Similar to the bull, but representing the female side of one’s nature, especially the easy self-giving of oneself and one’s body to others, or to ones baby. The cow might also link with one’s mother, motherliness or the mother role. It also often stands for a woman; the forces of nature or life in oneself, especially as they relate to receptiveness or nurturing and the feminine which can lead or direct the masculine positive energy in oneself. Occasionally the cow suggests being taken advantage of.
In ancient cultures the cow represented fecundity of the earth, and therefore the universal mother earth the provider and nourisher. In India it is treated as sacred because it provides so much nourishment for them.
Cow being milked: Giving of oneself; taking support or nourishment from someone else; taking, or being taken, advantage of.
Example: The sexual drive cannot be dragged, it will be led, and it must be treated as intelligent, as a living creature or process. In the dream the bull, depicting my sexual drive, is following, is willing to be led. And it is being led by the woman. This means that the cow, the woman, the earth, always leads the sexual drive in the male animal. All things are born by the great cow, the earth. The earth holds all the seeds in it. I am kneeling and honouring the Great Cow. The woman was leading me because she represents this power. In youth I, the bull, fed at the teats of the cow. Even now I suck the teats of the Great Cow, mother earth, as I eat the grass. The mother can also destroy. Anthony.
Example: I saw myself & my daughter riding on top of the cow and I were sitting in front steering. At one point the cow stopped & we had to get off. The cow was calm, gentle & beautiful.
Idioms: Sacred cow; milch cow; till the cows come home; silly old cow; being milked – meaning being taken advantage of; to be cowed – meaning beaten or conquered.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Do the feelings in the dream link in any way to how I feel about my mother?
Is there any link here with motherhood or giving of myself or being nourished by others?
What is the action here and how does it relate to me? (i.e. is there conflict, abuse, good feelings, fear?)
See Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – What Economic – Secrets of Power Dreaming
Hi, I sent a request to join your forum but haven’t heard back. I just wondered if the site was still running? Thanks
I saw myself & my daughter riding on top of the cow & I was sitting in front steering. At one point the cow stopped & we had to get off. The cow was calm, gentle & beautiful.
I’m not sure but I think my dream is representing my resentment I have towards my mother. I love my parents & am close to them, however, I still hold onto resentment towards them for things that happened many years ago & yet it is not their fault.