The eagle can represent several things, depending upon its context in your dream. It can point to the powerful, strong hunting instinct in business or in being a providing parent. It can depict protective strength; a male figure; relentlessness. Dominance or a male figure. It is certainly an uplifting power of feelings or ideas, a protective influence.
Because the eagle, like most hunting birds, has an extraordinary far reaching and inclusive vision, it can link with the ability of your own mind to at times expand far beyond the immediate sense impressions and concerns, to include years of life experience, and what you have learned when looked at as a whole. It can therefore represent spiritual vision. This is because the height of the bird and its steady gaze give it unusual perception and wide awareness. To touch such enormous wealth of experience is to be penetrated by the holy. Something so beyond the limitations of our own small personality enters us and leaves its imprint. See: Birds.
Sometimes it is seen as a threatening influence, if it is seen as connected with carrion. But if so it is you fears you are dealing with. Because it is a bird of prey it might appear as a threatening influence. Also this wider awareness may at times feel as if you are ‘carried away’. Being lifted into the unknown in this way can cause unwarranted fear. See The Life Will ; Dreams are Like a Computer Game
In some dreams it represents love, and its death or destruction can mean the death of love – as occurs in divorce. Cayce says that teenagers at a critical stage in life sometimes dream of an eagle pecking or tearing at their heart or thymus area. He says this represents the emotional entanglements that youngsters are subject to and incapable of understanding.
The Egyptian god Horus is a hawk or falcon, and was called the ‘all seeing eye’. This was because it represented the higher function of the unconscious to see all things.
Also the Hawk of Achill, or Seabhag, was one of the first animals to come into being according to Celtic mythos. He has an immense memory and is said to live a very long time. He represents knowledge and the search for it as seen in the poem The Hawk of Achill. He is an ancient bird, over 5,000 years old easily at the time it was written. He is also, as many birds are in mythology, a messenger between the realms. This means he can travel from this realm to that of the otherworlds of the myths he exists in. See Myths and Legends
Example: I was gazing at the sky and the stars, looking up to the sky. The stars were shiny and yellow gold similar to the colour of fire. There were a couple of stars similar to shooting stars but they almost looked like tiny pieces of fire display, like fireworks. It looked beautiful. Soon after the dream shifted to a computer screen and I was checking my emails. I was scrolling down the in box and then clicked on a message thinking ‘why didn’t I check this before?’ the message appeared with a picture of a huge bird and it looked like a Eagle (but the colour was white with a bluish/black outline) with its wings fully spread and moving as if the Eagle was flying; and there was a message underneath in tiny English letters which I read something similar to ‘ your life is going to transform’- I can’t remember the exact words but it was something similar to this and then I woke up. Could this be a message for the future /a prediction/ a omen?
Such beautiful dreams are a real indication of your potential and should be taken seriously. Of course dreams arise from a very deep part of your nature and are like seeds, and so need time to grow and open to the surface; so be patient and hopeful.
Idioms: Watch like a hawk; eagle eyed; like a mother hawk; watch me like a hawk;
Useful questions:
What do I know and feel about eagles?
How was the eagle portrayed in the dream?
Does this have something to do with keeping a ‘sharp eye’ out for something?
Is this about nobility, power and freedom?
Have I experienced an overview, or bird’s eye view of a situation?
See The Wider Life – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Questions
In my dream, I was given a small bald eagle. I fed and nutured it. Then it told me it did not like yak meat, so i went searching for chicken. While wandering i found a bird sanctuary. The eagle changed into a big black and white eagle. I gave the bird to the woman there. She praised and thanked me for raising the bird in the tradition of the ? (Cant pronounce) indian tribe way. I was sad to leave him behind. (I was asking for a dream to guide me about a relationship i am in. I have no children, so i dont know how to interpret this dream.
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Uliana – Dear woman, the most important relationship you are in is that with Life itself. We tend to think that Life is automatic and without awareness – yet life created you in your mother’s womb. Your mother didn’t know the amazing intricate processes of growth and development, and Life gave you consciousness. How could it do that if it – if Life was without awareness? Life loves you enough to keep you breathing and your heart beating even while you sleep. The Native Indians call it Creator. We tend to call it God with a male face – which is ridiculous – for the Creator is behind everything, the plants, the animals the women and men.
Life, through your dream gave you a living gift – the small bald eagle. But you gave it way feeling that you could not care for it. Of course you were sad because you gave away a precious gift.
You appear to want children, but you were given a living being – the bird – and you gave it away. Please reclaim it by imagining you go to the mother figure – the woman – and ask for it back so you can raise it. You were born in a country with an ancient tradition and wisdom, the Native Indians. Seek out their wisdom, for it is a way of Life. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
Life, through the bird, wishes you to gain what the eagle represents. It will lead to your children.
Hi, in my dream the eagle was standing dead still staring at me.
Even when I was trying to chase it away it did not move an inch…..
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Brigitte – It is staring at you and not moving because a part of you that creates your dreams desperately wants to get your attention and act on it.
You read the eagle entry, so you know it is about gaining a wider view of your life – so here are some hints – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/intuition-many-ways/ – http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/ – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
In my dream, I was with my late mother. We travelled to town to get to the bank. I knew my mom was deceased, but she visits me in my dreams often. As we were driving down the main road, I looked and saw 3 eagles, 1 was big and had something in their mouth, it was flying straight and then swerving side to side, the other 2 were young, and were playing, like they were wrestling in the sky, they weren’t fighting…I thought they were also but something in my dream told me they were siblings and they were just playing but the eagles were happy and didn’t feel any sense of danger whatsoever, just awe and happiness. We got to the bank, and everybody that was on Main Street was looking up to the sky, in awe of what they were seeing…my mom and I went into the bank, and all of us sudden, my mom’s mom csme walking in with the help of my cousin, and I was so happy to see her that I cupped her face and kissed her cheeks. I knew my mother and grandmother were gone…but they came to visit me with the eagles and I don’t know what my dream means.
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Natasha – Your dream tells a story. It starts with contact with your dead mother. This suggests that you feel easy about death and are open to the influence of your mother. Dreams and the dead are in a dimension that is much different than the three dimensional world of our body; for our body leaves us almost deaf and blind, for we are only aware of 1% of audible sound and visible light. Also we are only conscious of the locality we are in, except we enlarge it with phones and TV.
But our death and dream world can span all time and is not limited to a locality. So the influence your mother passed to you was exactly that. The eagles have a vast range of sight and locality. The pleasure and play depicted symbolically by the eagles is also what we can experience when we have faced and overcome the fear of death and are not plagued by the fear of nightmares.
So you have entered a new phase of your life where if you wished you could have a wider awareness. The bank suggests you also have access to greater personal resources. This was stressed by the meeting with your grandmother. For a grandmother is the living essence of all the mothers who have existed before them. I know that seems an everyday thing in one way, but if you take time to consider it, it means that your mother or grandmother is a sort of magical being. It also means that she is a stream from which the rivers of your life have flowed.
Please see http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/ – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-is-the-unconscious/ – http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/using-your-intuition-1/
I had a dream last night that my boyfriend and I were laying in the bed and we looked up and there was a pigeon that had come into the room from the window. it just walked in and stood in the window seal. it was a huge pigeon. we tried unsuccessfully to shoo the pigeon back out the window. the pigeon went to the window and a chicken appeared in the room and opened up the window with his beak and slid the window open just enough for the pigeon to get out and then it closed the window. I commented…its like the movie attack of the birds. my boyfriend and I laughed and then I tried to get the chicken out. I grabbed the chicken and was trying to push it out out the bedroom door when a white-headed bald eagle stuck his head in the crack of the door. the eagles head was at the same height as me. I’m 5’6″. I was startled and I tried to close the door but it pushed the door open and the eagle Came towards me and somehow I fell down and ended up on top of the eagle with my back on top of the eagles chest. the eagle was flopping around trying to get up and I was trying to get up at the same time and then I woke up out of my dream. I wasn’t afraid of the birds. I was in awe of the oversize of the birds and just wanted them to leave my room. When I was on top if the eagle, I wasn’t afraid. I just felt grossed out from the feeling of the eagle moving underneath my back. Can someone interpret this dream?
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Tracie – Virtually everything in dreams represent something other than the image, because all the people, animals, places you see in your dreams, are simply your own feelings, fears, hopes and wonder projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind as images.
As birds often depict your own imagination, intuition, your mind that wants to fly to reach freedom from restraints, thoughts or hidden wishes or hopes, or your longings to move beyond limitations or boundaries.
The mixture if birds show the different feelings you have about them. Try being one using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson.
The difficulty removing them is partly because you fail to see your dream images as referring to yourself, and partly you cannot face what the dreams show you about yourself. For the bald eagle is a massive part of your own nature and often appear in dreams and the huge bird in the house means contact with a lesser used ability you have, one of being able to have a wider view of who you are and the world you live in. But it is also an invitation to learn to fly with or separate from the bird. You can learn to fly; it is a great way of overcoming fears. Flying suggests the desire to rise above things, to attain greater heights, to break free of limiting viewpoints or cultural norms
In my dream there was a shallow creek and the bald eagle was flapping around like it’s wing was broke. I wanted to help but my mom (who is passed away) told me the eagle will be fine to leave it alone. We left and came back the next day, and my mom was standing in the creek with the eagle in front of her and it was completely under water now. So I went over to it and noticed its body still warm and so i took it out of the water being careful of its huge talons. It started spreading its wings and transformed into a man. I put him down and he thanked me for saving him.
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Lisa – A very interesting dream, for it shows not only your help in dealing with an injure animal/human but also your dead mothers shared wisdom in your life.
The injured bird represents an extraordinary far reaching and inclusive gaze; it can link with the ability of your own mind to at times expand far beyond the immediate sense impressions and concerns, to include years of life experience, and what you have learned when looked at as a whole. It can therefore represent spiritual vision. This is because the height of the bird and its steady gaze give it unusual perception and wide awareness. To touch such enormous wealth of experience is to be penetrated by the holy. Something so beyond the limitations of our own small personality enters us and leaves its imprint.
That it is injured shows that you yourself must have at some time denied the use of this intuitive function. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/using-your-intuition-1/ You obviously broke its ability fly – to gain a great view of life. That is because all the people, animals, places you see in your dreams, are simply your own feelings, fears, hopes and wonder projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind as images.
Being in a river says that even so, the influence of your mother in you left a life giving influence. Many people do not realise that they have an inner mother equally as powerful as an external mother. You have taken in millions of bits of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by loving and living with your mother, and they are a major influence in your early life, and in a few cases the child never becomes independent from its mother at any age. This is true even if your mother was never there for you – you still have all the memories of her not being there for you filed under ‘Mother’. The memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event. Such an inner mother can appear in dreams because you are still deeply influenced by what you hold within you.
The fact that in some way you gave attention to your afflicted bird, and flow of life through it – the river – transformed it from the animal form to the human. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
It might be worthwhile to see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
Hello my name is Amanda I had a dream a mama eagle and a bunch of babies but not little babies kind of mature ones walked in a line in front of me slowly and where staring right at me I was in the city at a cross walk when they walked in front of me I couldn’t tell if I was driving or walking then I woke up can u tell me what this means
I had a dream that our neighbors were going to babysit my daughter. I leave to go out on a date and I see Emily at the corner of my eye climbing down a hill. I run over and done to save her because she almost fell off a cliff into water. Next thing I know a huge bird is swooping at is trying to take Emily away from me. There’s a random door and we done in there and my date closes the door so fast so the bird couldn’t get us… It was my dates houses’ under ground tunnel. Then I woke up. It was so scary!
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Eryan – Your whole dream is about your anxiety about caring for your baby.
Your love and care for your child or children can trigger your mothering instincts with a vengeance. Being female and a mother holds with it an enormously increased anxiety about your children. You see all manner of things that might be a threat, and I believe that is what such dreams show. Your imagination for such dangers is enormously increased. This is natural in all mammals, and acts as a warning making you aware. It helps to check whether your child or children are okay, and if they are, say to the part of you that is worried, “It’s okay, I checked, but thanks for keeping me on my toes, you can relax now.”
When my son Leon was working for a year prior to entering Cambridge University, he met people who owned wolfhounds, and often walked the dogs. I went with him a couple of times. The dogs were kept in a large pen, and owner went to get the keys for the pen. While we were waiting at the door one of the dogs, a bitch, was kept in the house.
The bitch came to the door to look at us, then ran back, only to reappear again a few moments later to look at us anxiously. This was repeated a few times. I asked my son if she had pups and he said yes. So as soon as she saw we were strangers she rushed back to her pups to check they were okay. Then, for the short period we were there she continued to come and look at us with obvious tension, and then run back to check her pups.
I had a dream last night that I saw a man taking eggs out of an eagles nest, I shouted at him to stop. The eagle came at me but I was able to get him away without getting hurt. After that I felt the need to help this eagle… idk if I was trying to return the eggs or what, but I brought him a bug to snack on and he flew down to land in front of me for the bug. After that he crawled into my arms and cuddled like a cat would. I think he even turned into a smaller version of itself.
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Patricia – Because all the people, animals, and places you see in your dreams, are simply your own feelings, fears, hopes and wonder projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind as images. So, it makes sense to take the image of your dream person, thing or animal back into you and own it. In that way, you are meeting and dealing with the things about yourself you are not owning or conscious of. It is therefore important to find out what the nest robber was doing in your dream. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
The image of the huge bird – and the image’s meaning is that you have the possibility of the eagle’s vision. Because the eagle, like most hunting birds, has an extraordinary far reaching and inclusive gaze, it can link with the ability of your own mind to at times expand far beyond the immediate sense impressions and concerns, to include years of life experience, and what you have learned when looked at as a whole. It can therefore represent spiritual vision. This is because the height of the bird and its steady gaze give it unusual perception and wide awareness. To touch such enormous wealth of experience is to be penetrated by the holy. Something so beyond the limitations of our own small personality enters us and leaves its imprint.
So your care and protection of the bird has brought it more as a working part of you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
Your care appeared to allow it to take on a more baby form, in dreams it may mean the bird is allowing itself to grow in a new way – maybe less aggressive.
I am hoping you can help me get clarity on this dream. I only remember parts of it, but I was in my childhood home in the basement where we used to play as kids. I was an adult as I am now, i remember seeing a huge white eagle approaching me, nudging me, and gently circling me as if it wanted me to hold it. I put out my left arm and it lands on it and proceeded to cuddle. This huge ominous bird wanted me to hug it, so I did. It then wrapped it’s huge wings around me. I felt love and intimacy emanating from it. I felt protected and loved somehow. In my current life, I am on a spiritual path of discovering who I am and my true purpose. I am at a crossroads with my career, and a marriage of 23 years. Can this dream possibly tie in to any thing in my current life?
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Roseanne – Were we used to play as kids in dream represents the childhood of the human race.
“There used to be a large pool by the house in which we all bathed when young.
I started exploring the pond, and had the most unexpected set of fantasies and feelings bubble up from within. The garden when we were children referred to a condition of mind, which I now experienced, in which a group shared a common awareness, and felt at one with their environment. In other words there was no separate identity. No one in the group knew themselves as an individual. I knew as I experienced this that it was about the early condition of human beings.”
The basement represents going just below everyday awareness into your inner world. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/#MakesInner
From there you are in touch with the wonder within you. Shown by the image of the huge bird – and the image meaning that you have the possibility of the eagle’s vision. Because the eagle, like most hunting birds, has an extraordinary far reaching and inclusive gaze, it can link with the ability of your own mind to at times expand far beyond the immediate sense impressions and concerns, to include years of life experience, and what you have learned when looked at as a whole. It can therefore represent spiritual vision. This is because the height of the bird and its steady gaze give it unusual perception and wide awareness. To touch such enormous wealth of experience is to be penetrated by the holy. Something so beyond the limitations of our own small personality enters us and leaves its imprint.
You are loved and protected always, but we lose sight of it when we are facing the crossroads of our life experiences – necessary but difficult. Your dream came as a reminder of your path you are on, and the love and protection you have.
Thank you, Tony, for your insightful dream interpretation! I have read your bio and although I don’t know you personally, I am so grateful for what you have done in your life and all those you have helped through your experiences and knowledge. I am planning on purchasing one of your books, and just wanted to say your passion and life is an inspiration to me and so many. People like you help raise our collective vibration and make the world a better place. Namaste
I dreamed that my wife, a baby and I were laying back on the seats of an open top tour bus stopped on the side of the road at the base of a tall cliff. As we gazed up my eyes focused on some birds perched on a tree at the top of the cliff. I got my binoculars to get a closer look, and realized that one of the birds was an huge shimmering bald eagle. I was elated, because I’ve never seen one before. It cocked it’s head down and made intense eye contact with me. Then dove at us. We braced for an attack and hid the baby. But the eagle landed on us lightly clasping around my and my wife’s wrists with velvety grey talons. The baby wasn’t scared. The eagle and the baby shared a look.
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Crystal – You didn’t say whether the baby was a dreamed of baby or your own child. It makes a difference; so I will treat it as a dream baby.
That you were touring suggests you were open to new experiences. The baby is an aspect of you that at that age has no real adult responses to what it sees, and so is tremendously responsive and also can react with full, passionate emotions. So in a way, you stepped beyond your adult self and could experience life without preconceptions – at least in some degree.
You gazed up; which in dreams suggests you are seeing things that like ones mind is seeing things and unexpected things that can come from within. This often occurs without preconception represents ideas in your mind. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/virgin/
Also you were on your back showing you were relaxed and in a receptive state. What you saw or experienced was an eagle, a real beauty. In dreams or represents the ability of your own mind to at times expand far beyond the immediate sense impressions and concerns, to include years of life experience, and what you have learned when looked at as a whole. It can therefore represent spiritual vision. So each step of your dream was leading to you reaching for wider awareness. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/
The eagle landed – it is yours now. And the ‘look’ the baby shared with the magnificent bird says that you have within you the ability to take the next step in human evolution. At least you have it in its infant form and it needs care and work to lead it to adult function in your life.
Some things that might help are – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/ – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/mountain-path/ – http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/using-your-intuition-1/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/
In my dream I saw a large salmon. I wanted it. As I zoomed out of focus I was high on the peak of a mountain. A little startled at first. But, I wanted to soar. So I did. I was an eagle.
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Giselle – Wanting is a powerful feeling in dreams. Remember that dreams use symbols to indicate other than the surface or obvious image. You don’t’ say why you wanted the salmon – a pity because you have not given enough information for me to understand your dream fully.
But it was enough to transport you to another level of awareness. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dimensions-of-human-experience/
You were startled because when a person’s awareness reaches beyond what they feel is their normal self they feel scared. But you are not the scaring type, so you just felt a little startled by the experience.
The shift without fear gave you the ability to soar. But dream images are like icons on a computer screen – you have to ‘click’ on your dream images to make them come alive. Thinking about them doesn’t work. You need to open yourself to the magic of them. To make them into the wonderful gateways they are you may have to learn certain skills. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/exploring-a-dream-2/ – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
In my dream I woke up and in front of me in the dark on the table was a Raven looking at me I felt uneasy that then I heard a loud eagle look to my left and right outside my window was a huge eagle when I turn to look at the Raven again it was gone. It felt very symbolic.
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Kristal – Waking up in a dream usually represents that you have ‘woken up’ – becoming aware – something. The message you are becoming aware of – which for you has some fear attached to it – is that you are capable of experiencing a larger view of your life than in the past. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/ – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/going-beyond/
I dream about plane l was in plane with other people only one was my friend others dont know who they were, in plane was kind of madness people weren’t their seats but there wasn’t any pain or force most of then laughing and talking an at this time l was sitting when flock of crows/eagles come flying in to the plane inside they didn’t hurt anyone they just flew flock no on them was outside and after l said they may go inside pilot cabin and we would crash… and when l said this everything going dark plane gone l was dark place with locked wrought iron doors but l escape by climbing on of that door and l get out from this place l wake up (in dream) l was an other place all red light and l just run and escape this too after this l was just outside just trees cars and stone where l set for breath and when l looked up l saw plane that l was in was in fire and it was crashing..but l wasnt in plane at this time.
and l forgot the crows or eagles cant remember they were colored gold with some little blue crystals with them very few they were all gold color even their beak was also gold and eyes. l cant recognize if they eagles or crows they didn’t had crow voice or something and even didn’t had eagle voice. sorry for my English.. l learning now
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Guga – Your dream shows that you suffer anxiety about disasters in your life. You seem to survive them, but it must cause you some stress.
The madness of people suggests that your own inner world is in state of a party. The golden eagles were an offer to find a new way of relating to your mind. You have the abilty, but to find it you may need to discover the truth about the eagles by using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Also see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/martial-art-of-the-mind/
My dream, I saw this eagle soaring, it was beautiful, but I wasn’t certain if it was an eagle, he landed so I could see him clearly and then took back off. Very pleasant dream. I seem to dream about eagles often and they’re all pleasant dreams.
In my dream I was being chase by a lunatic, he was trying to infect me with an unknown disease and I was using teleportation to escape to different locations, one of the locations I escaped to was a extremely high tower and I saw a combination of bald and golden eagles flying around the tower preforming perfect vertical circles in a line one after the other…I was not afraid but felt a sense of amazement…the tone of the entire dream was I felt like it was a game to escape the lunatic
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Josh – Yes, you do have a disease that you have failed to recognise. It is the disease millions of us suffer from, and it caught by living in the so called civilised world. If you don’t believe it read http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/animal-children/#Program
You are using outdated methods of dealing with it by trying different escape routes. But you cannot escape from yourself. According to dreams, life itself is a game, and like Snakes and Ladders, you can go up and down depending on your skill in understanding and using the rules of Life. Hundreds and thousands of people have gone down the ladder and are using anti-depressants, daily alcohol – a downer – and various other escape routes that are not working.
The high tower is a way some people use to escape, by being locked in the thinking process – the highest point being the head in dreams. But you felt a way of escaping by your amazed feeling. The eagles represent a wider view of life, and eagle’s eye view. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/ and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/