The examples given below show at least three different things dreaming about brothels can mean. The first one depicts how one can feel sexually liberated without guilt. The second one is about expecting to enjoy himself but on closer inspection found the scene ‘sick, ugly and without beauty’.
The third example shows a man trying to find a way out of the worlds attitude to sex, and doesn’t want his younger self trapped in that attitude.
Money plays a part in the second example and this is how many people earn a living. See Archetype of the Prostitute.
A brothel can also be a dream scene where you are trying to work out a problem, such as repressed sexual feelings; a great shyness or physical difficulty that a professional sex worker might be useful for; a tremendous need to express your sexual energy; a way to learn about sex; or a lover you enjoy without the wife or partner knowing.
Example: I went to a place with my mother and her best friend where we had intercourse with male prostitutes, one after the other. I was lost, and before my turn came I was in a corridor from which I could hear but not see. This was the most exciting part. I felt that my orgasms would be extremely intense since the men were “professionals,” and since I was excited, and in a brothel with my mom. From Sexual Dreams by Gayle Delaney.
Example: A youngish man went into a place like a brothel and paid his money. He took a big box of assorted contraceptives. The man at the desk made some remark about enjoying himself. The man went upstairs to the “girls”. At first sight these were very beautiful and sensuous. Closer inspection showed them to be sick, ugly, and not at all beautiful in anyway.Example: I went down the steps looking for my children, and found myself in a high walled garden. The walls were about ten feet high, impossible to see over. In the garden and old and slovenly woman was on a couch. She seemed to be in charge of the place – like a Madame of a brothel or disreputable club. She asked me what I wanted. I told for I was looking for my children. They had somehow got over the wall, beyond some of the walls, and I was trying to find within which walls they were trapped. I had a feeling that lots of walls of other gardens ran off those around me, and planned to look over them.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What part am I playing in relation to the brothel?
Am I learning something from the brothel?
Am I attracted or repelled by my dream?
Try using Key Words; Energy Sex and Dreams and Context
I had a dream about engaging in a party with friends and all of a sudden I’m being groped by this rich man who demands he have me. Apparently, he bought us movie tickets to a movie and I purposely lost him. It was weird. We sat in a theater and someone lost their phone. After I helped locate the person to their phone, he found me again and led me to this other woman. The whole atmosphere became dark and there were caged elevators and it felt like a ghost was luring me in to her room. Something told me she wanted to have sex. We were chained together. I walk past a room a see two beings having sex. I was terrified. I took my chance to escape my chains and tied my other ghost slave thing to the caged elevator. I ran outside and realized I was in a parking lot. All of a sudden an empty beautiful land Rover pulls up with a cute puppy in the passenger seat. I felt it was a trap. So I found a car full of girls my age. I had to make them feel comfortable with me to let me in their truck. As soon as I got in their truck. I felt a sense of trust and relief. Then the lady that chained me walks up to their truck and I hid. She scares the women and is talking like she’s too calm. I told the driver let’s go and she did. The driver screamed because she knew that lady was evil. She passed me her phone to call the cops and I woke up. What could this mean? I currently have a court date coming up for financial debt. I am beyond stressed. I am also in a relationship where I no longer date women because I am in love with a man. Could it be an evil omen trying to get me to do bad stuff? The entire time I was thinking about my boyfriend and how much I had to get out to be with him.
ok i want to know what means to have a dream about my ex boyfriend twin brother in my dream
Dear Brandi – You have not given us enough information to explore your dream; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/not-enough-information/
But perhaps you feel like exploring it for yourself?
Anna 🙂