Rutting masculine sexuality, or if a female goat the fertility and procreative power; ability to climb, personally or socially; tough ability to survive difficulties; sometimes connected with repressed natural drives which become reversed or evil/live when symbolising the devil – or the animal drives or instinctive and pooled consciousness prior to ego development. If you dream of the goat god Pan, see girl in the wood.
It can also depict somebody butting into your life, or conflict with someone if the goat is attacking. Also sure-footedness or meeting difficulties with ease.
If you have kept goats it may well represent responsibility or caring. If you have bred them you might use the goat to depict your own reproductive urges.
In the Bible the goat represents the bad guys in the phrase ‘separating the sheep from the goats’.
As an astrological sign the goat is the sign of Capricorn. For Capricornians the goat may represent their basic character. Capricorn is a “Cardinal” “Earth” sign. It is the sign of hard, long struggle, and finally, high attainment. This suggests a slow starter, somebody who makes it late in life. It’s symbol is a compound creature, half goat, half fish. The front portion has the head and front legs of a goat, the hind portion a fish’s body and tail. The “Goat,” with only his front legs, is patiently and perseveringly struggling to climb a mountain, but is handicapped and hindered all the time by having to drag with him his Piscean after-part. This represents a stage in human evolution during which humans were developing personal identity, but their instinctive drive were still powerful and difficult to deal with. It still depicts this in a person’s life today. The Capricornian is said to be ambitious with definite aims and purposes. They are patient and perseverance in overcoming difficulties. Thus they finally succeed in the attainment of their Zodiacal goal.
Example: I dreamt I was in a large room sitting near one wall. In front of me was a nanny goat, pregnant with very large teats. The goat asked me, or I knew that she needed, milking, because there was too much pressure of milk in her udder. I started to do this and noticed the goat was very squat, powerful and with tremendous physical stability. That is, its shape made it difficult to unbalance. I seemed to know how to milk the goat. A backwards and forwards motion was necessary, and no squeezing needed. It was like masturbation. As I did this I watched the milk flow on the floor, and thought what a waste it was, but felt soon her baby could feed. Then I watched her give birth. It was a very quick and easy thing, but I believe it was a human child, not a goat. I don’t know if the goat was then a woman, but a woman also gave birth, and I realised while still dreaming that I had dreamt twice about giving birth and this was because a birth process was at work in my unconscious. Paul.
This dream shows the many associations we have with the goat, everything from the procreation of motherhood to sex and masturbation. In fact Paul says of his dream, “As I remembered the dream I realised what some of it meant. The goats milk pressure is the pressure that builds up making it necessary for me to masturbate. That it is milk means it is my self-giving, my flow of love to others, wasted on the floor. The dream suggests this will soon change, and something is being born. Also the fact it is a breast yet it is being masturbated, means childhood needs for the breast are developing into real genital needs.
Idioms: Get my goat; an old goat, meaning an ageing man still lusting after women.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What can I understand from how the goat is portrayed in the dream?
What am I doing with the goat and what does this suggest?
Does the goat in any way portray elements of masculinity or femininity, maybe connected with mother or motherhood?
See Mammal Brain – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Energy Sex and Dreams
I saw a goat in dream, the goat is of two colour, black and white, the was our own before but we gave it out to our neighbor, the returned to our house, I tried to chase it out but it continue coming back, I understand that it don’t want to go back there, but it is female goat.
What does it mean
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practicing what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPersonOrThing or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Nearly always when people dream about someone they know or a strange new person, animal or situation they automatically believe the dream is about that person, situation, or animal. But when we think of our friend or partner our thoughts are not them – just our thoughts and feelings about them.
So, dream images are ways of communicating via our associations not actual things or people. In the world of dreams our most intimate fears and longings are given an exterior life of their own in the form of the people, objects, and places of our dream.
I don’t know whether you are female, but the goat is a great symbol of motherhood. Why not be the goat to see what you feel about it. http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
I dreamt of seeing a humongous white coloured goat on my male neighbours’ patio. The goat was the height of a tall man. I only glimpsed it, and thought, ” what is that, doing there, and why is it so dam large”. The goat appeared calm, and unlike me, didn’t seem to be surprised to be in such an incongruous situation.
Hi – I am sorry to suddenly stop replying to dreams like this, but I must upgrade the dream dictionary – I started the revising in 2006, and haven’t got near the end yet.
So for a while I urge you to read http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/i-am-no-longer-interpreting-dreams/
Also here are so ways you can find your dreams meaning – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/ or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
Hundreds of questions about your dreams have already been answered if you scroll down to the very bottom of the page were people’s questions/comments were replied to. Also see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/
Do you fancy your male neighbour?
My dream: I was on a passenger train looking out an open window which had 3 bars across it. Suddenly ,next to the window, a group of goats appeared, crammed together in a low pen of some sort. The goats were keeping pace with the train , apparently fixed to the top of of some sort of vehicle. I saw the sadness in their eyes and the fear. A passenger remarked ” They are on their way to slaughter” I tried to touch them but could not reach through the bars. I wanted to save them and hold them and keep them safe. At that moment another passenger piped up ” you better not do that or you’ll get bit!” And she laughed. I attempted to reach out one last time but the goats were ahead of the train now. As they pulled ahead I saw the goats were actually strapped in the pen to two very large bulls running as fast as the wind. They were sweating and hugging and puffing as they disappeared from sight. I woke up and have not been able to eat any meat since. It’s been 5 days
Sorry I meant to write the Bulls were huffing and puffing not hugging and puffing
dream about a large number of young goats , all colors but mostly light colors with faded browns mixed in. there where other people around some I knew other just part of the community everyone seemed to be in good spirits and it was a happy event, not 100% but some how we where gathering the goats or herding them. I was bending over and reaching out to them they seemed to be wary of people but after a second i was petting one then others came up and I was feeding and petting them I wanted to sit and get comfortable and enjoy the goats but we where standing in water that was about ankle deep…this was the strange because it wasn’t given a second thought (water) it was there and was not unexpected or seemed out of place. the mood was happy, peaceful and enjoyable
In my dream, I went to my front door & there was a black & white goat, who appeared to be pregnant & would not leave my porch. It sad the saddest look on its face, as if it needed somethibg. I tried telling it to leave but it refused. I got the broom to try & scare it away, even teying pushing it away with the broom, it refused to leave. I later went outside & sat under a large tree & the neighbors dog came sat with me. While I’m petting the chihuahua the goat came back. I scared it away & it took off running. Moments later, it came back & laid beside me & streched across my arm as if it wanted to be petted. I woke up after that. I know nit all but some of our dreams have meanings & I feel this dream is trying to tell me something. Can anyone plz help me understand what this dream means? Thank you in advance!
Dear Kimberly – The goat in your dream could be a symbol for fertility and your creative power and this ability is waiting on your porch to be integrated; to be allowed to enter your house/mind; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/create-creative-creativity/
Although you may not be aware of it (yet), not allowing and expressing this basic, primeval drive does not make you happy; “It had the saddest look on its face, as if it needed something.”
Because the creative drive is part of your natural being, there is no way you can push it away; the goat keeps coming back.
You could explore why you do not want to open up to this potential by using
While using this approach you could carry your dream forward and decide to pet the goat.
This entering your dream while awake and using your imagination to carry it forward can be very creative.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
Anna 🙂
My daughter had a vivid dream of a goat following her after school home. She keep fanning the goat away but the goat got first and refuse to leave finally she mad it home and the got reappeared to her in her room. She but the goat out of her room and drag him out doors twice the third time the goat became angry and begin to claw at her mouth and she had fought him off but it was to strong. The goat proceeded to cut her in the mouth then it disappeared . Now this is where it gets really weird after the goat scratch her in her mouth she starts to vomit blood and puss. My daughter was paralyzed insleep only to wake up choking and screaming and crying. Can anyone give me a in sight on this dream I’m so scared for my daughter.
Dear Alexis – Your daughter’s dream may reflect an internal conflict and/or a conflict with something or someone external.
The internal conflict could show that her own natural impulses, urges and needs are not sufficiently cared for and this neglect goes against her real needs and feelings, which approach can even make her physically ill.
Fighting these feelings does not work; “and she had fought him off but it was too strong.”
You do not mention how old your daughter is and it will need some form of open communication with you or any other caregiver to explore her inner and outer world.
Is your daughter allowed to and capable of expressing her feelings (like anger)?
Whether you show or repress anger in dreams it is important. This is because like any other basic or instinctive response, anger uses tremendous resources of emotional and physical energy. The repression of emotional energy can be a key factor in the breakdown of health, and in the lack of positive and creative self-expression. Blocked emotional energy tends to attack your sense of wellbeing and body if it is stopped from external expression.
I have given you some ideas to start with and depending on your daughter’s age she could also explore her dream and inner world with your help; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/peer-dream-group/
Anna 🙂
Hi Tony
I dream every night lucid clear and interpret myself but falling I doubt only because some other doubt me.
In that i sometimes don’t know which dreams to interpret literally and which symbolically particularly if to do with future manifestation. Feel frustrated at if it’s my subconscious guiding and making me aware of things then why can i not have the confidence in my feelings about dream.
like insights
Dear Shazia Hatoon – It may help to read http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/lucid-dreaming/
and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/esp-in-dreams/
It is not easy to distinguish between dreams that reflect your inner life and dreams that reflect something that is happening in waking life (only) or predict something that will happen in the future and I feel that doubt is appropriate when approaching dreams that are not clear.
As you can read in the article about “ESP in dreams” Tony’s first wife Brenda had a dream that was not clear and their approach was to first see if they could extract any personal meaning for Brenda.
If you are very aware of what goes on in your inner life you will more likely be able to sense/feel when you explore your dreams that some may not express your inner world while others do
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/processing-dreams/
When you feel it is important you can also ask your unconscious mind; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-incubation/
Anna 🙂
I had a weird dream… I was in our living room and i heard a noise so i went to the window to look outside. There was a pure, black goat wearing a purple robe. At first i thought it was a cow, but it was a slightly large goat. I went and got my parents but when they got back so i could show them, it wasnt wearing the robe anymore… It skipped to me in my bed at night. I was facing the wall and i turned over. The goat was standing in my doorway, and every single light was off but i could see it clearly. Its eyes were black and souless, and it gave me a look that said ‘you know what you did.’ Also its tail was long, and its horns were kinda weird. Then it skipped to another scene and i dont know why but i feel like its connected with it. I was in the bathroom and i thought my nanny was peeking in cause the door was cracked open and i could see someones eye in the crack. I said “nanny go away im trying to pee” but a little girls voice responded, and she said something about her tooth hurting. I heard littles kids crying for help and an evil laugh then it ended. I know this is long but i cant find anything anywhere and i dont know where to put it.
I dreamt that I was at a lake at Epcot in Disney world and i was there with a white with black spots goat. Then I saw a waterspout (a tornado of water) start on the lake. I grabbed the goat and ran into the basement of the house. I’ve never seen any of these things but they feel so familiar.
what does a giant goat mean
I had just gone through a bad divorce at 20 years old and moved in with my mom and little sisters. We were raised christian. I struggled emotionally and couldn’t eat or sleep very well. I remember a very vivid dream of when I was sleeping on the couch and opened my eyes and a giant goat was looking through the windows throught the blinds at me. Peering through, it was about 20 ft tall, as if I had escaped the evil that was trapped outside and kept me safe. Totally freaked I slept in bed with my mom, never felt such a real, vivid, awakening dream, as if something was tracking me, watching me.
I dreamed I was looking after my neighbours 3 sheep and found a hole in the wire fence up the back that led to the rainforest I fixed the fence, then the sheep became 3 very white goats then they became 3 very white horses with wings and horns then the fence was realy high and wooden and all the sheep , horses and goats were in the paddock and I waited on the other side of the fence and watched while they leapt over it and the people who were sitting on the fence
as they leapt over the fence I wasnt scared for my safety and a voice told me they were soul jumpers
Last night I had a dream of white goats trying to escape and they got stuck in a little fence shaped like a circle. The goats were moving in circles in that circle fence. I went into that circle fence to calm them and to help them get out. I would like to know what this mean?
I had a similar dream last night, loud music was playing and the walls of the room were shaking, and in the middle of the room there was a goat that was tied up so it couldn’t run away. It’s eyes were very wide and it looked terrified. I tried to soothe it and say some words of comfort, but it started bleating. The more I tried to quiet it, by stroking it and saying “shush” the louder it bleated. I eventually placed my hands over its ears to try and block out the music so the goat wouldn’t be scared, but that just made it even worse. I ended up crouching in the room hugging the goat and whispering “it’s alright”.
To dream of a tiny white goat.
Hi, my dream was a bit weird. I dreamt of a black goat hiding from an alligator. They both were in a clear water. The goat was in a deep hole and the alligator was also in a hole. I was on a plank observing what was about to happen. The goat knew the alligator was around so the goat went down deeper into the whole. The alligator was at the bottom of the hole waiting for the goat. After some time the goat never resurfaced. My attention went directly to a huge alligator passing by. The alligator was dressed in black and silver armor. The alligator was almost the size of a truck. This dream was so weird for me.