are features about your dreams that are harder to make a decision about. Why do these dreams keep coming or instance when they are very clear and impressive?
So I feel it is because the dreams are important and you haven’t acted on them or fully taken them in. So the first dream is one that is looking ahead to what might develop in the future. The island is the small sphere of your present activities, which though happy you are moving toward being part of something big. So I wonder if you dream the dream often because you feel you are bigger that your circumstances show, and the dream is telling you to be patient. This is because there is something coming that will involve you both. So if this is correct you can move on by asking what you will be asked for on the cruise ship.
The never ending sea tells me you have a great connection with the unconscious, or a feeling of connection with Life. That is there in the background f whatever else you do, so as your husband is fishing, and in murky waters, I see that this is about bringing to consciousness thinks that are nourishing and enlarging. The children – well you may well have another child.
So maybe there is something in the direction you are going that is about that.
In my dream last night I was planning on seeing the bottom of the sea. I get in a boat with someone I did not reconise from my waking life. They were planning on sinking the boat, I think they didnt want to live anymore. I was a little scared. It took a long time for the boat to reach the bottom of the sea, I was just waiting in the cabin watching blue pass. I remember the bottom was bare and had a few fish, I was planning on floating back to the top to catch my breath. My dream consisted of ALOT of other things but I remember this most
Kelly – There is an ancient saying about finding the Path. And I think this dreams shows you are on the path to discovering who and what you are.
To go to the bottom of the sea is an unusual thing to dream about, and it shows you exploring what is usually unknown, the sources of life, the great depths of mind. But of course at the moment all you saw were pictures, like icons on the computer screen. Until you click on them they remain puzzling pictures and do not come to life. And the many other things you saw were even more mysterious.
The path to self discovery is quite difficult, but not impossible, and perhaps you are on the beginning of it. Your dreams can be your guru.
‘In this age brothers, we are almost through the veil that has hid us from ourselves. Come, let us break through. But where is The Guru who will teach us? Where will we find God and the ancient mysteries; and how may we find our ageless one who knows all life?
Brothers and Sisters, they are as close to you as your dreams, and as available as your own sleep. Let us venture in.’
I had a dream last night, that I’ve had a few times over that past couple of months. I’m sitting on the beach with some people, we’re all having a good time enjoying the water and the sun until boats start going by one by one creating huge waves that we need to run from. I always get caught in them in the beginning then learn that I need to run to avoid them. Until this cruise ship goes by and creates a tidal wave that scares me and half the time I can run fast enough to escape it but the other times I wake up right before the wave crashes down on me.
I saw that the sea is your consciousness and boats are life problems but I don’t see why half the time I escape and sometimes I’m engulfed.
Hi Alyssa – I would think a boat is mostly about relationship or a journey through life. But if the boats going by are simply cases waves, it could suggest that other people are causing you emotional threats.
But the sea is a lot more than consciousness. It is the enormous depths that lie underneath waking awareness. I think this following dream may help you understand why sometimes you are engulfed and other times not.
On the first night I slept with my present wife I noticed she struggled with her breathing. While she was asleep I spoke to her suggesting she would relax and allow her breathing to be easy. Within moments she responded. This encouraged me and I suggested her whole body would relax, and the barriers within her dissolve, allowing healing and well-being to be experienced. Within ten minutes she suddenly awoke and told me a dream. She was at the rear of a house sunbathing with her family, feeling very relaxed and happy. As she sank into the enjoyment waves, like a tidal wave began to roll up her body. The pleasure was so intense she couldn’t take any more and woke up.
So one can run from being engulfed in pleasure. After all, the sea is very deep and full of wonders and we might not be used to such intensity. So it might be useful to ask yourself what would you face in your own feelings is you let the waves engulf you. After all it is only your emotions you are meeting. And it can help us to learn to take more intensity. Is it fear of death, of being carried away, or of losing control?
A tidal wave can therefore indicate any release of emotional or sexual energy. The reason this image is used is that when we feel enormous release of emotions such as might happen when we fall in love, have a baby, or are publicly condemned, our ego often feels carried along by the experience rather than in control. We may have learned how to ride such waves as surfers do. This requires confidence, daring and balance. If we can do it we can open ourselves to much greater range of feeling or change than if we felt threatened. Even happiness may be repressed due to feeling threatened. Anxiety or depression is one of these enormous waves that may threaten to engulf us, and so is one of the human conditions the tidal wave represents.