Boat Ship
This probably depicts our journey through the seas of life and how we meet the rough and smooth experiences, as with example below. In many dreams boats and ships appear to depict a situation, environment or relationship the dreamer is in – as in the saying, ‘in the same boat’.
Because of the fact that once in the water it is difficult to leave the boat, the situation is often one that has certain bonds or commitments which may not be easy to leave or break away from – such as occurs in a close relationship or a work situation. The condition the boat depicts may relate to a physical one, such as a work opportunity, a place we live in, a relationship that, like any relationship, offers certain opportunities and restrictions – or it might be an attitude a feeling or a belief, such as pride or love, which places you in a certain connection with the world – i.e. ‘at sea’ or lost; in a stormy situation; in dry dock, etc. The boat can also be a place of safety amidst the storms of life. Thus attitudes or strengths enabling the dreamer to meet difficulties.
A boat is the thing that keeps you afloat in a different element than you are used to. As such it depicts the attitudes that enable you to have a clear boundary and certainty of who you are. It is your confidence and the threshold that separates your waking self from the massive and deep unconscious – the ocean of collective awareness. This is clear in the following example.
Example: Opened a paper at the comic strip. Began to read and become involved in the story. A small speed boat was at sea. But the sea dissolved anybody who fell in. One man fell in but held himself together as a blob of water and jumped back to the speedboat. I remember the words “The sea is a great solvent.” Anthony.
This dream pictures Anthony’s identity or ability to be an individual amidst the great ocean of life or consciousness. So the boat probably represents how he sees his body, as a thing separate from the rest of the world.
The various environments boats may be in show the condition or feelings surrounding the basic life situation the boat depicts. For instance being ‘at sea’ – depending upon calmness or rough seas – shows the dreamer being away from a familiar base or in difficult or uncertain times.
Example: I am in a large glass boat with my wife. The sea is very rough and I am afraid the boat will sink.’ Ron D.
The dream occurred a few weeks before a breakdown occurred in which the dreamer’s wife left him.
Example: I was inside a large boat, probably a tanker. There were a lot of passengers, but it appeared as if we were imprisoned in a huge room. It was very dingy and dismal. I am not sure though whether people realised they were prisoners. Maybe one only realised one was imprisoned if one tried to escape. Bob. A.
This boat obviously represents a situation Bob finds it difficult to get out of, and is only just realising he is trapped in. It also shows him involved with other people.
Example: I’m a young woman standing on a sea shore. I am waiting for my man. I hear the oars in the row locks of a boat, then it comes into view. A man comes to me, and puts his arms around me like he’s known me all my life. My man pauses, turns his head to a man still in the boat and says – Tell them this is it. Phillipa.
Here the boat holds the suggestion of being an event bringing Phillipa a love she has been waiting for.
Anchored boat: Security; stable relationship or situation; opposite of drifting.
Beached boat: Possibly suggests a situation in which you are ‘on dry land’ not subject to many changes or uncertainties. But it could also relate to a project, relationship or endeavour that cannot be got underway, or has got stuck in some way. However if you beach the boat and get out, then it shows the end of a journey, project or relationship.
Boat without oars: Ill equipped to deal with the situation you are in. A loss of motivation and being subject to external events to direct your life. So this might point to indecisiveness or lack of initiative.
Bows: One’s strength to meet life’s changes.
Canoe: Much like a small boat, but with overtones of nature, of being in the wild, of surviving. It is sometimes in testing surroundings or ones in which you feel the presence of nature, which can be wonderful or scary.
Disembarking: Leaving a phase of life, such as motherhood, marriage or a job. Ending a relationship or arriving at a new phase of life, a new possibility or great change.
Dock: A feeling of security when you have left an inner journey. Also because a dock is a permanent feature boats or ships can be moored to, it might indicate a safe ending to a relationship. A secure though public place to be. The end or beginning of a journey or a life change and the beginning of another phase of life.
If you are leaving the dock in a boat/ship, it suggests facing going out into the world and putting out something of oneself into the world through your relationships and life with people.
Dry dock: Necessary changes being made; circumstances not conducive to being actively involved in a project or relationship; delays. There might be a link with ill health here also.
Embarking alone: Independence or loneliness. Entering a new situation and perhaps unknown events or possibilities. Opportunity for new relationships.
Ferry boat: If across a river, end of a relationship; transition from one phase of life to another or one life situation to another; the emotional connections in a relationship. Sometimes links with death or the loss of someone.
Going on a cruise: Desiring relationship with others; or to be a part of other peoples life. Leaving ones everyday life behind.
Boat journey by night: Classic archetype of searching for one’s roots in life; the journey into ones unconscious experience. See: night sea journey under archetypes.
Keel: Basic personal strengths. The foundation of your personality or identity.
Leaving boat but leaving bag on it: Losing confidence or self value, such as might happen when children have gone or job ended.
Lots of small boats: Other peoples relationships.
Missing a boat: Missing opportunity; not grasping significance of events; not ‘making it’ in a relationship.
Motor boat: Similar to car but more sense of isolation or aloneness. The motor boat also shows the powerful feelings and drives which impel us into action, or give us a direction in life, as in the following example. For instance a strong anxiety can be a power, an engine, which motivates us to do or avoid certain things, such a taking risks, entering a relationship. So too can love, dependence, desire for wealth, loneliness, and the struggle to survive.
Person leaving the boat: A boat often represents a relationship, so leaving the boat or ship suggests someone leaving what was a group or personal relationship,
Example: My wife, H and I were on a large and beautiful motor boat, about thirty feet long. We were speeding along a river about hundred yards wide. I didn’t seem to be steering with a wheel, but there was no problem. Instead of water the river appeared to be a thick slurry of some kind. We were passing through countryside and suddenly H dropped what I felt might be an important envelope overboard. It lay on the top of the river. I wanted to stop and retrieve it. Other boats were coming along some way behind and I wondered if one of them would go over it. There was a lever which was the accelerator. I pushed it right back and the boat slowly reduced speed, but we were a long way from the envelope/package. The further away we got the less important it seemed, although I had wondered if it contained documents important to where we were going – which I felt was to do with some sort of work or teaching an official or business group.
Suddenly H was on the right bank of the river. I am not sure why, but she had left the boat. I wasn’t sure how she could get back on board again as the river was now full of debris and weeds – tree stumps, metal poles, cans, really full – and the banks were shallow and difficult to approach. I found a place where I could pull in, and there were steps in the earthy or limestone type bank that had been worn in with use. I managed to stop the boat – I still couldn’t find controls to guide or stop the craft – by holding on to the bank, and H got on. I was very pleased and felt love and pleasure that she had got on again. I kissed her warmly. We pulled away from the bank, avoiding a big metal post and chain low in the water. I felt if we went slowly we could get through all the debris okay. Roy.
This dream occurred during a period of separation in the marriage and shows how Roy is not really guiding the boat. He is being impelled by drives he doesn’t have full control over. Parting and coming together again are clearly depicted in the dream.
Rowing a boat: Personal skill or effort to achieve a goal. Whether you are succeeding well or not shows how you are assessing your own efforts to reach goals or take a direction in life.
Rudder: Sureness about direction in life; ability to take a direction in life and maintain it against other influences.
Shared journey on boat or ship: A situation we are involved in with other people or person, such as marriage, business partnership, armed forces; this is the relation-ship, a shared journey in which you ‘are all in the same boat’.
Sinking ship/boat: Fear of relationship ending; difficult events or circumstances are occurring; could be children leaving mother, so the collective ‘boat journey’ has finished; also occasionally threat of illness or death.
Small Boat with one other person: One’s relationship with that person.
Idioms: Burn one’s boats; in the same boat; miss the boat; rock the boat; ships that pass; ship comes in; a tight ship; in a boat without a paddle. See: anchor; submarine.
Useful questions:
If I am not alone on this boat, what is the dream saying about my shared journey with the person or people I am with?
What is the situation depicted – storm, calm, etc – and how does that relate to my life?
Am I directing the boat or am I a passenger – and in what way am I alone or going along with somebody in life?
Very interesting article. I stumbled upon it while trying to make sense of a dream I had few nights ago:
In my dream I saw a flock of swans around the sailboat, leading it from one shore of the lake, to another… I’m not entirely sure what to make of it… Thank you.
I had a dream I was trying to get away from a family that wanted me to marry there son so I got on a boat with other people who I dont know, I went to the bottom of the boat for safety as it was stormy then the boat kept capsizing but I manage to hold on, there was another woman with me that was frightened I told not to worry as we have an air pocked, I wasn’t scared of this situation I knew we could escape once the storm calmed down we could then swim to the top.
Hi Tony
Would you please help me understand the meaning of my recent dreams? Over the last 3-4 days have been dreaming of mighty ships and sailing to distant lands in peaceful waters.
Yesterday night saw this huge ship set on shore, near the waves, like the one in Pirates of the Caribbean. Lots of tourists were getting on to it. I thought I hadn’t been on a sail for a long time, so went. I knew that this ship sailed far into the sea and would come back to the shore, like all tourist rides. It was all very dark and misty atmosphere. I got on board, looked over the deck, and expected the ship to sail. It moved, but backwards, along the shore and the ride was over in a blink of an eye. Wondered why, felt cheated of a trip. Everyone else was fairly ok about it. When on board, I lay on the deck on my back looking up at the stars. My elder sister lay by my side and said she was very scared. Asked to hold my hand. I did and drew reiki symbols on us both for protection…felt some misfortune to come along.
Got off and started walking back home or somewhere. Saw muddy trenches and railway track. A man and a boy or a dog trapped. Live wires around, so no bystander wanting to help. I said I would. Dug away some mud, but only got one out. Promised the other I would come back to get him out. Went looking for a shovel type thing to dig him out. Went over a bridge, saw my dog who had recently passed away. He was hungry and wanted to eat food, but was being naughty and not eating. I was delighted to see him, and fed him with my hands. He was very happy, very weak, but happy that he had something nice to eat and then asked me for water. I also saw another big black dog. He was chained. First he was nice and happy, then started barking at me and my dog. Wanted to attack my dog. I’m thinking, how strange, I fed this big dog who was chained, was nice to him, and look now he wants to attack us.
I’d be grateful for any help you can provide interpreting this dream.
I had a dream where I am in this sinking ship and big waves are hitting the ship, and as they hit, the ship sinks but i was on top of the ship holding on and there was a guy also helping me not to sink as he was holding me keeping my head above the sea. The waves kept coming, and i was waiting for the next wave but i was scared that the next wave will cause the ship to sink as the ship was sinking already. Then I woke up be fore the next wave.
My sister had another dream anout two weeks later, also about rough waves, like a tsunami. We were not at sea but in this house and a tsunami hit, she says she was with me and her new born daughter. the waves kept coming and finally came into our house and the water was rising above our ankles. We decided to run out of the house to the next house before the next wave. When we got into that house (which was my younger sisters) there was no Tsunami there, however when we looked over our house, it was gone, just sand left. She cried over the personal stuff that was destroyed by the Tsunami.
My brother was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in April,2013 at age 43. We are only 18 months apart in age. He lost his battle July 7th 2013. I have always had dreams of my brother, but the week before he started to transition into the dying state, I dreamed of him being healthy and saving me from something every time. One particular dream was me and him were Ina small wooden boat in the ocean. I fell over into the water, and he reached for me and pulled me back into the boat. He was healthy in this dream, even though he was very sucking life. The night before he was laid to rest, I dreamed that I hurt me nose and I was laying in bed holding my nose. My brothers wife was sitting beside me on the bed comforting me. My brother, once again healthy, stood at the foot of the bed looking at me. He said he was sorry for that time he hit me in the nose, and that he loved me very much. Just curious what these dreams mean. I feel like the boat dream, through me brothers demise, that he is saving me…maybe my soul? I felt the dream of him telling me he loved me, was him speaking to me? I haven’t had any more dreams like that since he has been laid to rest. I have dreamed of him, but it’s mainly me trying to save him, fussing with doctors about his care.
Sorry, that was…he was very sick in life. Healthy in my dream
I had a dream where I was waiting for my ex to arrive from the trip she had with her mom. I forgot if she informed me in the dream if she would arrive or not. I was waiting for her, but I decided to meet her at the pier instead as I missed her a lot. While waiting for the boat, I saw dark clouds that felt as if a storm was coming, and I was afraid as they were still at sea. But finally the boat arrived, and there were two. The other one contained my friends who saw me and I had met them happily. But I was looking for my ex who just arrived. She only smiled at me pleasantly and she proceeded to go with her mom while I pretended to enjoy the company of my friends. My ex and I had a bad break up, however I still love her and think of her. What could this dream mean?
I’ve had a dream where my girlfriend, my ex who I still talk to and other people I don’t recognize, are on a ship that looks like a navy vessel. I see a man motioning for me to hurry to him pointing to his left side where all I see is a rough sea. I look up and everything is like the worst storm out at sea I black out and come too on a beach for a resort NAKED. People are every where and I can’t see.my girlfriend or my ex anywhere I have my hands in the sand yell something, then get up and run into the building that has nothing but glass on the side. I somewhat panickedly yell at the receptionist about getting help and helping me find them, but get no responce. I run out another door on the other side of the receptionist and end up in a grass area with a pool type fountain. I can still see the beach and the ocean but in the distance. I see the stormy sky. I hop into the water and there’s plant everywhere and I’m chest deep in the water that is now infested with snakes. Someone in what looks like paramedic clothes runs towards me telling me to get out the water. I do and as soon as I’m out I wake up..
This dream has me really confused and I don’t know what to make out of it. Please help me understand this…
Luis – The ship you are on represents a relation-ship. Then inside you there are a lot emotional feelings churning about. This causes you to block/black out what you really feel. But that causes you to feel others can see who you really are. But you are really desperate to find a fuller connection with your ex again – but you see that as difficult and causing you further upset. Please read the following and see if it will help. http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
I had a dream that my friend, which we had a mutual understanding in the past, is in a boat in the middle of the sea as if he’s waiting for something or someone. I was in a ship and that’s when I saw him and called his attention. May I know what is the meaning of my dream? Please reply. Thank you very much.
I had a dream that : Im in a big ship boat ther are doctors helping the passengers and its night time , then everyone started screaming I panicked and went to check what’s going on and then a massive wave was coming to wards us from every section so I went to the front of the boat and was holding on to the metal thing because I thought that if I’m hiding inside and the boat sinks I won’t be able to get out safe , the wave it us and I’m hold on I remember feeling scared and wishing I never got on it after the wave left another one was coming but it was bigger I did the same thing but this time was pushing my legs agains the bottom so I don’t fall , it hit us and nothing happened I met a few strangers and we helped each other another wave came probably 2mins later and was even bigger we all stood ther in front of the wave holding on to the metal thing and it hit us fast before I could catch my breath it hit us again and faster each time in every second eventually it hit us 1more time
And the bought started sinking and the waves are bringing me down in the water I’m swimming up and see the ship sinking but ther wer no bodies I’m now floating on the water and I’m feeling calm but got anxiety about what’s going to happen next I’m surrounded by people in boats and everyone’s happy the kids are on a boat playing then another wave comes but not as big as the other ones and the kids are screaming but screaming of joy because the waves are so tiny now the boats moving side to side wich makes them laugh , eventually we get out of the water and then we end up at a festival wer I met a person on the boat and we talked and ate for a while and he asks me what am I looking for and I say love and we just stare at each other and we are very happy and I meet his son and wer just running around on the streets feeling the wind on our faces and feeling happy , then I wake up from the dream and yeh that’s it and it felt very really but abit wired cause I’m only 18
Nolene – It sounds as if there is a lot of sickness on the ship because of the doctors. It is about difficulties about relationships, and anxiety about where you feel you are going in life.
The huge waves are tremendous changes going on inside you getting you ready for womanhood and being a mother. Your background has not properly prepared you for these changes, shown by the ship sinking. But even though you say you are only 18 you have a vast and unconscious wisdom supporting you via your dreams. It shows you easily surviving from the inner wisdom. Then you are in a festival, the celebration of you becoming a full woman. The wisdom of the dream shows your future in your possibilities – that you will meet a man you are happy with and have a son.
for the past few week i have been having the same two dreams, the first dream, im on a big cargo ship or something, and its sinking very fast, im on the highest part of the ship, i can see a young man trying to climb up to where i am for safety i think, i can’t make out his face as its all blurred, i reach my hand out to help him, he reaches out as well trying to grab my hand, but he can’t reach and he falls but he shouts something as he falls but i can never make out what he says, then as soon as he hits the water i wake up..
the second dreams i have is always the night after the first, im sat on a beach somewhere, i can see boats and ships out on the sea and loads more boats and ships washed up on the shore, the sky is a purple\grey colour with no clouds in sight, im sat with a guy who looks to be the same guy from the first dream but his face is still blurred, he turns round and faces me, his face starts to clear up, he says my name but then i wake up before i see who he is and before i he finishes what he was saying.
i don’t understand what these dreams mean or what there trying to tell me.
Beki – The cargo ship you are on suggests you are carrying something inside you that you must let go of, because you are facing a great change. You are okay after the change, although you can see other life journeys’ that do not do so well.
The man can either be your true inner partner or a man you are destined to meet.
what does my dream mesn i got married on a ship at sea pls tell me
I’m walking up to a reception desk talking to someone, I ask the lady behind the desk where is my boat and she answers sarcastically same place it was last time you asked I don’t know. I just break down and cry and ” the doctor ” doctor who, walks up and says something?
On a boat with my inlaws husband and his mistress. He mad because my sister in law say she can’t be on the cruise. My husand does not want me there and my father in law alows her but I get 2 go the boat takes off and the water is low the boats rocks back and fourth. I wake up.
Thank you, Tony. This information is the most thorough I’ve been able to find for dreams regarding ships/sinking ships. For as long as I can remember, I’ve had dreams about sinking ships. Sometimes I’m on an ocean liner (new or perhaps older like the Titanic), sometimes on I’m on a warship of some sort (again, could be new or older, like WWI era depending on the dress of the other passengers/crew members). The ships have been sinking in the middle of the ocean, near the shore and even once, we were docked and ship just split in half and sank. Sometimes there is fire and debris, other times the ship is just sinking. In one dream, I was in a fishing boat on a small lake and a large warship shot a torpedo at us. It’s been day, night, warm, cold. I’ve been in the water swimming or I’ve been running around the deck trying to find a lifeboat. I’ve been in a lifeboat or another small boat (fishing, etc) watching a ship sink.
However, I’ve never been directing the ship/boat, I’m always a passenger. And in only one of the dreams did I recognize any of the other passengers (my dad and brother, I believe). In the rest of the dreams, the passengers were just unknown people.
In all of these dreams, I have never drowned or experienced any panic while being in the water.
I’m not quite sure what to make of these dreams. Sometimes they will happen frequently for a stretch of time and then I may not have one for months.
Shelly – For some personal reason you use the image of ships to reflect your life situation. So the war ship could represent a period of conflict; the split in half and sinking suggests that you felt in a difficult time and were indecisive – or at least whatever the image suggests to you.
You could try using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/#TalkingAs or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/processing-dreams/ to define more.
Hi I had a dream that really freaked me out, I was swimming through the wreckage of the titanic, it was dark, and bodies were floating around me and towards me, but it really was the titanic bizarrely enough, and it was already decayed and rusted.