How your face appears in a dream points to how you see yourself, your self image, the fears or feelings, even anxieties you have about how you appear to others and yourself. It can also show the expression of or hiding of inner feelings and attitudes. It can be defined in two words – ‘identity’ and ‘communication’. This is because not only do most of us believe we are how we look, but also through our face we communicate to others what we feel and think. See Dreams are Virtual Realities
The face, especially if you are looking at yourself in a mirror, can also mean that you are facing yourself – facing up to yourself, or need to, ‘face yourself’. This dream often occurs when you are ready to really look at who you are and what facets of yourself you might be ignoring or even hiding. It is a sort of seld assessment or self analysis; but it might only be reflecting an aspect of you that needs attention and is usually about your inner world. See Inner World
Someone else’s face: How you see them and how you relate to them. What you feel and think suggest what your opinion of them is, and how you relate to them inwardly. The face could also point to what feelings and memories of them you carry within you. See Characters and People in Dreams
Blushing: Unconscious response to things. Feelings that you usually keep hidden, or are not usually aware of yourself. Often about strong feelings about another person you really like but are not showing, except for blushing. Something wrong with face: Sense of not being adequate; fear of how others see you. If it is someone else’s face it probably depicts how you feel about them, or your intuitions about them.
Changing ones face or head: Changing ones attitudes or decision about something; being uncertain or ‘two faced’. Having different aspects of your personality or seeing another side of yourself. Change the wording to fit seeing someone else with changing face – your to their.
Hiding ones face: Being ashamed of something; low confidence or uncertainty; being afraid of how others see you; hiding motives or feelings.
No face: This is probably what is called a shadow figure if you see it on another person – parts of your nature or behaviour that you usually keep hidden or do not admit to. If you are faceless then it could suggest either that you realise your real self is pure potential without particular characteristics, or you feel a fear of about loss of identity or uncertainty about who you are.
Example: Was looking in a mirror. Suddenly a shadow appeared on it. At first the shadow seemed threatening or frightening. Then I saw it was only a directive, a face, figure with its arm and hand extended as if pointing. Looking behind me I saw that the shadow was cast by a featureless cat or animal. That is, its head was completely smooth, without eyes or ears. At first I thought it could not see or hear, but then realised it must be able to, as it was pointing to a man out in the rough sea. The man had a lifejacket on, so was in no immediate danger. But the sea was very rough. I went out and brought him in, dried him off, put him in my house to recover, then phoned the police in case they needed to know.
Here the dreamer was looking at himself in the mirror, and was directed to realise that although there wasn’t any immediate danger, he was fighting against heavy emotional forces. The dream tends to not directly tell us about ourselves, but uses another person of event to point things out to us. See Characters and People in Dreams and Exploring Dreams -Techniques to use
But being faceless in the role of a helper, guide or nurse can have a much deeper meaning. It suggests that it is an aspect of you that has given up its egotistic state of being important, a leader or even a saint. As such it becomes a Christ like figure who becomes a servant of Life – washing peoples feet. Such a dream figure is worth listening to.
Idioms: Blue in the face; egg on my face; face down; face the facts; face the music; face up to; face value; fill your face; flat on one’s face; face lift; fly in the face of; get out of my face; in your face; keep a straight face; long face; poker face; pull a face; save face; shut your face; two faced; wipe that smile off your face; written all over your face. See: head.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What is being expressed or felt here?
If there is change what is the change moving toward or expressing?
What character, qualities, or lack of them does the face depict?
See Secrets of Power Dreaming – Emotions and Mood in Dreams – Associations Working With
I had a dream where there was this clinic that would saw peoples face off and give them a new one, but then it was revealed later in the dream that people were being kidnapped and this was happening against their will. Does anyone know what that may mean? I have no idea who the people at the clinic were because their faces seemed to be random.
Erin 🙂
I think what you are observing in the dream is a healing change of attitudes, which is part of an ongoing growth process.
Please also read
Our (inner) growth is part of the Life Will and perhaps you got afraid of IT?
Anna 🙂
Please help me decipher this odd dream. I dreamt my mum took me and my sister to meet our ancestors. I was intrigued and excited. They were all women. One of them was translucent but she looked like me her hands were exactly like mine, but she was taller and prettier but I couldn’t identify some of her features. Then my mum said we had to leave because one of the talkative ancestors was asking too many questions. We had brought them gift of silk material for wrap skirts. What does it mean?
Tammy 🙂
What a wonderful dream.
As I see it the dream shows the connection the three of you have with your ancestors.
Perhaps it helps if you imagine that you are connected with your ancestors through silk threads?
Obviously your mum, your sis and you have been able to weave silk fabric out of these many threads and it shows how you honor this gift of Life.
Please read
I wonder why you chose for the form of “wrap skirts” in your dream, which is like a one size fits all kind of clothing?
Your dream shows these women were different from each other – one was rather talkative – and they certainly provided you with a so called positive and a so called negative inheritance.
You become aware in the dream that one of your ancestors is “taller and prettier” than you.
Because of that I wonder if you are living the best of you?
I wonder what the questions were about and if it serves a purpose to ask yourself these questions?
Anna 🙂
Hello, my name is Julio and In my dream I was on my bed with my wife she was beside me and no reason she started to bitch at me then I turned my head she started to turn to a different person then when it started to change again but in the process of doing that it jumped on my left shoulder and went inside my body I tried to wakeup but my body was frozen in real life like I couldn’t open my mouth or my eyes and saw my wife on her phone I started to yell at her but as I was yelling at her I was actually mumbling her name but she couldn’t hear me until she heard the 3rd scream and woke up because she was terrified something was wrong with me. So she slapped me so I could wake up completely. After I woke up, I now have a Pain in my left shoulder.
Please contact me to my email : toolzer2009@gmail.com
In my dreams I have superpowers and I’m aware of what is around me. What does that mean?
Also I have a habit of writing stuff on my hands to remind me of events or anything I guess.. But I remember seeing my Feet and my Arms filled with drawings and writings (in different colors too!) and I was annoyed, and I wanted to was them off.
Rebecca – In the dream state we all have superpowers, but most people’s mind is so full of other things they do not realise. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/quantum-physics/
The difficulty is in making them real-ised by practising and developing them.
Here is an example – “I am in a landscape and notice that everything is brown; the whole world is brown and lifeless. There is also a feeling of solemnity or dullness. I have enough lucidity to wonder why the world of my dream is so brown and dull. As I ask this I become more aware of what feeling the brownness expresses. It is seriousness – with no room for humour or fun. The feeling deepens, real enough and clear enough to look at and understand. I see it is my father’s attitude to life that I have unconsciously inherited. I realise how anxious he always felt about life, and how I took this in. That is how I became a ‘brown’ person. I see too that I do not need to be either brown or serious anymore.
Then the landscape changes. There are trees, plants and animals in brilliant colour. I wonder what this means, and the landscape begins to spin until the colours blend and shimmer. Suddenly my body seems to open to them, as if they are spinning inside of me, and with a most glorious feeling, a sensation of vibrating energy pours up my trunk to my head. With this comes realisation. I see how stupid I have been in my brown, anxious existence, how much life I have held back. The animals and plants are the different forces in my being that blend into energy and awareness. I feel I am capable of doing almost anything, like loving, writing a song, painting, telepathy, or speaking with the dead. This sparkling vibrating energy is life itself and can, if I learn to work with it, grow into any ability or direction I choose. I wake with a wonderful sense of my possibilities. Jon.”
But it seems from your dream that you are very creative but wipe it all away. Maybe you could try expressing it in some way.
Hi.I had a dream I was looking in the mirror, it wasnt my everday face I wake up too, it was another lady face but it was me looking in the mirror she was older, when I woke up , I said I didnt like that dream looking old
Sunya – Dreams do not work in the same way as your waking life world, they are aware of your past and future all at once. And why be afraid or feel dislike for old age – you’ve got it coming and so why not make peace with it instead of like so many women who have facial surgery. I met some of them and they gave me the impression of being aliens with their unnatural faces.
I am nearly 78 and it is the best time in my life – don’t be afraid of death.
My 4 year old son had a dream that I looked like a cat but I had two faces one in the front and one in the back.
Tiffany – Children have a wonderful way of seeing things – like the emperors new clothes.
I may be way off, but I think your son is saying, “Mum you seem to know what I am up to all the time. You must have eyes in your head and in your butt too.”
I had a dream that i ran up to my friend and gave him a big hug and told him i missed him and he told me he missed me too then next his face turned into my child father face. What does that dream mean.
Kay – It probably means that the way you feel is like a child seeking a father. This is not uncommon. So please read http://dreamhawk.com/relationship-sex/ages-of-love-2/
I had a dream where I looked like a famous Youtuber. Its was in my bathroom, I was looking at myself not through a mirror. (Antvenom was the youtuber)
I had a dream where I was in high school again. I went to class and could feel something wrong with my face went to the bathroom. when I looked in the mirror my face was really swollen all over and I was having trouble breathing. I even woke up short of breath and gasping for air.
Oliver – Such reactions are often caused by meeting a trauma causing fear, that leaves you finding it difficult to breathe. The trigger was being in high school again. Was there any circumstances or events that could leave such a shock or memory?
Another possibility is that you have a warning of an allergic reaction. Often the allergy doesn’t show the first time. So if you do experiencing any swelling of face or body dial 911 in the US or 999 in the UK.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#FaceFear
Hi, I had a dream (more like a nightmare) that my face was peeling and cracking. My skin and flesh are coming off when I touch it. It started on my cheeks then to the upper part of my eyebrows. They came off like rocks on a cliff. Having deep dents on my face and I was looking in the mirror. Can you please interpret my dream for me? I’ve never dreamt of something like that before. I only dreamt that I had a acne outbreak a few times and it was suggested that I have low self esteem. Please help me interpret my dream! Thank you very much.
Hi, I have a question about not seeing faces in dreams. In my dreams I dream about people I know (friends, family, ex-boyfriend) clearly people I know how they look. In my dream the I see the persons face structure
and somewhat of their hair but I cannot physically see their face. My boyfriend says otherwise… he says he’s dreamt about someone and seen the persons face perfectly. Does that mean anything? The differences on how we see people in our dream?
I had a dream last night that involved a bus. I was in front of the bus riding a unicycle. I got off, and this man dressed in all black (it was night, as well) came over and started taking out my black, gaged, facial piercings (I don’t have any in my waking life). Apparently I had a septum, two earrings, a lip, and an eyebrow piercing. He took almost all of them out, but I took out my own lip and eyebrow ones, though the eyebrow one took forever for me. They were painful to take out, and my eyebrow was bleeding afterwards. He then said, “If you need someone to talk to, call this number.” He gave me a dark purple business card with the following number (401)-971-9117 … thought it was weird that it was so specific, but then again, I have had yet more vivid dreams … it went on, but i thought this was a highlight for some reason …
Last night I met a man in my dream, wented to give me a $120 tip, and held on to the tip when I grabbed for it, looked intently into my eyes and said “you will remember me.” Later in the dream, I look into the mirror, and see his face, large brown eyes. wrinkles, the attractive, mascualine type of aging that happens with men, but his face was dirty. Like he was “working class”, hard worker type, not like he was low down and dirty. I marveled I saw his face but not my own, and wondered what this meant. Thanks Tony.
i had a dream about my 2 friends racing in a building. 1 got there first and was surprised he beat the other. i walked out the door to see where the other friend was and he was in distress (hard time breathing) and his face was all swollen and distorted. whats does this mean??
Me – It gives a meaning that you have a conflict going on in you. The racing is a form of conflict, especially the swollen face. The difficult breathing also suggests that the conflict is mixed with fear.
Had a dream that i had little brown cuts on my face and when I would scratch them, I would pull out things like one had a baby foot, one was a puff with endless other puffs inside the puff and one was triple a battries. I am distrubed by the dream the cuts had the shape of boomarangs. Can you help me figure this out?