Faeces Feces Shit Poop
Considering that passing faeces is a natural function, in dreams it can suggest getting rid of emotions or toxins that need to be released or let go of. Like digested food, faeces can represent experience that was relevant but now needs to be let go of. Very often expresses feelings of repulsion or distaste.
Sometimes this indicates something you have produced and created; something visible that has come out of you. Apart from the meaning mentioned under Cesspool, that is, the corruptible parts of human nature that become manure for new growth, faeces can also represent money or riches, fertility.
In another sense, to pass faeces with feelings of relief means to be rid of worrying burdensome feelings, of tension, or sexual repression. While to be covered in faeces may suggest a fear of being outwardly repulsive, or to harbour self destructive thoughts and feelings.
To play with faeces is a return to infantile behaviour; but it may develop in the dream into a question of what to do with them, or how to use them. This is the beginning of using our basic, earthly nature, to creative ends and the shaping of self. Because babies often play with their faeces, and have a feeling connection with them to do with their self expression and self-giving, in dreams showing this it could refer to an infant level of exploration or self expression.
Example: One such memory that was a dream I experienced. I must have been very young because I had no feelings about it other than joy and pleasure. I was lying on my back cradled in my auntie Flo’s knickers and she was wearing them. Then she did a crap all over my body and that felt like a most wonderful and orgasmic feeling. I cannot remember anything beyond that wonderful feeling. As an adult I wonder whether the child mind does not have so many feelings about being dirty but revelled in the close physical contact and the shit.
Sex, we often feel, is only experienced when we approach adulthood, but I think that is because many of us see sex only as a man entering a woman in sexual activity. That is a very poor view of what sex is and also it demeans what it can be or is in childhood, youth and even in adult years.Example: I remember as a child watching my younger female cousin pooping outdoors on the backdoor mat. She must have eaten black currents previously and one came out whole. She immediately picked it up and popped it back in her mouth. There were no side effects, no sickness, although me and my other playmates all felt it was awful. Young children have not been programmed by adults to feel such subjects are not good.
Some dreams about faeces link with the body being clogged with toxins. This might show in dreams where faeces are everywhere and interfering with normal activities. Toxins might arise in the body through poor food, or through an allergy to something like wheat. So these dreams might be suggesting the physical need to have a healthy bowel.
From infancy we gradually learn to consciously control our bowel movements, and so excrement can depict either how we are controlling or the need to let go. This can link with the way we deal with money or how we give of ourselves. This is very important because we are told or taught how to control everything from our bowels, urine, anger, sexual feelings and ourselves, but we are not taught how to really let go of control and learn from life. See control; LifeStream
The Inca description of gold was ‘excrement of the gods’! Shit can of course produce wonderfully rich fertiliser.
If shitting on someone or something: Expressing desire to belittle them or to feel one’s superiority; heaping unjust accusations on someone; bringing something which appeared powerful into perspective.
Idioms: In the shit; feeling shitty; talking a lot of shit/crap; being shat on; being a shit. See: Toilet.
Useful questions:
Are there feelings I need to let go of?
Am I living in a way suggestive of being in a pig pen?
Does the dream suggest I am over controlling what comes out of me?
See: excrement – Associations Working With – Exploring Dreams -Techniques to use
Hi Tony, I had a dream that I was sitting on a toilet and pooing excessively. I tried to flush the toilet, but it was pointless, as more poo kept coming out and I wasn’t able to get rid of all of it. I’m at a stage in life where I may be offered a new job, does it relate to this? Or something else related to my financial state of affairs? I’m also a Snake, and next year is Year of the Snake on the Chinese Lunar Calendar…if that helps..
I went to the bathroom and peed, when I looked down I saw that the person before me hadn’t flushed and it was filled with faeces.. I immediately knew that it was my abusive ex somehow and yelled at him. I flushed the toilet and it flooded. The floors covered with… well faeces. He comes in to clean and disappears. When I look back again, he comes out of the toilet bowl and says he cleaned it all.
I dreamt that I was at some fair, or zoo, can’t really remember. But I was in a public bathroom, and had to go. Nobody was in the restroom when I walked in, so I felt more comfortable to go. I had a difficulty going still, and for some reason, the poop was suddenly everywhere, so gross, but all over! And I heard a lot of women all of a sudden in the bathroom. I was worried how am I going to come out. I slowly came out and started washing my hands. Then I saw a cleaning lady going to the toilet I was in, I felt bad.. then I walked out really quickly, pretending like nothing happened, trying to leave the entire facility as quickly as possible.
Can you please interpret it? Thank you
Hi Tony,
In the dream I had last night, I was talking with my boss, and when I looked down I saw that he had a large pile of feces stuck to his crotch. It almost looked like the practical joke feces you buy at magic stores. Anyway, he noticed it too, but wasn’t very concerned by it and only half-heartedly tried to get it off. Well, I looked down to check myself, and low and behold it had gotten on me, too. I tried to get it off, but it kept spreading and I kept discovering new places where it had gotten on me. I wasn’t very upset, more surprised than anything else. I just really wanted it off my body. I was hoping you could give me a clue as to what this could represent. I’ve never had a dream about feces before that I can remember. Thanks!
My dream was taking pooping in front of my aunt who was in the bathroom making dinner using the tub & sink???? I didn’t see the feces at first as I flushed it down, but then she reached for a hidden compartment in the toilet and I saw it. She told me to clean it, which I didn’t immediately. I went back to clean the toilet but a grey mouse ran out from the area. I am petrified of mice so I ran away. The mouse chased me in the living room of my grandmother’s house in front of my sister & mother. I kept hitting it with a pillow, but it kept coming after me. Then it seems like I wounded it but my sister picked it up and threw it at my face! Finally my husband came in & removed the mouse. Any insight??? I am perplexed!!
Mel – I wonder what you aunt represent for you. Is she a no nonsense sort of person. It would help if you read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/characters-or-people-in-dreams/
Your dream suggest an action that is natural but is banned socially except behind closed doors. The mouse is a feeling that was about an enormous fear or repugnance you have, that made you avoid being seen to clear up the mess – socially.
To throw it in your face – there are so many idioms about “in your face – face up to it – save your face and written all over your face” that I feel that you found it difficult to admit to yourself how other people would see you. Your husband has a powerful influence in your life and showed you, or could show you, a way out of the difficulty.
i need to know that i’ve seen faeces frequently,,
and i use to see that it wont washed off i use to flush many times but it is spread all over and irritating me please give me answer of that
and remedy to get rid of it
Lovika – This sounds like something you find distasteful that you cannot get rid of. It may be a way of saying that you are trying to discharge difficult feelings and emotions but are making it worse. You could try http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/ to see if it works, or even http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/the-arm-circling-meditation/
I dream of faecal matter at least once a month or once in two months. It mostly revolves around me being disgusted by it – but still very forcibly involved in dealing with it ( like cleaning it all up – or finding room full of it and having to clean it – or my son instructing me to stack up a whole lot of shit only to be stored in the refrigerator).
I sometimes used to wonder if I am carrying the Karma of previous birth where in I was involved in a lot of scavenging activities… 🙂 Or if I forced someone to be involved in some scavenging activities – and so the residues of that Karma just haunting me….
Recently I dreamt a guy wearing a lab coat holding feces. Also, previously I´ve had dreams where I saw feces, toilets etc. Anyone has any ideas what it could mean?
Thank you
I had a dream that I was visiting an administrative office at the college I used to attend. I was in a bathroom stall having a major bowel movement when I stood to wipe, I noticed a large piece of feces on floor near stall door. When someone walked past stall it touched them, it got caught up in them and there was an un-human scream. There was then a large opening in the stall like a window. The person held the feces and started to throw it at me. I was terrified. They seemed so angry at me. I looked down at my clothes where I had been hit. It was disgusting, but I was not as horrified as I might have expected.
Prior to this scene in the dream I was crying hard and long trying to explain to an administrator what the complications in my failed college career were and how it was a hopeless situation. She didn’t understand. I just kept crying as if I were purging a demon. Can you shed any light on these images?
Question: My husband had a dream that we were in the tub and floating between us was faeces, we are both christian and very active in ministry as a matter of fact he is a youth minister and I, in school for ministry…also he said while we were in the tub I had left the water running, but the water was dirty…then he went back to sleep and had another dream about faeces this time he was high in the mountains trying to wipe himself with old toilet paper of some kind…any thing, you can clue us on?
Thank you
Dove – I have been there and so had very similar dreams. They come about because you are trying to live a good life, but this usually stirs up faeces that need to be dealt with. In other words there is much in his life that needs to be cleansed – and you cannot do it yourself. You need to hold your whole being open to God and ask to be cleansed.
But cleansing can be uncomfortable and even painful because it means becoming conscious of our past mistakes. It mean holding out every part of you, your sexuality, your digestion and hungers, your heart and emotions, your throat and voice, and your thoughts and beliefs. We often feel that we know what God wants of us, but that is why we need to open all of us to the transforming influence.
Obviously the tub and the toilet paper were all ways of trying to cleanse himself. And the mountains show him that he is really getting on the path, and the higher you get the more we face ourselves.
I’m glad you love your choice.
I dreamt that I was pasing faeces and holding it whilst having intercourse with an unknown person and I was on top of him.. just wanted to know what it means, as I just broke up from a long term relationship which wasn’t right and got into another that had all the promises but then the guy backed away abruptly. I am feeling lonely at this time …
Coco – Failure is a natural part of the learning process. So failing to pick the right man is something to learn from. Do not fall into the awful pit of blaming yourself. That doesn’t lead anywhere except despair.
It sounds as if your dream is saying that you need to let go of some emotions or experience, but are holding on to. It is difficult to give a reasonable answer without knowing a lot about you.
Maybe you are holding on in some way. But please read the following and see if it has any help: http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/growing-up-to-love/
thank you that explains a lot of things very helpful
Susan – Thank you for telling me that. I often read the entry to see if it is up-to-date, and in fact in reading it I added a little bit about how we control everything, and need to let go often.
At my head was full of maggots, trying to remove them. when they got on floor they turned to caterpillars and later i was sitting in a toilet seat excreting a pile of faeces in a kitchen, scattered, people helping to clean it.
dream that i wasgoing to a conference. wearing a red dress then kidnapped. was put in a room with my attacker and the whole room was covered in faeces[poo].
Karina – A conference is an important social event where you meet and confront people and hear or share ideas.
Your wearing a red dress says you were looking for a sexual partner or engaged in some passionate feelings that could be dangerous. Red also depicts your strength or vitality and your down to earth health and power. But because of the modern association with traffic lights and warnings such as brake lights on cars, it may sometimes be used as a warning, or a way of saying ‘stop’ or ‘no’.
In some way an attitude you had at the time of the dream shows that you trapped yourself in a lot of poo.
This usually points to the shit we carry around in us – our emotional attitudes and views that are so much rubbish that we need to clear up and admit to. It helps if we can see this.