The dog appears more often than any other animal in dreams. It depicts our natural drives that are well socialised, but still have the tendency to revert back to the spontaneous or ‘wild’ state quite easily. For instance our anger might usually be well under control, but if someone teases us we might surprise ourselves by the amount and strength of our anger, or our desire to cower and hide. But the dog is often a sign of enthusiasm, care or warning – as can be observed so often if we have a dog. See animal
Example: I had misinterpreted the meaning of Tramp my dog, who I felt was my inner self. I now see that Tramp is my psychic self, the mixture of instinct, complexes, feelings and closeness to nature. Possibly my intuitive, habitual or instinctive response to events. He is my companion on walks, to run faster, react quicker, smell better, fight more savagely, and face hardship.
Similarly our sexuality may be usually expressed in a socially acceptable way, but if we are in a situation where our sexual pleasure is stimulated or allowed easy expression we might deeply shock other people and ourselves by what we do. It can also represent easy expression of such aspects of ourselves as aggression – maybe because dogs show their teeth easily – as well as their sexuality, especially male sexuality; also their easy expression of love. Also the parts of self we usually keep out of sight, but which may express spontaneously. The dog as an example of intuition is shown in the following dream.
Example: Was crawling through a tunnel underground. I was now in a dreary, dismal, drab Edwardian type room. My mother, father and my dog, Tramp, were also there. It was quite a big room. Tramp went up to the fireplace and put his paw up under the shelf as if pointing. I looked and saw he was indicating a crevice under the shelf. I felt there and found papers in there, but also that there might be fingers in there touching mine. I said this to my father, but he did not reply. The hole was getting bigger all the time, and the room darker.
The dogs can represent this feeling energy, this natural life response to events and ones situation, our easy flowing natural feelings such as devotion, perhaps to a lover or child. The dog is yourself if, the natural you if you let your emotions off the lead. So it can be your uninhibited love or anger, your open sexuality, or even your honest needs.
For some people a dog was the only source of expressive love in their childhood, so may well depict this; fidelity and faithfulness, as the sheep-dog it is also the guardian of our welfare. Like the cat, the dog can be a substitute baby for childless women, or represent affection or caring.Occasionally we depict a person, or what we feel about a person through the character of a dog. See: cat.
Example: Actually seeing a dog in my dream I find not the dumb animal that humans patronizingly assume to be there, but a creature of remarkable complexity and deep emotions, capable of various levels of behavior, of guilt and loyalty, or shame, of identification with people—a creature so like themselves that other distinctions seem negligible. It broke down my assumptions of superiority. It sent me spinning back to the sense of kinship with animals that primitive men, in their rituals and folk myths, so clearly revealed. I found myself becoming snakes, tigers, bears, rabbits with such ease and pleasure that there would seem to be a veritable menagerie in the back of my mind. Moreover, the conviction of animal identity, once accepted, is terribly convincing. Having accepted the limited truth of my animal kinship, I am loath to see the broader areas in which such a communion is untrue. See Animals in your Brain – Temple of the Animals
Example: The role then came to life and spontaneously I as Vince the dog went to Alan and stood up on my hind legs with my paws on his chest, looking into his eyes. I wanted to communicate something to him.
The communication was so strong that I as Alan felt it and will describe it. Vincent reminded me of the many things we had shared in life. As this happened I felt such love – the love I really had felt for that beautiful dog. As I felt this Vincent and I became one being. I remember carrying him in my arms when he was young because, as a runt he was so nervous that at times he couldn’t even walk. I remember going everywhere with him as I walked London. I also knew that Vincent represented for me the ability to see into the invisible worlds – psychic sight and sensing. He had demonstrated it to me at least twice.
As all these memories poured through me I felt deep emotions pouring up and started crying. Crying because Vincent was helping me be aware of things I had not put together before. Lately I have been trying to extend personal awareness again, into lucidity and into the world. The emotions I was feeling were due to a realisation, and as this happened I knew what the previous dream of Vincent meant. I understood because various bits of memory came together to form a whole.
In mythology the dog has symbolised the guardian of the gates of death, or a messenger between the hidden and the visible world. The dog was also thought of as a guide or guardian of the hidden side of life entered in sleep and death. The following example illustrates how love can survive death.
Example: It involves my dad and his English bulldog, Chauncey. They were big buddies. Chauncey even went to work with Dad. Several years after Chauncey’s death, I dreamed of a female English bulldog who was very pregnant! A few weeks later, she appeared to me again, smiling proudly at two adorable puppies. One was brindle and the other was brindle and white. She showed me her house and street sign. The name of the street was Rosebud Lane. Then Chauncey appeared in the dream and told me he was returning and he would be the puppy that walked to me first! The next day I got the classifieds and started calling. It didn’t take long, the second call was located on Rosebud Lane. When I arrived, the mother dog looked just as she had in the dreams. She even acted like she knew me. I stood back and waited. Shortly, the little brindle and white puppy waddled to me. Dad cried when I handed the pup to him. Reincarnated bulldog…why not? By the way, Chauncey had a nickname…it was Rosebud!
Dogs can be a wonderful intuitive friend, even life saver. This is because it has been proved that dogs often know when their owner is ill or about to have an attack. But dogs are also very psychic. See Talking with Dead also Cats and dogs know
Example: In a dream, my dog, Gus, told me he had worms and needed to go to the doctor. We went the next morning. Dr. Dennis Umlang looked at Gus, a picture of health, then asked why the visit. I – told him Gus needed to be checked for worms. “Have you seen any evidence of worms?”, he asked. “No.” I answered, “but I still want him checked.” The testing showed negative. I told Dr. Umlang the dream and asked that they try again. That’s when he told me of the heartworm test which is costly but the only way to detect their presence. “Do it,” I said. The test was positive! Ordinarily there is no real warning of heartworms. By the time symptoms appear it is often too late and treatment is dangerous due to the animal’s weakened condition. Because of early detection, Gus survived the treatment with no damage to vital organs.
Barking dog: A warning or a sign of protection. Warning that something or someone is there who is not a friend – or that you should not approach whatever is shown in the dream.
Black dog: The black dog figures in quite a lot of people’s imagery. Bernard Levin uses it to represent depression. For some people it brings feeling about death. The sense or meaning the dog gives in relationship to depression or death in dreams is that it is a living energy in us that has gone ‘bad’ and thus causes the depression or death. Such depression is usually the result of past painful experiences that are like lumps blocking free flowing positive life energy.
The black dog also show you urges which are largely unconscious, or it is a messenger related to what is unconscious in you. So the black dog can indicate sexual feelings that you are not proud of, or any natural feelings, even feelings of love that you hold back.
Dog attacking: Either being attacked by someone and so representing their anger or snide criticism – or your own anger or aggression. See: What Does my Dream Animal Mean
– Animal phobias at the end of the animal entry.
Dog on lead attacking: If you are holding the lead – restraint of your aggression toward someone. If someone else is holding the lead – feeling attacked by someone. As in Cornelia’s dream in the example below, there may be a sexual connection.
Dog on lead: Restrained or controlled urges; urges we have trained or directed; holding back or restraining or directing parts of oneself.
Puppy: Youth, heedlessness, spontaneous affection and enthusiasm. It often represent a child, or feelings about wanting a child, being pregnant with a child, even one of your own children. Also vulnerability or dependent needs. Like any young animal, it can depict your need to care for or love something, or be loved. What happens to the puppy, if neglected or mistreated, most likely indicates memories of pain from your own childhood, or neglect of vulnerable parts of yourself. See: Baby animal in animal situations; Neglected animal in animal situations.
Woman’s dream – attacked by dog: Could well be feelings about male sexuality or a relationship with a male. Possibly the dreamer is holding back her own female strength and cannot meet the male strength.
Example: ‘I continue on my path, and suddenly the nettles disappear and the path is clear. Ahead the wall has curved round to face me, but there is a gate in it, and I can see my dog waiting for me on the other side.’ Mrs M. G.
In the dream from an elderly woman the dog is leading the way through the experience of meeting death. Mythology has often shown the dog in this light, as an inner sense of knowing how to find transformation through death – or as the ravaging threat of death.
Example: I was with a female friend who is a lesbian. Two dogs attacked us. My friend ran away but I couldn’t. Cornelius.
On exploring her dream Cornelius discovered feelings about her own womanhood and relationship with males. She realised the dogs represented her relationship with male sexuality, and that her friend was afraid of males.
Example: I was aware of the danger of two, or maybe one young child. They had been allowed to carry a small animal which acted as a scent lead for large tracker dogs that were hunting and would attack and kill whatever they were tracking. I found one of the boys trying to hide under a pot or a basin in the spare ground behind the house I lived in London. I pulled him out from his attempts to hide. He had no idea of his danger. Two of the dogs – perfectly harmless and friendly when not hunting, were coming close to me and trying to lick me. They had huge mouths. I got very angry with one man, a farmer type, who I thought had been careless in the way he was urging the dogs to hunt. I swore at him in public, calling him something like a ‘fucking idiot’. There was a large public gathering and I wondered what the public would think of me swearing. D.G.
There is an obvious reference in this dream to the unconscious urges some people have to hunt and hound others. The dogs especially depict this unleashed aspect of human nature, harmless when not set into motion. It also shows how such actions by others threaten the child in us, or the areas of personal vulnerability.
Example: I come out of my house. Across the street is a nursery. (this is actually true, there is a nursery across the street and the street is well used and busy) I looked up to see my yellow male Labrador dog named Odo. (He is a dog I have now) He was sitting in a truck on the passenger side. He looked like he was smiling. I thought, “What in the world is Odo doing in that truck?” At first I thought he was driving the truck, but then realised that he wasn’t, an ancient old man was. And the truck was weaving from one side of the street to the other. I yelled for Odo to come back and he jumped out of the truck. How I don’t know. But he did. He came running toward me, but there was a chain-linked fence between us. The fence ended at the street, but Odo was attempting to climb over the fence instead of going around it. I shook my head and said to myself that he was going to hurt himself. Sort of laughed, too. Then I woke up. I remembered thinking the day before that I was comparing my husband, A, to Odo. And thinking if I could just accept the silly things he does as well as I do with my dog, our relationship would be so much easier. K.
In this dream K. is probably right that she is using her dog to consider her relationship with her husband. She may even be using the dog as an image of her husband and his character.
Idioms: See a man about a dog; hair off the dog that bit you; call off the dogs; you can’t teach an old dog new tricks; raining cats and dogs; dirty dog; as sick as a dog; dog eat dog; dog in the manger; dog tired; dog’s life; gone to the dogs; let sleeping dogs lie; lucky dog; tail wagging the dog; top dog; die like a dog; dirty dog; gay dog; go to the dogs; hair of the dog; sick as a dog; lucky dog; raining cats and dogs; see a man about a dog; teach an old dog new tricks; tail wagging the dog; thrown to the dogs; etc.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Is my dream dog represent someone I know or my own spontaneous feelings?
Is there any indication of relating to this dog as a child or a love object?
What feelings is the dog expressing?
Is the dog helping me meet or understand death or the unconscious?
If so what am I learning?
See Secrets of Power Dreaming – Life’s Little Secrets – Dream Yoga
Sir, Kindly Interpret my 2 derams:-
1. I saw 3 dogs in which 1 was big and all were healthy & wagging their tails surrounding me, and then I also saw a White puppy who approached me wagging its tail.
2. I saved puppies with the help of a Dog.
I had a dream that I found my beautiful small brindle dog, a Bug, cross between a Pug and a Boston, dead in her crate in the morning. This dream woke me up so suddenly I had to check on her and make sure she was still alive. I have researched everything on the internet and in my dream books and am unable to find an interpretation. I would love some help. Thank you.
Hi Tony,
In my dream, I was living in a hotel room. Every time when I enter my room that I was clearly in other person’s room. I can see 2 identical male’s jacket, one laying on bed and another sat on the chair. The back of the jacket printed “PASSPORT” in big capital letters. Then I noticed 2 big german shepherds, one lied on the floor not sleeping but looked relaxed. The other one was walking toward me to check me out. The exact scene repeated a few times in my dream until I figured out an un-noticeable door to close the other room and suddenly back to my room. But the door was half empty so I can still see the other room. A few numbers keep popping to my head in the dream to somehow remind myself not to repeat the scene. I still remember those 2 numbers but none related to my real life.
The first 20 years of my life, my father always have dogs in the house, usually small to medium build dogs but never a german shepherd. I am 50 now. My father passed 2 years ago. We were never close and the fact is I never really like dogs. I am so puzzled and disturbed by this dream some how. Can you please help?
Linda – Have you ever been in a hotel room with your father? I feel the two dogs are a reminder of his influence in you still. But the dream is nothing to be frightened of. You are creating images that frightens you – the dream has not been sent as a warning. Please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions/#AnEx
I (male) dreamt I got married. The bride was wearing white. On the isle outside there was lying a dead black dog. I burried the dog.
Any idea’s on a possible meaning?
I dreamed beautiful golden retriever. I was go somewhere and must left that dog. I was sad but a I left that dog. What mean that dream ?
I had a dream that there was a baby bird still hooked to his egg and walking so I let my dog go over there to attack and kill it. He had blood on his mouth, so I sprayed his mouth with water until you could see no more blood. I didn’t want my girlfriend to know what I did. I have a German Shepard in real life and at one point he did eat a baby bird.
Hello Tony, thank you for this.
I had a dream last night. I was in my bedroom at my parent’s house where we used to live when I was a teenager. A friend is standing in the room with me. Suddenly, a small white dog (cute at first) appears at the door and start barking violently at my friend. I try to calm him down in vain, finally I kick him and the dog ends up on the neighbour’s roof. Then I feel very bad and sad because I can’t rescue him and know he will be spending the night there, all by himself. Then the next morning, I noticed the neighbour’s house raised overnight making it more difficult to rescue the dog (the roof is now above my head). Since I am afraid of heights, I ask another friend to help me rescue the dog. I am afraid it would die of thirst or hunger. That second friend doesn’t say no but doesn’t do anything about it even if I asked him several times help. Then I woke up in tears with the image of the dying dog. I believe it was a puppy. And also I keep thinking about me kicking it. I love dogs!!
Could you please help me understand this? thank you so much
Nad – I have to guess at some of this, but your dream starts in your old teenage bedroom. That was probably a time when your search for a male friend/partner was high on the list. So the little dog barking was an annoying interference with that.
Recently have you been feeling similar feelings about a man? And has your instincts been warning you – the little dog – and have you kicked it out of your life, denied what it was telling you, “I don’t trust his man.”
Try using the following as the dog and the man – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/#TalkingAs
I had a dream last night in which there was a very large dog with a light brown/ golden colour fur, with long, messy fur , resembling an irish wolf hound but more the size of great dane. I was at my workplace at the time (asda/walmart) and the dog never looked at me or paid me any sort of attention, except maybe a glance in my direction, it looked as though it was searching for something/someone, I remember remarking to my manager in my dream “that’s a big dog isn’t it” as if it was a normal thing to see in a supermarket. If anyone can help me with the meaning of this I would be grateful, also in the dream I had a packet of raw, cut meet, I think beef which I couldn’t find a place for and I was dealing with eggs. Something which never happened during my time there. I am not 100% on the order of events. Your opinions and ideas are appreciated
Mark – This is most likely a work related dream because of the setting it occurred in. It is also probably something or someone you are searching for – a big search to from the size of the dog. Remember that all things in your dream are reflections of you – see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us/#Reflect
I a not sure but I think it involves any feelings you have about your manger.
Try imagining giving the dog the meat you had and see if a fantasy develops spontaneously. You could try – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/#TalkingAs
I currently have two adult dogs and 4 4 month old puppies. In my dream I am looking at my puppies and see a new born puppy so I start to wonder and look for my adult female who is on my bed giving birth. I count a total of 21 puppies and rush to tell my husband who is thrilled. I on the other hand am worried about how we are going to take care of them and he is so excited. I then start crying about the puppies because I have to take care of all 21! I still can feel the moment I counted all 21, surprised, confused, worried. what does it mean?
Angel – You obviously like baby animals, but not a load of them.
Have you been thinking about having a baby – you and your husband? Maybe I am wrong but puppies are often a sign of babies. If so it seems as if at the moment a baby would be too much for you.
I’ve had a dream the other night that has been plaguing me ever since. In it I’m on a bicycle riding down a busy street, and in the middle of the road are two dogs. The first one, a smaller dog (Almost like a schnauzer) had been hit by a car, and was injured (Not dead) and the second dog, a golden retriever, was protecting it from the cars on the road. I stopped my bicycle to help the dogs, and in turned caused a truck that was coming at us to run off the road and into a building. What could this mean?
Emily – Well without your own associations I must guess.
The busy street and the bicycle are you making your way in the world through your own efforts. That suggests you are a person who does not follow the usually route of the commercial way.
The two dogs are what you are feeling about life – about LIFE. For there in the middle of the business world and the scramble to get somewhere are nature in the form of living creatures. And life around you and within you is hurt and injured, and you try to assist it. You do that because you feel a connection with Life.
But maybe there is a price to pay for that decision because the huge engine of commerce – the truck – crashed. Have you felt that within you?
I had a weird dream last night that I was in a fabric/craft store and I brought my dog in with me (I don’t usually shop at these stores.) While in the shop, other people kept bringing their dogs in and I became worried about the other dogs because most of them were much larger than my dog (I have a 55 pound pit bull.) Suddenly my dog was missing and I couldn’t find her! I kept thinking that I found her but the collar was always a different color so I knew it wasn’t her. Some of the other dogs were aggressive and I saw them growl at dogs but everytime I ran to check, it wasn’t my dog being threatened or threatening. I was definitely in REM sleep because I remember reaching my hand over to her to make sure she was next to me and that woke me up. The dream left me feeling out of sorts. I just graduated college and don’t have a job yet and I am worried about money. Do you think this is related?
I dream that I am sleeping snuggled in the bed and then my husband walks in to ask me to look for or check for a small animal that sneaked into the house, I cant stay awake in the dream, it is as though I am awaken by a dream in a dream when searching for this little dog , because it becomes the most important thing I have to do. Iin my dream’s dream I had been having conversations with my mother , I don’t remember what we discuss. I awaken remembering that I am supposed to be catching this puppy. I notice that as long as I do not chase the puppy it seems to gravitate to me anyway, it sneaks under the blankets near the concave of my body and I fall asleep. I dream I watch a scorpion being chased round the house by my husband and my cat . It flips along the base boards and I feel sympathetic towards it. I awake again to see my husband reminding me about the puppy so I try to move the move and lift the blankets I am cocooned in to see the dog. I am not fond of dogs. But my cat is laying up against my back and does not seem to be bothered by the hidden dog. The dog eludes me, the blankets are too tangled, it purrs or growls and yips and rearranges itself so that I can not glimpse it, but eventually it finds my breast and begins to try to nurse, I can not keep my eyes open in this dream and yet I know that I need to for there is something important to learn here. In the other room of the house a multiple dramas happen while I lay in the room with a puppy I can not see, but whose warmth comforts me. Finally, I decide that if I can not stay awake in that dream, it must be a sign that I can not remain asleep while awake. And I wake up.
i was saw in my dreem that in my hone’s groundflower some unknown dogs nd cats are stand nd i was caling my pet cat(but which cat i was caling is not actually my pet cat) nd i here a noice that go to take cat but i didn’t go .i’m caling my cat to come to 1st flower nd suddenly i saw cat jumped on 1st flower nd i saw my actualy pet dog(white bitch but that bitch was deid)nd i’m told my dog vry gud you are come and kis her and love her..
I had a dream where I had two dogs, the one I do have in real life (white/yellow-ish) and another one just like him but black. Nothing too special happened in the dream, I was just playing with both dogs and was happy to have two of them.
What could this mean? I’ve been somewhat depressed lately for an unrequited love, I also stopped seeing some good friends regularly, I guess it has something to do with all this stuff?
Tony. I dream that my dog quietly paws the door open and she just walk in the room what does this mean?
Katrina – It means that in our dreams everything, every animal, every person, is actually a projection of our own many sided mind with its amazing dimensions. It shows how everything in our dreams is alive with its own will and power, and part of our reason for living is to integrate all the parts of us. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/autonomous-complex/ as this will explain it more fully.
If you have time and inclination, see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us/ as it will explain so many other mysteries about us.
Katrina – As a person we have many levels to us. We are pure animals as well as human personalities. If we are not so intellectual and can love more widely, the animal in us loves us and wants to be close to us. I know it may sound strange, but the different parts of us all have their own way of being. To get more understanding of this please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
So your inner dog is quietly coming into your life more fully. The door is the usual things we are taught or believe that are standing in the way of meeting your full self.