Centre Middle
If it is a person or thing in the middle of somewhere, an event or something, then your dream is emphasising the importance of the thing or person.
If the middle is between opposite: This suggests either conflict or balance, depending upon the feelings in the dream.
Emphasises the importance of the thing, person or animal in that position. It can indicate conflict where the middle is between opposites or obstruction when something might be in the middle of the road, corridor, etc. Or it could be feelings of being involved, when in the middle of a crowd for instance.
When something is in the middle of a circle or square can represent contact or awareness of you core self or Spirit.
If it is a centre such as a garden or educational center: Use things like Easy Dream Understanding to define the dream and its meaning.
If you are in the middle of something such as an exam or having sex: Use things like Easy Dream Understanding and Talking As
Idioms: Middle of the road; piggy in the middle; centre of attention.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What does the middle or centre mean to you?
What is this the center of? Use Talking As to define.
Does this represent the unchanging core of myself, beyond thoughts and feelings?
Am I tapping into the unseen power behind my life?
See Acting on your dream and Easy Dream Understanding