Elk Moose
Like horse but wilder, less tamed – so the force of drives or emotions that carry us along or trample us. The moose or elk sometimes appears as a magical animal that brings a feeling of loving connection with the world. Generally a natural and instinctive urge you are meeting in yourself or others.
Example: The horse stopped and I put my face close to its muzzle. In some way I felt connected, and as I looked up I saw it was a female moose not a horse. It lifted its head and because of my connection lifted me too. It felt very pleasant.
Example: I see a bunch of these high school kids teasing a moose. The moose is laying down in a corner like it is hiding, or sick. I yell and run across the road to save the moose. I get it up, by petting and pulling at its rack. I begin to walk away from the field to the woods fuming about the stupidity of people and how dangerous these animals can be. A second larger moose comes from the woods to ask me what I was doing, and I explained it to her. That he was not a thing to be picked at and how dangerous his rack is, he bumped me in the back with his rack. Not to hurt me, but to show he was listening. I reached up and petted his cheek like you would a horse. I walked him to a bridge, still standing next to his head, petting his cheek, speaking to him like I was soothing him. Just as I was going to cross the bridge I woke up.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Can I learn anything about what urges or feelings I am meeting from my interaction with the moose?
Is there conflict or harmony shown in my dream?
In my description of the dream what key words do I use. See: key words.
See Levels of the brain – Animals– Being the Person or Thing
Tony, thank you so kindly for your reply. I have copied what you wrote so I can reread it in the coming days and take in all there. Much depth and I so appreciate that in your reply. I have been reaching out for many years now into and outside myself for spiritual nourishment and insight. As there are always two sides to a coin, I have also had frightening and disturbing dreams of animals and understand now that I am processing and integrating the light and dark into myself to become more whole. Thank you.
Tracy – Blessings on your journey. It may have difficult patches, but it is all a part of discovering our amazing past, and the promise of the future.
these dreams instill in me profound feelings of goodwill and grace, since these wild animals approach me with trust and affection.
Hello Tony, just another small addition, have had odd dreams featuring a white elephant, hybrid animals and fantasy animals as well (dragons, Griffin). Must be an overactive imagination..!
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Tracy – Not an overactive imagination, but glimpses into a huge inner world we all have. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/#MakesInner
Also it is important to realise that dream images are like icons on a computer screen – you have to ‘click’ on your dream images to make them come alive.
Thinking about them doesn’t work. You need to open yourself to the magic of them. To make them into the wonderful gateways they are you may have to learn certain skills. And what’s in it for you? See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#LifeWill
The white elephant is extremly important – to shows that you have already socialised it.
I was on a road and noticed that a magnificent elephant had appeared. It had enormous tusks and ears, the latter being powdered with blue dust and adding tremendously to its impact. As it was coming in my direction I was frightened and began to run. I ran off the road, over a fence into a field. I thought the elephant would be stopped by the fence. It wasn’t. It walked straight through it after me. Then I tried to climb a low bank back to the road. The elephant was drawing nearer and I was so frightened I could hardly move to climb the bank. The elephant caught hold of me and I suddenly realised it wasn’t going to destroy me, but wanted, despite it being a magnificent and powerful beast, to sit me on its back. I was still frightened however and ran to a doctor’s surgery. The elephant came and, thrusting its trunk into the surgery, drew me out to it.
The dragon is the fundamental life energy within you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/
Hi Tony. I always enjoy referring to your site.
I have dreamed animals–a “Noah’s Ark” full of animals–for many years. I have probably dreamed of almost all species by now, including unusual ones such as platypus and echidna. These dreams are always vivid and the animals are for the most part gentle and companionable. In your estimation is it common for dreams to include so many animals? Some are “cameos” and show up only once or twice, and many visit multiple times. Many speak to me, verbally or in other ways. The companionable dream animals even include such as panther–black jaguar, resting his beautiful head in my lap.
Thank you for addressing my questions regarding animals in dreams.
Tracy – Your site shows the deep understanding and care you have for animals. Dreaming of so many shows that you have integrated them into you, making you a real human with wide tendencies. I too have dreamt and been loved by a multitude of animals. I want to give you a wide response to your question, so have quote various things
I believe Life is holy, and I mean all life, for we have all evolved from the primitive slime that we still go back to to reproduce. It was plants and insects that took the the land before invertebrates – and it was from such beginnings that any life can carry on – for life has been completely wiped out on Earth before, several times, and yet here we are. Life is a living, sentient, learning super organism.
In fact you ride an ancient beast. The ancient beast is your body, and your conscious self is the modern and recent rider of it. Some ‘riders’ do not understand their animal needs – and the fact that we have several levels of brain that are independent of each other proves this. Still active in us are our Reptile Brain, our mammalian Brain, and our Human Brain, and the reptile and mammalian brains are still very active and constitute a large part of our human unconscious. Without understanding our inner animals we are only half functioning. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
If an animal in your dream is tame or loving, especially if it is a wild animal, it shows how you have loved and understood the natural instincts in you and tried to care for them. This sometimes comes about because you have explored your dreams or worked at your own growth. So you have been developing a relationship with the animal within you.
The biblical account of Noah taking pairs of the animals aboard the Ark to preserve them suggests the preservation of our animal instincts not the repression or destruction of them. The meaning of taking pairs – one of each sex – is that we can transform these animal tendencies we find within. This says that if we do this then we are the ark, and our body the structure of the ark.
Giving permission for the animal within you to emerge enlarges your experience of yourself and the world. It can help heal the hurts and reactive fears this aspect of yourself feels, because it is the animal – i.e. the basic biological – that fears are felt. Passion for “Life can be regained, for it is the animal that feels honest and strong feelings about life. Your body can regain its natural pride and pleasure in movement, and the war between the intellect and the basic drives can be resolved. Through it you can gain new levels of perception of other people and society, and even find new abilities.
But it was not my body as I had been taught to see it through my training as a nurse. I did not experience it simply as a biological process, or a physiological machine. I experienced it as an incredibly ancient thing, carrying or incorporating in its form and functions lessons of life gathered over millions of years of human and animal evolution. I felt that it holds within its darkness – the presently unconscious areas developed and lived in the past – enormous amounts of information or memories. We fail to be aware of these because our attention is so fixed on the world outside of us. But of course, even there, if we look carefully, we can see we are the result, our culture and language are the result, of the events and lives stretching back into the ancient past.
I travelled deep into the wooded mind of remembered things, into the jungled heart of forgotten faiths. And there in buried strata of memories, I stumbled into a grand temple, alive and watching, weighing me.
For there, rank upon rank of creatures dwelt and looked upon me from ancient eyes. Eyes informed from the cascading forms flowing from the depths of time. Before my kind could walk the earth, those eyes were old. Emerging, mating, dying, in the torrent of their rising and falling flesh. Yet in the very midst of the torrential change, the timeless patterns gleamed. Shone in their life lustered eyes as I stood before them. Then wordless the questions came. And in silence they asked me…
When you have hunted and gathered from field or flesh, do you share what you have with your mate?
When young spring out of the womb, can you give of your body to them, and rise above conflict to protect them?
When you meet one of your kind, can you treat them with respect according to their place in the pack?
There was no need for me to answer for they read my heart. No perfect record there, but I had laboured long to feed my cubs. My mate had eaten as I had eaten. The wounds upon my body to survive were worn with pride.
And so that mighty gathering took me then as one to them. My inner beast rose up to take the blessing, all conflict between us gone.
I the animal! I the human!
I have not dreamed a moose, but I have seen them up close in the wild many times. Several times while riding a horse Once a bull mistook my black mare for a female moose and followed us – my mare bolted in fear and left her black foal in the dust, but he caught up and the bull realized his mistake when he saw the foal.
.Once I drew a moose tag for hunting and came very close to a huge bull, but refused to shoot it. At the time I thought my reasons were the ridiculousness of that much meat for two people, and the ridiculousness of thinking we would be able to pack it all out of the wilderness. But I have since felt that I simply cannot kill a moose because it is too like a horse. I have had very close relationships with horses and the moose seems to me to be to be a water horse.I am, myself, a “wood horse” in Chinese astrology.
I dreamt a dream with a male moose, a moose cow and a baby moose, they were standing in my eay and blocking my path away from my house, they were golden.
I was sitting on a path bench with my son, when we heard rustling on one side of the path and saw a large healthy and strong looking moose come out of the brush cross the path then into the swamp on the other side of the path swimming away.
Moments later an unhealthy elk rustles out of the bush crosses the path and enters the water and begins swimming with much struggle.
Shortly after that a young elk comes out of the bush crosses the path and enters the water…. but it doesn’t swim and begins to sink to the bottom I quickly jump into the water to save it, grab it in the water and start to swim up… as I start swimming up I woke up.
My dream involved my seeing a moose just outside my bedroom of what appeared to be my parent’s house. I wasn’t afraid and neither was it. There seemed to be compassion there respectfully between the two of us. In the dream the moose was lying on its right side. Didn’t appear to be injured or even sick. Maybe it was.
I had a dream last night that there was a big moose standing in the snow outside my window. I could tell he wanted to come into the house but I told him he couldn’t. He opened the door anyways on his own and I gave him a glass of water. I also tried to give him a hot beverage because I knew he was cold. Then he lied down on the couch like a dog and I pet his head. When he left, he got in a big red pickup truck and drove away. Crazy.
I had a very disturbing dream last night that has left me quite confused. There were many moose in my dream, but none of them were friendly, they were charging after me and destroying things in their path. I was terrified and spent much of the dream running and hiding from the moose. At the beginning, I was alone with the moose in the woods somewhere, a place that seemed quite natural for moose to be, but eventually I took shelter in a home. They continued to come after me and I continued to hide. There were children in the house as well and I was concerned for their saftey. Eventually the dream ended with a man coming out of the garage and using a giant hand to catch each moose as it charged and sling shot it far away.
I am so confused by this dream because everything I come accross regarding moose in dreams seems to be good omens but I cant find anything about charging moose or any reason why I should have been scared.
Please offer some insight. Thank you
I dreamed that I was driving my car on the highway and I saw a huge moose on the road. So I stopped, hoping the moose would move. Then all of a sudden the moose charged at me (at this moment I thought: I’m going to die), then the moose charged right through my windshield with its antlers. I went flying back with glass exploding everywhere, and then I woke up.
I would be grateful if you could give me some insight into this dream. I have been having a lot of dreams where I am in some sort of danger. And the dreams are very vivid. This one especially scared me because I essentially died in the dream.
Stephanie – The only interpretation I can find in myself for this is that this is a warning. It is not a warning about death, but it does seem to be saying that if you keep going in the direction in life you were going, it could be a bad move; so back up.
With any such interpretation take it and examine it and look around in your life events to see any signs of it truth. If you cannot see any signs, then carry on with your life, but keep watching.
Had an odd dream. First it was all about work that was to be done, the subconscious at work, and then it changed. I found myself in a lightly wooded area of birch and/or poplar. I looked to the left and spotted a massive white elk. He spotted me and charged. I felt the normal feeling of ‘run’, but held my ground instead. As he neared I pushed calm to him and he stopped one to two feet from my face. I knew he could understand me, as most animals do, and simply looked at me and I felt a response from him that I cannot articulate. Sadly my alarm woke me. Massively beautiful big snow white elk!
I have tried to find some meaning to this and get very basic things. It seems a bit more I think, just from feeling. Any thoughts on this?
Pat – You certainly have a good sense of moving through the world of dreams.
It seems that the work that was to be done was in facing and meeting the beautiful White Elk. The moose or elk sometimes appears as a magical animal that brings a feeling of loving connection with the world. Generally a natural and instinctive urge you are meeting in yourself or others. I think the following dream is helpful.
I think this is an explanation of your dream too, a connection with the forces of Life. In the Native American tradition it is seen as a meeting with the Great Spirit and a connection you have now got because you were not afraid. It is also said to represent Elk as a unique type of warrior energy. They honor the company of their gender and call on the power of the sisterhood or brotherhood.
An update for you.
Since that night, and for months now, I have had animals behaving out of character with me. Wild shrews coming within a half inch of my workbooots. Gophers running right up to me, standing and looking, running over to my beer and clam (camping), I harumph and the little bugger runs back to me and looks again, other gohpers coming right up to me. Some birds that don’t leave when I approach, and one that allowed contact as I tried to shoo it away from a doorway. Deer that allow half the distance they normally would. Odd year so far since that night. I have always respected the land and animals, even though I hunt on occaision, but never had proximity like I’ve encountered this year.
As for the dream world/spirit world…you don’t know the half of it, and I won’t speak of it on this public forum.
Pat – You must feel a real connection with nature inside and out. Think yourself lucky.
I wish everybody had that sort of good fortune.