Cat Cats
Catching mouse – Cattery – Claws – Cat’s Tail
Fear of –
Kitten –
Because a cat is often an easy source of physical contact and affection it can depict the need to be cared for and warm affection, even sexual love accompanied with intense warm feelings.
But cats live by their own wits and do not need an owner to walk or care for them, just food and comfort. So a cat can represent a form of street wisdom learned through stress.
You may have felt a lot of affection from a cat, and so associate it with sensual, or even sexual pleasure. It can also represent your need to care for someone or be cared for, to have close physical contact.
Example: ‘I went to the fridge to get out some mincemeat to feed the cat. It came in. As it fed I had a strong urge to touch it, such strong feelings of love were pouring out of me. The animal looked up at my face as I wanted to kiss it. The lips had pink lipstick on. I kissed it, it’s paw came up around my arm, I could see the black claws. We were rolling around on the floor, it felt very sexual.’ Monica.
A male cat can represent male sex drive.
For some women cats are a substitute baby, it is therefore used in many dreams to represent a woman’s urge or need to care for someone, or directly her need to reproduce, or be involved in sex. Therefore it is often used to signify a woman’s creativity, which is a very real part of a woman’s makeup. It is obviously linked with sexuality as that is a woman’s creative process, but it doesn’t have to be sexual as it can flow in any direction she chooses. So it can flow into creating a real or dream baby, or become a creative project or business idea.
The cat can therefore also link with refined female sexuality or ruttiness unless the cat is markedly a tom. See A Woman’s Creative Power
The term ‘catty’ refers to a spiteful woman, showing one’s ‘claws’, jealousy, anger or vindictiveness in a relationship. In this aspect it might refer to ones mother; independence; stealth; fertility. So if the cat in your dream is angry it might depict yourself if female, or feelings about a female friend.
Because cats are independent and often alone, they may represent the secret part of yourself, or independence. See: Kitten; Animal;
In a man’s dream it may refer to a woman or to the female, intuitive side of his nature. The cat can be your intuition and feelings, perhaps warning you, through its sensitivity to moods, or unseen dangers. In some dreams it indicates cattiness – showing one’s ‘claws’, jealousy, anger or vindictiveness in a relationship. It might refer to your mother, independence, stealth, or fertility.
In some dreams the cat definitely represents the fear of bad news or general fears, especially if it is a black cat.
If you have bred cats it may well represent your own, perhaps unconscious, desires to have a baby.
Jungians see the cat as representing a deep psychological secret, a hidden side of ones nature, the shadowy less obvious or outwardly displayed side of your nature. This is most likely because cats go about their business without any attempt to explain themselves or to accommodate us poor humans. Also they are creatures of the night very often, and live a dark life. Prior to the custom of neutering a cat and, in the US, removing its claws, this dark life was often very noisy and obviously sexual and aggressive. Left to itself the cat is a master predator
The cat is thought to have first been domesticated in Egypt about 2000 BC, and all modern cats are said to be descendents of them. They are desert creatures and so do not pant in the heat as dogs do, and are also easy with freezing desert nights. They do not like rain though. The Egyptian name for cat was ‘miu’ or he or she who mews. Although the cat never became a fully acknowledged god figure as the jackal and hippo did, it was perhaps the most popular. She was known as Bastet or Bast, and a household goddess, the protector of women, children and domestic cats. She was also known as the goddess of sunrise, music, dance, pleasure, as well as family, fertility and birth.
But there was a negative side known as Sekhmet the goddess of war and pestilence, though later tamed by Ra to become the protector of humans.
EXAMPLE: My husband died over a year ago, and I live alone, no pets. Yet I dreamt I opened my front door and there was a cat waiting to be let in. It was my cat, and I knew I hadn’t fed it for ages or looked after it. I felt awful that I had neglected it for so long. The strange thing was that the next day as I walked around the supermarket, I kept wanting to go to the cat-food section to buy food. – Winnie P. – Exeter
In losing her husband Winnie has lost her source of given and receiving affection.
EXAMPLE: I was with a young boy and went to his house. I believe his mother was there and a cat. The vivid part was that the cat spoke to me. It spoke in a rather female voice, very clearly. As it spoke I felt great amazement. I had lots of thoughts about how it had learned language – that it could speak because of human language – what did language do to its psyche – and so on. I didn’t reach any conclusions. I noticed as it spoke that it had tiny lips, but they were perfectly formed like a woman’s. They had lipstick on – or at least were red and attractive. Ben.
Ben’s dream has a mixture of sexual attraction, femininity and the ability to express in it.
EXAMPLE: I am sitting in the hotel staff room eating lunch at a large dining table. One by one I am joined by perhaps a dozen women. The atmosphere is pleasant, easy and light hearted. I enjoy the feeling of being the only male among a dozen attractive women. Then I notice a strange thing. One by one all the girls around me turn into cats, but carry on laughing and talking as if nothing is happening. I find this interesting and not alarming. I am aware each girl turns into the sort of cat that is right for her – a vivacious redhead becomes a purring orange tabby; an aloof, slightly superior lady becomes a Siamese; the only ex-girlfriend of mine present becomes a black witches familiar.
I remember turning to my left and asking: “Tell me Rebecca, how did you do this?” The Rebecca cat giggles with a human voice and says: “He doesn’t have a clue, does he?” As I look at the Rebecca cat I realise she still has her human eyes. This I realise is true of all the cats, they have human eyes in feline faces. As I realise this one says: “I think he’s beginning to understand now” and laughs. Paul C. Teletext.
This graphic dream so well illustrates how our human personality exists within our animal drives and urges.
Example: I was with a young boy and went to his house. I believe his mother was there and a cat. The vivid part was that the cat spoke to me. It spoke in a rather female voice, very clearly. As it spoke I felt great amazement. I had lots of thoughts about how it had learned language – that it could speak because of human language – what did language do to it – and so on. I didn’t reach any conclusions. I noticed as it spoke that it had tiny lips, but they were perfectly formed like a woman’s. They had lipstick on – or at least were red and attractive. Ben.
Ben’s dream has a mixture of sexual attraction, femininity and the ability to express in it.
The next example illustrates how we might not be caring for the natural and instinctive side of us.
Example: ‘I am given an animal to look after, usually somebody’s pet while they are away on holiday. I then completely forget the animal, go away and when I return the animal is either dead or very dried up or has been got at by another animal and is in the throws of dying. When I wake from the dream I feel most dreadful and it is only when I am fully awake and realise it is not true do I feel better.’ Lynda E
Example: Recently a neighbor brought a newborn kitten to my home hoping we would care for it. My daughter, Sydney, cleaned the blood off and put her In a box. Meanwhile, I left work at five armed with doll bottles and powdered milk. One evening after feeding her, I was wondering if she would live beyond her current three days old. Before I was fully asleep that night, I saw a picture of her at about seven weeks old, running and playing. She stopped, looked at me and said, “Of course I’m going to live!” Her name is Betsy and she has developed into a big, beautiful kitty that we all adore. Martha Folin
Alley cat:: Sexuality; promiscuity; down on luck.
Black cat: Depends what dreamer associates with it – so may be good luck or bad luck and evil – i.e. events working for or against one; anxiety. The belief of a black cat being evil is a throwback to times when people persecuted women accused of being witches. Their cats were also seen to be evil. Of course if you believe that cats are bad luck, then it may symbolise that for you.
Black cats are invisible in darkness and can apparently appear mysteriously. So they often represent something that arises from the unknown or unconscious. It can therefore indicate a woman’s creativity, which is a very real part of a woman’s makeup. It is obviously linked with sexuality as that is a woman’s creative process – and the black cat therefore suggest her creative potential is emerging from an area she did not known about previously. See Woman’s Creative Power
Bobcats: Bobcats, like other wild animals that are adaptable and can live on the outskirts of human territory, are very ‘street wise’ or capable of surviving despite heavy human hunting.
So in your dream it can depict your survival instinct, and your ability to fight back with real cat zeal. It represents intelligence and patience. Like most cats it is not a pack animal and so is solitary in its habits – and also brings up it ‘kittens’ alone. See cats.
Cat’s claws: Spitefulness; desire to hurt; hidden aggression; clinging, or ‘getting ones claws in someone’.
Cat having kittens: Desire for or feelings about babies or ones own babyhood; fertility.
Cat Cattery: If it is a cattery for breeding it could refer to your feelings about having a baby – or if you breed cats then look at Easy Dream Interpretation. In general it suggest you are having a rest from, or not taking responsibility for your female qualities.
Cat catching mouse: A problem solving activity in you; cat and mouse situation in work or relationship.
Cat’s tail: The tail is a very expressive part of a cat; a very visible and active part, so represent the expression of your instinctive feelings.
Fear of cat: Fear of the female in oneself; fear of females; difficulty in meeting feelings and intuition; sense of danger. See: Animal phobias at the end of the animal section.
Group of cats: Group of women; relating to the different moods or feelings.
If allergic to cats: If you are allergic and dream of a cat it would signify a negative and threatening reaction to a situation or relationship.
Kitten: Feelings about vulnerability or babyhood; feelings about caring for someone or something vulnerable; parental urges, perhaps protectiveness.
Neighbouring cat and kitten: It could be that you have developed a link with a child that is not your own. If the cat and kitten were not from the same family as yourself, it may show you are making a relationsnhip with a new partner and their child.
Speaking cat: Ability to express feminine feelings, intuition or sexuality; a realisation of feelings of physical hunger or emotional or sexual attraction. See last example below.
White cat: Can represent your feminine intuition and a link with the natural beauty in you.
Wild cat: Stealth, ferocity, intelligence, cunning, ability to survive. Like most cats it is not a pack animal, so suggests living and bringing up children alone.
See: First example under the general information at the end of the separate animal definitions.
Idioms: Copy cat; bell the cat; cat and mouse; cat’s whiskers; cat out of the bag; cat and dog life; cat on hot bricks; something the cat brought in; a cat’s paw; cat among the pigeons; while the cat’s away.
Useful questions are:
What is happening or what am I realising in my relationship with the dream cat(s), and how does that relate to my life?
If I take out the word ‘cat’ from my dream description, and replace it with what I feel about this cat, what would I write?
If there are elements of caring or love in this dream, am I looking after that side of my life?
If this is about a kitten, what are my feelings or desires about my childhood, or about a baby?
See Easy Dream Interpretation; Talking As; Processing Dreams
Love your site – thank you for sharing your insights.
I have cats, love them. Was involved briefly with someone I dearly bonded with but rejected due to circumstances. Had a dream I went into the house, took all 3 cats and put them in my car, without incident. He was outside on a motorcycle and he didn’t leave, I didn’t leave – but that was it.
I took it to mean my cats=love and since he didn’t accept it, I took it back. I took his motorcycle to mean he wants to be left alone.
Another love interest and another dream…2 in a row: in each, I have my one cat, who is my most dear to me, as she was my first of the 3 I have. This love interest, D, and I have been online and in person talking forever though he is taken, so things cooled but we did pick up to try to maintain a friendship. The feelings are there, we’re just not acting on them, being in the same social circle. In both dreams, I am searching for him, and seem to be questioned by authority figures, but I don’t get in trouble and it doesn’t cause me any grief. I meet a woman in both dreams who offers to help me. At the end of the second dream, I feel somewhat defeated and I go to the grocery store and the same woman comes in and says “Here, you left this” and she handed me something.
Both dreams took place where me and D had a most innocent, butterflies in tummy moment, where another patron of the bar thought we were married.
Anything you can bring to this would be so helpful! Thank you again.
Pam – I wonder, or feel that, you have perhaps absorbed some of cat behaviour and views. Not entirely of course.
I think your ideas of what your first dream means are very clear. I think it was a dream perhaps showing yours and his independent nature.
The second dream where you were questioned by authority figures is a part of your own nature that recognizes that there are rules in human society that help to keep the peace, and if not observed can cause trouble. But of course that doesn’t make things easy for you – what do you do with all that love and connection?
The woman in the dream perhaps represent a more detached part of you, and the thing you left behind that she gave you when you felt defeated was your love. It is a hard lesson to learn how to love and not in some way want to control what happens. I would explore her more in case she has some interesting things to learn from. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-exploring-your-dreams/#TalkingAs
In my dream I was a wolf, more like a werewolf actually. I walked on my back paws, like a human, I had huge claws and teeth, and I was sent to examine a house and sniff it. I started sniffing under a doorstep in the house, and then I used my horrific and powerful claws to dig under the floor. I found dead rabbits in cement under the doorstep. I thought to myself ”Why on earth would people cement dead rabbits into their new home??? No wonder I was sent to sniff around.” Then I noticed the dead rabbits were starting to move, multiply and eventually all I could see were healthy, beautiful grey kittens. I turned back into myself from being a wolf and started looking at the kittens and petting them all excited and loving, to the point of crying. Then I noticed one tiny kitten that was half kitten-half leopad, a grey kitten with some black/yellow leopard fur spots. I was so smitten by it that I said, although I was not planning to have a cat :”I love you!!! I want you to be mine!!!” and the kitten said ”But I like being with other kittens, I am happy here…” a moment later it said, stretching beautifully looking all dreamy and sleepy:”I asked my mom, she said I could go with you. And I want to because I like you!”…
Four animals and a doorstep in just one dream…what could it all mean? 🙂
Eve – Well, you are a very loving person aren’t you- and tears as well! Wonderful.
Being a werewolf in a dream I feel is you way of accessing your super senses. You probably have an image of a werewolf as invincible and with acute senses, so you take that image and use out investigate. And the house that you are sniffing out is probably you, your body and its history – your inner world. The doorstep is a place where you are invited in or held out, and under it you find rabbits that are like frozen in a state of limbo. I doubt that they were ever dead, and you used your super senses to find them, in doing so you woke them up!
So what has or is waking up in you lately. It is to do with babies, lovely soft and adorable babies. Then you become human again and want one of your very own. Is that so? Do you really want a baby of your own – because kittens are often a reference to babies in dreams?
So the dream is about waking up to your own womanhood, perhaps in new way. If that is so, be careful with it, it is a powerful force. I am not suggesting trying to stop it, but guide it to a good place. Like a rocket ship fired and ready to take off, set the direction you want it to go.
Thank you Tony 🙂
Eve – It is my pleasure.
My cat told me not to see a guy who is not good for me. In a dream I went to his house, it was a mess like he was hoarding which is not like him. I went into his office, he wasn’t home.
When I entered the office papers where stacked everywhere in a messy way, and when I lifted a mess of papers up I found my black and white tuxedo cat face to face with me saying “Don’t do it, please don’t do it” she was speaking like a human and she was serious and sounded concered. Never have I had a dream like that.
The next night I had a dream of sleeping with this man when he got up to gram some water then came back to bed and suffocated me with my white sheet ‘I was paralyzed in fear. So the next night after I was curious to see what this all meant, I invited him over 😮
This night we chatted like usual as friends would, we hadn’t slept together in months, I hadn’t slept with anyone in months since him. That night I felt weak after fighting the urge for months and now hours, I gave in to him as he was making it obvious he wanted to fool around, we ended up sleeping together.
When it happened it was horroble, It was like a veil had been lifted between what I was seeing and what was really going on here, I just looked at him, I really just stared at him and felt repulsed by him, I was nausiated and felt dizzy like I was going to vomit, I couln’t wait for him to get out of my house. My “stomach” honour was upset.
After I scrubbed my body red in the shower I ripped all my bedding off the bed and tossed it to the floor, I even called a card reader telling her nothing, the cards said CUT CORDS, POWER ANIMAL, HEAL AWAY ADDICTIONS (I want to quit smoking)
So I went out and bought new bedding and cleansed my house.
That’s enough of that guy after a year of wondering why the cord between us was so strong, always pulling at me then gets his way no matter what it takes and dissapears for weeks at a time, the pull was strong and he has even entered my dreams repeatedly over the last 2years but those were ufo dreams. Never ever again.
Leigh – What a clever and insightful cat you have. Remember this in future.
It seems like some of the pull was from you, not form him. I have found that such pulls cannot simple be got rid of. You have to get to the point where you really feel, as you have, “Never ever again”. Hold on to that and if you can, get something, a small object that represents the decision that you will see often.
Skielah – Having collected thousands or people’s dreams, and having explored – not interpreted many of my own cat dreams, I can assure you that cats in dreams are not a sign of bad luck. Far from it, they are often indicating love and affection.
Your dream is obviously about something you experienced recently that made you feel weak. Whatever it was, was still stuck in you and the daring friend helped you get rid of it. See: http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-dreaming/
sorry.. meant to say “our” clinic
Myself and a coworker were at the house of a lady veterinarian we work for. My boss was telling me of the ability of some people to see the figures of deceased pets. It was a very calm setting, she is a practicing Buddhist. We talked for a while and out of the corner of my eye i saw a cat walk by but it dissapeared, kind of floating walking. Then it happened again. I was amazed and awed. Then they seemed to appear out of thin air, one by one, as if they were always there and i was only just seeing them. I recognized them as pets that had passed in your clinic. They were all as they had been but a energy seemed to be illuminating from them. Graceful and sleek. They would walk up, acknowledge me and my coworker and then continue on. All different breeds and colors. Towards the end of my dream my own cat came up to me, layed down in front of me and gazed up at me with such love. He passed about 3 years ago, he was missing a back leg and could no longer walk and had diabetes. I let him go with love and have never regretted the decision. I dont mourn for him but remember him with love, always. In my dream, he was walking up to me on all four legs, sleek, beautiful and glowing with love. His gaze spoke volumes and I was filled with a sense of peace like nothing ive ever known.
Katpaws – Lucky you to have such a wonderful dream.
Yes, if we had eyes to see we would see we are surrounded by loving animals we have formed bonds with, and of course people as well. You cat really beamed it at you – love. I have never seen my animals except in dreams, but my lovely dog did see me. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions/#TalkingDead
I dreamt last night, imediately after a hail storm, of a spotted cat. It was extremely friendly and kept climbing onto my shoulder, and coming to me when I called it. I’m an anxious male and don’t usually see or dream of cats.
Horizion – It sounds as if you are becoming more attractive to women or a woman – the cat. It doesn’t mean one will suddenly turn up, but watch out for signs and be friendly. It could also mean that your intuition is watching over you.
I dreamed that I was sleep and my two toddlers woke me to tell me there was something in the living room. When I got in there, there was a kitten sitting on a blanket as if he had been left for me to care for. When I picked it up and turned around there was a fat black cat just starring at me. Then I noticed 2 more kittens just meowing and roaming in my living room. What could this mean?
Shenel – It could mean that you are going to have another baby – you already have two roaming around in the living room. It is left for you to care for – that’s motherhood.
Hello, I wanted to ask about a dream I had recently.
While sleeping I became conscious that I was dreaming, so my first instinct was to try to wake up I’m guessing. I awoke into a second dream where I was in my bed and there were two cats, one was my family’s cat that died while I was in high school (I have had many dreams about my cats coming back to life, always with a sense of dread, usually developing into nightmares) and the other was black and could speak to me. The cat wrapped himself around my shoulders and this somehow forced me down, he began to whisper in my ear, much like the cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. He was whispering a sort of poetry that I can’t remember, it was very seductive. I do remember at this point trying to call out my roommate’s name to wake up, but the cat hissed in my ear “he won’t come help you, he won’t come help you”–I woke up terrified, looked at my cell phone and actually saw I had a missed call from my roommate who was out of the house! I am a woman in my late 20s.. any thoughts?
I dreamt that I was visiting my family in the house where I grew up (however, the interior space sometimes looked like my current apartment). There was a cat, and this cat was a part of our family, even though in reality we have never had a cat. The cat was orange/reddish-brown and striped, and she was lying in the kitchen in a place where she didn’t usually go. Seeing this, I turned to my family to tell them that the cat must be sick, and when I got closer to her I realized that she was dying. Next thing I knew someone was driving to the animal hospital (a woman from my family, I think, but I can’t remember who it was), and I got into the passenger seat to hold the cat. As we drove, the cat was speaking to me in a loving way, and it was clear that she was very close to me (we may have been saying our goodbyes). At the end of the dream we drove past a rose bush, and I saw that the cat was happy to see the flowers, so I reached out the window to pick one of the roses and gave it to her.
It was such an emotional dream that I was afraid that the cat could be a relative. Does anyone have an interpretation?
Sarah – You appear to be a very caring and loving person.
But the cat has always been there in your family house – which is your body – but you had not connected with it until now. The cat is a living part of you that you have felt in the past and has communicated as intuitive or instinctive feelings or insights.
Its death is a process you are going through, and such deaths are really a preparation for a new an improved – resurrection. It is not about death of a relative, but a part of your inner life, your feelings and insights. You are obviously not used to seeing your inner life, but this death promises something that you will gradually become aware of – speaking to you even clearer.
If you imagine yourself as the cat and watch what you feel you will become aware of the part of you shown as the cat. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/
Thank you so much, Tony. I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post.
It’s a pleasure to hear from you Sarah.
I keep dreaming about a black cat that chases me and scratches me. Sometimes it jumps up on me and claws me and I throw it off and start running but it always catches me and scratches me again. Family members in the background tell me to stop running and that it just wants to play. What does it mean?
Sharelda – Your family members are probably right and you should not run away. Everything in your dreams is actually your own feelings and fears projected on the screen of your sleeping mind.
So what are you running from? If you drop the image of the cat, what is it you are scared of? Cats can be about female sexual feelings, or even your female self, so take time to see if you can see what frightens you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/
Hi, my name is Ken,
I read your article on how the “Cat” plays apart of human dreams. I have two cats as pets that i love dearly. Anywho, i had a dream that I WAS A CAT, but in my dream of being a cat , i went through many different course of complex manuevering and trying to find a way (im not too sure where the cat “I” was heading, but i was definately heading somewehre). Right before i woke up from the dream, i caught myself “The cat” fighting with another cat, we were rolling in a circlular motion (one on top of the other but rolling) and after we detached, the other cat was chasing me. Im not too sure what this meant, but it’s a dream i woke up to and said “WOW, that was an interesting dream” being that a couple days before a random cat came to me on my walk home and rubbed up against me. If you have any knowledge of what this may signify, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Shonaig – I wonder if the sword is an expression of your anger that is showing but you are not acknowledging. But a sword can also be a sign of will power or discrimination; strength to defend oneself and ones rights. It depends how one uses it.
But what it does is to reveal a hidden beauty in a part of you that is sleeping. It is important because you do it again as an unconscious action. It is surely trying to wake you to two things – your unconscious state, and the revealing of hidden feminine beauty.
The sword and the knight in shining armour is another link with the sword, so do not take it as a negative thing that you have – it is only that you do not know what you are doing with it. The woman who you also touch with your sword is a part of the sleeping you, it goes about its business under the surface. Touching with your sword is evident, and can mean that without realising it you are touching part of you and other people with your recognition and strength.
As you say, you do not wish to fight anyone, but you can protect and rule. Then the mighty sword that blasts you apart is something wonderful, a full realisation of your power.
Of course you haven’t been destroyed, just blasted apart. In other words you are realising the emergence of a wonderful power you have, and the realisation totally knocks apart the image you have of yourself.
I suggest that in your imagination you stand in the image of the descending sword and really feel its power as your own – even if it disintegrates your present life view. See for some hints on how to do it – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/
Ken – The cat – or domesticated animal in our dreams – usually depicts an instinctive aspect of our nature, one that we usually disguise slightly because we judge it might not be correct behaviour. It is something that is built into us as part of our brain. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
But that part of you is certainly influencing you in the dream by it purposely trying to get somewhere. So I wonder if you have any thoughts or urges that are barely conscious about doing something or going somewhere.
The fight is probably something or someone who has got in your way – may be a woman – who has made you change direction. One cat chasing another one is a sign or submission.
I am only putting out ideas that may help you to break through to real insight. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/
I was wondering what dose it mean if u saw grey male cat (green/grey eyes, body was totaly grey with black stripes and little dots) walking and after some time kids come and start hitting cat, pulling his fur and all horrible things. But as for cat he dosent meow and show no emocions, only thing he dose is watching me right into my eyes, and his look was without pain… it was just watching me, like testing me. After that i started crying realy hard and i run there, pushed all the kinds away and as i took cat into my hug i started crying and i pushed my head into his lap (like cats do when they cuddle) in other words I felt like cat. and then i woke up.
after i few weeks i had simmilar dream, the only diffrence was that there wasnt a cat but a male light brown puppy dog(with black nails, nose, eyes and browns) but it ended with us laughing and playing.
Sorry for asking you this much, but no dream distionary helped me. So I would be very happy if you could explain it.
Thank you very much,
When I was between the age of 6-9 years old i would constantly have nighmares of cats chasing me or standing in dark corners and on the top of buildings. Whne the cat would catch up to me or one of my family members and touch them we would turn into cats ourselves. The dreams where so vivid and descriptive i can still vividly remember them to this day. What is the meaning of these dreams??
Valiant – I have a feeling that your nightmares were a way that you were actually meeting your animal self. Why it was a nightmare I think was because you were frightened of the change. And I suppose that is natural. As children we are usually taught to repress any anger, open sexuality or any other behaviour we see as animalistic. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions/#AnimalMean
Here is an example of animals in our dreams.
I am sitting in the hotel staff room eating lunch at a large dining table. One by one I am joined by perhaps a dozen women. The atmosphere is pleasant, easy and light hearted. I enjoy the feeling of being the only male among a dozen attractive women. Then I notice a strange thing. One by one all the girls around me turn into cats, but carry on laughing and talking as if nothing is happening. I find this interesting and not alarming. I am aware each girl turns into the sort of cat that is right for her – a vivacious redhead becomes a purring orange tabby; an aloof, slightly superior lady becomes a Siamese; the only ex-girlfriend of mine present becomes a black witches familiar.
I remember turning to my left and asking: ‘Tell me Rebecca, how did you do this?’ The Rebecca cat giggles with a human voice and says: ‘He doesn’t have a clue, does he?’ As I look at the Rebecca cat I realise she still has her human eyes. This I realise is true of all the cats, they have human eyes in feline faces. As I realise this one says: ‘I think he’s beginning to understand now’ and laughs. Paul C. Teletext.
Tony- The dreams had a very dark side to them. I would wake up almost screaming. I left something very important out of the dream in my haste. Majority of the dreams would start with the Cat sitting in a dark corner or on top of the roof of a house. Me and some of my brothers and sisters would be playing and one of them would kick the soccer ball out far into the field and then they would all run inside while I left to retreive the ball. Upon walking back I would see the Cat and freeze up with fear. Now two different scenarios would occur on each dream. !st scenario the Would find me starting to run away but could not because the Cat had some time of gravitional pull on me. 2nd scenario I would start running with no problem to get inside the house and found myself running up a flight of stairs with the Cat chasing me. Now that I’ve explained the dreams in more depth is the answer the same??
P.S Thank you for taking the time and effort to reply..
Valiant – The only other clue I can gather is that you were left alone to face a fear that was too much for you to face at that ages. Even in the ‘safety’ of the house the fear was still coming after you, which is what real fear does.
The only thing I can suggest is that now you are an adult, and are strong enough to face something that as a child was too much, is that you use the method give here – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/
If you can allow feelings to surface you may find the mystery solved, because you are the person with the key to the puzzle. A cat can depicts almost anything, and some events in ones life that can be the centre of such fear are not for me to discover. But it is probably an early event.
Goodman – I sense this cat came to you because of things you did in the past. A sort of heritage from your family background. The sack shows that it was treated as something not to important so was not put in a nice carrier. But it came from the huge part of you know nothing about, things like the way your body works, all the interactions with other people that are out of your sight, and actions of the world around you. But the cat is there now and is a sign of good things. It is the part of you that knows things about the parts of your life that have remained unknown – intuition.
If you imagine yourself as the cat you will begin to understand more about it. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/