The marks of time and work. The difficulties and struggles of life, but often displayed as wisdom or inner power.
Example: I dreamt that I stood before an immense tree. It was old. It was gnarled with the storms and summers of its life. It was wonderful to see. And as I crouched over my toolbox half in the cupboard under the stairs, with tears streaming down my face, I knew that I am the tree of life. I could feel all that has lived before living in me. It was a precious moment.
Example: I dreamt a lot of sweets, brightly wrapped, were being put into my open hands. All I saw of the giver were his hands. Beautiful, big, gnarled hands of a working man.’ Alex U.
In exploring his dream Alex saw the hands as the holiness of everyday human experience, especially regarding self-giving, as in parenthood, love and work – the hands of the self giving spirit of love that we usually forget. Alex doesn’t eat sweets, so they represent pleasures he seldom allows himself, the pleasure of everyday life and love .
Useful questions and hints:
Did you get any sense of life experience from the dream?
Was there any lesson learnt from what you saw?
What were your feelings about the dream?
See Associations Working With – Processing Dreams – – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams