This usually shows some aspect of memory or taking notice. The dream may also show you something important that you have seen out of the ‘corner of your eye’ but not processed into waking awareness. It also links with wanting to carry the essence of people with you if you have to leave them or be away from them.
The camera can show your ability or inability to be really aware of what is going on around you. It can also be used in a dream to show different perspective of life than your usual views. Sometimes in dreams the camera is like a time machine in that it captures moments of life that can be looked back on or replayed. See: photos.
Example: dream about my camera. I was in a car full of people and remembered I had left my camera at home and asked if they wouldn’t mind if we went to fetch it. They did not mind and took me home. My father was curled up looking pitiful asleep on a chair. I got my camera and then lowered it through a square opening and threw it down to the level below. I was a first worried that that action might damage the lens but it rolled quietly and was fine. I decided not to follow the camera through the opening.
The camera links with memory, memory of your father. The level below suggests a move to the past, maybe to be with your father. You do not follow that feelings however.
Movie or video camera: Being filmed has elements in it of parts of your life being on display to other people, and shows how you feel about that.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What am I trying to capture or memorise here?
Am I trying to direct my attention to something – if so what?
What person am I trying to take with me through life?
See Being the Person or Thing; Avoid Being Victims and Secrets of Power Dreaming
Hi, Tony I’m hoping you can respond to a rather disturbing, recurring dream I’ve been having lately. I’ll spare the unnecessary details but basically anal sex has been done to me, consentually, they aren’t rape dreams but the sex act is secretly filmed against my knowledge and it is filmed to be used against me in some way. Any help unpacking this would be much appreciated. I love your blog and your work, thank you for all that you do!
Dear Tony,
I have never requested a dream analysis on here but I
am in need of some help. Here goes:
I had a dream I was looking to buy a new camera. The camera was nice, with a black matte finish. It looked very cool, but it was oversized, and bulky, probably a much older camera, although it looked very new and cool.The salesman didn’t really wait and charged it to my account for $454, as a trial period. The salesman said just try it and made me leave w/ it, even though I just wanted to Look at it. I felt a little nervous and felt a lot of pressure b/c I didn’t want to buy it just yet, but was unsure if I would be able to get my money back or return it.
Back in the house – which was this really nice and large brick house w/ dark reddish-brown brick fireplace and soft lighting – I tried using the camera. It was complicated and bulky, and would take more time to understand and really become an adept user. I was unsure if I could learn it. In my bedroom, an old friend of mine was there. The friend is this big black guy that I used to be intimate with, but really have no interest in now. I really had no idea why he was there. I got high with him on MJ, as I used to in the past, and I was talking about the camera, I believe. In the haze of the high, I ended up sleeping with my friend. I wanted to stop but it happened so quickly, that I didn’t realize it was happening. It was like I had forgotten my current relationship with my bf (I am in a relationship in real life). My friend was mad that I blamed him. I was nervous and wondered if I should tell my bf, but I did NOT want to lose him. I thought of keeping it to myself. At the same time, my best friend called and explained to me that she was experiencing paralysis. I asked her if I should call the police. I was weirdly nonchalant, and unsure of what to do.
After that, I went to dinner and was talking to these older white ladies who were trying to show me up. One of them was very crude and I was over it. She was looking at a menu, but I was not impressed by her, so I ignored her and felt triumphant.
At dinner, I had my camera, but it wasn’t really working and I was complaining about it. There was a man across from me. He was a handsome judge off of the cooking show, Chopped. He saw me with my camera, and saw me as this artistic, creative person, even though I barely knew how to use the thing. He left and when he came back, he leaned over the table, over the other guests and gave me a long, full kiss on the lips. I partly wanted to push him away, but unlike the first guy, I fully received his kiss and enjoyed it.
What might this dream be about?
Dear Mary – Learning to work with your new camera is like learning to see/perceive things differently than before; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Focussing on what is in front of you or the present can be quite a challenge as your habitual focus in waking life may be in the past – “as I used to in the past” – or in some imagined future – “I was nervous and wondered if I should tell my bf, but I did NOT want to lose him.
I thought of keeping it to myself.”
When fear exists in your thoughts of the future it is a product of your imagination, causing you to fear things that do not at present exist and may even never exist at all.
Yet this fear is capable of paralysing/freezing you; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/flight-or-fight/
Your response to a perceived threat is; “I asked her if I should call the police. I was weirdly nonchalant, and unsure of what to do.”
Of course you are unsure what to do because you cannot respond to a perceived threat that you imagine happening in the future; you can only respond to what is happening NOW.
You may have to learn to take responsibility for your (unconscious) feelings; “My friend was mad that I blamed him”, focus on your own inner world which will give you the possibility of conscious choice; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
The judge of the cooking show may reflect your ability to discern – to judge fairly – and the possibility to use your creativity/imagination in an effective way; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/judge/
Kissing him is like uniting yourself with this inner aspect of yourself.
Focusing on yourself and your inner world can be quite a challenge too, because you may not always like what you see; “One of them was very crude and I was over it.
She was looking at a menu, but I was not impressed by her, so I ignored her and felt triumphant.
At dinner, I had my camera, but it wasn’t really working and I was complaining about it.”
The Shadow is any part of ourselves that we reject, and so do not allow sufficient expression in our life. We may so dislike aspects of our nature we fail to recognise them altogether and instead see them in other people and criticise them.
If you can think of the characteristics you loathe in others, then you get a fair picture of what you repress in yourself.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/whole-2/
Keep on practicing looking at yourself Mary and know that you can learn it; “He saw me with my camera, and saw me as this artistic, creative person.”
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/active-imagination-and-dreams/
Anna 🙂
I drempt that a video camera had been set up on a door pointed in my direction in a driveway I was looking toward the back yard of the house waiting for someone to come out from the yard. When I spotted someone coming towards us. Waiting for that male figure to pass in front of camara & be caught on video when I began to vomit.