Electricity Electrocuted Electrified
Energy and emotions; anger; potential; power. The drama in the dream will suggest whether the energy or emotion is being met or used constructively or destructively. For instance in some conditions of anxiety or excitement one can ‘burn oneself out’. It is this power of our feelings and drives that electricity in dreams refers to.
Just as we are all enmeshed in an intricate chemical environment, in which detergents, fertilisers and hormones are now part of our food chain, so we are enmeshed in a massive electronic environment. Our dreams may give us insight into how we relate to this and it to us. We are constantly shifting our relationship with this life-power through our thoughts, attitudes and physical health. It has enormous potential but we tend to reduce it through fearful feelings, shame, guilt or disgust. These all lower the current so to speak. Also we can turn it into destructive energy through those feelings. So electricity can indicate the power of life and death.
Example: We came to a hill sloping down. Somehow we were then airborne and rushed downwards and across the valley. Then we became frightened because we were hurtling towards the opposite hillside at the wrong angle. We would hit it instead of gliding along above the ground until we landed like planes touching down. A power cable was crossing the valley. For a while I held it to guide our glide, but was frightened of the current, and it was the wrong angle anyway. But somehow we managed to land okay.
The dreamer explored his dream and said that gliding down is the descent into experiencing the problem I have of holding on to people because of the security they give me. The flying is me being carried along by the inner forces to facing or experiencing the fear of the problem. The power line is the descending life energies. I let go because I am involved in fear of failure, of being hurt. The power line is also the humility before life, realising how much we depend on Life for our existence. So I turn toward that help. The turning and the descending power are one. See: snake; emotions and mood.
Electricity can be the source for so many things such as sound, images, hospital treatments, computers and power as for a vacuum cleaner. So your life energy can also flow in many different ways, depending on how you direct it. It can be the power behind movement and work; the energy or sex, the power behind emotions and thoughts, and even the energy behind an enlightening experience.
A great deal of mystery has surrounded the word kundalini, the Sanskrit word for life energy. Basically it means the potential that resides within us, probably because it was not clearly understood, but in practical terms the serpent power is the psychobiological energy that expresses in you as the many processes and functions of your body and mind. It is like the electricity that flows into a house that while it is not the picture on the television screen, or the movement of the cooling fan, is the power underlying all the many things arising from electricity.
Your psychobiological energy is at the same time the energy underlying your physical movements, your digestion, heartbeat, your emotions, awareness and thinking; and also a potential that has not yet been expressed or manifest. Very often a person’s sexual expression or social expression is not flowing easily. All that energy backs up like water behind a dam. It creates a pressure that will seek to flow somewhere. In many cases it moves into neurosis. In other words, because it is not flowing outwardly and satisfyingly into social and sexual relationships, it may turn inwards, enlivening the usually unconscious and disturbed patterns of feeling. Then the person lives out neurotic ways of expressing sexually and socially. They may for instance express anti social behaviour in violence or destruction. They may express in destructive sexual behaviour, or be even more introverted into deep depression.
But the normal human behaviour is simply one of the ways we as mammals can express. The life process itself can be expressed in an infinite number of ways, as we see in the different creatures on the earth. The fact that we are as we are is simply the result of the global, environmental and social changes we have faced. What some of the ancient outcasts found was that there are possibilities beyond the normal and beyond the neurotic. They drew out of the potential in the power – shown in dreams as electricity or water – the possibility of what we call enlightenment, a life beyond the limitations of the ‘normal’, beyond the pain of everyday living. That is how the practices of yoga, Tai chi, and many of the other personal disciplines of mind and body arose – as methods of expanding the potential of the serpent power. See Archetype of the self
Example: I was kneeling on the floor in a house. I have worked as an electrician so was probably working in the house, but in some way I had hold of, or was connected with, a large electric cable. The cable was live with electricity, and it touched my right shoulder. The effect was excruciating and shocking pain. The most intense memory is of struggling to pull the cable away from myself, fighting to stay conscious against the terrible current lashing through me. I screamed out for my mother, who I was sure was in the building somewhere, to switch off the electricity. I knew I only had a little time because I could not survive that current long. I have a vague sense that the current stopped, then the current and struggle started again. T.B.
In exploring his dream T.B. first of all met feelings of great pleasure and strength about his ability to work, and that work and helping people with practical needs was the main way he shared love, the main way he expressed his energy, the main way he earned a wage. He says, “So the dream is not simply saying I am working, but that work, as an expression of myself, connects me with others and the world. In other words, this is an important part of my communication, socialising, and loving others.”
He goes on to say, “The electricity is the energy of my life. It is the energy of my emotions, of my connection with others. This had been, as it were, short-circuited by what I felt to be the criticism, the rejection, and non-understanding by my last two female partners. I felt that I had tried and tried, while preserving my own integrity, to live in the way they wanted me to. But this felt as if it was an enormous self-denial at times. It was a self-denial that created this almost death dealing introversion of energy. The anger I felt about this had in it the sense that there might even be an inherent attempt to kill out my manhood, my flow of positive male energy. That is how I felt, anyway. As I summarised this I felt I could stand up and smile, and say I’m not going to be killed.” See: example under blindness in dreams; energy sex dreams.
Body being electrocuted or given electric shock: This suggests emotional pain such as one might get on hearing ‘shocking news’ or perhaps a painful way of experiencing change. It can also depict any sort of shock or startling response to internal or external events, and may also be a dramatic way of symbolising the pain you feel physically from repressed emotions such as anger or desire. These may cause such psychosomatic but real suffering as lower back or chest pain.
The electrocution could also be a response to something happening to the body while asleep, such as lack of circulation in a limb causing pins and needles. In some dreams though it is clearly a response you have to your own enormous energy – i.e. you may be frightened of the enormity of your potential energy, or you may be relate to it in a painful way because of past experience. Such energy can of course be creative or destructive, as are most great natural energies such as fire or electricity.
Useful questions and hints:
What sudden shock have I experienced recently?
Am I aware of the enormous potential energy I have?
Is the dream depicting the way my energy is expressing or being held back – and is this creative or self destructive?
Has something really shocked or shaken me recently?
Is this about the way I relate to my own potential – if so what is indicated?
Does the dream show me relating to the electricity in a destructive way – if so what can I learn form that?
See Secrets of Power Dreaming – Processing Dreams – Life’s Little Secrets – Avoid Being Victims
My dream was very colorful and vivid. Two girls where in a fighting ring together and were given two long, thick wires with like a big, fork-like output on each. I was just watching. It ended up with them electrocuting each other at the same time by sticking the fork at the end of the wire in each others head. I think they both died, I remember one of the girls twitching and just showing the white in her eyes in the corner of the ring. Furter out in my dream I remember just watching something burn – all I could see was huge ammounts of black smoke welling up from whatever was burning. I was surrounded by very green, lush forest all the time.I cried when I woke up and was in a very confused and kind of intense, ambivalently emotional state.
I am trying to find a reason for this dream – it just won’t let go..
Last night i had a dream, I felt this light pain through my body, then a voice said “you’re being eletricuted, in had thought i had fallen asleep with my laptop on my knees. i had a short thought to push everything off me then i decided to just let my self die, a second later i woke up a little shakey, where i thought my laptop was, was actually where my dog was sleeping. the dream took place in the exact same place as i was sleeping, it was all really weird.
I had the most bizarre dream. In my dream I was sort of going through a difficult time and was being rejected by people I know in real life. In my dream I was an outcast…people were yelling at me and abandoning me, also ignoring me. I guess I was living in some sort of group housing for outcasts. While in this housing, I received a message to go see one of the doctors/scientists in the kitchen. I went in to the kitchen and the doctor/scientist was hastily walking around, trying to find something. He acknowledged me but didn’t tell me why he wanted to see me. He then suddenly hooked my ears up to something (or put something on my head) and just as I realized I was starting to slowly lose consciencousness, he led me to a pot of boiling water that I could clearing see had electric currants (something like little lightning bolts) coming out of the water. I then realized he was going to electrocute me and started to weakly scream “no, no”, and tried to back away but I was too weak at this point. The doctor/scientist then said the word “transfer” and for some reason I understood this to mean he was going to kill me to end my suffering and my soul would be immediately reborn. I didn’t get the impression that he was trying to hurt me, even thought he was going to kill me, but rather that he was trying to help me and he knew better than me what was best for me. My hand went into the pot but before I could feel anything or have any kind of reaction, I woke up out of the dream.
Anne – An amazing dream.
First of all you are an outcast. This often happens if you have a different set of beliefs than those around you. It is something that started in the clan or tribal period of our evolution. Any difference meant that you were an enemy and needed to be killed. Please see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-outsider/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-paradigm/
A different viewpoint was slowly, and is still far from being finished, developed in the Christian era, which was so different from the tribal or cultural views that went before. Also it was pointed out that one needed to die – to the old viewpoint of ego centred awareness – to be born again into world consciousness.
I know that might sound strange, but it is a way I have seen presented over and over in the unconscious – the inner world of dreams that dream portray to us. It is a view developed over thousands of years of human survival. And that awareness, symbolised by the doctor/scientist, “knew better than me what was best for me”.
In living a full life with passion and daring we all die several times as we pass through different stages of growth – like the snake sheds its skin. The electricity is the life energy and your emotional energy that is producing the growth through death. If you read the New Testament from the viewpoints of it being about this new awareness it will make a lot more sense than before.
It might be worth exploring your dream to really contact the doctor/scientist part of you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
Hey Tony,i had a dream last night, i was outside on a parking lot, then a transformer blew out and live electricity cables cut and they were all over the place on the ground. Everyone was running away screaming and trying to jump the live wires while some entered buses and cars and they got off. I was left stranded with a couple of friends surrounded by live wires in a circle, we held hands and tried jumping, and while we were jumping over the cables, i let go, maybe i wasn’t sure we would make it, i don’t know, but i let go, and they jumped without me. They were calling me out to jump, when i tried the cables were closer and i couldn’t, i turned around to try the opposite side, the cables caught me and i got electrocuted and blew up like a bomb. Please Help me, this is the first dream in my life where i wake up confused, restless and uneasy.
Gwena – Dreams are a magical mirror in which your innermost hopes, longings, fears/terrors and genius are made real for you to experience. They are made real as external environments, people, animals and relationships. So the things you dreamt about are not the same as external things, but is a dream image made out of your feelings and memories.
So everything in your dreams is made out of your emotions and beliefs. Because you believed the electricity would hurt you, you were afraid of it. But I feel that the reason you dream this is because your emotional or sexual energy is not being released or directed, and you are feeling overwhelmed by it.
The isn’t bad thing, because ‘blowing up’ shows your personality as it was couldn’t take that amount of energy, so the old you died – just like your childhood self died as you passed into an adult.
Our personality is a tiny thing and feels threatened as you did when you met a power greater than you. And that power is the Life that created you and keeps your heart beating and digestion and the millions other things to keep you alive. We have been taught that that is all mechanical and is not really US. But dreams have a very different view and appear as a great power, an electrical force, a tidal wave or an alien. An alien because we feel that the Great Force that tries to grow us is felt as alien and yet it is the Life that constantly cares for us. So your dream is about meeting the power that can grow you toward greater maturity.
So I never remember my dreams fully, but I just woke up,.
I had control of electricity. And I was in some sort of tunnel or under a bridge, idk I was walking home..but I decided to test my power. So the coils above me held electrical currents that led through the city. I couldn’t control one by itself. So I tried harder and harder, and my aggravation in it not working immediately made me make a grabbing notion and as I motioned pulling toward myself, all the coils came down. No one was under. So I know I didn’t hurt anyone. (Lol of corse not it was a dream) but there were yellow and bluefish sparks.
There was more to the dream but this main event left me with such a satisfaction, although I was being destructive. Please help? Can’t find proper interpretations online cause they’re all conflicting. Thank you so much.
I just had a dream and in a part of it there was a scene of these two men from my former martial arts community. Ever since I moved I didn’t get the chance to say goodbye I’ve had a dream about them twice, I think? Anyways, I walked into a store where they’re supposed to be working, I’m talking to them and the next thing I know is they’re being electrocuted. After this I’m sitting in my living room watching the video online about them being electrocuted but I’m nowhere to be seen on the video. I go really worried. We weren’t close but we met a few times a month (5-15 a month depends when they felt like showing up) for half a year. Yes I do wish to see them again, but this dream really has me wondering what this means? I usually never have an urge to find out what my dreams mean but I do now. Hope you reply 🙂
Love, Victoria
Hi Tony, I find your site very helpful and it is very kind of you to reply to them. I’m hoping you’d do the same thing to me. I had this dream last night about a wire burning. I fell asleep very late and I can’t remember what I was actually dreaming about but in the middle of my sleep I smelled a wire burning so I woke up right way, thinking that maybe one of our cable wires or outlets at home is burning. I checked eveything and it was okay, nothing’s burning so I tried to get some sleep again. After a couple of minutes I fell asleep and when it’s about to go deeper I smelled the burning wire again. It felt so real that I had to get up and check all our appliances and outlets again. I felt scared ‘coz I thought I might have left something out, but there’s nothing burning. This went on the whole night and I wasn’t able to get a good sleep ‘coz I kept smelling that burning wire. I felt a little scared about this. It’s as if I’m hallucinating or something. I’m still trying to figure what kind of anxiety could cause this to have me dreaming this bad like its really happening to me. Can you help me figure this out? I’d really appreciate it.
I’ve seen some people write their dreams here, so I thought I’d share mine.
I was in a train carriage, I was scared, the other 2 men were calm, as if they’d been through it all a million times. The train carriage was not like a passenger train with rows of seats, but I had a seat, like a dining room chair, and so did the other 2 men. The compartment entrance didn’t have a door and it was large, I faced forwards, a man faced the entrance, my right, the other faced me, so he was going backwards. I could hear the clang of a metal rod hitting the ground every few seconds along with sizzling electricity, gradually getting closer. I looked up at the man across from me, he was calm still, and said “hunch up on the seat and it won’t affect you” so I did.
Suddenly I felt the most horrid pain ever, it felt so real like I could feel it in real life, it was electrocution, I tried to say “why is this affecting me?!” my mouth slightly opened but the words didn’t come out. I couldn’t move. I kept screaming “help” but once again the words weren’t coming out. This went on for far too long, the agony, the screaming with no words escaping, trying to move but not being able to, until finally I felt a pressure release from my head, and I was fine. Perfectly back to normal.
Electrocution like that would kill you, but this device was just used for torture I guess. I have some really weird bizarre nightmares. Also never saw the man who was doing it but the subconscious knew it was a man.
I dreamt last night that I saw a man unknown to me flying a kite. He was flying near trees and we told him to move away from the trees so the kite would not get tangled. He then moved to an open field with powerlines above him. The kite got tangled in the wires and I could see the electricity travel down into him. I wanted to help but stopped myself because I was afraid I too would get shocked. In order to stop being shocked he had to throw himself into an electric fence. At that time he stood up and wet his pants. ???? huh ???
I have just woken from a horrible dream first It was like I were looking through a window at people getting shocks from touching the handle of my fridge then went to me laying in bed hiding under the cover and someone trying to make me smell some poisonous gas laughing I got up and was hitting her and she was just screaming I hate you its terrified me 🙁
Tony, I see you replied to all other posts except mine. Can you please tell me your interpretation of my dream? I would appreciate a reply. Thank you.
Last couple of nights i had really strange dreams. Once of them I was dying, i could here my own heart beat was slowing down and my eyes closing and at that moment i said someones name.
Lasr night I waas electrocuted from my phone, again i closed my eyes, i could feel the phone was shaking me andsplit into pieces and parts throwing to my face. It was very scary. What does it mean?
Yaz – Your dreams are trying to give you an experience of death, but feeling scared you stopped the dream from completing itself. I have twice dreamt of my heart stopping. I was so real and I could feel my heart stop. I was quite pleased because I thought, “Wow! This is it!” I was pleased because as I get old I long for the freedom of the other world that I know.
So do not be afraid when you feel you are dying because in dreams you cannot be hur or die. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-dreaming/#Hurt
I dreamt that I was at my parent’s house in the kitchen and I touched the oven and got badly electricuted. I didn’t fall or anything, but I was able to grab my cup of water and walk into the living room. My husband and mom were sitting on the couch and I started crying. I then fell to the ground and couldn’t speak. I knew I was dying, but then I woke up. I have never had a dream like this before. It scared me really bad.
Last night I had a dream that I was being questioned by a doctor, or medical practitioner about general life things. She decided to run tests by attaching an electrical machine to my knee to electricute me. It didn’t hert, so she slowly turned the dial up until I could feel it. She did this for a while, and afterward, sent something in a jar away for tests. Realy weird! Would like to know what this means?
Jessica – The dream starts with the suggestion that this is about healing and getting you well. The test is to see how you react to electricity – i.e. your own life energy. Electricity can be the source for so many things such as sound, images, hospital treatments, computers and power as for a vacuum cleaner. So your life energy can also flow in many different ways, depending on how you direct it.
The knee is usually used to see how well your body reacts at a level beneath your conscious mind, so it may be that you were found okay. But the thing that was sent away for tests was probably to do with the fact that any new experience that you face has to be digested. The doctor was questioning you about life things – in other words you were questioning about Life. And that is maybe the new thing that has to be digested.
So you have to wait now to see another dream that will take you forward in your growth.
Just now i head the most strangest dream i have ever dreamed for as long as i can remember. I was in a sort of an apartment building, and in one floor, on the open-view corridor there was a beautiful girl, about my age (early 20’s) that was cleaning the floor. there were all these kids who were rushing about filling buckets and fetching mops. i started helping her clean the floor but soon stopped. i think i asked “why do i got to do this?” and but i don’t remember her reply, however i remember her attitude was extremely positive. i walked away and got into one of the apartments. an old lady i have never seen in my life was there, siting on a low chair. she said “am i ready” and i said what for. she stared at me and i looked at her eyes. all of a sudden i started to feel electrocuted, and a sound of buzzing in my left ear. i didn’t stop looking at her eyes and she asked me a question i could not hear. i told her “i can’t hear” and she asked it again… this went on for about 3 times and all i could hear from her question was “do you want”. suddenly everything went black and i woke up. but i still felt electrocution very vividly and as if something was clutching my left shoulder. i couldn’t bring myself to move for several minutes and i now have a very uneasy feeling. Is there any interpretation for this dream
Shai – In your dream you start of in a situation I which you are experiences a lot of people – the apartment building. But it is one person that is the central figure – the beautiful girl. And because you walked away from that opportunity – whether it is an outward or inward one – you were confronted by the old lady.
The old woman very often represents the power of experience, or old experience and wisdom. In terms of you, it can signify your own intuitive power – a power because it carries a lot of your own energy and wholeness with it. Such power released from your own amazing potential that is usually not know or recognised, is enormous. It feels like a shock because you are not used to it. But it often comes when you meet something bigger than your conscious self.
She asks if you are ready – for a full relationship with the beautiful woman. Obviously you do not want to hear or know what that means. So go back to the girl in the dream and see, in your imagination, what happens.
In real life my mom, my boyfriend and I live in the same house. I take care of my mother who has dementia, she is only 42. My boyfriend had a dream he walked out of one room in the house and heard me screaming. He said the scream sounded horrible and ugly. Then when he came to see what was wrong, my mom was being electrocuted he didn’t know how. I ran to our bedroom screaming and crying and he tried to catch my mom as she finally fell but he knew it was too late she was dead. He said the dream was very vivid. My mom was violently shaking and he face was burnt and puffy. He said when he woke up he was bothered for a long time still because the nightmare was so bad. He couldn’t go back to sleep. I was just wondering what you may think about the dream.
Michelle – I have a feeling that sometimes you leave your mother alone. Your boyfriend feels such a responsibility that he fears something awful could happen to your mom.
In a sense the dream, as awful as it is, is also an end to the responsibility, because your mom is dead. So the dream has two functions. But do not think this is in any way a prediction. It is a nightmare.