Finger Fingering
More than anything else it is through the fingers you feel and explore the things around you . Although your eyes allow you to see the world, it is with your fingers you take hold of it, work with it, create or destroy.
Fingers can be expressive of your feelings. It can be the finger of scorn; accusing finger; finger of suspicion; beckoning finger, or to put your finger on something and therefore know something about it.
Fingers represent your grasp on things, your method of materialising yourself, or leaving your mark upon the world; therefore your personal skills. The finger print also denotes your uniqueness.
The finger can represent the penis, as is common use in sex-play: or your means of sensing. or fingering things.
Fingers can, as the wedding ring finger, suggest something like marriage. The finger print also denotes your uniqueness.
Fingernails: These depict your ability to effect or change something, to grasp small things. They also reflect your way of life such as rough physical work or otherwise, suggesting whether life has been hard or kind – perhaps also your state of health. They might be weapons, or reflect your personal condition – i.e. dirty or cared for, whether you are ready to really use your hands, or whether, as with painted fingernails, you use them in a social sense.
Thumb: Indicates your identity, your uniqueness and what you have achieved in the world. The thumb sticks out from the other fingers and indicates independence. Means of identification or of getting a grip on things. Indicaates power and holding ability. You can express approval (thumbs up) or disapproval (thumbs down.
Index or first finger: This is a finger that indicates or points at things, so might be directing your attention or accusative in some way. It is an extension of the energy of your personality. It is The finger of authority, and giving direction. It can also often be judgemental. Can either make a point or point to solution.
Second finger: This may depict things that are where you have grown from as a person – your origins. It also links with the responsibilities you take on and your relationship with the law of the land.
Third or ring finger: This concerns your creativity, what talents you have and whether you are an artistic intellectual or physical type. In the west it has obvious connections with marriage and relationships. Can represent the finger of success, popularity or creativity, and art. It is obviously the finger indicating marriage.
Ring finger, Left Hand: Symbol of marriage, vows, promises, and commitments.
Rash Under Ring: Shows problems with commitment or the relationship in general.
Fourth finger Little Finger: This is about social interactions and communication. If it is damaged or very small it could suggest a childlike or immature manner. Sometimes seen to represent mental power, intellect, memory, diplomacy. Also power of communication, and expression of words. A power or lack of in communication, and expression of words in speaking or writing.
Example: In my childhood, aged between about five or ten, I used to dream about being on a roof with an archetypal witch figure bending over me. Pointing a very long finger-nailed hand at me – giving me an ‘I’m going to get you’ feeling. Simon.
Idioms: butter fingers; can’t put my finger on it; cross your fingers; fickle finger of fate; fingers the size of bananas; fucked by the fickle finger of fate; get the finger; get the bird; keep your fingers crossed; lift a finger; point a finger at; put my finger on it; work my fingers to the bone; wrap around her/his finger; get fingered; at your fingertips; finger; finger of suspicion; beckoning finger; green fingers; sticky fingers; burnt fingers; can’t put my finger on it; snapping his fingers; tapping fingers; intrusive fingers; slip through my fingers.
Useful questions and hints:
What is being done with the finger(s) and what can I gather from that?
What is being expressed in the dream?
What interaction between people is taking place with the fingers?
See Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Secrets of Power Dreaming – Dreams are Virtual Realities
Hi Tony/Anna
I have a recurring dream about a ghost that squeezes my fingers. It is always the index and second finger of my right hand. I get the impression that it is trying to get my attention, to tell me something important. Sometimes it squeezes my fingers with its hands and sometimes it uses a hardbacked book. I do read a lot of personal growth books as I have a mood disorder. I don’t know if this is relevant. I do not really see the ghost but I feel it’s presence, and know it is female. I am not usually afraid of the ghost but last night I was afraid as I dreamed I was awake in my bed and I thought it was really happening. I only woke up because I shouted out. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Dear Beverley – In a way it is really happening and it will serve a purpose to explore why you are afraid of this inner presence – this wider awareness – that is trying to help you.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Reaction
The book suggests that the help you are looking for to deal with what you perceive as a mood disorder is inside you and “the inner book” is waiting to be opened by you and explored.
I see the “inner book” as a record of all your life experiences and memories that you may still need to become aware of so that you can digest them and decide what you want to integrate and what you want to let go of.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/defence-mechanisms/
Your dream recurs because so far you have not “answered this inner call” yet.
To make friends with the “ghost part” of your totality it might help to use “Being the ghost”; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Another approach that you can explore to see if it works for you is to use http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/the-lifestream/#Open
Anna 🙂